nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Saturn conjunct Natal Jupiter

This transit can represent different things to different people. It can be an opportunity for very careful sustained growth through patient endeavor. Or it can be a period of extreme restlessness and impatience.

The structured nature of Saturn, which demands that conditions be met and obligations be fulfilled, is not very compatible with the unrestrained exuberance of Jupiter. Yet together they can play a valuable role in your life. Saturn gives you the discipline to make a solid structure of your life. Without Saturn's influence, Jupiter can symbolize wild unrestrained growth and gross overextension of your energy. Jupiter is often characterized by waste and inefficiency, because you feel there is always enough of everything, even when there isn't.

But at the same time, Saturn can be the ultimate wet blanket for Jupiter, turning optimism to pessimism, bold risk-taking to overcautious conservatism. Your Jupiter energy can make this a restless time. And it is very difficult to tell which reaction you will have to this transit.

With a Saturn-Jupiter transit you may expect any of the following: a change of job or residence; a change in financial status, often for the worse; withdrawal from others in order to work; fondness for solitude; industry and perseverance.

Two attributes probably determine which kind of effect you will experience. First of all, if you are disciplined and persevering you will react with patience to the energies of this transit. But even more important is your attitude toward the areas of your life that the transit may affect. You will persevere with the areas of your life that you are contented with, and you will work even harder on them than otherwise. In those areas of your life that seem oppressive, you will experience tension and the desire to rebel against limitations.

It is difficult to say whether you are justified in being impatient with the areas of restriction in your life. Certainly you are more than justified in trying to improve your life. You will have to decide whether to cut off some element or build it up to a higher level. Either response may be appropriate.

Transiting Saturn sextile Natal Jupiter

During this time you should work very hard to take advantage of every opportunity for growth and expansion that presents itself. This transit gives you the ability to work very hard and patiently in building up your life. It is not a period of flamboyant expansion, but what you build will have an enduring quality that will help you withstand any heavy crises that may arise in the future. This transit requires that you work for these results, but it does not provide the drive to work. It merely gives you opportunities to work effectively. Its effects are so subtle that the transit could pass without making much of an impact. But if you allow this to happen, you may experience difficult times when Saturn comes to either conjunction or square of your natal Jupiter.

This transit favors most business and professional activities. You have the ability to handle the broad, general planning of projects as well as the details. You can work on projects that you might be too patient to work on at other times. This will impress your employers and other superiors, and their good will will be useful as you advance in your work.

This is also a favorable period for intellectual and spiritual growth, because now you can see the restrictions in your life as elements that provide form and structure, not as just obstacles to total freedom. In a very real way, your life derives its form and individuality as much from what you cannot do as from what you can do. This transit gives you the ability to see the structure of your life in such a way that you can gain more control over it. Whatever your long-range goals are, you will be able to build a foundation for success at this time. Don't waste this opportunity.

Transiting Saturn square Natal Jupiter

During this transit your opportunities may be curtailed and your freedom of action may be quite limited. Restrictions seem to come from nowhere, and you may have to work very hard just to maintain your accustomed level, let alone improve it. This transit can be quite unfavorable financially, especially if you have not been very careful in recent years. It tests how well you have put your life together in almost every area, but especially in matters related to finances, business and your profession. You may discover that many aspects of your life cannot withstand real adversity. They begin to crumble away at the slightest challenge.

Approximately seven years ago, many new activities began in your life. Now they are being tested to see whether they have any real importance in your life. Anything that does not withstand this test should be abandoned or substantially changed. It will be possible to hold on to something that clearly does not work, in spite of opposition from others and restrictions from your surroundings. And if you do that, after this transit it may appear to be working out all right. But that is only because the current challenge is over. However, in about seven years anything you have clung to will be tested again and will cause far more trouble than it does now. In other words, if something isn't working now, let it go!

