nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Venus conjunct SR Saturn

Saturn conjuncting Venus can have one of two different manifestations: the solidification of a relationship, or the inhibition of a relationship. Both processes involve the use of structure to define a relationship. Healthy relationships can strengthen and show a renewed sense of commitment to the future by both partners. The ability to accept more responsibility with or for each other is common. Marriage, raising children, and purchasing homes together are three common events that reflect this change. The relationship gains more stability because of a new definition of purpose and intent.

Partners who basically love each other and are committed to a relationship, but experiencing a period of change and adjustment, might do well to give each other a little space, understanding and support. The distance needed can foster individual expression and achievement. For example, if you or your spouse wants to go back to school for a higher degree, time must be set aside for classes and study.

Relationship inhibition occurs when the structure and definition of the relationship is used to limit rather than give a sense of purpose. You may not be allowed to give and receive love in a relaxed manner since love is always controlled, defined, withheld, rejected or not accepted as it exists. You yourself may refuse to make a further commitment, or it can be your partner who backs off. Statements like, "We're just friends," or "This is only an affair and I could never leave my wife," are two examples of the kind of structuring associated with Saturn-Venus contacts. Very poor relationships may be defined by separation and divorce. One person may accept total responsibility for a second individual. The "parent" partner acts as the person in charge of the "irresponsible child" and the relationship loses all sense of balance and equality.

Financially, you will probably be working with less cash during the year. Your budget will be tight, either because you have limited funds or you choose to conserve money and build savings. If you are normally very free with your money, this is a time when you are more careful with spending practices. Even the very rich will want to know how much they have and where it all goes.

Some may experience a cutback in funds. These are the people who quit their jobs, cut back on hours or salary, become self-employed, or experience a dramatic change in their lifestyle which would naturally affect funds available.

See also: Venus conjunct Saturn;

SR Venus sextile SR Saturn

Saturn harmoniously aspecting Venus normally means the solidification of a relationship. Healthy relationships can strengthen and show a renewed sense of commitment to the future by both partners. The ability to accept more responsibility with or for each other is common. Marriage, raising children, and purchasing homes together are three common events that reflect this change. The relationship gains more stability because of a new definition of purpose and intent.

Partners who basically love each other and are committed to a relationship, but experiencing a period of change and adjustment, might do well to give each other a little space, understanding and support. The distance needed can foster individual expression and achievement. For example, if you or your spouse wants to go back to school for a higher degree, time must be set aside for classes and study.

Financially, you may be working with less cash during the year. Your budget may be tight, either because you have limited funds or you choose to conserve money and build savings. If you are normally very free with your money, this is a time when you are more careful with spending practices. Even the very rich will want to know how much they have and where it all goes.

See also: Venus sextile Saturn;

SR Venus square SR Saturn

Saturn squaring Venus can have one of two different manifestations: the solidification of a relationship, or the inhibition of a relationship. Both processes involve the use of structure to define a relationship. Healthy relationships can strengthen and show a renewed sense of commitment to the future by both partners, but not without some or a lot of necessary effort. The ability to accept more responsibility with or for each other is common. Marriage, raising children, and purchasing homes together are three common events that reflect this change. The relationship gains more stability because of a new definition of purpose and intent.

Partners who basically love each other and are committed to a relationship, but experiencing a period of change and adjustment, might do well to give each other a little space, understanding and support. The distance needed can foster individual expression and achievement. For example, if you or your spouse wants to go back to school for a higher degree, time must be set aside for classes and study.

Relationship inhibition occurs when the structure and definition of the relationship is used to limit rather than give a sense of purpose. You may not be allowed to give and receive love in a relaxed manner since love is always controlled, defined, withheld, rejected or not accepted as it exists. You yourself may refuse to make a further commitment, or it can be your partner who backs off. Statements like, "We're just friends," or "This is only an affair and I could never leave my wife," are two examples of the kind of structuring associated with Saturn-Venus contacts. Very poor relationships may be defined by separation and divorce. One person may accept total responsibility for a second individual. The "parent" partner acts as the person in charge of the "irresponsible child" and the relationship loses all sense of balance and equality.

Financially, you will probably be working with less cash during the year. Your budget will be tight, either because you have limited funds or you choose to conserve money and build savings. If you are normally very free with your money, this is a time when you are more careful with spending practices. Even the very rich will want to know how much they have and where it all goes.

