nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Venus in the SR 1st House

This is a good time to tend to romantic and financial interests. Make sure that self-satisfaction is not the only goal. This is a good time for intimacy, social affairs and fun, but investment opportunities should not be neglected.

Venus in the 1st house is usually indicative of a gentle demeanor. You would not wish to hurt anyone's feelings over transgressions that have occurred in the past, nor for intrusions occurring in the present. It is common to be nonaggressive and even nonassertive with this placement, depending on Mars. Your gentle and nonassertive manner can leave you open to the demands of others, which may be overwhelming, especially if there are oppositions between planets in the 1st and 7th houses. If this is the case, your attention is divided between your needs and the needs of those you are involved with.

As much as you wish to assist others, part of your focus should be centered on meeting your own needs, and protecting your own interests from outside influences. You need free time and energy in order to "do your own thing." For this reason, Venus in the 1st house is associated with self-protection and balance. You may need to learn to protect your own interests from the intrusions, opinions and demands of others.

The most common form of self-protection associated with this placement is withdrawal from contact with others. You spend more time alone during the year for one reason or another. You probably like being alone and feel you are your own best company. You do not want to give up personal needs and interests just to be with others. Aloneness may be a simple matter of changing environment. Gradu¬ates leaving a college dormitory and living alone for the first time might have this placement, as well as individuals engaged or married yet separated from their loved ones.

If there is a strong opposition from the 1st to the 7th house, aloneness may alternate with a strong emphasis on relationships, indicating a seesaw, all-or-nothing lifestyle during the year. But usually "aloneness" carries more meaning and greater importance than merely being by yourself. You may need time alone to take care of your own interests. For example, a new writer needed more time alone to write an intense novel. She enjoyed working with the fantasy she was creating. Her time alone was used to foster a creative and productive working environment. During the year she tended to avoid superficial and unnecessary social contacts.

Another individual was plagued by the demands of several neighbors. She was home during the day and constantly called upon for help. She did not mind helping others, but her nonassertive personality allowed the demands to become excessive and eventually she had little time to herself. Her neighbors took advantage of her, asking her to do things they would normally do for themselves. She began to leave her phone off the hook and pretend to be out when someone came to the door. She used aloneness as an escape.

The reasons you want to be alone should be indicated by the rest of the solar return chart. You may be running from a situation you find difficult to control or to a situation you wish to create. The interpretation is modified greatly by Mars, its house position and aspects. Generally a strong natal and/or solar return Mars indicates an individual who is able to defend his or her own interests success¬fully without escaping. This individual is more likely to be alone because aloneness has innate value during the year. Nonassertive individuals are more likely to see withdrawal as a form of self-protection.

Benefits, money and comforts are self-made during the year. Do not expect others to provide for you unless there are other indications in the solar return chart. This is generally not the time for obtaining from others, but rather a time to be good to yourself. You are able to advance through your own efforts, but to do this you must be more aware of your skills and more confident of your abilities. Your greatest opportunities are self-made, and your greatest achievements involve personal satisfaction.

See also: Venus in the 1st House;

SR Venus in the SR 2nd House

One might think that Venus in the 2nd house of the solar return would be associated with increased money and materialism. Certainly you pay more attention to finances with this placement. But rather than increased money, Venus in the 2nd house is more likely to indicate easy money, the kind that requires no extra work on your part. The epitome of this interpretation is money that comes to you through welfare or unemployment checks. This is a possibility, although usually not the case. The most common manifestation is that money comes more easily because you cut back on your hours at work or refuse overtime. You may earn a little less, but the quality of your life seems more important than the extra income.

Venus in the 2nd normally indicates you are comfortable with the money you have or earn, so it is most likely that you anticipated .this cutback in salary and either paid off your debts or made adjustments in your budget so the financial loss would not be noticeable.

Another common manifestation for this Venus placement is an increase in salary or funds available. As a rule, pay raises will not involve a great increase in time or effort on your part. If you work as a salesperson, you may land a huge account, thereby raising your commission without increasing your work load. If you are employed at a steady salary, you may be given a raise or bonus.

