nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Uranus in the SR 1st House

Take your freedom wherever you find it, and make sudden changes when the opportunities arise. Be flexible and open to change, and don't try to hang onto the past. Feel free to express your opinions, but don't be too outrageously different.

Uranus in the 1st house of the solar return is usually indicative of strong and dramatic transitions. It is very likely that you will consider making a major change in your lifestyle, location or even appearance during the coming year. The transformations that arise from the restlessness associated with the 1st house Uranus can be far-reaching and affect many other areas of life. If you are aware of your own restlessness, you can not only welcome the coming changes, but initiate them yourself. This is meant to be an exciting time, though somewhat nerve-wracking. Generally major changes are the norm, but occasionally minor changes suffice. Major changes include but, are not limited to, relocations across country or at least across state lines, lifestyle changes (divorce, living alone or out on your own, communal arrangements or living together, stopping work, starting work, or returning to school), and individual changes associated with personality characteristics or appearance (increased assertiveness, greater demands for independence, and a noticeable weight loss or gain).

You can expect a change of pace if your current lifestyle no longer meets your needs and you feel bored, restricted or restless. It's time for a fresh start and it is to your advantage to take risks and make the necessary changes. Assess the solar return position of Saturn in relationship to Uranus for an understanding of the kind of risk you are willing to take, and what realistic criteria must be met for you to make changes easily. If Saturn is prominent in the solar return chart, you are more apt to take calculated risks, planning your moves carefully rather than jumping into situations quickly. This should be reassuring to those individuals who find it more threatening to deal with Uranian impulses.

Most changes center around your need and ability to act independently. There is a strong desire for freedom of action and you perform not as a corporate player, but as a free agent. The activities you are involved in may require you to function separately, without the assistance or agreement of significant others. Some individuals seek or finalize a divorce during the year and sever existing ties completely. Others form new, exciting or unconventional relationships. Although you may be relationship-oriented, you may not necessarily be partnership-oriented. If other factors in the chart so indicate, an extramarital affair is possible, but this is certainly not the norm. The predominant need is to take action on your own and for your own sake. In at least one area of your life, you must make your own decisions and function as a separate unit.

Nearly everyone can do this while still maintaining existing partnerships, but it is important mat those you are involved with give you enough freedom to grow and change. Now is the time to get in touch with your own unique individuality, and to do this, you may have to act differently from others or differently from the way you have acted in the past, breaking old patterns of behavior. Realize that you will probably not adhere to your old standard of behavior. Those who are particularly Uranian may not adhere to social norms either. Personality experi¬mentation is possible and can help get you moving.

Your behavior may get erratic or downright disruptive. If others around you are not adequately prepared for the changes you are making, they will see you as undependable, unpredictable or even out of control. Understand that others may see this whole process as lacking stability. Your concentration can be easily interrupted, and you may find it difficult to work consistently on a project, preferring to work during strong bursts of energy. Uranus does not represent a steady pattern of energy use, but an erratic pulse that moves in fits and starts towards growth and change. Move when the restless energy is there and rest when it is not. Work with the internal process and do not get trapped into a rigid schedule. Activities will not be well-planned since spontaneity seems to be the norm and plans you do formulate tend to get changed.

If you are really rut-bound and fear making any changes at all, the people around you will make the changes for you. Your life can become disrupted by others, especially if you are trying to remain the same while buffeted by the winds of change. Surprises and unexpected upheavals will be the norm as life gets unpredictable. This is a time for a flexible schedule. Own your own restlessness and welcome positive changes.

See also: Uranus in the 1st House;

SR Uranus in the SR 2nd House

Uranus in the 2nd shows a change in your earning power and financial situation. Alterations can be major or minor, fluctuating or one-time single events. The adjustment can be either positive or negative, but both manifestations can occur at different times during the year. Positive interpretations include pay raises or large windfalls. Those who have not been working can find employment and those who have been doing volunteer work can now get paid for the work they do. Being self-employed or working on a commission or incentive basis is common with this placement.

You might land that big account, exceed previous sales records, or successfully start or expand your own business during the year.

