nisargadatta siddharameshwar ramana-maharshi-78x111 siv 77x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho


Human 2.0
Three Bs



This page was last revised on 8/22/24.

Nobody does you better than nobody.
If you're not nobody, you only get in the way.
Nobody has free will.
Nobody is the doer.
Nobody can do you better than nobody.
There is no I. No I is.
I is only a thought and thoughts aren't real and thoughts aren't you.
Nobody is thoughtless.
Nobody is without guilt & regret and attachment to the illusory past.
Nobody is without fear & anxiety, hope & desire and attachment to the illusory future.
Nobody is though, hence nobody is divine.
Nobody cannot not exist.
Nobody is Soul.
When nobody runs you, you are in grace.
Only HereNow Is and only nobody is HereNow.
You are nobody.
Nobody is you other than nobody.
Only nobody is.
Nobody and God do everything effortlessly.
Nobody knows you better than God.
Nobody knows you other than God.
Nobody knows anything other than God.
Nobody breathes you better than God.
Nobody breathes you other than God.
Nobody does you better than God.
Nobody does anything other than God. God is the only Doer though God never does anything. The doership and the doing, as the experience and the experiencer, are (the) one thing, not two.
Only the one thing is.
Nobody is you other than the one thing which is always HereNow.
Nobody is you other than God.
Only you are.
Nothing is everything.
Empty is full.
Only God is as is nobody.
Only nobody Is.

If we focus on the dream only somebody is in space & time.
If we focus on reality there is no space & time and nobody is.

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