nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Uranus conjunct Natal Mars

This transit calls forth very potent energies that can be quite disruptive, but they must be handled. Any effort to sidestep the issues that this transit raises could be disastrous.

Uranus and Mars together represent explosive forces that may break out in any area of your life, but especially in areas ruled by the house in which this transit occurs.

On the psychological level, you may be much more irritable than usual and prone to outbursts of anger. Conditions in your life that you have put up with for years, even though they are wrong, now become intolerable. You simply will not allow them to continue. Even limitations imposed from without that always seemed quite reasonable now seem completely impossible to bear.

What you are feeling is the need to assert your individuality against all the forces that have been blocking its expression in the past. You want to be yourself and have your individuality recognized for what it is, not for what others expect it to be. You want to do things immediately that you have never done before. With some degree of care and moderation, this energy can be used quite creatively. It is imperative that you release the tensions you are feeling now. Suppressing this energy will only lead to worse problems.

If you try to suppress this energy, it will usually surface as a sudden urgent physical illness that requires an operation. It is as if your body suffers from the effects of the explosive energies that your mind has refused to deal with.

The energy can also leak out and generate usually unconscious actions on your part that set you up for an accident. An example of this is an insignificant action when driving, such as pulling out of a side street when an oncoming car is a bit too close. If you are at all psychologically accident prone at other times, then take special care during this transit. It must be said, however, that contrary to the older texts, accidents are not the most common manifestation of this transit, because most people encounter its energies at a more conscious level. Even so, you should be careful in dealing with any sort of machinery, firearms or explosives. These are Mars-Uranus objects, and you may find that they are not under your control when you have to use them. Avoid them as much as possible during this transit.

Transiting Uranus sextile Natal Mars

This transit will give you opportunities to assert yourself and your individuality and do things that you have never done before. The keynote of this transit is "freedom to be myself!!"

Your physical energy level will be stimulated, so that you will be able to work quite hard at any task you want to do. You will not be in the mood for disciplined, self-sacrificing kinds of work. it is not that you are feeling selfish or self-indulgent but that you really understand your personal needs and are unwilling to compromise.

You may be suddenly released from restrictions that have been holding you back from many activities you would like to engage in that would truly help your personal development, and this will give you a new freedom to act. At other times you may have felt the need to lash out and rebel against obstacles in your life, but now that is not necessary. The opportunities to get rid of the obstacles arise out of their own accord. However, the opportunities carry an obligation to take advantage of them in order to understand more completely what you are capable of doing. This transit will enlarge your idea of your capabilities, which has probably been too limited in the past. You will enjoy taking chances and risks even if you have always acted conservatively, and you will probably discover that you have been too careful before.

Freedom is important to you now in every way. you will probably be attracted to others who have experienced similar restrictions in life, and you will work with them. If you have ever been attracted to movements for social reform and change, it is especially likely that you will do this now. Having found out more about your capabilities by getting rid of restrictions, you will enjoy stirring up others so that they can find out for themselves, too. However, you must recognize that the limitations you have encountered in life were not put there solely by powers beyond your control. You at least acquiesced to them, either out of fear, a sense of personal inadequacy, or a desire to be careful.

Transiting Uranus square Natal Mars

Watch out for impulsive actions, rash decisions and other actions that may have sudden, unexpected consequences and undesirable results in the future. You may feel that your ego is at stake in some way and that you have to assert yourself now regardless of the risk of getting involved in an accident.

There may be considerable tension with others who seem to be in your way all the time. It may be difficult to avoid disputes and "blowing up" at others. This transit challenges your sense of security and just how much you believe you can assert yourself. The more insecure you are, the more likely you are to do something rash as a way of saying to the world that you are a person to be reckoned with. Authority figures who limit your freedom of movement and self-expression are very likely targets for your rebellion, which may be through petty acts or through larger actions that could get you into difficulties. It is not that you are wrong in wanting to assert yourself, but that the ways you choose to do this are not very well considered or effective. Do what you must, but act with a little discretion.

Quite often the effects of this transit are more unconscious; that is, you will not be aware of the feeling described above. This can lead to unconscious eruptions of the energy that can be quite disruptive. Accidents that you have not apparently caused but have somehow made more likely are one outcome of this. An illness that requires an operation may be another, especially if you have really been trying to repress the energy created by this transit.

The only real answer to this transit is to try to achieve some security about who you are and what you are doing. Then you will not feel such a great need to break free and take rash and ill-considered actions. You may still feel obliged to do something that is a significant break from your normal routine, but it will not be so destructive.

Transiting Uranus trine Natal Mars

This transit represents an opportunity for vigorous activity and self-assertion. Even if you are naturally a somewhat shy and retiring person, this transit will enable you to make your mark on the world around you. Others will stand up and take notice when they see that you are able to break out of your old habits and ways of acting around others. You will show new sides of yourself and attempt to do things that you wouldn't usually try. Quite likely you will succeed. It is not that you couldn't have done these things before but that you didn't believe you could.

Mars represents the principle of individual self-assertion, and Uranus enables you to find new ways of doing things. Together they enable you to express your individuality as never before and to acquire new confidence in yourself.

You may choose to work at new activities with others, but only if they allow you to be yourself. You are not in the mood to compromise, because you do not see any need to, and you are probably right. At the same time you don't feel any particular need to make other people go along with you either. You are quite content to go your own way and work by yourself. You will set out to accomplish tasks and begin new projects on your own that are expressions of who and what you are.

Under the influence of this transit you may become interested in other people's freedom, because you understand from your own efforts that it may be difficult for them to gain their freedom. For this reason you may become involved in organizations that work for the rights of others and help them to become liberated in some way. You will help those who are engaged is the same kinds of fights that you have had to wage in your life.

If you feel that you have never had the opportunity to show everyone who you are and that you have been limited by other people or by circumstances beyond your control, this transit gives you the opportunity to take control of your own life and make it what you want.

Transiting Uranus quincunx Natal Mars

Transiting Uranus opposite Natal Mars

With this transit you can expect rebellious and explosive energies to enter your life. You may begin to chafe at the restrictions on your life and break free of them, or others may rebel against restrictions that you have placed on them. Mars represents the urge to assert your own individuality, and Uranus is the urge to become free and unstructured. The combination is very dynamic.

You are likely to be in a fighting mood toward anyone who says that you cannot do something. You will act more impulsively and fly off the handle at the slightest provocation, especially if you usually tend to hold everything in. You want to assert yourself, and you are not terribly concerned about the obstacles you come up against.

One manifestation of this transit can be a new fondness for taking risks. You take chances and do things that don't have much chance of working out. Subconsciously you may be trying to prove yourself by pulling off a "long shot" or making a big splash if you fail. But this can also lead to accidents and injuries, if you are too rash.

Sometimes you can suppress this feeling of rebellious self-assertion and make your life go on as if nothing were happening. But this is not a good idea, because the energy does not go away. If you suppress it, the result is some kind of physical illness that does not seem to be your fault. This transit signifies that you need to make changes in your life that will allow you to be more self-assertive than you have been.

This transit may also affect your relations with other people. If others feel the need to be more assertive with you, let them state their case and then try to come to some accommodation with them. If you allow others to be themselves with you, it will be easier to be yourself with them. Trying to live according to your old plan is not likely to work out very well at this time. Psychological explosions are expressions of unresolved tensions that should have been handled before when there was less energy behind them. Even now it is not too late to handle them, if you are willing to be flexible. You may have to make truly revolutionary changes in your life, but you will benefit in the long run.

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