Negative interpretations include a total break in income because of either a job change, relocation, or leave of absence without pay (the most likely reason for this being maternity leave). Those who work steadily may receive or accept a pay cut. Some actually request a cutback in hours (and therefore pay) because of shifting goals or pressing personal needs. It is possible to give up a job with a very good income. Salespersons working on a commission basis may find it more difficult to sell products for one reason or another. Changes in earning power seem to be more closely associated with this placement man disruptive spending practices; however, impulse buying may be a problem for those with this tendency.

Economic change is easy to foresee with this Uranus placement, but it is difficult to note whether the changes will be positive or negative. The aspects to Uranus are not a true measure of the shift. One can earn more with difficult aspects and one can earn less with softer aspects. What is shown by the aspects is the individual's innate desire to foster a financial change and the other areas of life mat will be affected. The house placement and the aspects to Venus may give you a clue. Also check progressions and transits. Solar return "work house" placements (10th and 6th houses) can be important since they are a measure of job satisfaction. Any planets in the 2nd house in addition to Uranus should also be considered. The best course of action is to prepare for a rainy day. It is better to practice financial restraint than assume more money than you have.

Uranus in the 2nd house also indicates that values and morals are changing. Nonmaterialistic attitudes are the norm unless there are contraindications in the solar return chart (e.g., earth emphasis, prominent Venus, etc.). As a rule, inner fulfillment and personal satisfaction are more important than material possessions. Money itself does not matter unless the financial situation is dire. Possessions will not be important and this is a good time to unload useless things. During the year, you may not be interested in purchasing new items or replacing old ones. If you are not aware of your inner needs for emotional rather than material satisfaction, you may only experience the financially difficult side of this Uranus placement, especially if you repeatedly attempt to gain material wealth and acquire new things despite emotional considerations to the contrary.

Morals are also in a state of flux at this time. It is best to allow for review and change. Regardless of changes, you may deviate from your own code of behavior. Sometime during the year, you may be asked to defend your position if your actions or values conflict with the standards of others. This will give you an opportunity to better define your own priorities and standards.

See also: Uranus in the 2nd House;

SR Uranus in the SR 3rd House

Uranus in the 3rd house is associated with rapid thinking processes and changing thought patterns. The mental acceleration can work to your advantage if you are in a pressured situation where decisions must be made quickly or information must be learned in a short period of time. This is an excellent time to take a crash course or intensive which forces you to learn a lot of material in a fast-paced classroom situation. Independent learning and correspondence courses are also possible since you have the ability to study on your own and move ahead at your own pace. The information under study should be unusual in some way, geared towards stimulating creativity, insight and free thinking. Do not limit your thoughts because of preconceived notions.

It is very likely that during this time you will receive or learn information which could have a very strong effect on your perception of reality and your pattern of thought. This information may come to you through your studies, through conflict with others, or through intuitive insights, but the effect of the information will be transformational, causing your perception of reality to go through a period of adjustment.

During the year, your opinions will change sequentially as the weeks go by; therefore, this is not the time to make irrevocable statements. You may end up eating your own words later on. A better course of action is to allow the mind complete intellectual freedom for the purposes of investigation and insight. Do not limit your thoughts to what is already known, what is rational, or what you are told. Allow your thoughts to form intuitively, creatively or unconsciously. Work with information from many levels of experience to gain a better understanding of your true reality. You can gain great insight if you read between the lines and accept all information that comes your way without judgment. Let the final say occur toward the end of the year after all the information is in.

There is a propensity for anxiety and nervousness with Uranus in the 3rd house. Mental problems are associated with a fixation on what is desired or expected rather than an openness to new possibilities for the future. Anyone who experiences acute anxiety or panic attacks should seek counseling. But most individuals will find this placement somewhat nerve-wracking unless they are able to channel mental tension into productive pursuits such as learning, insight, creativity, etc. A lot of the tension arises from the sequential changes in thinking that occur during the year, but daily disruptions, constant interruptions and hectic schedules also contribute. It is difficult to plan a routine while Uranus is in the 3rd house. At the very least, you may be attempting to do too much in too little time. The tendency is to work with scattered thoughts and many activities, scattering your energy in several directions even on a single day.

