nisargadatta siddharameshwar ramana-maharshi-78x111 siv 77x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho


Human 2.0
Three Bs


sun 111x148

a 111x197

christ 111x222

Christ Child

This page last updated on 7/23/23.

120717o 122216k No matter our perceived transgressions, guilts, sins or errors of the past or imagined anxieties or fears or conflicted desires of the future, our real being remains ever untainted by whatever ignorant, terrified delusions, addictions, enslavements and narcissistic pretensions we may still indulge in and suffer from in our separate identities and dreams or nightmares that we may call and think of life.

Really (as perhaps you've already discovered), there is no “I”. It can be searched for, but it will never be found.

“I” won’t be found in the physical body or so-called waking life or even in the entire so-called physical, spatial universe, which is nothing other than apparent manifestation of consciousness.

“I” won’t be found in the subtle body of thoughts, emotions, feelings or sensations, which all come and go and can be observed and pointed at as something other than “me”. Neither will “I” be found in the lucidest of dreams; nor in the illusion of time.

“I” won’t be found in the causal body or in the gap between words or thoughts or in the deep sleep state because there is no one and no thought nor any other thing there.

“I” also won’t be found in the great causal body. Only the witness will be there without even a whisper; and, upon deep looking within, will be found to be entirely non-personal, detached, devoid of identity, all-pervading and universal.

There are no other bodies or states. There is no “I”. Therefore and of course, there is no “you” either. When all illusion is discarded, no identity remains other than what has been and can be described as formless, limitless, attributeless, timeless & spaceless supreme Being, Consciousness & Bliss.

There is only the Christ child and we all are only that. We are One and we are Free. Glory Halleluiah and Glory eternally and effortlessly Be!


~☆~ Eternally, I am pure being, pure awareness and pure joy only and always here now, prior to and utterly beyond all self-images and self-imaginings, all thoughts of self and other, all fears and desires, all matter & mind, all space & time, all pasts & futures, all labels and religions, all gods and gurus and all appearances. Only I am as only God Is. Empty of regrets and anxieties, I am full of this moment. I am fully present in it. It is the Only Moment that Is. This is the only Presence there Is. Absolutely empty, I am absolutely full. No one ever died for my sins, because I haven't any. This is my home. I am not a stranger here. I have no fear; hence, I am free to love.

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