nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Uranus conjunct Natal Midheaven

With this transit you can look for sudden changes in the way you define your individuality before the world. This will be reflected in your profession, your social position and your reputation in the eyes of others. These changes can allow you to break free and encounter life with new freedom and readiness for fresh experience. But they can also be profoundly upsetting, depending on your orientation toward your public life. If your public and professional life is a source of achievement and satisfaction, it is unlikely to be damaged by this transit, only broadened and made more challenging. But if there is tension in your public life and you feel that you have had to surrender your individuality for your achievements, this transit may be more upsetting. So much has to be cleared away in order to release you from the limitations that are blocking a fuller and more profound experience of life.

If you are working in an area that is generally good for your overall development, this transit may present sudden opportunities for advancement, especially if you work in a Uranian field, such as science, technology, astrology or the occult. You will have the opportunity to do new kinds of work, to work with new techniques, and to have new experiences. There may be a sudden promotion to a position with new responsibilities. Whatever happens will make it possible for you to stay alive and feel fulfilled in your profession.

Even if you experience the negative side of this transit, its purpose is the same. However, you are probably resisting the effects of this transit through fear that you will lose security or from a misguided sense of responsibility, a feeling that you should stick with something even if it is totally unrewarding and stultifying. Events may force you to change your line of work altogether or to change your position in the kind of work you do.

Possibly you are aware that your work is not very rewarding, in which case you will suddenly begin to feel that it is oppressive and will want to break free of it. This transit can signify a revolt against authority figures of all sorts, but especially employers.

The Midheaven also relates to your parents. This may be a period of sudden changes in their lives that affect you in some way. Whatever happens to them will force you to change your direction in life somewhat and to take more responsibility for getting what you need out of life.

Transiting Uranus sextile Natal Midheaven

Under this transit you will make creative changes in your life direction. For example, you may change jobs if this will improve your chances of getting where you want to go. You will not change simply for the sake of change. You may get a sudden promotion, but only if you show that you can take a completely different approach to the demands of the new job.

It is possible that you will change your life direction altogether at this point toward something that gives you more freedom to reach your desired goals.

But the changes during this transit are not limited to the professional sphere. At this time you will also make changes in your personal life so that your domestic situation, your family and other intimate relationships do not prevent you from accomplishing your life's task. In both professional and domestic spheres you will take risks and try things that you would never try at other times. you want to experience all that life has to offer and not be limited solely by the inadequacies of past experience.

In any kind of creative work this transit signifies that you will work with great innovativeness and originality. You may create an invention or make anew discovery, but remember that it is just as likely to be a discovery about yourself as about the world.

One of the greatest benefits of this transit is that you can be in control if you want to be. You can neglect the opportunity for creative change in your life, but if you do, life may seem so stultifying that you feel you have to change everything, violently and compulsively and without forethought. Changes made under those conditions are not likely to be as creative and positive as ones made now. Now you can exercise caution, restraint and care and still make many positive changes to release mounting tensions that will otherwise explode within you later.

Transiting Uranus square Natal Midheaven

This transit can be either quite disruptive or quite liberating, depending largely upon how you have handled your life prior to this time. It usually indicates a sudden rebellion against the restriction and old patterns of behavior that have unnecessarily limited you. the problem is that with this influence many people act compulsively and blindly, without forethought or consideration. If you have toed the mark and lived up to everyone else's expectations for years, under this transit you might suddenly kick away the traces. Without any apparent thought for anyone else, you might break away, throwing over all thought of duty or responsibility.

This is admittedly an extreme manifestation of this transit. For you it will probably be milder than this, unless you have consistently denied your own needs and priorities over the last several years. The more you have lived up to others' expectations, the more compulsively you will act under this influence. If you are relatively young at this time, you may have intense disagreements with your parents. Actually, for persons of any age, this transit can cause a sudden disruption through or concerning your parents, quite apart from any other effect it has on you.

If you are not conscious of any effect, but the hidden tensions are still present in your life, you will experience this transit as disruptions in your work or at home. These will force you to reconsider your chosen life direction and to make changes that will allow you greater freedom of self-expression. At the time you may not think of this process in these terms, but that is what is happening.

If your life has been running smoothly and you have been able to pursue your valid life goals, this transit will not be severely disruptive. Some adjustments will occur, but mainly you will discover sudden new opportunities for increased freedom. You will be able to do what you want more easily and with less resistance from yourself and from others. For example, you may get the chance to work without supervision along lines that you have chosen yourself. Or various restrictions and limitations in your life may suddenly pass away, leaving you free to live in ways that were never possible before. Potentially that is how this transit could affect everyone, but most people fight change so hard that they create the more difficult circumstances described above. The choice is really in your own hands, although you may not be aware of it at first.

Transiting Uranus trine Natal Midheaven

This transit represents a period in your life when you can make creative changes in both your professional and your personal life. In your career, sudden opportunities may come about that enable you to move in radically new and different directions. Often this transit signifies a change in career to a field that is strongly Uranian, such as scientific or technical professions, including electronics, computers and engineering. This transit can also signify an interest in the occult, especially astrology.

But this transit has a larger significance. At this time you are able to change your life direction and do something that more truly expresses your individuality. The problem for most people is that this new field may be quite different from what you were taught was a "proper" profession. Most people's focus in this regard is too narrow. It is very important now to let yourself explore any field of endeavor that attracts you, regardless of how well it fits your preconceptions of a career. Please note that your new direction may not be a career in the usual sense but a field to which you devote your life, although it is unrelated to making a living. One's avocation may well be one's true calling.

The only restriction is that your new direction should be ethical and legal, simply because Uranus can create serious problems with the law if you are not careful about legality. Our society has a significant mistrust of persons who are excessively Uranian.

This is also a time in your life when you will be innovative in whatever you do. Your thinking is fresh and original, and you do not try to solve new problems with old solutions, either in your profession or in your personal life. Thus you will be attracted to new techniques and new ideas, especially for your own personal development.

Transiting Uranus quincunx Natal Midheaven

Transiting Uranus opposite Natal Midheaven

At this time there will be many changes within yourself, which will be reflected in your immediate personal environment - your home - and in your most intimate personal relationships within the home, as with parents or spouse. This transit can signify disruptive events in this area of your life and energies that require you to drop everything else to deal with.

On the most mundane level this transit can signify a sudden event in your home or real estate- damage to the buildings, a sudden need for repairs or the like. But this is only an outward sign of the need for change within. Something that has been hidden away for years and years struggles to break free. But if you suppress it, the energy transfers to your environment and causes disruptions. You may have to deal with aspects of yourself you never even knew existed in order to come to a new understanding of yourself. People may not be very aware of this happening, but you will be, and so will those closest to you. You may find it necessary to make tremendous changes in your home and in those relationships that most affect your home to reflect this new encounter with yourself.

This transit can also signify sudden events that affect your family, especially your parents, such as accidents, sudden illnesses and the like. In this connection, you should make sure that there aren't any safety hazards around your house, because accidents in the home are very possible at this time.

Since the Midheaven signifies your profession and social status, you may also expect changes in these areas. You may encounter opposition from others in your profession, people who do not want you to get ahead or achieve your purposes. Try to find out what the problem is and come to terms with these people. If you ride roughshod over them, they will try to hurt you as much as possible. This is also true in any aspect of your social life, if your actions seem to threaten someone else. There is a danger of a sudden fall in social position with this transit, usually because you have acted without considering others. They then feel that there is no recourse but to bring you down.

Take this time to discover new truths about yourself, deal with them as honestly as possible and make these insights part of a new way of being. Then you will not have to contend with the worst effects of this transit.

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