nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Neptune conjunct Natal Moon

This transit will cause many changes in your emotional and personal life. These changes may be quite hard to handle initially, but they can be constructive if you take the trouble to master the energies involved.

The basic effect of this transit is to greatly increase your sensitivity to the world around you. This is one of the psychic transits, in that it stimulates your latent psychic abilities and makes them the vehicle for much input from the outer world. The problem, however, is that at first your conscious mind does not know what to do with this material, so you become confused or misinterpret the information from the unconscious. This happens especially when the conscious mind receives feelings that cannot be easily reduced to rational considerations.

This transit may produce the following kinds of problems. First there is the danger of being confused by your emotions, believing that you feel one way when your real feelings are quite different. This is particularly difficult in a love relationship in which you are romantically fascinated by someone who is completely inappropriate for you. The "spell" that lovers work upon each other is a classic Neptunian state.

There is a great danger also of being so fascinated by an idea or an ideal that you can no longer clearly see the world around you. You should be very cautious about taking up any idea or belief that seems strangely obsessive and fascinating now. Such ideas are significant and important, but they do not mean what you think they mean. Your unconscious mind speaks very loudly during a Neptune transit, but to understand what it is saying you must learn its peculiar symbolism and not take its words literally.

On the physical level, this transit can lead to ailments related to fluid disturbances in the body, such as excessive cellular fluids. Also it can signify the flare-up of a drug or alcohol problem. If there is a predisposition to this in your birth chart. Also if you have any tendency to contract eye diseases, have your eyes checked. Usually there will be no problems, but don't take the chance.

Sometimes you will be very reluctant to deal with the real world under a Neptune-Moon transit, because the Neptunian illusion is rather alluring. The challenge of the transit is to relate what you get from it to the real world and not to try to separate the two. If you can learn the language of the unconscious mind and discover what it is saying, you will gain great insight and wisdom through this transit.

Transiting Neptune sextile Natal Moon

This transit increases your emotional sensitivity so that you are much more aware of the moods and feelings of others. When you encounter people, you are intuitively aware of what they are feeling at the moment. But because you have the empathic understanding of others, you should try to avoid people who have negative thoughts and feelings, because in your state of increased sensitivity, you will be constantly aware of and influenced by them.

In general, even though it may still be difficult to put your perceptions into words, you will know clearly that your emotional understanding at the gut level is high. If you are at all artistic, this will make your imagination much more active and creative, which will aid your work immeasurably. Even if you are not artistic, you will be much more imaginative. Just be careful that this does not lead to endless daydreaming.

It is very likely that whatever your usual attitudes about the mind and feelings, during this time you will be much more concerned with emotions than with the intellect. Purely intellectual considerations seem too dull and colorless. Nevertheless, a certain amount of intellectual discipline can be very useful at this time in gaining great emotional understanding of life.

In your relationships, it is quite possible that you will idealize a woman who somehow signifies all of the interesting and fascinating developments that are taking place inside your own mind. If you are a man, this could lead to a very highly romanticized relationship.

This transit stimulates your interest in psychic and mystical phenomena, and you may very well have some sort of psychic experiences. you may not recognize them as such, however, unless you are consciously on the alert for them.

Transiting Neptune square Natal Moon

Under this transit you may have to contend with rather strange moods and feelings. You may feel that your hunches are extremely accurate, but be careful- the language of your unconscious mind, which is speaking rather strongly to you now, is very different from the language of the conscious mind. Your hunches may mislead you badly.

At the same time, you are more subject to outside influences now. If you are around an angry person or someone under the influence of any other intense feeling, you will feel their energy strongly. For this reason, you should avoid people who are under the influence of strong negative emotions. Your empathy is so great that you will easily become subject to their feelings. And avoid anyone who tries to control your thinking through subtle suggestions and hints, which is very likely to happen, because the thoughts they instill will seem to come from within you- another good reason for avoiding negative people.

