nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Venus conjunct SR Neptune

If you are already involved in a stable emotional relationship, Neptune-Venus aspects may be more relevant to financial concerns than romantic interests. Financial circumstances will exhibit a degree of uncertainty, but only rarely is a person unemployed for part of the year and not sure where the next dollar is coming from. A break from work is more likely to be a leave of absence without pay, but even this situation is uncommon unless you are female and pregnant (mater¬nity leave). With Neptune-Venus aspects, it is more common to experience other reasons for financial uncertainty. You can be self-employed or have an income based on commissions, incentives or profit-sharing; your hours may fluctuate or you might work on an "on-call" basis. Under these conditions, you will be unsure of the amount of your pay until the check arrives.

Changing circumstances also affect the amount of money avail¬able (e.g., relocation, divorce, illness, large purchases or major sales) and it is impossible to predict the effect these changes will have, especially if several variables are involved. For example, if you must sell your home and relocate to a different state, you may not be sure how much you can sell your present home for, how much your new home is likely to cost, how much you will be able to earn at your new job and how expensive it will be to live in the area. You must be careful with your funds until the figures are worked out. If you are expecting money from others in the form of a loan, gift or inheritance, you will not be sure how much you will receive or when you will receive it. If you are taking a financial gamble, you can't be sure mat things will work out.

Regardless whether or not financial uncertainty is job-related, monetary uncertainty exists in some form, but it need not be a serious problem. This is a good time to foster a strong appreciation of the nonmaterial side of life. Since material, monetary, physical and external indicators are so uncertain, focus on the inner qualities.

Neptune aspecting Venus can also be important to understanding your relationships during the coming year. Significant emotional relationships can be very compassionate or very confusing. In strong relationships, the partners are more likely to be sensitive to each other's needs. Understanding and empathy increase and inner quali¬ties are the focus of attention and appreciation. You can be more aware of the subtleties of your partner's unspoken preferences. Sometimes you neglect some of your own needs so those of your partner can be fulfilled.

The ability to be self-sacrificing is seen with this aspect, but then, so too is the ability to be martyred. External trappings are devalued and what you materially own and share is not as important as what you are willing to share emotionally. For the time being, feelings may be all you have.

If you are not already married, you or your partner may not wish to make an external commitment at this time. New or less stable love relationships tend to lack definition. The situation may be such that you can't even label your relationship or give it a name. For example, you have a one-night affair with your boss. You are not really lovers or friends, but your relationship is no longer that of employer-employee. It's hard to define what you mean to each other and where the relationship is headed. In any relationship, your partner's inten¬tions may be unclear or actions contradictory. He or she may come and go, appear and disappear, say one thing and do another. One minute you know you are loved and the next minute you are not sure. It's difficult to know where you stand. While in this limbo, the relationship remains suspended in time, without a guaranteed future or a present reality. No relationship comes with guarantees to begin with, but with Neptune-Venus contacts insecurity can be even more evident.

Because of the lack of clarity inherent in relationships, idealization and distortion occur, making partners seem too good to be true. Aggrandizement of this sort can only lead to disappointment and disillusionment. A persistent sense of confusion and insecurity can cause you to misinterpret what is actually occurring. This is most likely to happen when one or both partners are ambivalent or deceptive.

At best, relationships possess a sense of compassion and sensitivity. At worst, there are lies to contend with. Clandestine and secret relationships are common with Venus-Neptune aspects and 12th house placements. Lovers meet in private and keep their relationship hidden. Even if you have nothing major to hide, you may want to meet and be alone with each other.

SR Venus sextile SR Neptune

You will use your creative imagination in an inspired way this year. Through your sensitive and romantic nature, you respond to the highest ideals of others, and you are enriched by them. You have artistic talents and a deep appreciation for all that is refined in art, music and literature. Generous in your judgment of others, you are kind even when they disappoint you. You are reasonably permissive with anyone who fails, as long as he is earnestly trying to succeed. When you become aware of the negative elements in your environment, you may look the other way, for you can be complacent about such conditions, not wanting to get involved.

There are many ways you can express your creative talents, although you are particularly suited to artistic endeavors. In the performing arts, you could succeed in drama, dance, or in choral groups. You might dramatize your abilities by teaching young people to appreciate the finer things of life. You have a refined and personable nature that makes your company soothing and enjoyable. People are often hypnotized by a kind of mystical quality in you. Because you generate trust, you may be given a great responsibility that others cannot be depended upon to fulfill. Your delicacy and charm endear you to your superiors, and yet co-workers rarely feel threatened by competition for favors.

You easily form attachments with individuals who strive to improve themselves and who voice displeasure for anything unclean, sordid, or coarse. An idealist, you have well-defined spiritual convictions, which make life truly meaningful for you.

