nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Uranus conjunct Natal Mercury

This is one of the most completely positive transits of Uranus, a time when your mind will be stimulated as never before. New ideas, new techniques and new approaches to life will continually come to you. Radical ideas that you would never have entertained before seem perfectly all right now, and you are able to use them positively.

Communication will take on a more important role in your life at this time. you need to share with everyone the new insights that are coming into your life. Consequently you are likely to become a proselytizer for new ideas, trying to break others out of their rigid patterns of thinking. Astrology and the occult in general will attract you now, if they haven't in the past. You will also be interested in scientific and technological disciplines. this is an excellent time to begin studying science and mathematics.

However, if you want to take advantage of these opportunities, you must be quite flexible in your own thinking. If your thinking is very rigid, this will be an extremely upsetting period in which your ideas are challenged and found wanting. Under these circumstances you may become more tense, nervous and threatened. Even if you go along with the insights that Uranus can bring, this transit may be upsetting, because the pace is too fast to keep up. Nervous ailments and anxieties can be part of this transit if the pace becomes too hectic.

A related problem is this transit's tendency to scatter your thoughts so that you don't think things through very carefully. There is the danger of making decisions impulsively without adequate forethought. In general, this is not a good time to make decisions, but rather a time to learn. Make sure you are in a position where you are free to change your mind, for you may do it frequently. If you try to make a permanent commitment to some new course of action, you are likely to embarrass yourself by seeming inconsistent. The problem is really that you are so constantly exposed to new data that your conclusions have to change as your understanding changes.

Traveling may be difficult under this transit. Accidents, delays or other unanticipated events may make travel upsetting. if you do have to travel, it may be because you must deal with a suddenly urgent situation.

Radical mental and intellectual change enters your life during this transit. Allow the insights that come now to become part of your thinking. Make the necessary changes in your immediate world and do not resist the new ideas that you are being exposed to.

Transiting Uranus sextile Natal Mercury

This transit stimulates your thinking and your communications with others, giving your life an excitement and interest that it may normally lack. You also feel that you cannot stand boredom, so you aid the natural energy of the transit in every way possible. During this time you may seek out new contacts and friendships that reflect your desire for new experiences.

The same restlessness of spirit may also make you want to travel, at least to see more of the countryside around you, if not for long distances. You desire to know your immediate environment as completely as possible and let nothing escape you. If there is anything happening you want to know about it.

Your natural curiosity is stimulated now, which makes this an extremely good transit for beginning to study a new subject. However, you will not be particularly disciplined, so your interest must be very strong in order to keep your motivation up. If the subject becomes dull, you are likely to drop it. The study of science, mathematics, technological studies- especially electronics and computer work- as well as astrology or other occult techniques is favored by this transit.

One strong point of this transit is that it helps you make constructive changes in your thinking. You are not rigid at this time, and because you are so receptive to new ideas it is easier for you to change your mind. Even when you discover that you have been wrong about something, you are not very upset. You are only too happy to find it out and add this to your understanding.

Uranus and Mercury are jokers, which results in a tendency that you should try to resist, at least a little bit. Their combined influence may put you into a rather prankish frame of mind, especially when you are with someone who seems pompous and overbearing. You will want to prick that person's balloon and bring him down to earth. Also, because you are so open to new ideas and experience, you feel that everyone else should be too. You may have difficulty in leaving people alone, but do try to. They have a right to their own narrowness, just as you have a right to your beliefs.

Transiting Uranus square Natal Mercury

This can be a difficult transit, because of impatience, intolerance and mental overstimulation. New information and data may come at you very rapidly. It may be very difficult to make intelligent decisions on most matters. If you have to make a decision, but your attitude toward the matter is not calm and cool, try to put it aside until your feelings are sorted out. This may be more difficult than it looks, because often under this transit people are tempted to make rash, impulsive decisions. Judgment suffers because of poor listening (scattered attention) and reckless speaking. Business transactions are also difficult now because of this tendency. However it is possible to handle transactions in scientific or technological fields, especially electronics. These fit the symbolism of the transit and may not be so difficult. But even under the best of circumstances, be careful!

This is often a period of coming into contact with unreliable, inconsistent people who cause irritating minor problems in daily life. It is not a great time for keeping commitments and honoring contracts. Negotiations break down and daily plans and schedules change constantly. Another negative effect of this transit can be that you feel extremely nervous and tense, because of the fast tempo of events. This transit may signify nervous ailments, if you have a natural tendency in that direction. Some people can't sleep during this transit.

