nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Saturn

During this transit you will confront your own inhibitions and self-restrictions, as well as the restrictions placed upon you by circumstances. You may wish to break free of them in order to enlarge your scope of activity, so you can go places and do things that you have never been able to do before. On the other hand, you may choose to grow within the structure of restriction in your life, using that very structure to enlarge your life. It can go either way, depending very much upon your temperement. And neither way is better as a general rule. It depends entirely on what is appropriate in terms of your own life.

If you respond by trying to break free, you will begin to feel very restless. Events and circumstances will make it clear that you have neglected much that must be done, and the structures of your life that have held you back will seem intolerable. You can no longer accept barriers such as responsibilities that you have put up with for years, onerous duties or perhaps a built in fear of breaking away from the established order. Consequently, if you react in this way, this is often a time of breaking away and leaping out into a new freedom. This is often accompanied by a change of job or residence or the breakup of relationships. And however catastrophic these changes weem to others, they are usually quite fortunate and allow everything to work out for the best.

If you respond in the second manner, you will also seek to expand your life and find new freedom, but for a variety of reasons you will not overthrow the structures of your life in order to do so. Instead you will seize every opportunity to build new structures and expand the already existing order. For example, if you are in business, you might use this time to expand in a careful and cautious way. You will not overextend yourself, and whatever you build up now, either in yourself or in the outer world, will be lasting. The other reaction is characterized by impatience and restlessness, but this one is very patient and careful.

Finally, your reaction to this transit will be determined by your life situation as you go into it. If there are many tensions in your life and you are unable to express yourself adequately, you are likely to respond in the first manner. On the other hand, if your life is working out reasonably well, you will be more likely to respond in the second way.

Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Saturn

During this transit you approach expansion and growth from a very careful and pragmatic point of view. Everything that you do, every plan you make is characterized by prudence and caution. You are interested in what could be, but this concern is well balanced by your concern for what is already. You are neither idealistic nor excessively conservative.

You do not see duties and obligations as limitations upon your life but as routes to achieving wisdom and maturity. This is a fundamentally correct view, but you must balance your need for freedom with your need to get work done in order to see it that way. That is what you are doing now. You are oriented to work and duty, but you can also see that certain apparent responsibilities are really not validly yours. And you are not willing to take on someone else's share of the work unless you can see real benefit from doing so.

In financial terms, you are very thrifty at this time. You can see what the best investments are, and you proceed very carefully while putting your money into them. Therefore these investments are more likely than most to work out well.

During this period you will discover how to turn your ideals into reality, partly because you can see which goals and ideals are realistic and which are not. You discard whatever is not realistic, and you work for your goals very patiently, laying a solid groundwork for success.

In business this is usually a good time, because your prudence and thrift enable you to separate the real opportunities from the illusory ones and thereby make real gains. You will be inclined to expand your business, but you will do so very cautiously rather than incautiously.

Transiting Jupiter square Natal Saturn

Under this transit you will make many adjustments in your life, separating yourself from persons or circumstances that are doing you no good. You will change many standards of behavior and morality that you realize are inappropriate and generally realign your conception of duty and responsibility more in accordance with reality. In the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension, and for a time you may be confused, not quite knowing whether to backward or forward, to expand or cut back. Probably you would be well advised to go off by yourself for a while, because other people's advice will be of little value, unless you select your advisors with great care. The challenge here is to increase and go forward in some areas but to cut back in others. You will not be able to keep everything going, no matter how much you want to. Unfortunately there is no way of telling in advance which areas of your life will be affected.

As with other Jupiter-Saturn contacts, there is often a strong feeling of restlessness and uncertainty. You know ckearly that something is wrong, but you are not sure what it is. The best way to deal with this is not to be in a hurry. Usually you will have all the time you need to make a decision based on careful observation of the facts, so dont rush.