Some may experience a cutback in funds. These are the people who quit their jobs, cut back on hours or salary, become self-employed, or experience a dramatic change in their lifestyle which would naturally affect funds available.

See also: Venus square Saturn;

SR Venus trine SR Saturn

Saturn harmoniously aspecting Venus normally means the solidification of a relationship. Healthy relationships can strengthen and show a renewed sense of commitment to the future by both partners. The ability to accept more responsibility with or for each other is common. Marriage, raising children, and purchasing homes together are three common events that reflect this change. The relationship gains more stability because of a new definition of purpose and intent.

Partners who basically love each other and are committed to a relationship, but experiencing a period of change and adjustment, might do well to give each other a little space, understanding and support. The distance needed can foster individual expression and achievement. For example, if you or your spouse wants to go back to school for a higher degree, time must be set aside for classes and study.

Financially, you may be working with less cash during the year. Your budget may be tight, either because you have limited funds or you choose to conserve money and build savings. If you are normally very free with your money, this is a time when you are more careful with spending practices. Even the very rich will want to know how much they have and where it all goes.

See also: Venus trine Saturn;

SR Venus quincunx SR Saturn

The inconjunct between Venus and Saturn indicates that you will feel burdened by excessive responsibilities this year. You may feel that other people always want you to do something for them, and you resent it. Actually, probably you overreact, assuming they want more from you than they do. It would be unfair to criticize them for this. You really want everyone to approve of you, so you may try to buy approval by offering yourself.

You must carefully evaluate your priorities for yourself and for others. Your greatest problem may be that you don't like yourself enough, so you feel that you really deserve to be used by others. If you think about it, all you owe anybody else is tolerance and respect. You owe yourself much more than this - for instance, to be free from intimidation, to know your own worth, and to be burdened only by matters that serve your interests. When you have achieved some satisfaction of your own needs, it will be time enough to do it for others.

If you handle your opinion of yourself, you can accomplish many things in your career. The same intensity you directed towards others can be used to further develop your natural talents. You have enormous potential for success. You are serious and responsible about doing your work well; in fact, you will probably work harder than your co-workers or competitors.

Your love interests may be somewhat burdensome this year unless you stand firm and refuse to let your lover consider you as anything less than an equal.

If you occasionally find yourself alone, try not to grow depressed and conclude that no-one wants you. Use the opportunity to learn new skills or develop those you already have. You have every chance of being greatly admired if you will simply mobilize your efforts toward specific goals. Depression can be your worst enemy, for it can interfere with good digestion and assimilation.

See also: Venus quincunx Saturn;

SR Venus opposite SR Saturn

Saturn opposing Venus can have one of two different manifestations: the solidification of a relationship, or the inhibition of a relationship. Both processes involve the use of structure to define a relationship. Healthy relationships can strengthen and show a renewed sense of commitment to the future by both partners, but not without some or a lot of necessary effort. The ability to accept more responsibility with or for each other is common. Marriage, raising children, and purchasing homes together are three common events that reflect this change. The relationship gains more stability because of a new definition of purpose and intent.

Partners who basically love each other and are committed to a relationship, but experiencing a period of change and adjustment, might do well to give each other a little space, understanding and support. The distance needed can foster individual expression and achievement. For example, if you or your spouse wants to go back to school for a higher degree, time must be set aside for classes and study.

Relationship inhibition occurs when the structure and definition of the relationship is used to limit rather than give a sense of purpose. You may not be allowed to give and receive love in a relaxed manner since love is always controlled, defined, withheld, rejected or not accepted as it exists. You yourself may refuse to make a further commitment, or it can be your partner who backs off. Statements like, "We're just friends," or "This is only an affair and I could never leave my wife," are two examples of the kind of structuring associated with Saturn-Venus contacts. Very poor relationships may be defined by separation and divorce. One person may accept total responsibility for a second individual. The "parent" partner acts as the person in charge of the "irresponsible child" and the relationship loses all sense of balance and equality.

Financially, you will probably be working with less cash during the year. Your budget will be tight, either because you have limited funds or you choose to conserve money and build savings. If you are normally very free with your money, this is a time when you are more careful with spending practices. Even the very rich will want to know how much they have and where it all goes.

Some may experience a cutback in funds. These are the people who quit their jobs, cut back on hours or salary, become self-em¬ployed, or experience a dramatic change in their lifestyle which would naturally affect funds available.

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