Another alternative is changing jobs and getting paid more for doing the same work. Your salary may remain the same, but funds become available through other means. Suppose you sell your home at a great profit and decide not to buy another home, or purchase one at a lower price. This leaves more money available without any extra work. Even if you do not get a raise, or do not work, small checks may come in the mail from unexpected sources (dividends, refunds, interest, etc.). Probably none of the checks will be large but you will find them helpful.

During the year, you should feel comfortable with the amount of money you have available to spend. You are unlikely to feel impoverished unless there are other indications in the chart. Aspects to Venus and other planets in the 2nd house may give you some idea as to what financial situations will evolve. Aspects between the 10th and the 2nd or the 6th and the 2nd generally imply that money is job-related. If Venus is heavily aspected from the 8th house, debts and shared resources will be an issue. An emphasis on the 11th house with Venus in the 2nd would indicate the desire to work with long-term financial goals (e.g., saving for a college education). Whenever Venus is heavily aspected in the solar return, financial situations may be changing or complicated by other interests.

You are in the process of reassessing your value system. Priorities may be changed or even reversed. What may have been important before is no longer crucial; what you once took for granted is now cherished. Usually the shift is toward an appreciation of inner beauty and the quality of life, but some people experience Venus in the 2nd house as a surge in materialism, especially when Venus is in an earth sign. You may not want to do extra work to increase your cash flow, so you will try to think of less taxing ways to get more money.

You might also experience a moral or ethical conflict at this time, especially if Venus is heavily emphasized. Venus in the 2nd shows that moral issues will be reassessed, especially the issue of monogamy or loyalty to one person. Contrary to what one might think, traditional concepts are not always stressed. The interpretation of Venus in this house seems to be most closely related to proclivities shown in the natal chart and the rest of the solar return. Ethical issues focus on monetary practices such as accurate expense account reporting, appropriate fees for services rendered, and the disposition of funds. Several aspects to Venus in the 2nd can indicate mixed feelings with regards to these moral or ethical issues.

See also: Venus in the 2nd House;

SR Venus in the SR 3rd House

Venus in the 3rd house of the solar return emphasizes all forms of communication, both verbal and written. Your ability to express yourself coherently is important to the activities of the year. Others will listen and respond to what you have to say; therefore your communication patterns need to be clear and concise. For example, one individual organized and wrote a correspondence course during the year Venus was in the 3rd house of the solar return chart. This person's ability to write well was crucial to the success of the task at hand. But one does not have to be involved in a major project to need good communication skills. Effective negotiating techniques are useful in many everyday situations, both business and personal. The ability to make your point quickly, easily, and clearly can give you the edge when mediating a dispute or bargaining for what you want. At other times, being diplomatic may be more advantageous. If you feel the need for improvement, you may want to take a course in commu-nication skills, but for those who are experiencing problems of a personal nature, it is more common to attend counseling sessions, especially when communicating and negotiating needs are the major topics of discussion.

A love of learning is also shown by Venus in the 3rd house. This is a good time to return to school or sign up for a course. If you have been apprehensive in the past about finishing your education or going on for a higher degree, this is a good time to start. It may be easier for you to adjust now since you look forward to learning new things. If you do your best work, academic honors are possible during the year.

Social contacts with neighbors are increasing and you may meet or socialize with a greater number of local people. Superficial familiarity with many neighbors is more common than in-depth relating to a few. The emphasis here is not necessarily on creating new and long-lasting friendships, but acquiring new acquaintances. In keeping with this trend, you may join the neighborhood coffee klatch or community association. My favorite example for a 3rd house' solar return Venus is a teenaged girl who took her first job at a local neighborhood library. She not only met many of her neighbors, she also began to date a few. Your urge to meet and communicate with your neighbors can be motivated by a neighborhood problem. Social¬ization may be secondary to involvement in an organized community effort or public service.

See also: Venus in the 3rd House;

SR Venus in the SR 4th House

Venus in the 4th house indicates that now more than ever you need a comfortable home to serve as a retreat, a place to regenerate your vitality and nourish your emotional nature. "Home" needs to be a supportive place, a shelter for the wounded, a protection from less hospitable environments. Home may be the place where you are now living, the place you are moving to, or the place where you grew up. It is the sustaining quality that is important, not the location. You need to feel comfortable somewhere on the face of the earth.