Crisis situations rather than well-organized routines are the norm, since your daily activities generally demand more time than you actually have available. If you are trying to do five different things on any one day, and realistically you can only schedule in four, each day will have a different rotating schedule so that you can fit everything in on a weekly basis. Your hectic schedule leaves little room for adjustments when problems occur, and of course, problems do occur. Imagine ad-libbing your daily routine for a year because you and everyone and everything around you are changing. Daily life just does not run smoothly enough for you to stick to a schedule.

Uranus can be indicative of original thinking and creativity. You need time to create. Ideas can be close to the surface, yet just out of reach. This is why disruptions can be especially annoying when they interrupt the creative process. It is important to establish some quiet time to allow insights to manifest. Find a way to retain your thoughts and insights. If you are on the go a lot and creative insights are developing quite rapidly, you can use a tape recorder to preserve your thoughts. Allow erratic energy to flow out freely and come to the surface. This is not the time to limit your mental wanderings simply because you question their logical implications. The thought process¬es are not very organized or directed this year. There is the tendency to go around and around to get to a simple truth. Play with ideas and concepts. Restricting your erratic insights could mean limiting your creativity.

Conflicts are not directly associated with Uranus in the 3rd house, but a bad temper can be. The stress of daily life can make you snap at people and make rash statements you later regret. The connotation here is more akin to, "Open mouth, insert foot," than argumentativeness, but you can only make/flux pas so many times before you enter a verbal battlefield. Learn to think before your open your mouth. Do not jump to conclusions. Remember that anything you say can get back to others and can be used against you.

Problems with brothers, sisters or neighbors may arise during the year. These people may not be especially dependable or predictable and a conflict of interest may occur. This is not the more common interpretation for this placement. The emphasis seems to be more on the mental changes and creativity. You can work things out through discussions but be careful what you say. Neighborhood problems can be addressed through involvement in the community association. It is possible that rattier than disagreeing with a neighbor, a close friend in the neighborhood needs your help during the coming year.

See also: Uranus in the 3rd House;

SR Uranus in the SR 4th House

Uranus in the 4th house indicates that your domestic life is very unsettled and some disruptive change occurs in the home. There are several reasons possible for this disruption. Individuals often move (sometimes repeatedly) or try to move during the year. The actual move, if it occurs, may involve a major relocation. Preparations for the sale of the old house and renovations in the new house can drag on for months. Those who do not choose to move during the year may decide to rearrange the house or remodel part or all of the present residence. Some build on an addition. In general, major renovations (the kind where people switch the living room and the kitchen) are more likely man mild redecoration. Sudden repairs are possible and even freaky things can happen. In one case a chimney fell down, and in another situation the house literally moved on its foundation.

The actual house may remain the same but the number of occupants living with you could change as others come and go during the year. A child may return from college, or choose to live elsewhere. Adult sons and daughters, elderly parents, or roommates may move in or out, either temporarily or permanently. The coming and going seems to interrupt the tranquility and routine. At the very least, if nothing else changes, you will tend to be restless when at home and may not spend much time there. You may travel, or live with others and be in and out sporadically. Home may not really feel like home and you may feel uprooted much of the time.

Besides domestic disruptions, emotional disruptions are also possible. In fact, the greater the domestic change, the greater the transformation that will be occurring on an emotional level. If you do not understand the transition, you may be moody or detached. You may not trust others with your feelings, especially if they have a history of being emotionally unpredictable and undependable, leaving you to feel that your expectations will not be met if you approach these people for either support or comfort. If you cannot get what you need from others, vocalize your dissatisfaction, but concentrate on verbal communication to get your point across.

Realize that others may have grievances against you also. Friends, family and lovers may see you as emotionally unpredictable and undependable. You may not be aware that you are behaving in a way that conflicts with your own need for security and safety. Your ability to make a commitment will change back and forth and you cannot establish what kind of emotional security you want to have in a relationship until you decide what you are capable of contributing yourself. If you are unable to reach an understanding, seek support elsewhere or your discontent will settle into grouchiness, anger, and manipulation. In very negative situations, you can distance yourself from family members or those you live with. Fights, tensions and disagreements become more likely as negotiations break down, and can lead to separations and broken ties.