You may choose to assert yourself creatively or elect not to involve yourself, but it would be a waste of talent if you don't.

See also: Venus sextile Neptune;

SR Venus square SR Neptune

If you are already involved in a stable emotional relationship, Neptune-Venus aspects may be more relevant to financial concerns than romantic interests. Financial circumstances will exhibit a degree of uncertainty, but only rarely is a person unemployed for part of the year and not sure where the next dollar is coming from. A break from work is more likely to be a leave of absence without pay, but even this situation is uncommon unless you are female and pregnant (maternity leave). With Neptune-Venus aspects, it is more common to experience other reasons for financial uncertainty. You can be self-employed or have an income based on commissions, incentives or profit-sharing; your hours may fluctuate or you might work on an "on-call" basis. Under these conditions, you will be unsure of the amount of your pay until the check arrives.

Changing circumstances also affect the amount of money available (e.g., relocation, divorce, illness, large purchases or major sales) and it is impossible to predict the effect these changes will have, especially if several variables are involved. For example, if you must sell your home and relocate to a different state, you may not be sure how much you can sell your present home for, how much your new home is likely to cost, how much you will be able to earn at your new job and how expensive it will be to live in the area. You must be careful with your funds until the figures are worked out. If you are expecting money from others in the form of a loan, gift or inheritance, you will not be sure how much you will receive or when you will receive it. If you are taking a financial gamble, you can't be sure mat things will work out.

Regardless whether or not financial uncertainty is job-related, monetary uncertainty exists in some form, but it need not be a serious problem. This is a good time to foster a strong appreciation of the nonmaterial side of life. Since material, monetary, physical and external indicators are so uncertain, focus on the inner qualities.

Neptune aspecting Venus can also be important to understanding your relationships during the coming year. Significant emotional relationships can be very confusing. In strong relationships, the partners are more likely to be sensitive to each other's needs. Understanding and empathy increase and inner qualities are the focus of attention and appreciation. You can be more aware of the subtleties of your partner's unspoken preferences. Sometimes you neglect some of your own needs so those of your partner can be fulfilled.

The ability to be self-sacrificing is seen with this aspect, but then, so too is the ability to be martyred. External trappings are devalued and what you materially own and share is not as important as what you are willing to share emotionally. For the time being, feelings may be all you have.

If you are not already married, you or your partner may not wish to make an external commitment at this time. New or less stable love relationships tend to lack definition. The situation may be such that you can't even label your relationship or give it a name. For example, you have a one-night affair with your boss. You are not really lovers or friends, but your relationship is no longer that of employer-employee. It's hard to define what you mean to each other and where the relationship is headed. In any relationship, your partner's intentions may be unclear or actions contradictory. He or she may come and go, appear and disappear, say one thing and do another. One minute you know you are loved and the next minute you are not sure. It's difficult to know where you stand. While in this limbo, the relationship remains suspended in time, without a guaranteed future or a present reality. No relationship comes with guarantees to begin with, but with Neptune-Venus contacts insecurity can be even more evident.

Because of the lack of clarity inherent in relationships, idealization and distortion occur, making partners seem too good to be true. Aggrandizement of this sort can only lead to disappointment and disillusionment. A persistent sense of confusion and insecurity can cause you to misinterpret what is actually occurring. This is most likely to happen when one or both partners are ambivalent or deceptive.

At best, relationships possess a sense of compassion and sensitivity. At worst, there are lies to contend with. Clandestine and secret relationships are common with Venus-Neptune hard aspects and 12th house placements. Lovers meet in private and keep their relationship hidden. Even if you have nothing major to hide, you may want to meet and be alone with each other.

See also: Venus square Neptune;

SR Venus trine SR Neptune

You will use your creative imagination in an inspired way this year. Through your sensitive and romantic nature, you respond to the highest ideals of others, and you are enriched by them. You have artistic talents and a deep appreciation for all that is refined in art, music and literature. Generous in your judgment of others, you are kind even when they disappoint you. You are reasonably permissive with anyone who fails, as long as he is earnestly trying to succeed. When you become aware of the negative elements in your environment, you may look the other way, for you can be complacent about such conditions, not wanting to get involved.

There are many ways you can express your creative talents, although you are particularly suited to artistic endeavors. In the performing arts, you could succeed in drama, dance, or in choral groups. You might dramatize your abilities by teaching young people to appreciate the finer things of life. You have a refined and personable nature that makes your company soothing and enjoyable. People are often hypnotized by a kind of mystical quality in you. Because you generate trust, you may be given a great responsibility that others cannot be depended upon to fulfill. Your delicacy and charm endear you to your superiors, and yet co-workers rarely feel threatened by competition for favors.