If you do have that warm and cozy place to call home, you will enjoy being there this year and may not care to go out much. Rather than nights on the town, you prefer staying at home and entertaining others. If you do not have a sense of home at the present time, it will be your goal to develop a more comfortable living space over the next year. You will want your interests and needs reflected in me place you call home. The changes and decisions you make concerning your external physical environment will reflect your internal emotional changes and decisions.

You will probably redecorate your home. Venus by itself in the 4th house usually indicates simple redecorating. Many planets in the 4th (especially when Pluto, Uranus and/or Saturn are among them) can show major renovations (and a greater tendency toward strong emotional change). If you have outer planets in the 4th with Venus, you may have the urge to redo the whole house, knock down walls or build on additions. Remodeling of this nature is more extensive and tends to take most of the year. During this time you may experience a period of discomfort and physical upheaval as you wait for the renovations to be completed.

There is a reason why the quality of the home life becomes so important. This year can be a time of recovery and healing. Venus in the 4th is often seen in the charts of those who have experienced difficulties in the previous year or years, and who are now focusing their energy on healing old wounds. These individuals need to feel centered and whole, and they focus on their physical home as a source of comfort and rootedness. When Venus is conjunct an outer planet in the 4th house, the healing process is more complicated man simple recovery. Issues need to be resolved and the native may experience continuing or intermittent problems related to the initial wound.

This is a good time to improve your relationship with your parents. If your parents have already passed over, use this year to foster and recall fond memories you may have of them, especially if up until now you have only been able to remember more painful times. If your parents are still living, work to improve your relationship with them. You need that strong sense of rootedness that can come from family ties. If your relationship with your parents has always been difficult and things still don't work out well, this is a good time to form your own roots and fond memories.

An example of the way physical and emotional concepts of home may be intertwined seems appropriate here. A young sculptress found it very difficult to work in her studio. Her father had worked beside her for many years, bonding the wood she carved and doing some of the heavier jobs. He had died the year before and the woman could not bear to enter the studio since it was filled with his presence. She was a sculptress without a home (studio), unable to work. While Venus was in her solar return 4th house, the woman worked with her feelings of grief. She allowed her emotions to surface, remembering her father as he was. She became reconciled to his passing and began to move ahead. Realizing the importance of the external environment, she redecorated her studio to suit her own needs and interests. She added skylights to correct the dim lighting, large windows to enable her to see the trees in the forest, and an oak floor to enhance the natural atmosphere of her surroundings.

Incorporated into the studio were things her father had used and she still needed, now placed beside those features mat were purely her own. By the end of the year, the sculptress had come to better understand her father and their relationship, the influence of her physical environment and the important role emotions play in her continuing development.

See also: Venus in the 4th House;

SR Venus in the SR 5th House

Venus in this house can be indicative of a love affair, especially if the Sun and/or Moon are also in the 5th. Generally, the more planets in the 5th house with Venus, the greater the possibility of romantic involvement. Although any 5th house relationship can lead to marriage eventually, for the present it will probably remain an affair.

Strong relationships can be shown by the Sun, Moon and planets in either the 5th or the 7th houses, but marriage is more likely to be considered an option with many 7th house placements. Fifth house placements also imply strong attractions and relationships, but usually the commitment necessary for marriage has not yet been developed. Square aspects between 5th and 7th house planets indicate a disagreement over where the relationship is headed or if it is headed anywhere at all. One partner may be keen on marriage while the other is not. For those who are already married, these aspects and place¬ments suggest that children or outside involvements disrupt your already existing relationship.

Venus in the 5th house does not always mean romance is immi¬nent, because this is also the house of self-expression and greater personality diversification. A positive evolutionary cycle of increasing self-confidence, coupled with increasing self-expression, is associated with this placement. It's a good time to gain confidence in your abilities while trying something totally new. This year can be very creative, productive and encouraging. Self-expression is not limited to artistic endeavors; one individual founded a nursery school with Venus in the 5th house. The medium is not important. What is noteworthy is the growth in self-confidence that accompanies the increased self-expression.

This is a good year to spend extra time with your children and relate to them in a more positive way.

