nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Uranus conjunct Natal Jupiter

It is very hard to predict the exact effects of this transit. It is best described as a sudden change in fortune, but which way the change will go is not easy to say. More often than not it is a positive change in fortune, beginning with a sudden unexpected event that opens new possibilities for free action. This may be a sudden windfall, an unexpected job promotion or success in gambling, which is related to this combination. But with this transit there is a danger that your good fortune can be "easy come, easy go."

Often this transit signifies a new restlessness, a desire for freedom and new activities that will broaden our horizons. It does not have the explosiveness of other Uranus transits, but it can signify that you are ready to make sweeping changes in your life.

You are likely to be attracted to new philosophies and new ways of looking at the universe. You may feel that your old viewpoint was too narrow, so you seek new experiences that will give you greater understanding. These experiences will be quite different from anything you have done before. you are inclined to take chances and break down barriers with a tremendous feeling of optimism. However, you should recognize that with this transit the situation can change very quickly. Take any opportunity that comes, but do not count on anything that comes into your life now to last a long time. Make sure you have an alternate plan in case of changed circumstances.

You may have sudden opportunities for travel, which will expose you to new aspects of life. You will see new worlds altogether rather than the world that you have always known. You can expect that whatever happens will be quite challenging and stimulating.

Because you value your own freedom at this time, you respect the fact that it depends upon other people's ability to be free. This realization makes you more tolerant of other's lifestyles as long as they do not interfere with yours. And you may become quite a fighter for other people's rights as well as your own.

Transiting Uranus sextile Natal Jupiter

Under this transit you will have several opportunities to expand your horizons and broaden the range of your experience. These may arrive from several directions, but they all will make you understand more about your life and let you see how it fits into the overall pattern of the universe.

One manifestation of this is a sudden educational opportunity, although not necessarily a regular school or college situation. This transit can encompass many different types of educational experience. For example, you might take up the study of astrology or other occult techniques of mind expansion and self-understanding.

This transit can also present an opportunity for travel, but as with all Uranus transits that signify travel, you should expect an exciting rather than a relaxing trip. In the course of your travels some of your cherished ideas about life may be upset, but that should not be too disturbing. One effect of this transit is to make you want to change your views in order to experience life in a new and richer manner.

This transit can produce sudden runs of good luck. Taking chances at this time may pay off, and long shots may come through. But don't take your luck for granted, for eventually this transit will pass, and you may not be so lucky in the future. Also, if you sit back and let this transit bring you results without much effort on your part, this is a misuse of the transit's creative capabilities. Indeed, you should examine every "lucky" break to see what it can teach you about how the universe works and how you can take advantage of it. Each piece of luck can show you how you have needlessly accepted the limitations that were imposed on you in the past.

Personal growth and increased freedom of action are the two major consequences of this transit, if you take the opportunity to make this a learning experience. Most people recognize that hard times can be a learning experience, but it is more difficult to recognize that you can learn from the good times also.

Transiting Uranus square Natal Jupiter

This transit brings a great feeling of exuberance and optimism, which is fine, but it can lead you to be foolishly overconfident and to take unwarranted financial and material risks. This combination brings out the gambler in almost anyone. However, like all Uranus transits, it is hard to know exactly what to expect from this one, and you may find yourself in trouble if you don't restrain your optimism a bit. Nothing at all may happen, but you just don't know. So proceed with caution, especially in financial matters, and be careful not to leave any loose ends.

Even if you don't take risks, this transit can sometimes cause unexpected expenses or financial shortages. But that happens because you have failed to take into account some factor that could cause trouble for you at this time.

Jupiter symbolizes your ability to go along with the social and economic system in which you live and to make it work for you. The square from Uranus provides a series of unexpected events that test your ability to handle your relationship with the system.

If you have a realistic attitude toward the way the world works, what you can and cannot do effectively, especially in financial matters, this transit will not do any particular damage. It may even bring a sudden chance to take advantage of a situation. Just make sure that it's a real opportunity. If you are not clear about your limitations, this transit could bring some unpleasant surprises.

At the same time, this transit may symbolize striking out against the system. You may adopt a different set of values from the prevailing culture and pursue a lifestyle that is quite different from the way you have lived. If you do, you may experience considerable disapproval from your friends and others around you at this time. But this is not the violent rebellion that comes with other Uranian transits, it is just that you have begun to experience the world differently from those around you. As a result your point of view is different. You wish to be free of the narrowness that you see in others.

Transiting Uranus trine Natal Jupiter

This is one of the few transits that can be truly characterized as lucky. That is, it brings about unexpected breaks and good fortune, as well as a feeling of being free and able to take on any new experience that life has to offer. You feel more daring than usual and willing to experiment with life.

Everyone's life is hedged about with certain restrictions- your job, your family responsibilities, your finances- that sometimes seem to unduly limit your freedom and prevent you from growing. You cannot really afford to throw over these limitations completely, but you would like a break from them once in a while, and this transit provides that break. It may happen through a sudden windfall, a sudden opportunity for personal advancement or the sudden lifting of an onerous burden. But it may also happen in more subtle ways.

For example, you may become increasingly interested in new areas of thought that open up new vistas of understanding. In this way you escape from the killing routines of your life, not by a sudden overthrow, but by a gradual change in your understanding. This transit can bring about new involvement with spiritual teachings, astrology or other revolutionary techniques of mind expansion. You will revolt against narrow ways of thinking and be on the lookout for new approaches to the truth. Yet it will not be enough to understand these truths yourself; you will want to teach others what you have learned. You may become involved in groups or organizations that teach new ideas or are involved in the occult. Under this transit you are extemely conscious of the larger social order, and you always have it in mind, whatever you are doing.

You are also inclined to be less materialistic than usual. It is not that you don't value material resources, but you don't fear that you will have any shortage of them. "Cast thy bread upon the waters" is your motto while this transit is in effect.

Overall, this transit represents an enormous opportunity to broaden yourself and encounter tremendous new experiences that will make your life much more interesting and rewarding.

Transiting Uranus quincunx Natal Jupiter

Transiting Uranus opposite Natal Jupiter

During this transit you should watch the affairs of your life very carefully. Situations will arise suddenly that can be extremely productive and beneficial if you recognize them inadvance or extremely difficult if you do not. Events happen so fast that you will not have the usual time to figure them out before you act. if you act too quickly, you may find yourself out on a very unpleasant limb, but if you don't act quickly enough, the chance is lost. Consequently this transit can produce both sudden losses and sudden gains. As a general rule, however, you would be well advised to be cautious. The opportunities you miss by acting slowly may not be worth the risk. This is a gambler's transit, and many people respond to it by taking very long shot risks. It makes you want to gamble, but it does not make you especially lucky.

In your relationships the theme of freedom will be emphasized. You may become restless and want to be free of an excessively restrictive relationship. You are inclined at this time to break away from secure situations and leap out into the unknown simply for the sake of the challenge. However, it may be that someone else will struggle to break free from your influence. Someone who has been with you a long time and has seemingly been satisfied may suddenly want out. But this is not likely to happen unless you both have been feeling a strain in your relationship, although you may not have chosen to recognize it until now.

If you have been putting up with a tense and strained situation but not getting any benefit from it, you will break free of the tension now and probably experience an enormous sense of release. Even if you don't want to let go of the situation, you will probably be happier once it has gone.

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