There may be other problems in your home or personal life or with emotional relationships. It is extremely important that you try to communicate with those around you as clearly as possible. Misunderstandings are rife under this transit. You may begin a love relationship that is hopelessly unrealistic and yet very fascinating.

Moods and emotions may appear and disappear with great speed. Do not take them too seriously or get too wrapped up in contemplating them, for you will only make mountains out of molehills. Even when you are disappointed about something, do not dwell on it. Your own negative emotions can be very destructive.

Avoid using any type of drug unless it is absolutely necessary. Your body is much more sensitive than usual and can quickly build up a dependency pattern. Digestive problems may also occur under this transit, which is another reason for not confusing your system with unusual substances.

Transiting Neptune trine Natal Moon

The main effect of this transit is to increase your sensitivity to everything that happens around you, especially to the feelings and moods of others, and even their thoughts to some extent. This is a strongly intuitive transit. The "feelings" you get about a situation will be remarkably accurate. At the same time you will be eager for experiences in which you can go past surface appearances right to the very heart of the matter. And your increased sensitivity makes it easy to do this.

This transit especially arouses your compassion for other people's condition. You feel so exquisitely and empathize so completely with people's problems that you want very much to get involved in their lives and help them. This is a good thing to do, but first make sure that they really want to be helped. Neptune trine your Moon makes you aware of your intrinsic oneness of all beings, and awareness you will want to demonstrate in your own life. This combination also arouses a kind of idealized mother function within you, regardless of your sex, so that you want to protect and nurture those in need. Again, be sure that they want to be nurtured. And don't get so carried away with your idealistic feelings that you cannot relate to the actual conditions you will have to deal with in helping others. If that happens you will accomplish little.

It is possible that this transit will bring you a very idealized and spiritualized love relationship, even to the point that the two of you will not have a physical relationship. You may prefer to remain platonic because it seems more pure and ideal. And although you are idealizing, in the long run a relationship such as this is likely to be very helpful to your development. Unlike many other Neptunian relationships, in this instance you should be able to make the change from illusions to reality without too much trouble, and you may discover that your illusions about the other person were not so far removed from the truth after all.

Under any circumstances this transit will greatly stimulate your imagination and give it a much more poetic cast. If you have any latent psychic ability, this transit will bring it out. You are also likely to be much more interested in the occult, psychic studies and spiritualism. This is all part of your increased sensitivity to the world, as mentioned earlier.

Transiting Neptune quincunx Natal Moon

Transiting Neptune opposite Natal Moon

This transit produces strange moods and obsessions that can make your life quite difficult if you take them at face value or too seriously. Your perception of the world is not terribly acute at this time, and you tend to see things as you want to see them rather than as they are. Psychic and spiritual studies and teachings, which usually are quite valuable, should be taken up with extreme care at this time because you may misunderstand or misuse them. Often this transit denotes that you are weary of the world as it is and want to escape from it. Spritual teachings can be used as an excuse for escape, but that is not their most constructive use by any means. The world is here so you can learn to handle it, not so you can avoid it. You can only disguise it, which makes it much more damaging to you.

You can be deceived by your feelings under this influence. For example, you may idealize someone out of all proportion to the truth and insist that what you see in that person is really so because your intuition tells you it is. But you are likely to be disappointed if you do this. Be especially careful in love affairs, which are often subject to overidealizing anyway. Also, watch out for a tendency to saddle yourself with "stray dogs", that is, forlorn and woebegone people who appeal to your compassion. If you can really be of assistance to them, fine. But first make sure you can. Your efforts may be wasted on people who do not really want to change at all.

At the physical level, be very careful of what you eat or drink. Your body is unusually sensitive to poisons and chemicals at this time and may react badly to some substances. Even if you are careful, you may have some kind of digestive difficulty or other problem in assimilating foods.

Events in your personal and domestic life may become very unclear at this time. Keep your home life as neat and orderly as possible, for any serious problems there could undermine your self-confidence and make you more fearful in dealing with the world. You may have problems with female relatives or friends during this transit.

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