nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Pluto conjunct Natal Saturn

This transit can denote a rather stressful period in your life. Pluto is the force of inevitable transformation, while Saturn is resistance to such transformation. In several areas of your life you can expect great changes that will come only after considerable difficulty. A typical situation is one in which you are forced to hold onto something for dear life or to persist in some task or project in the face of energies that are trying to make you give up.

It must be said that a positive aspect of this transit is that it considerably increases your persistence and tenacity, but unfortunately it also creates the need for these characteristics. In the face of this pressure it is often better to surrender than to take a hard line and hold on. Whatever is being changed usually needs to change, and you will gain little by holding on, except to delay the inevitable.

This transit can also indicate a stage of psychological transformation in which energies within you try to break through the patterns of resistance and tension that you have built up in the course of your life. One psychologist has called these patterns "body armor," referring to the armor-like tensions that they create in your body. Breaking through and free of these patterns can be quite painful, and you will resist the process quite strenuously, but for the most part you would be better off to let it happen.

Ultimately this transit indicates a regeneration of the basic structure of your life as signified by Saturn. Because this structure is so basic to your personality and even to your world, you are likely to experience some disorientation for a while, but this too shall pass.

Things may be taken away from you, such as money or other possessions, relationships or something else that you value perhaps too much. During this transit you must learn to get along with as little as possible, which may be the ultimate lesson of this time. It is certainly a good idea to prepare to deal with scarcity when this transit is coming up. Change your lifestyle so that you don't need as many resources as you have in the past and don't have to be as dependent on others.

Transiting Pluto sextile Natal Saturn

At this time in your life you will be able to get along with very little if necessary, and you will be able to keep plugging away at tasks with tremendous discipline. You are highly practical and efficient now, and you put your ideas into practice gracefully. You understand cause and effect better than ever before. As a result this is a good time for getting your life ready for hard times, even if this is not an especially difficult period, as you will go a long way toward fulfilling your major ambitions.

However, even if this is a difficult time you can be sure that this transit will help you make it through. It gives you tremendous tenacity and toughness and the ability to apply constant pressure on a situation until it gradually changes. Whatever your objectives, you will keep working at them until you achieve them. In a slow but powerful way, this transit helps you realize your goals, and because you work so slowly, the results you obtain are very lasting indeed. You work hard and without complaint no matter how tedious the task. You are patient, austere, thrifty, persistent, purposeful and successful.

You may work alone for the most part now. Saturn is not great for company, but that is not a difficulty. You will probably prefer it that way, at least until you have come somewhere near achieving your goals. This is a very good transit for researching alone, especially when painstaking work is required. Your ability to discipline yourself is extremely high.

This is a period of creating sturdy and long-lasting structures. Career activities are greatly favored (especially construction and real estate), and you may be promoted to a leadership or administrative position because your wisdom and experience have become conspicuous. You exhibit common sense; are humble, responsible and thorough; you benefit from elders and those in authority.

You will make progress also in handling difficult areas of life (corresponding to Saturn's natal house position). Normally these areas might paralyze you with fear or at least cause you to respond with rigid behavior. Now, resourceful and composed, you make positive changes wherever needed, not drastically and suddenly, but slowly and at a very profound level of your being. In general your life is moving from the less solid and abstract to the more solid and real and dependable.

Transiting Pluto square Natal Saturn

During this transit you will have to withstand severe challenges to your way of life as it is set up now. As we grow up, we structure our lives to a certain degree, and we come to depend upon this structure for predictability and order. Sometimes, however, the structure is repressive rather than expressive of our true selves. But if it is safe, we tend to keep it regardless of whether we are happy with it. Nevertheless, at some point in our lives the internal energies of this arrangement of our world must evolve or be totally destroyed. Now is such a time in your life. You must adapt to the forces at work during this period for your own sake! You may feel like the victim of some massive external force beyond your control that is forcing you to move, but actually the dynamics for change are inherent in your own life structure.

During this transit some circumstance or situation will create forces that seem to push against you. You may feel very pressured to do something that you do not want to do at all, and you will probably put up tremendous resistance. If your life structure is a valid expression of who you are, your efforts to resist will probably be successful. Otherwise you will be forced to change. In either case this period will be characterized by enormous expenditure of energy. If you handle it successfully, you will be able to strive forward and reach new heights as an individual.