If you have had difficulties with your children in the recent past, your relationship may improve during the coming year. Venus taken out of context and by itself can indicate improved conditions according to its house position. Children who have had problems with school, siblings, or adjustments to relocations and social situations, may appear to be making more progress during the year. It is also possible you are better able to understand their problems and take appropriate corrective action. This placement may be mutually beneficial for both parent and child. If you do not have children of your own, you may still be involved with children in one way or another.

See also: Venus the 5th House;

SR Venus in the SR 6th House

You would think that Venus in the 6th house would be a sign of good health, and often this is true. It is possible to experience beneficial changes in wellness, diet and exercise. Healthy individuals can make nutritional changes or establish exercise routines to maxi¬mize their energy and physical condition. If you have been ill, Venus may indicate a return to good health, or at least an improvement in your present condition. However, instead of an improvement, Venus can be associated with a tendency towards overindulgence and a susceptibility to its related diseases. The most common problems include, but are not limited to, weight gain, alcoholism, and skin problems. Women can have problems with the female organs. Perhaps the best strategy to use during the year is to practice those health routines which truly make you feel healthy.

The 6th house is also the house of work, and Venus placed here emphasizes the importance of good working relationships and a pleasant work environment. One relationship in particular might be especially important, and you may be romantically involved with a co-worker. All employees will want to have cordial relations with their office mates, while managers will seek to find pleasant ways to motivate their staffs.

Regardless of your position, you can benefit from the use of negotiation techniques, tact and diplomacy in office situations. Your physical work environment is as important as the emotional climate. Your productivity can be increased by beneficial changes in your daily routine. New machinery, such as a computer, may be brought in to facilitate your job; scheduling may be altered to fit your personal needs; nonsmokers may be moved to a smoke-free office; you may be given a raise; or your work could be noticed and appreciated. If Venus is heavily aspected, there will be both positive and negative qualities to your job. Issues will be more complicated, as illustrated by the emphasis in the solar return chart.

See also: Venus in the 6th House;

SR Venus in the SR 7th House

A 7th house Venus emphasizes the importance of relating posi¬tively to others. This usually applies specifically to your relationship with one particular individual (such as a spouse or business partner), but may apply to others in general. Relationships can improve or deteriorate during the year, depending on your abilities and the situations involved. Effective relating is important to the task at hand, and your ability to foster and sustain good relationships affects your ability to succeed and prosper. For example, if you seek to form a business partnership during the year, your ability to get along with your future partner would have a direct beneficial or detrimental effect on the success of the business.

It is to your advantage to sharpen your negotiating skills and learn to compromise when the situation calls for it, regardless of the type of relationship you are involved in. Realize that you can allow your own personal needs to be superseded by your partner's demands, wishes or expectations. If your spouse is being transferred to another state, he or she may ask you to follow despite your own personal situation or preferences. Your wishes can be superseded by the needs of the relationship, but in the final analysis, the move may prove positive for you both.

This year, you can benefit directly from your associations with others, perhaps more so than if you tried to go it alone. A new writer worked closely with a literary agent to gain the writing contract of her choice while Venus was in the 7th house. She listened and responded to her agent's suggestions about the first draft of the manuscript. Because the two developed a good working relationship based on respect for each other's opinions, the manuscript was improved and the writer ultimately benefited greatly. This is an excellent time to ask for favors and assistance from others. You tend to reap what you have sown.

Negatively, Venus in the 7th house can indicate that you allow a relationship to suppress your individual identity, restrict your personal freedom and tax you unnecessarily. You placate your partner and bend over backwards to please him or her, rather man relate as an equal. You may feel torn between satisfying your own needs and those of the person you are involved with, especially if there are oppositions between Venus and planets in the 1st house.

In an extreme case, the relationship becomes more important than self-preservation and you allow your needs and energy to be drained away. When this occurs, subservience replaces relating, acquiescence replaces compromise, control replaces respect, and you begin to feel that it is your job to keep someone else happy. A young female administrative assistant at a local charity spent more time fulfilling her employer's personal needs than concentrating on her own charity work. She was in a precarious position and since he had the power to fire her, she allowed her own needs to go unmet. Focusing on the cooperative interpretation of this placement will help one avoid the pitfalls.

