nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Neptune conjunct Natal Jupiter

This is one of the most idealistic times in your life. This transit arouses your natural sympathies for others and makes you want to help them. You may help some person close to you who needs assistance, or you may work with sick and disadvantaged persons in an institutional setting or with charities that aid such people.

This transit may also motivate you to work in some other way to actualize your ideals. Now it is not enough to simply believe in something, you want to make your beliefs come true as well. But you may tend to believe that what you want to be true is true, even when it isn't. Do not get carried away by your idealism.

Under this transit you may also begin to take an interest in philosophy and religion. You are very much concerned now about how you fit into the universal order, and you are more inclined to deal with abstract issues and how they relate to your life. In fact you may not want to bother with the everyday aspects of life, feeling that they are beneath your concern. Needless to say, that attitude can get you into trouble. Nevertheless, if you can keep track of life's daily requirements, you will also be able to gain insights into your life that will make it more meaningful.

There is another side to this transit also. It can give you a foolish confidence that anything you will do will work out all right. As a result you may take risks and gambles or actually indulge in gambling. This is not an especially lucky or unlucky transit. All it does is make you confuse your wishes with reality and make you act according to your wishes. It is not a good time to make long-term investments, because you are seeing the world through rose-colored glasses and are unwilling to look at business affairs in the cold, hard manner that is required. In fact you can easily be swindled by anyone who appeals to your innermost wishes and desires.

Use this transit to gain insights into your life, but do not try to advance your material interests ungroundedly, for you are not likely to be successful.

Transiting Neptune sextile Natal Jupiter

This transit creates a strong desire for a very special kind of knowledge. You are interested in what the rational mind can tell you, but you also want very much to understand the subtler spiritual truths that give your life dimension and meaning. You may want to learn more about metaphysics and spiritual teachings through studying the occult. Or you may become involved with a religious group that gives you greater insights into the meaning of your life. You may emphasize the Neptune side of this transit and throw over all human knowledge for the way of pure faith. In any case you will eventually discover that all these paths have precisely the same goal.

On a slightly more mundane level, this transit may stimulate your interest in faraway places that seem completely different from your everyday world. You may want to travel, and this is a good time to do so because your sense of awe about the unknown makes your discoveries through traveling all the more fascinating.

This is usually a very optimistic time when you feel that nothing can go wrong, which may be so, but it would be foolish to tempt fate with wild and ill-considered actions. The effects of this transit are not so strong that you can get away with living dangerously. But on the other hand, your optimistic and positive frame of mind can help to ensure that your plans work out as well as you want them to.

You enjoy the company of friends at this time, and you feel sufficiently secure and magnanimous that you don't need to bother with the silly ego games that people often play with their friends. In fact you are much more inclined to take a back seat to other people's ego games and let them have their way. Conflicts with others aren't worth it to you now. You are very giving and generous during this transit, because you genuinely want to help others, and you make it quite evident.

Transiting Neptune square Natal Jupiter

During this period you will be impatient with the restrictions imposed by everyday existence, and you will be preoccupied with fantasies or ideas that help you escape the ordinary. Your grasp of what you can and cannot do with your life is being tested now, and it is very important that you try to accept the actual limitations on your life. If you can, this transit will expand your life by helping you perceive the tremendous possibilities that are inherent in your situation, even though it isn't ideal.

Your fantasies may take the form of an overdeveloped belief in your own strength and power. You may feel that you cannot lose, but if you succumb to this belief, the day will come when you lose very badly, and then your foolish overconfidence will be replaced with defeat and discouragement. Be particularly careful to avoid wild speculations and risks, for you will almost certainly lose out; you aren't paying enough attention to the reality of the situation, and you are seeing only what you want to see. You are more than usually gullible at this time, especially if someone flatters your sense of importance.

You may take a somewhat more exalted but equally futile path by becoming involved in a religious or spiritual movement that makes you lose all touch with reality. Either you do not see the world as it is and think that it is something altogether more beautiful, or you are disgusted with the world and reject it as unworthy of your attention. No matter how high your vision, you will benefit from your existence only insofar as you recognize what it is. Do not allow spirituality to become an illusion and an excuse for not dealing with the world.

On the plus side, this transit stimulates your desire to help others, and you can be of great benefit if you deal with situations as they really are. Starry-eyed idealists are not very useful when there is much hard work to be done.

Transiting Neptune trine Natal Jupiter

This transit can effect you in several ways, but in any case it will make you feel optimistic and hopeful about the future. You will feel that everything is going to be all right, and that is not a delusion, because under this transit you will gain insights that can make your life much better.

You will feel very idealistic but also very concerned about understanding, so your idealism will not get in the way of perceiving the truth. In fact truth is very important in your life now- not so much facts, but understanding how the universe works. Just be careful not to make truth into such an abstract consideration that you cannot experience it is everyday life. However, given that warning, you do have the opportunity to gain insights through the study of philosophy, metaphysics and the occult. And you want to understand what you study rather than being told what is so with no explanation of why.

At another level, this transit works to increase your optimism and self-confidence to the point that you are willing to take risks you would not ordinarily take. This may happen through gambling or speculation, or it may happen through getting rid of the elements of your life that you have always depended on for security. You now recognize that they have also limited the expansion of your consciousness, and you want to be free to experience the world. You realize that some material considerations you have thought necessary in the past are now clearly expendable.

You may decide to travel, particularly by sea or by air. However, the main purpose of this travel will be learning, not recreation. It would be best to take a long trip and get to know the land and people without the structure of a guided tour. You need and want direct experience.

Your desire to help underdog elements of society is great at this time. You have a strong feeling of social justice, and you do not want people to get the short end of the stick. Justice, you feel, should be tempered with mercy and compassion.

Transiting Neptune quincunx Natal Jupiter

Transiting Neptune opposite Natal Jupiter

Inflated expectations, excessive and impractical idealism and sudden disappointments are among the dangers of this transit, if you do not make a concerted effort to keep your feet on the ground. Neptune opposing your Jupiter makes you feel that nothing can defeat you. You feel tremendously lucky and are inclined to take foolish risks that you wouldn't normally take, especially financial risks. But any form of speculation or gambling is extremely risky under this influence and should be avoided altogether. By the same token you should be careful that this foolish overconfidence does not make you overlook factors in your job or home life, for example, that could trip you up and cause serious problems. But be particularly careful not to overextend yourself financially.

This combination of planetary factors arouses your intrinsic idealism. The limitations of the real world may seem very difficult to bear, because you so badly want the world to be better. This feeling may lead you into involvements with some extreme religious sect. Although it may be a perfectly constructive group, it is not very good for you now, because you are not approaching it with a realistic idea of what you can get from it. You have to deal with this universe before you can leave it. Study mysticism if you want, but don't make any commitments that will prove to be a trap when this transit is over.

Like all combinations of Neptune and Jupiter, this one stimulates your compassion for others. You want to help people out and share whatever good fortune you have. But with this transit, make sure that the people you are assisting will get some real benefit from your efforts. You are very likely to be preyed upon by "leeches," people who take advantage of your generosity but who gain nothing from the experience.

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