You easily form attachments with individuals who strive to improve themselves and who voice displeasure for anything unclean, sordid, or coarse. An idealist, you have well-defined spiritual convictions, which make life truly meaningful for you.

You may choose to assert yourself creatively or elect not to involve yourself, but it would be a waste of talent if you don't.

See also: Venus trine Neptune;

SR Venus quincunx SR Neptune

You are extremely sensitive to people's feelings and attitudes this year; too obsequious, perhaps; too ready to compromise in relationship. At the same time, you may start wondering about your true feelings towards the other person in a relationship and/ or what he or she really feels about you.

Your emotions may subtly deceive you and (though the fact may escape your notice), your own behavior may itself be a source of misunderstanding - as it does not give others a fair idea of how you feel. In neglecting to show your true colors, the resulting confusion may merely reinforce hyper-sensitiveness and uncertainty.

Instead or also, financial circumstances may exhibit a degree of uncertainty, this year.

A quincunx is significantly more subtle and less demanding or seemingly urgent than a square, but reading Venus square Neptune above may shed further light on this aspect.

See also: Venus quincunx Neptune;

SR Venus opposite SR Neptune

If you are already involved in a stable emotional relationship, Neptune-Venus aspects may be more relevant to financial concerns than romantic interests. Financial circumstances will exhibit a degree of uncertainty, but only rarely is a person unemployed for part of the year and not sure where the next dollar is coming from. A break from work is more likely to be a leave of absence without pay, but even this situation is uncommon unless you are female and pregnant (maternity leave). With Neptune-Venus aspects, it is more common to experience other reasons for financial uncertainty. You can be self-employed or have an income based on commissions, incentives or profit-sharing; your hours may fluctuate or you might work on an "on-call" basis. Under these conditions, you will be unsure of the amount of your pay until the check arrives.

Changing circumstances also affect the amount of money available (e.g., relocation, divorce, illness, large purchases or major sales) and it is impossible to predict the effect these changes will have, especially if several variables are involved. For example, if you must sell your home and relocate to a different state, you may not be sure how much you can sell your present home for, how much your new home is likely to cost, how much you will be able to earn at your new job and how expensive it will be to live in the area. You must be careful with your funds until the figures are worked out. If you are expecting money from others in the form of a loan, gift or inheritance, you will not be sure how much you will receive or when you will receive it. If you are taking a financial gamble, you can't be sure mat things will work out.

Regardless whether or not financial uncertainty is job-related, monetary uncertainty exists in some form, but it need not be a serious problem. This is a good time to foster a strong appreciation of the nonmaterial side of life. Since material, monetary, physical and external indicators are so uncertain, focus on the inner qualities.

Neptune aspecting Venus can also be important to understanding your relationships during the coming year. Significant emotional relationships can be very confusing. In strong relationships, the partners are more likely to be sensitive to each other's needs. Understanding and empathy increase and inner qualities are the focus of attention and appreciation. You can be more aware of the subtleties of your partner's unspoken preferences. Sometimes you neglect some of your own needs so those of your partner can be fulfilled.

The ability to be self-sacrificing is seen with this aspect, but then, so too is the ability to be martyred. External trappings are devalued and what you materially own and share is not as important as what you are willing to share emotionally. For the time being, feelings may be all you have.

If you are not already married, you or your partner may not wish to make an external commitment at this time. New or less stable love relationships tend to lack definition. The situation may be such that you can't even label your relationship or give it a name. For example, you have a one-night affair with your boss. You are not really lovers or friends, but your relationship is no longer that of employer-employee. It's hard to define what you mean to each other and where the relationship is headed. In any relationship, your partner's inten¬tions may be unclear or actions contradictory. He or she may come and go, appear and disappear, say one thing and do another. One minute you know you are loved and the next minute you are not sure. It's difficult to know where you stand. While in this limbo, the relationship remains suspended in time, without a guaranteed future or a present reality. No relationship comes with guarantees to begin with, but with Neptune-Venus contacts insecurity can be even more evident.

Because of the lack of clarity inherent in relationships, idealization and distortion occur, making partners seem too good to be true. Aggrandizement of this sort can only lead to disappointment and disillusionment. A persistent sense of confusion and insecurity can cause you to misinterpret what is actually occurring. This is most likely to happen when one or both partners are ambivalent or deceptive.

At best, relationships possess a sense of compassion and sensitivity. At worst, there are lies to contend with. Clandestine and secret relationships are common with Venus-Neptune hard aspects and 12th house placements. Lovers meet in private and keep their relationship hidden. Even if you have nothing major to hide, you may want to meet and be alone with each other.

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