Less common possibilities with Uranus in the 4th house include changes in the health and/or independence of family members. Unexpected illnesses are rare, but do occur, especially in elderly parents or grandparents. When they do occur, illnesses tend to come on suddenly and exhibit an acute stage which is usually temporary. It is during this time that the sick person will need assistance and may actually move in with you. Moreover, parents or children may not be able to function independently at this time for reasons other than illness. Surprise pregnancies, motherhood, unemployment, job relocation, etc., also change one's ability to be independent. Learning to develop a sense of freedom in the home environment is associated with this placement.

See also: Uranus in the 4th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 5th House

While Uranus is in the 5th house, you want to be able to express yourself freely. You may need to function independently of peer pressure and relationship demands in order to do this. Your personality style is changing and you may take on more Aquarian characteristics. It is only through the change, and the freedom and indepen¬dence that foster it, that the uniqueness of the individual can emerge. You must limit the influence of others to search for the identity within. It is important that you use this time to be your own person, one of a kind. You do not want to pattern yourself or your behavior after someone else. You can have something different to contribute to the environment.

This is not to say that others will find the transition from the "old you" to the "new you" easy. Depending on the restrictions and expectations others place on you (and which you allow to exist), this can be a difficult year or a very easy one. The changes in self-expression might cause conflicts with significant others if they do not believe in what you are trying to accomplish or who you are trying to become. These people will need reassurance.

If you feel very limited and restricted by others, you might think you have to be very rebellious and contrary to break their hold. Generally, assertive independence is all mat is required. You need not contribute to the conflict. This is the year you will want to change old personality habits that are inhibiting self-expression. Be mindful of the ways you compare or contrast to others and pay special attention to the ways in which you are different. Differences matter this year and they mark growth. Allow yourself the freedom to flow with those distinctions which make you a unique human being.

This can be a very creative year, especially if you are already involved in an artistic field, but creativity need not be limited to artistic endeavors. Uranus represents the genius, the innovator, the inventor and the individualist. This is a time when strong individualism enhances the ability for original thought. You grow to see things differently as the year progresses and it is most likely that you will have to deal with a creative problem or issue in a new way. The more you allow your mind to float free, the greater your ability to think up new ideas. This is a great placement for the free thinker, writer, student researcher, artist or craftsperson.

The only difficulty associated with creativity and this Uranus placement is the tendency to go through a short frustrating period of transition. Most likely, there will come a time during the year when blockages occur because the creative style is in such a state of flux. These blockages are not permanent, but serve as a signal that creative shifts are now taking place and there can be a transition to a much higher level of attainment in artistry for those who understand the transformation and go with the new energy fearlessly. Do not be dismayed by this development. Go with the flow and trust that new skills await those who can progress. A prolonged blockage shows a resistance to new forms of expression waiting to be born. Adjust¬ments may take a while, but they are worth the effort.

Sudden attractions are possible during the year, but not the norm. On-again, off-again episodes, either in a new unbonded relationship or an existing one, are common. The person you are involved with might not be dependable, could live in another area, or might be unable to make a greater commitment at this time. Relationship breaks, for one reason or another, are likely, and in general, the relationship will not run smoothly. You will not settle into the "boy meets high school sweetheart and dates high school sweetheart exclusively" routine. Who you are attracted to may surprise you. Potential lovers may be very different from those you have responded to in the past. They could be free-spirited individuals, having few restraints. These people are probably representative of your own need for freedom of self-expression.

If you are attracted to someone who is very conservative and limiting, perhaps you find it necessary to rage against the limits. Fear-of-freedom issues are likely. Either way, whether you pick someone far out or very straight, you tend to draw those who are an extreme of some personality trait you are trying to cope with. Unbonded relationships this year are not only erratic; they also tend to be mismatched pairings. Even when two very similar people get togeth¬er, the emphasis will be on forming a unique relationship which in some way breaks relating patterns of the past.

If you have children living at home, they will be more independent, unpredictable, disruptive or unusual during the year. This can be a time when they are experiencing great changes in their lives and these changes can be unsettling. The most common change involves relocation. Either your family moves, or others move away, leaving your child without a best friend. New schools, puberty, and additions to the family are some of the other changes affecting children and their behavior. Any change can put pressure on kids to adjust, and Uranus in the 5th house usually signals a period of adjustment. As your children make their way through the transition, you will be less able to predict their responses. For this reason, it may be wise to keep a close watch over their activities, especially if they are young. They may be ready for greater independence, but still in need of your assistance and advice.