See also: Venus in the 7th House;

SR Venus in the SR 8th House

Relationships will tend to be more intense and complicated during the year. Psychological forces will play a strong role in your feelings of attraction to, and repulsion from, others. You will have a tendency to be unconsciously drawn to certain individuals, perhaps for reasons you find difficult to understand. One relationship in particular may be especially compelling, and you can react impulsively rather than respond rationally to this person. A relationship of this intensity has transforming qualities. It enables you to see yourself, others and relationships in a new way by making everyone's fears, insecurities and complexes more obvious. Psychological complexes are impediments to greater intimacy. They must be recognized and dealt with effectively before love can mature. This is an excellent time for joint counseling since the focus for the year will be on understanding how psychological forces play a role in your relation¬ships.

Negatively, your relationships, or one in particular, may be a power struggle over money or sex. Regardless of whether this is a love relationship, a business relationship, or a relationship built on animosity, control issues will be important. Either one or both of you may use fear, intimidation, jealousy or manipulation in an attempt to gain money, sex or power over the other. The use of psychological tactics within the relationship complicates and weakens the negotiation process, making discussion and compromise difficult, if not impossible. Daily struggles, lacking any foreseeable resolution, can leave you weak, drained, and feeling more controlled than in control.

When Venus is in the 8th house, you may receive money from sources other than your own earning power. If you split funds and expenses with someone else, you can benefit through your partner's pay raise or financial windfall. Your available funds increase through another person's efforts. If you are dependent upon someone for financial support, you may request and/or receive an increased amount of money. Funds can also come to you through an inheritance, insurance claims settlement, legal action, or joint financial venture. In all of these cases, money is not work-related unless profit sharing, retirement funds, royalties or disability payments are in¬volved.

Negatively, this placement can show a struggle over shared resources. Money intended for your use may not be given freely or may not be given at all. Business partners who cannot settle their monetary disputes may end up in court. Individuals involved in a personal relationship are less likely to go to court over money, but more likely to see money as a tool for control. In this situation, money comes with strings attached. If you are financially dependent on someone else for support or locked into your present standard of living, you are more apt to allow yourself to be controlled, trading your personal freedom for your financial status.

Sex may also be tied to money, power or control. Psychological complexes can color your sexual experience or moral judgments. On a more positive note, sexual fulfillment will be stressed as an important and necessary part of your intimate relationships. Sexual relations themselves can become more pleasurable and better integrated with affection and love during the coming year. This is more likely to be true if sexual problems have occurred in the past and you have actively worked to improve your situation.

See also: Venus in the 8th House;

SR Venus in the SR 9th House

With Venus in the 9th house, your beliefs about intimate relation¬ships are being tested. You must support your intimate partnership with a philosophical concept of what that relationship is about and why it exists. Gut reactions and unconscious responses will now seem inappropriate. Relationships are no longer simple boy-meets-girl encounters. They are a crucial part of your present life situation, and issues concerning them need to be examined. One relationship in particular, usually but not necessarily the marriage, must be validated as a wormy and understandable association.

It seems strange that Venus in the 9th house might be associated with relationship difficulties, but this is often the case. Perhaps one tends to dream the impossible dream and yearn for more than is reasonable. If you have this placement, you will naturally tend to review your immediate intimate involvements. You will consider your initial attraction, pains and joys through your years together, and your present feeling of fulfillment, anger or sadness. What you discover may reaffirm your commitment, or make you realize that your relationship is not living up to your expectations. (Expectation, as it is used here, is really a synonym for belief.)

Normally there is a perceived internal or external threat to your main relationship which triggers this review process. Your relationship may not be fulfilling, or you or your partner may be interested in someone else. Sometimes the threat is serious; many times it is not; occasionally it is imagined. It may be only coincidental to the review process. The planets aspecting Venus and the houses they reside in or rule may indicate the issues involved. The main goal for this place¬ment is to establish realistic philosophical and moral guidelines consistent with your intimate experiences and needs. During this period, you might also formulate ethical codes of conduct with regard to professional business partnerships. These guidelines will help you better understand your present involvements while also setting up conduct standards for the future.

As your beliefs evolve, you may need help sorting through the changes. For this reason, many individuals join a religious or philosophical discussion group during the year. The group may not discuss relationships per se, but the discussions will help you focus on the important issues.