Typically this transit produces extreme restlessness. Jupiter's drive for freedom is relentlessly curbed by the restrictions of Saturn, and you feel very strongly that you must break out of these restrictions. You may experience job or residence changes and the breakup of personal relationships that seem to interfere unduly with your freedom. However these changes are usually just hasty reactions to this transit. You would be much better off to calmly evaluate what is and isn't working in your life and to consciously eliminate the elements that do not work. Don't just react blindly because of frustration. That will only make matters worse when Saturn comes to the opposition or conjunction of your natal Jupiter.

You may experience great frustration in your work. First determine whether you are just being impatient, or whether your work really doesn't allow you the necessary scope for development. Either way it would be better not to make up your mind until after this transit is over.

Transiting Saturn trine Natal Jupiter

This is a time of balance and order in your life. You may have to work hard for financial gain, but at least your affairs are in order. Your business or professional life is well organized, and you should be making steady progress toward your goals. The gains you make at this time are not strokes of luck, they are the solid results of good organization. Work hard to make them even more solid.

Your greatest asset at this time is that you can see clearly how various parts of your life are working out. You understand the rules, and you are willing to play by them. Your attitude toward life is pragmatic and practical. You are more than usually willing to accept a situation as it is while working patiently to improve it. You are now in a position to make important choices that will greatly affect your future.

Your employers, bosses and other authority figures can help you out now. At other times these people may have seemed to be obstacles to your advancement, but now they are extremely willing to help. This is in part because you make it clear that they will gain by helping you. You are much more capable now of real give-and-take than you have been at other times. When others see this, they are more willing to work on your team.

Older persons may provide opportunities for real insight into your life. From the perspective of their age, you can see how to improve your own life and help it grow.

This is a time to consolidate and buttress various aspects of your life. Put aside money for the future, invest or buy life insurance. Make peace with the difficult aspects of your life or with those people who are potential sources of trouble. In the not-to-distant future, when Saturn opposes or squares your natal Jupiter, it will be difficult to deal with the loose ends you leave now. You have enough foresight now to see this and make the necessary adjustments.

Transiting Saturn quincunx Natal Jupiter

Transiting Saturn opposite Natal Jupiter

During this time, your opportunities for growth and expansion in life are limited. You may feel that you are moving sideways, if not actually going in reverse. There may be financial problems, especially if you have overextended yourself in the recent past. Another effect of this transit is restlessness and impatience with restrictions imposed upon you. This period requires patience, but unfortunately yours seems to be almost exhausted.

This is a period of readjustment after a period of possibly too-rapid expansion. Certainly it is necessary to examine your recent past to make sure that you have acted according to what you really want to do and really ought to do. This transit can have the effect of getting you back into a path that you have wandered away from. Do not be discouraged by any recent setbacks. Quite likely they were for the best, as you will probably see in a little while.

Other people may inhibit you at this time. For example, in your work you may propose new ideas, only to have them put down by more conservative coworkers or employers. You must build up a better case for your ideas so it will be more difficult for others to challenge them. You can be sure that you will not be allowed to get away with sloppy thinking and planning at this time. Someone will always point out your errors.

Make things more secure and more stable, but do not start any new projects now. If your expectations are overly optimistic, you may be disappointed, but at least the reasons will become clear. You will see what aspect of reality has interfered with your ideals, and in the future you will be able to take this into account.

Also at this time personal relationships may go through a period of trial. You often feel as if your personal freedom is unduly limited by others. Separations sometimes come about because you feel that that is the only way to achieve freedom. And, in fact, you are usually better off after a separation that occurs under this transit.

Like so many other transits of Saturn, this one represents a time of cutting back and finding a more stable form for your life. It is not a time of growth and expansion. In fact, too much expansion in the past may be the reason for what is happening now. In the future you will have to make plans on a more solid basis so that changes in your life and pressure from circumstances and people cannot interfere so much. This transit is a useful, if not always pleasant, encounter with reality.

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