Disruptions can come in the form of behavior problems or minor illnesses. If they are stressed, children are less likely to "perform" and more likely to act out or become sick (colds, ear infections, and flu are common for young children). Expect schedule changes. Realize that disruptions of any kind show a need for more attention from you. Although you may be less patient at these times, understanding and a calm attitude will work more to your advantage.

Unusual learning characteristics in children can require special attention at school. Your children might need individualized educational assistance in one or more areas, such as a remedial or gifted course. Those parents with older children will notice a strong push for independence. Those who are still living at home may decide to move out and those who are already on their own may move away. Only in very negative situations will grown children be very disruptive or erratic. The real need is for the child to establish an independent and unique identity.

See also: Uranus the 5th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 6th House

Uranus in the 6th house can show a job change during the year or a change in working conditions. Changes could be either self-initiated or beyond your control. Temporary working positions or breaks in employment are possible. For example, one woman worked for a nonprofit organization. Her salary was paid for by a government grant and when the grant money ran out, she was let go, only to return when new funds came in. If you are presently working for someone other than yourself and dissatisfied with your job, now is the time to investigate new placements. You can change companies entirely, but it is possible simply to transfer to another office under your present employer. Some individuals will ask to work on independent projects of their own choosing, or go one step further and create their own businesses, becoming self-employed.

If you maintain your old job, changes in your daily routine are likely and can involve relocation of the office, temporary change of duty station (travel), new office procedures, or the installation of new computer equipment. During the period of transition, simple procedures become very complicated and normal operations will be disrupted. In very negative situations, especially those involving conflict and even sabotage, work can come to a standstill.

Scheduling changes are also possible during the year. Your office adopts a flexible or rotating schedule, and you might be able to set your own hours. If there is no change in your job at all, work can become very nerve-wracking, tedious and stressful, particularly if you are restless and need a change of pace. You will be easily bored with repetitious tasks and needless restrictions. If all goes well, any change in your job will involve a variety of tasks and greater freedom. You need a position that gives you a new challenge, coupled with a changing schedule and the freedom to work to your potential.

Trying to stay at the same job doing the same thing in the same way will create stress. Changes are not only likely, but necessary for progress to occur. Until adjustments are accomplished and your office streamlined and better organized, your normal workday can be constantly disrupted by little crises. This is also true if you own your own business. You should be contemplating adjustments which will eventually lead to a more efficiently run business. The disruptions may occur during the period of transition to the new procedures or may actually prompt the procedure changes.

All this stress and tension at work can affect your health if you do not protect yourself. Your physical and emotional well-being is directly tied into your job situation and should be watched carefully, especially during a time of stress. Learn relaxation techniques and use them to rid your body of tension at the end of the day. Do not bring work or problems home with you. You need your free time for recuperation. Cut back on caffeine drinks and take stress preventative vitamins when necessary. Most importantly, correct those job situations which are the most stressful.

Health habits tend to be erratic during the year, and consequently you may experience sporadic health problems. A lot depends on age. Generally the younger and healthier you are, the less likely you are to be sick. Tensions at work are the most likely cause of stress-related illnesses. Work demands can disrupt health routines, especially if you must travel for your job or work crazy hours. Wide variations in your eating habits (including rapid weight losses or gains) can occur. Stressful work habits or rotating sleeping patterns are not in your best interest. Practice moderation in all things. This is a good time to change your health regimen consciously in order to foster a healthier body.

See also: Uranus in the 6th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 7th House

The primary interpretation for Uranus in the 7th house focuses on changes to relationships. Depending upon what you are used to, relationships can change in a number of different ways. If you are not in a major relationship or have not been up until this point, this can be a milestone year for you, one in which you change your style of relating and push for greater intimacy. Sudden attractions are possible and the person you have your eye on may be quite different from what you would normally expect. Attractions can be very exciting, but also unpredictable. Patterns of relating tend not to be soothing, but somewhat disruptive. It may be difficult for you to depend on the person you are involved with, since he or she will not want to be tied down at this time. Freedom is an issue for both of you and togetherness may be on-again, off-again. Marriage is probably not an option during this year, though you may live together.