In business and professional matters, this is a critical time, but not necessarily a bad one. It simply means that whatever you do now will have a more important effect than usual on the future. Therefore you should be patient while you find the right solution to any problem in this area also. Be especially careful with your finances, because you will have a strong tendency to resent the limitations that they impose on your freedom of movement, and you may act impulsively, as if there were no real limitations at all.

It is possible that you will change jobs under this transit, because a new offer gives you more opportunities to get ahead than your old job. In that case, take it, because such changes are often beneficial with this influence. In general you should take any opportunity that comes along now to broaden your scope and release yourself from limitations that have held you back. The trick is to do this in a way that is not destructively disruptive.

Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Saturn

With this transit you can work patiently and slowly to build something up. There is little of the tension and ambiguity that one experiences with the conjunction, square and opposition transits of Jupiter to Saturn. Under this influence you are able to keep in mind your long range goals while dealing with all the everyday concerns that arise. Consequently the work that you undertake now is usually very well done. You have an unusual understanding of the relationship between parts and the whole.

This is an appropriate time to handle all manner of practical concerns. Your mind is earthbound, but you dont lack vision and foresight. Therfore this is an excellent time to expand an existing business, start a new one, or branch out into a new area of business. After you find the most practical solution to any problem, you move immediately in that direction. Clarity of intention is one of the strongest points of this transit.

Unlike most transits of Jupiter, with this one you will not want to be with other people especially. It is a good time to go off by yourself and think things over so that you can arrive at the clearest idea of what you want to do. But dont worry about feeling lonely. The seclusion will be good for you and not at all pleasant.

All your actions are governed by a strong sense of duty. You recognize the many responsibilities that you have in the world, and you are willing to live up to them as best you can.

You may take a rather paternal attitude toward the people around you, wanting to protect them and take on their troubles as your own. Be careful not to overdo this however, because even though you have good intentions, beyond a point you have no right to take over people's lives. They must deal with their own problems.

Even if you encounter setbacks during this time, they are not likely to affect you seriously. you will take them philosophically, cut your losses and move on to the next phase. You will keep in mind where you want to go, and you will not be easily dissuaded from following your objective.

In general, Saturn rules the material world, while Jupiter rules growth. About the only real caution with this combination is not to allow material expansion, through property, possessions or whatever, to reach the point of limiting your freedom of action and giving you more responsibilities than you want. You can handle them now, but you might have trouble later on. At this time in your personal Jupiter-Saturn cycle, you should work only on what you need and go where you have to go.

Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Saturn

Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Saturn

This can be one of the more difficult transits of Jupiter, because Saturn is so different in nature from Jupiter. Often you will feel psychologically that you are shrinking and expanding at the same time. With this transit it is very difficult to know exactly which direction the trends in your life are taking. Thus you must be extremely careful in your guesses, because of the danger of misjudgement.

Decisions in general are difficult with this transit because you are caught in a conflict between caution and optimism. Whenever one attitude gets the upper hand in your mind, the other comes along and undermines it. Often it seems very difficult to know whether to expand or retrench. This problem will be especially bad if you have overextended yourself in the past and had to cut back. This creates a lack of self-confidence, which may surface now.

You may also experience a conflict at this time between the desire for greater freedom and opportunity and the desire to hold on to the safe and predictable circumstances that you are used to. Often the temptation is to break away from everything and to start over without the weight of the past holding you back, so you think. The restlessness resulting from this conflict can cause you to make many significant changes in your life, especially about your career. Relationships are also frequently difficult, especially those that involve much responsibility. Casual relationships and friendships are less likely to suffer.

However, if you are basically satisfied with your life and you don't feel that your duties and obligations are onerous, you should experience the positive side of this transit, which is actually quite considerable. This is a time when you can expand the structures in your life to include much more than ever before. For example, you could safely expand a business, because the cautiousness of your natal Saturn will probably prevent you from overextending yourself. Or you could take on more responsibilities, which would make your work more satisfying. If you can strike a balance between the two opposing forces of Jupiter and Saturn, this can be a time of considerable achievement and prosperity.

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