You are also more likely to take a course during the year, and the course might be relevant to the issues you are faced with. Educational pursuits may focus on religious or philosophical topics, new-age concepts or relationships themselves. If you attend a formal school, your relationships with professors, students and fellow classmates should be warm and sociable, extending beyond the classroom experience. Benefits derived from your studies may be material, intellectual, emotional or spiritual. Academic awards and recognition are possible for those who do their best work, regardless of whether you are the student or the teacher.

You should travel this year since you will be fascinated by foreign places, cultures and people. Travel overseas may be particularly enjoyable. If you do business with those overseas, foreign partnerships can be pleasant and profitable. If you cannot travel, study foreign customs, try out various ethnic foods and visit ethnic neigh¬borhoods. Romance with a foreigner is possible.

See also: Venus in the 9th House; Venus in the 9th House;

SR Venus in the SR 10th House

Venus emphasizes the importance of good relationships according to its house placement in the solar return chart. When Venus is in the 10th house, the focus of attention is on relating to authority figures. If you are still young, these authority figures will be your parents and school officials, but if you have reached the age of employment, the interpretation will most likely apply to your employers. This is a good time to foster a personal relationship with your boss; besides making working conditions more pleasant, it can help your career. During the year, who you know will be as important as what you are capable of doing. Your relationship with a boss will probably be strictly business. A few individuals have been able to "sleep" their way to the top, but generally relationships without professional effort or business talent will not get very far.

The greatest success stories come from those who were able to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with their superior while maintaining high performance. The relationship becomes mutually beneficial when your productivity is enhanced by the personal attention and guidance you receive from your boss, while at the same time your boss's ability to motivate you and other employees is increased by the personal commitment you make to his or her business plan. For some, the mutually beneficial relationship grows to become a mentor-employee involvement which can further your career goals for many years to come, since personal endorsements normally carry a lot of weight. Advancement can come more easily with this Venus placement and this kind of situation. Your employers will be as interested in developing your abilities as you are in getting ahead, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Model yourself after those who are already very successful in your chosen career. Seek career guidance from those you work for. Learn to be a team player in the business world. This is a good time to develop your negotiating skills. Sway others to support your proposals and make compromises work to your advantage.

The 10th house is the house of destiny or long-term influences which become milestones in your personal history. Venus here is associated with making choices that are important to either your career, your destiny, or both. Options are not always career-related, though generally this is the case. You will probably have the opportunity to make an important choice during the coming year. This is a good time to decide to attend college, change professions, become self-employed or relocate to a different state or even a different country. Enterprises you begin now could benefit you greatly in both the near and distant future.

The down side of Venus in the 10th house is the inconsistency of the interpretation. Although Venus can show advancements and success, no planet guarantees a benefic or malefic interpretation. The manifestation is always based on your ability to handle your drives, and the action you ultimately take. This is especially true with Venus in the 10th house; a lot depends on your ability to get along with your superiors. Professional success tends to come more easily with Venus in the 10th, but when no work is involved, it may not come at all. Also, the interpretation for Venus is greatly modified by the aspects made to other planets, more so than is the case with other planets or other houses. Oppositions from the 4th house can indicate that your interests are split between domestic and career needs. Relocation may pull you out of an established, successful position. With square aspects from the 1st house, personality preferences may make you uncomfortable with your present position. You may not like your boss, or you may prefer self-employment to your nine-to-five job. Squares from the 7th house can show conflict between partnership involvements and career demands. Some examples may help you with your own interpretations.

One woman with Venus in the 10th house at the apex of a T-square with Mars in the 1st and Pluto in the 7th found that her affair with a married man affected her ability to function well at work.

Another woman with retrograde Venus in the 10th opposed to Neptune in the 4th and square to Mars and Saturn in the 1st left her job at a design studio and opened her own business. Her ability to be self-disciplined (Mars and Saturn in the 1st house of the solar return chart) enabled her to strike out on her own despite feelings of insecurity (Neptune in the 4th).

