nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Venus conjunct SR Midheaven

Generally, this aspect is quite positive in its manifestation. Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Venus is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest extremely harmoniously or, if severly afflicted, basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be difficult this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

If basically harmonious: This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

SR Venus sextile SR Midheaven

SR Venus sextile SR Midheaven: This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

See also: Venus sextile Midheaven;

SR Venus square SR Midheaven

Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be difficult this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

See also: Venus square Midheaven;

SR Venus trine SR Midheaven

SR Venus trine SR Midheaven: This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

See also: Venus trine Midheaven;

SR Venus quincunx SR Midheaven

Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be subtly challenging this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

SR Venus opposite SR Midheaven

Generally, this aspect is quite positive in its manifestation. Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Venus is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest extremely harmoniously or, if severly afflicted, basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be difficult this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

If basically harmonious: This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

See also: Venus opposite Midheaven;

Natal Venus conjunct SR Midheaven

Generally, this aspect is quite positive in its manifestation. Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Venus is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest extremely harmoniously or, if severly afflicted, basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be difficult this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

If basically harmonious: This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

Natal Venus sextile SR Midheaven

This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

Natal Venus square SR Midheaven

Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be difficult this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

Natal Venus trine SR Midheaven

This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

Natal Venus quincunx SR Midheaven

Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be subtly challenging this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

Natal Venus opposite SR Midheaven

Generally, this aspect is quite positive in its manifestation. Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Venus is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest extremely harmoniously or, if severly afflicted, basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: Obtaining agreements from others in work, or sale of property, may be difficult this year. It may not be easy to reach a point of compromise where all sides feel a gain. Your goals at work may be thwarted by others who are not as ambitious as you, or perhaps are jealous of you. It may be the other way around too - perhaps you are the one thwarting the goals of others. A need for compromise and a spirit of teamwork are necessary in order to complete projects successfully. You may need to be careful of distractions caused by romantic thoughts, or partners who are not carrying their fair share of responsibilities. These could lead to a sense of falling behind in your financial obligations.

If basically harmonious: This year favors financial gains and income opportunities. Many new and favorable contacts may be made in your profession, so you are encouraged to develop relationships which you think have possibilities leading to professional or financial growth. There is much support for your ideas and talents. In the context of a group, or teamwork setting, you are the crux of much harmony, displaying an uncanny ability to resolve conflicts so the goals of the group can be met smoothly. In fact, you seem to have the ability to turn opponents into allies, to make an apparent negative into a positive. Support comes from the home front as well. There is much love and sharing possible within your family structure. If you wish to purchase or sell a home this year, you may realize great value or profit. Romantic liaisons are also possible and it may signify a year of entering into marriage or business partnerships and/or agreements. This is a very favorable set up, and if the aspect is not exact (within 1 degree), you may wish to travel a short distance (i.e. probably less than 300 miles) to bring it closer to being exact. The more exact this planetary aspect is to the meridian, the more powerful this planet's nature is likely to be in your life this year.

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