nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Midheaven

This transit represents a period of culmination in which you make a greater effort to get where you want to be, either in your profession or in some other area. And your efforts appear to produce results more easily than at just about any other time. Therefore you feel better about yourself and your life than at other times, and you feel confident that you can handle anything that comes your way.

Professionally, this is often a period of great progress. If you are in business for yourself, your business will expand greatly. If you are employed or a professional person, you will be recognized in your field for the quality of your work. A promotion is quite likely with Jupiter in this position. But this transit does not usually represent the peak of your professional achievement, which will come when Saturn is in this position. You are on the way up however. Jupiter here means a period of rapid expansion and personal progress.

If you are in business for yourself, you should be careful not to expand too rapidly or overextend yourself. You will be tempted to expand in order to take advantage of your prosperity, but you might leave yourself vulnerable to the more difficult times that will eventually come. Make sure that all expansion is carefully planned and that you have safeguards against future times of difficulty.

Another negative side of this transit will come up if you do not get the recognition that you feel you deserve. If others do not acknowledge you openly, you may feel cheated and go on to assume the station and privilege that you think you deserve. Even if you are recognized, you may act arrogant and smug. Be careful of this, because it creates a negative energy that could lead to your total downfall when Jupiter is out of this area of your chart. Metaphorically speaking, Jupiter can represent either real growth or the growth of fat. Make sure that for you this is a period of real growth.

Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Midheaven

This is a time of confidence and benevolence. you are secure in your knowledge of yourself and in the direction your life is taking. Even so, you are willing to learn more, and you will have many opportunities to do so. Your career and home life should be going quite smoothly at this time, and you may receive opportunities for personal advancement. This transit sometimes indicates an important position of leadership. Certainly your relationship with the people in power over you should be good, which will be important in your quest for personal advancement.

Your present attitude of confidence and security is not likely to degenerate into selfish pride or arrogance, unless this is a part of your basic character. You are much more likely to appreciate this chance to grow in wisdom and maturity. This is a good time to pursue an education if you desire, because you are open to new ideas and will be receptive to your studies. Law, philosophy and medicine are particularly appropriate subjects to the symbolism of this transit, but you are not limited to these.

This is also a good time to get in touch with your inner feelings. You are much more willing than usual to face the inner hidden aspects of yourself that you have been afraid to face in the past. Now you see a confrontation with your inner self as another opportunity to learn, and in truth it is. Also you will be able to understand how your past has affected the present, and you will learn to gain control over parts of yourself that used to control you. This increase in self-knowledge may be accompanied by or may may come to you through an increased religious or spiritual self-awareness.

Transiting Jupiter square Natal Midheaven

During this period you will try to achieve something of significance in your work or career. You will not find it sufficient to continue as you have, and your ambition will become more powerful than usual. This can be either good or bad in the long run, depending upon how you go about getting ahead. On the positive side, this transit helps you overcome your previous limitations, which were caused largely by fear and lack of confidence. Now you feel capable of greater achievements and are willing to work for them. This transit usually creates great optimism and self-confidence, but you must be careful that it does not become overconfidence. Your life will not take care of itself if you neglect the important details of daily existence. Do not let your seemingly more important present concerns cause you to neglect these other aspects of your life.

But this transit can also signify an inflated ego, a state of mind in which you attribute to yourself powers and talents far beyond your actual abilities. In rare and extreme cases, a person may think of himself as godlike. But for most people this is expressed simply as overestimation of one's talents. Be careful not to take on more than you can handle. This is so much positive energy in this transit that it would be unfortunate to waste it with pride, foolish arrogance and overestimation of your capabilities.

You want to be important now, and it is quite possible to attain that goal, but only if you know yourself adequately. Dare to do more than you have ever done before, but balance your daring with reason and care.

Transiting Jupiter trine Natal Midheaven

This is a time of increased optimism and self-confidence. You feel capable of doing much more than you have ever done, and you are willing to make the effort. This transit quite often signifies professional success, and you may receive a promotion of some kind. Others will look to you for leadership, for they recognize your self-confidence and see that you deserve it.

You have a good idea about where you want to go at this time, and you have probably mastered the techniques and skills needed to get there and have acquired the material resources as well. Under this influence you may gain financially, but you are not likely to squander your money. You will use it to get ahead.

If you are in business for yourself, you may want to expand your business under this transit, and you may have an opportunity to do so. Since Jupiter is also favorably aspecting your fourth house cusp, you may want to make improvements in your home or move to a larger and more spacious one.

Even if nothing very obvious happens on the material plane, as may be the case, this transit is usually a time of inner peace and contentment. You feel good about yourself, with none of the torments and insecurities that may afflict you at other times. Your confidence comes over to other people, and they feel good being with you. As a result you may be able to support or cheer up someone who is not feeling very well.

As with other Jupiter transits, you should be careful not to overextend yourself or become overcommitted in your boundless enthusiasm. Keep in mind that even now your energies are finite.

Transiting Jupiter quincunx Natal Midheaven

Transiting Jupiter opposite Natal Midheaven

This is a time for expansion and growth in your innermost personal life, a time when you will seek security at home and with your immediate family. It may be necessary to reexamine your past life to find out what it can teach you about yourself. But this should not be a source of anxiety. In fact, you should feel quite good about what you learn at this time. Your parents may be able to assist you considerably in this process.

The symbolism of this transit is that you incorporate more and more of the outer world into your innermost life. On the material level, you may buy a larger, more elegant or spacious home. Or you may buy land as an investment. But be careful of that, because the nature of this transit is such that you may not want to sell it again. Certainly it would be a good expression of this symbolism to improve your existing home and make it more comfortable.

At this time you should do everything to ensure that your personal life is as comfortable and secure as possible. You need to have a feeling of inner peace and security in order to continue to move out in the world. In fact you should not think so much about outward success now as about your more personal and intimate needs. And you should realize that your real need now is not land or a larger home, but a feeling of strength and inner growth.

This is the time to tie up any loose ends in your personal life, straighten out any relationships that are not working well, any leftovers from your past life that are still affecting the present adversely. To do this you may have to speak to others very openly about yourself and your innermost thoughts.

So this is a good time to settle and put down roots. The feeling of belonging to a place and a group of people is very important to you now. you don't have to do this in a way that limits your freedom of movement, and with Jupiter here it is very unlikely that you will do so. But everyone needs a solid home base so that they can feel at peace in their other activities. If you don't make an effort to construct such a base now, you will have difficulty later when your principal concerns are turning elsewhere.

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