See also: Venus in the 10th House;

SR Venus in the SR 11th House

An 11th house solar return Venus indicates you are more likely to be involved in friendships and associations with a number of people rather than in-depth relationships with only a few individuals. Your relationship style leans more heavily towards detached, less intimate forms of relating. If you are not presently involved in an intimate relationship, it is unlikely that you will form one during this solar return period. You are more apt to be friendly with a variety of people than fulfilled by any single relationship. This placement can be associated with "playing the field." Even if you do have your eye on one particular individual, he or she may not be ready to make any kind of commitment at this time.

If you are already married or involved in a stable intimate relationship, you may want to make new acquaintances by socializing with groups of people. The focus will be on expanding your circle of friends and creating new interests. Personal freedom may be an issue and you and your partner can make changes which will increase your freedom and flexibility. If your marriage or steady relationship is strong, these changes will not have a disruptive effect. But if your relationship is weak and you question your loyalty to one person or feel very restricted by your present partnership, the push for freedom can lead to strong attractions to other people.

The 11th is the house of "why not?" and issues and conflicts related to monogamy are common. You may be tempted by an opportunity for an affair. How friendly you actually get with others is your decision. Sex is not necessarily a requirement for the variety of experiences and excitement you seek with this placement, but it may suit your needs during this time. Weak marriages can break down, especially if there are oppositions between Venus in the 11th house and planets in the 5th. In this case, friends tend to become lovers while lovers become friends, and your ability to make a distinction becomes clouded. Aspects to the 2nd house show traditional relationships versus the need for freedom, while aspects from the 8th focus on sexuality. Aspects to the other succedent houses can also emphasize monogamy issues, security or financial risks, and stability versus change.

Your friends can be very helpful and great sources of strength. You may depend on your friends to help you achieve your goals during the year. One woman, who started a small business, called on her friends to fill in when she needed extra hands for short periods of time. This is a good year to foster helping friendships and to network within your community. You can do this for either business or personal reasons.

You may join an organized group or attend regularly scheduled social functions. Going to meetings can fulfill two needs, giving you a wide range of social contacts while also expanding your interests. Group involvement can be mutually beneficial, as there is room for give and take with this placement. Interactions can provide you with opportunities for personal growth or professional advancement. You may see group interaction as a way of implementing your goals. This may or may not be the case, but group members are likely to be supportive.

This can be a good time to seek a promotion or raise. The 11th house is the money house for the 10th of career. You may be rewarded for your hard work, but don't expect something for nothing. If Venus is in the 11th without strong Saturnian aspects or placements in the 10th or 11th, the promotion is more likely to involve money only, but with a Saturnian motif, you are more apt to accept extra responsibility along with the salary increase.

See also: Venus in the 11th House;

SR Venus in the SR 12th House

When Venus is in the 12th house, it indicates that inner emotional and spiritual qualities are valued more than material success or external achievement. Real success and achievement develop through helping relationships with others and the ability to maintain your own inner peace regardless of your immediate environment or previous involvements. For those who have recently come through a difficult period, this may be a time for inner healing and comfort. Values are centered on nonphysical attributes. Outer beauty and materialism will not be valued as highly as the inner qualities you now seek or possess. Having money is not as important as the quality of life and your ability to be happy with who you are and where you are headed.

The money you already have or presently earn may not concern you; however, a lack of money in the foreseeable future may be important. Venus in the 12th is not especially secure money-wise and it is the future money that is in question. Individuals commonly feel financially uncertain with a 12th house Venus. If you are employed, you may hear rumors of salary cuts, lay-offs or decreasing sales commissions, or you yourself may actually be considering a job change, thereby threatening your financial security. Those who are self-employed may not be able to estimate earnings for one reason or another. Generally a 12th house Venus is more rumor and uncertainty than fact. If you consciously reassess your values and consider your options, you will discover that money is not the focus of your existence; other factors associated with the quality of life are more important.

Because of this internal focus, the spiritual side of your personality can grow and become more intimately involved with your inter¬pretation of daily experiences, thereby making these daily experiences more meaningful and significant within a broader scope of understanding. This is a good time to foster spiritual evolvement through meditation and introspection. "Quiet times" may be essential to your pattern of growth, and consequently you may be socially withdrawn during the year. Being alone gives you time to focus on events, feelings and thoughts without distractions, thus enabling you to complete a process of absorption and integration.

