nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Moon

This is an extremely positive transit. You feel emotionally secure and in touch with your feelings, which you can express clearly and honestly, both to yourself and to others. At the same time you have an enormous feeling of generosity, which enables you to give others much more freely than usual without feeling diminished in any way. This combination of influences relates to the nurturing function within you, the desire to protect and care for as well as the desire to be supported. You can nurture another at this time, or if you need help yourself, you will get it.

Your home and personal life are very important to you under this transit, and you will work to make this area as positive as possible. You may simply make your home more comfortable and elegant, or on a more psychological level you may bring friends and neighbors to your home in order to make them feel good, as well as yourself. This is an excellent time to invest in a new home or real estate.

At this time you will realize how your past has positively contributed to your present situation, and you will want to be surrounded by things that remind you of your past. This is a good time to go home and see old friends and loved ones.

Regardless of your own sex, you may receive some benefit from a woman who offers to help or care for you in some way. Often her function in your life will be to reveal to you what is within and to make you more self-sufficient. This person could even be a man, but he would affect you in a maternal way.

About the only negative side of this transit comes from its symbolic connection with nutrition and digestion. Psychologically you are in a period of incorporation and assimilation, of taking into yourself whatever can nourish and support you. Obviously the physical correlate of this is gaining weight, which can happen if you are not careful. Fatty foods are especially difficult, so try to avoid them.

Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Moon

This transit makes you feel quite good, optimistic and positive about life in general. You have strong feelings of warmth and generosity toward others, particularly friends and those whom you encounter on a day to day basis. You feel like you would like to protect and care for everyone you meet.

The effects of this transit are not usually spectacular, and they may be quite subtle. You should use this time for getting in touch with your feelings and learning how you relate to the everyday world. You will derive uncommonly deep experiences from what appear to be ordinary, routine interactions with others. Your everyday surroundings, your family and relatives will provide satisfactions that may be missing at other times. And these encounters will provide opportunities to grow and to enlarge your life. The usually confined limits of daily routine can actually become the vehicle for new chances and opportunities.

Cultivate your friendships, for there is a good chance that a friend will be able to perform a valuable service for you at this time. And it is just as likely that you will do the same for a friend. In either case you will come out ahead.

This transit may stimulate your interest in spiritual or religious matters, usually in the form of a renewed interest in the religious or spiritual beliefs that you learned as a child. Such experiences from your past can be very valuable to you now. Reliving them does not mean you are backsliding to attitudes you have outgrown. There is still something there for you to realize and learn from.

Friendships or other relationships with women quite often prove rewarding at this time, with various benefits. You could have an emotional experience that enriches you, or a business opportunity, or she could act as a guide to aspects of yourself that you do not normally experience, but which help you come to complete self-understanding.

On occasion this transit signifies that you are in the public eye or that you have to deal with large groups of people in some way. In either case, you should be successful.

Transiting Jupiter square Natal Moon

This is usually a very favorable square. It gives your emotions a great deal of power, so that you feel much more emphatically and are more in touch with them. At the same time you want to establish empathic relationships with others, to hear their problems, to help out and play a protective role toward them if possible. This transit may make you feel very sentimental about and attached to your surroundings and to familiar objects. Your past is very important to you now, and if there are events in your past that you find uncomfortable, they are likely to come up. There is often a need to confront the unconscious areas of the psyche under this transit, but you should regard this as an opportunity to be healed of the wounds made by these energies from the past.

In emotional relationships, this transit can create a tension between your desire to be close to someone and the desire to be free. Be careful to give your loved ones the same freedom that you want, and do not try to be unfairly possessive of them. Also, confrontations with the unc aspects of yourself mentioned above can affect relationships adversely during this time. In such cases it is necessary to cultivate a sense of detachment and not become so wrapped up in your emotions that you cannot see beyond them.

This transit gives an enormous concern with social and individual justice. You are easily outraged when you see someone getting the short end of the stick, but your emotionalism may make it difficult to see a good solution to the problem. Try to avoid feeling self-righteous and intolerant. You will need to have a very open and generous point of view in order to clean up any conflicts that occur at this time, and emotionalism masquerading as righteousness will not accomplish anything useful. Instead, take advantage of the ample positive side of this energy by helping those who need it. Protect the people you can protect and succor those who have been hurt. Magnanimity is just as much in accordance with the meaning of this transit as are extreme emotionalism and self-righteousness.

Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Moon

This is a very pleasant transit, but it does not usually produce much energy. Unless it is energized by another transit occurring at the same time, it probably will not signify very much. Usually, however, you will feel very good with this transit, quite optimistic and generous. You will be concerned about the welfare of those around you and will want to protect the people you love.

This is a good time to be at home or in a familiar surroundings. You will derive maximum support from being with your family and loved ones, for they will recharge tour spirits, even if this transit does not coincide with any particularly significant event.

At this time you will attract favorable circumstances and resources with little effort, which will seem very pleasant now. But you should not expect this to keep on happening indefinitely. In particular, people may come after you to meet you for some reason, and these people could be quite beneficial to you in business or personal affairs. Regardless of your own sex, you may benefit from women during this transit.

In some people this transit may stimulate an interest in religious and spiritual thought, but your views would be more strongly concerned with ethics and morality than with a more mystical approach to religion.

At the very least you can expect to feel quite good at this time, and even if nothing tremendous comes out of this transit, you will have a feeling of satisfaction and of being at peace with yourself.

Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Moon

Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Moon

This is a good time when feelings and emotions play an important part in your life, and relationships based on feelings and emotions become very important. This transit is usually experienced positively as warm feelings within yourself and from others. You feel emotionally very generous and giving. Relationships are usually quite good and rewarding now, and those that you have been building up for years may begin to produce results. You can now decide clearly which ones are worthwhile and which are not.

But there is a negative side to this transit also. It can make you feel very self-indulgent and undisciplined. You may feel that the world "owes me a living," whether or not you really deserve it. It may also make you feel that others ought to be breaking their back to help you. In personal relationships, you may become very demanding without really offering anything to your partner in return. Instead of reaching out to make things happen in your life, you wait for others to make the first move and become quite angry when people insist that you take some initiative. The Moon is basically passive, and the opposition transit of Jupiter only serves to make it more demanding, if the negative side of this transit is expressed.

The self-indulgent side of this transit can also be expressed physically as overeating or drinking. With this transit moderation is extremely important, even more than with other Jupiter transits.

Your love relationships and relations with women can be either very good or very bad, probably not anywhere in the middle. It all depends upon your general reaction to this transit. If you are demanding in the manner described above, then your relationships will be bad. But if this transit arouses your feelings of warmth and generosity, they will be quite good. And this is a good way of gauging where you are with this transit, because encounters with others, especially women, will bring out its effects.

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