Traveling under this transit may be quite disruptive. No matter how carefully you make your plans, your trip will not work out as planned, and you may be forced to travel at the most inconvenient times. Unfortunately there is also the danger of accidents, so traveling should be kept to a minimum. Drive carefully.

One important psychological manifestation of this transit is that your ideas and opinions are likely to be strongly challenged by others, particularly neighbors or siblings or teachers and schools. Your beliefs may very well be right, but the universe will force you to examine them so that you know for certain whether they are. You may be attracted to radically different ways of thinking, which can also provoke opposition from others at this time. This will effect your professional life in particular. if you express your opinions strongly in any area, be sure that you are in a position to defend them. But even if you are right, avoid stating your position dogmatically. Try to understand others' points of view, for you may learn from them. Even though Uranus generates radical, new ideas, it can be stubbornly dogmatic in its expression of them.

One positive manifestation of this transit is that you may be extremely intuitive and you may receive flashes of insight or even genius. If Saturn is strong in your natal chart, you may be able to maintain discipline and focus too, but this is not necessarily characteristic of this transit.

Transiting Uranus trine Natal Mercury

This transit often produces excitement and interest in everyday life, without pushing the tempo to the point that you can no longer enjoy it. Your everyday activities bring new and interesting encounters that open up aspects of life that you may not have encountered before.

This transit particularly stimulates mental activity. Your mind is sharpened, and you interest in the world about you is increased. You feel ready for anything, as long as it is exciting and different. Your conversations with other people, even those whom you meet every day, become more interesting. When new topics are discussed, you are ready for the new ideas you are exposed to. This is an excellent time to encounter people and ideas that help you elevate your mental habits and build up better patterns of thinking.

This is also an excellent time for learning new skills, particularly of a scientific or technologic nature, and new techniques for expanding your mind and experience. It is also favorable for studying astrology, yoga, and other occult techniques. Because of Mercury's association with travel, this is also a good transit for traveling, but not if your objective is to get away from it all on a lazy relaxing trip. This transit will make travel exciting and interesting in a positive way.

If you have been faced with problems in research or a situation in which you have to come up with a new and creative solution, this transit will help. At other times your mind often gets into a rut in which it runs through the same solutions over and over. This transit allows you to escape from the rut and to think along different lines.

This is a favorable time for introducing new elements into your life. Communications from others may bring an unexpected surprise. Or you may say something that surprises others. This is a favorable time to announce anything new or innovative to the world. For example, this is a good time for a manufacturer to introduce a new product or to begin a new and innovative advertising or administration policy within a company.

Transiting Uranus quincunx Natal Mercury

Transiting Uranus opposite Natal Mercury

This transit may bring considerable excitement into your life from several different quarters. Its general effect is to stimulate and quicken the tempo of your everyday communication and thinking. You will not be able to sit back and take it easy, for you will constantly be exposed to news, conversations, letters and other communications that will challenge you to make a quick response and which can be quite upsetting. You will have to face life with more flexibility than usual and be prepared to change your thinking on a number of issues.

At its best, this transit gives you an opportunity to become involved with new and stimulating ways of thinking and looking at the world. You will be attracted to challenging systems of thought that let you discover new facets of life. You may begin to study astrology, other occult disciplines or a scientific or technical field. Any subject that allows you to experiment and try out new ideas will appeal to you.

However, this transit also has a problem side. Be careful not to let the tempo of your life become too rapid, for it can accelerate to the point that you cannot keep track of what is happening. There is a danger that you can become mentally exhausted and suffer from nerves and anxiety, particularly if you are used to a rather quiet routine. Try not to be too bothered by upsetting news. Deal with events as calmly and carefully as possible, and if you begin to feel harried, don't take on any more responsibilities than you have to.

Traveling at this time is not a very good idea. A pleasure trip would bring too many unexpected surprises to be enjoyable, and it would not be at all relaxing. If you travel for business, so many things may go wrong unexpectedly that you would be better off not making the trip. This transit may also scatter your thinking so much that you should not make important decisions. This is an excellent time for new discoveries and new experiences, but it is not good for making commitments that will bind you in the future. In general this period is not good for business negotiations.

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