As this transit begins, you may find that certain resources- financial, material or otherwise- are no longer available and that you are forced more and more to fall back upon your own devices. This is part of the test of this transit. It is not usually a good time to expand your operations in any field of activity, especially business. Nor is it a good time to spend your energies making everything around you as solid and safe as possible. That should have been done prior to this transit. The best course, which you will be least inclined to take, is to openly and honestly examine all aspects of your life and voluntarily give up whatever you don't really need- those things that make you feel secure but do not aid your personal evolution. If you don't do this voluntarily, circumstances will do it for you. You can expect struggle during this period, but it doesn't have to be a fruitless struggle, unless you try to hold on blindly to everything as it is now.

Transiting Pluto trine Natal Saturn

At this time you will make gradual but very profound changes in your life and create structures that will last a long time. You work at this task with great patience and attention to detail, because you are not working for today only. You are working for tomorrow as well.

This transit confers great endurance, which enables you to work slowly over a long period of time to eliminate those elements of your life that have become unnecessary and limiting, replacing them with structures that are more relevant to your present activities.

You will make slow but profound progress in handling difficult areas of life (corresponding to Saturn's natal house position). Normally these areas might paralyze you with fear or at least cause you to respond with rigid behavior. Now, resourceful and composed, you make positive changes wherever needed, and these changes will be reflected in certain external changes in your work, profession or any other important activity in your life. In general your life is moving from the less solid and abstract to the more solid and real and dependable.

You are likely to be very careful about everything that you do under this transit. Because you try not to waste anything, the people around you may think you are excessively conservative. But really you are just acting with great discipline.

Whether or not it is necessary, you are able now to get along with very little in the way of material goods. And you have a phenomenal ability to contend with adversity if you have to. This transit has the effect of toughening you up considerably.

You may also become concerned with social reforms in various ways. But it will not be the radical reform associated with Uranus, nor the idealistic kind associated with Jupiter. Rather, your concern is with making the social system work with reasonable fairness and justice on a practical level so that it will work for a long time. In these matters you will bring to bear the same meticulous concern that you display toward the affairs of your personal life.

Career activities are greatly favored (especially construction and real estate), and you may be promoted to a leadership or administrative position because your wisdom and experience have become conspicuous. You exhibit common sense; are humble, responsible and thorough; you benefit from elders and those in authority. They acknowledge your orderly approach at every task, which is characteristic of this transit. You work hard and without complaint no matter how tedious the task. You are patient, austere, thrifty, persistent, purposeful and successful.

You are highly practical and efficient now, and you put your ideas into practice gracefully. You understand cause and effect better than ever before, and you will go a long way toward fulfilling your major ambitions.

Transiting Pluto quincunx Natal Saturn

Transiting Pluto opposite Natal Saturn

Under this transit you will experience changing circumstances and situations that may force you to surrender many things - material goods, relationships, principles - that you have previously held on to. You will probably resist these "losses", which is how you will experience them, with great tenacity and stubbornness. You will need great discipline under this transit, because you may not have any resources to waste, and you may be forced to do as much as possible with very little.

Feelings are often repressed under this transit, as if facing the reality of your present conditions does not permit you the luxury of indulging in emotions. However, this is more apparent than real. You may confuse hardheartedness with hardheadedness and suppress feelings for what you consider to be "practical" reasons. Even if your situation becomes very difficult, you should still keep your heart open to others, or you will bear the scars of this period for the rest of your life as a loss of humanity.

You may feel that you have to work very hard and that nothing ever comes of it. That is true in that the kind of overt success that everyone can clearly recognize is not likely to come now. Your life is in a state of change, and your circumstances are not stable enough to bring anything to the kind of culmination that constitutes success. Your inner structure as a human being is changing, and it is the profound insecurity of such a transformation that is making you hold on to the past so furiously and with such a sense of effort. When this period is over, your life course may be considerably changed. The only reason you aren't getting anywhere now is that there isn't anywhere for you to go in that direction. Remember, the truth works! If it doesn't work for you, it isn't true for you! This may be the most important lesson that you can learn at this time.

Be prepared to let go of whatever you don't really need, even if it is a relationship. Don't take yourself so seriously that every challenge to your current position on any matter seems to be a challenge to life itself. You may not be aware of it, but the physiological reactions that you go through at a time like this were originally intended to deal with a real physical threat to your life. But today we have changed so that our physical existence is not so important as ego-existence, and all of our reactions have to be changed accordingly. Most people have not done so.

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