During more sociable periods, your inner focus leads you to be attracted to people, places and things which possess inner strength and significance. Older people, grown wise with their years, and those who seem self-possessed and at peace with themselves are especially attractive to you. "Quality" social contacts are more important than "quantity."

Venus in the 12th house of the solar return also shows possible involvement in a hidden love relationship. New relationships will tend to have a clandestine quality this year. For one reason or another, you find it difficult to be openly attracted to this person. It may be that the two of you are very different and others will disapprove or one of you may have already made a commitment to someone else. Even if the relationship can be more open, the two of you may chose to spend most of your time at home alone with each other.

Involvement in a savior-victim relationship is a real danger with Venus in the 12th house. Since you are more in tune with inner qualities and emotions, you are more likely to be sympathetic and compassionate. You are able to feel the pain and suffering of those you are close to, and consequently you have a strong desire to help.

Your desire to be helpful is especially strong if you are romantically involved. It is to your advantage to help only those who are truly in need, respond to your assistance, and appreciate your help. Unless you are a mental health professional, do not seek to save the alcoholic, the drug addict or the emotionally disturbed. You are not trained to cope with these types of situations and you will be physically drained and emotionally victimized by the resulting frustration. Use your compassion wisely and don't play martyr.

See also: Venus in the 12th House; Venus in the 12th House;

Natal Venus on the SR 1st House cusp

The 1st house (Ascendant) pertains to all of your efforts; the manner in which you come across to others; your immediate surroundings, and how you tend to conduct yourself, or present yourself to others. This deals with your health, your basic energy level, and in general, describes how you see your year - the "umbrella" of the year. It describes what you desire of yourself and for yourself this year.

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 2nd House cusp

The 2nd house pertains to your money, income, savings, and new possessions.

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 3rd House cusp

Natal Venus on the SR 4th House cusp

The 4th house (I.C.) pertains to your home and your family; also your basic needs, your inner self, the "real you." This has to do with your domestic setting, the people you live with, and your parents.

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 5th House cusp

The 5th house pertains to your lovers, children, and people you socialize with (i.e. party with). It also has to do with speculative ventures and pursuits of fun and entertainment. It also rules creative pursuits, but mostly it has to do with your capacity for enjoyment of life and relationships with children.

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 6th House cusp

Natal Venus on the SR 7th House cusp

The 7th house (Descendant) pertains to your marriage and partnerships (including business); it also pertains to others who represent or misrepresent you (lawyers, spokespersons, open enemies).

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 8th House cusp

The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one's research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 9th House cusp

The 9th house pertains to your long distance travels, legal decisions, publishing, and educational pursuits, as well as in-laws and second marriage, if it applies. It also deals with philosophical matters like religion and "the meaning life".

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 10th House cusp

The 10th house (Midheaven) pertains to your career and vocation; your status in the community; your accomplishments; your role as the head of the company, enterprise, or household; the father-figures in your life (father, employer, supervisor).

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style - for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 11th House cusp

The 11th house pertains to your friends, as well as people you have "power struggles" with; your professional rewards and accomplishments; the realization of your efforts; your dealings within groups.

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Natal Venus on the SR 12th House cusp

The 12th house pertains to your dealings behind the scenes, or the behind-the-scenes-dealings which effect you; hospitals, prisons, jails, places of confinement; your "fantasy" world; places of reclusion; your secrets and private world.

Relationships, love matters, romantic interests, compatibility and harmony with others is highlighted in this area of your life. It shows an area where you may experience popularity, as well as favorable developments in finances, valuables, and possessions. It denotes where you may exhibit good taste -- or style -- for the current year. It shows where you may find compatibility or acquire something of value. It also denotes the areas in which others are likely to show favor to you. It may be that you find things which are pleasing to your nature, i.e. a sense of beauty, in this area of life. It may indicate areas wherein you come across artistic and creative, or meet such types. More significantly it will show where you can make contacts -- and the types of contacts -- that you may use later on, either for yourself personally, or to function as a mediator or go-between for others. The qualities you tend to exhibit in this area of life are graciousness, diplomacy, sociability, and possible stubbornness, jealousy, and possessiveness.

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