Existing relationships may go through a period of transition because one of you wishes to make a major change or needs more freedom of movement. Usually the freedom to make a major change is sufficient, but sometimes the push is stronger. Although separation may be indicated by Uranus in the 7th house, it is more commonly associated with Uranus in the 4th house square to the Ascendant-Descendant axis. Separations in consciousness are frequent with Uranus in the 7th house. If your partner is working on a major project, he or she may seem detached and preoccupied, or extensive travel may be a job requirement, taking him or her away for part of the year.

On the other hand, you might be the preoccupied or busy person. It is common to be separated for short periods of time for one reason or another. Perhaps one of you is married, lives out of town, or is busy with school, work or other activities. Changes directly affecting you can come through the spouse, lover, or business partner. For example, the person you are living with relocates and you must decide to move also or separate. It is also possible for you to instigate changes on your own.

In both new and old relationships, a lack of true intimacy is a frequent complaint. Connections might seem distant, commitments erratic. A conflict of interest is possible, especially if there are squares or oppositions to Uranus in the 7th house. It is normal to experience some relationship oscillation during the year. Changes sometimes necessitate a disruption of the intimacy routine and flow, but some couples move closer as they grant each other greater freedom of movement or expression. This is a time to become a friend to the person you are closest to. Distances will be more evident and serious in difficult relationships, but good relationships will survive and grow from the transition.

See also: Uranus in the 7th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 8th House

Changing financial conditions are common with Uranus in the 8th house. Usually the change directly affects shared resources, but sometimes the change also or instead affects debts either positively or negatively. Desired or not, the hallmark of this placement is financial independence either from the partner, some other person, or an overwhelming debt which is restrictive. It is possible for shared resources either to increase or decrease, but generally there is a break in the partner's income during the year. He or she may quit work entirely or switch from one job to the next with a period of unemploy-ment in between. Problems may be very minor and only situational. For instance, if your spouse is in the service working overseas and you are employed in the States, you may choose to work and live entirely off your own salary, not dependent on other funds at all. This will allow your spouse to save his or her salary for future expenses. The money is not lost permanently, only withdrawn for one year's time. Your financial situation may change specifically because of others you depend on, especially if there are oppositions from the 2nd house to the 8th house Uranus.

Unfortunately, some couples choose to fight over money and possessions during this year. Problems arise when one of you refuses to share expenses or funds. The positive manifestation is to move towards financial independence by separating accounts and responsibilities, but some people turn this process into a battle scene. Serious situations involving separation and/or divorce can eventually end up in court. Decisions, though fair, may not be worth the trauma you go through. If you see serious problems arising, use this time to separate your funds and protect your resources by dividing accounts, funds and expenses. Debts either grow dramatically or are completely wiped out, but they do not stay the same. Increases result more from necessity than luxury. The most common manifestation is to eliminate all debts entirely either by paying them all off or by declaring bankruptcy. The need for financial independence extends to the debt situation and you do not want to be bothered by large bills or overwhelming and restrictive debts. Sometimes your future plans require a debt-free lifestyle.

Changing attitudes may affect your sex life. The issues of sexual freedom or sexual preference (homosexuality, bisexuality or hetero-sexuality) may be important either to you or someone you are close to. During the year, you may experiment with new techniques or change old practices which you no longer enjoy or benefit from. In the age of AIDS and herpes, many with this placement have begun practicing safe sex or curbing their appetites. A very negative manifestation might be a disrupted sex life, one in which encounters are on-again, off-again, brief exchanges or twisted experiences that are not meant to be fulfilling.

Deaths are not likely to occur during the year, but if one does, it will be unexpected and the manner of death will involve unusual circumstances. This is a very rare possibility.

Your insight on the psychic and/or psychological level may increase dramatically. You are better able to perceive the motivations and manipulations of others, especially in financial and sexual situations. Often these perceptions will come in the form of sudden realizations triggered by psychological awareness of the workings of the unconscious mind. It is the inner workings of your own mind you are particularly interested in. A positive manifestation might be to learn about psychology or astrology.

More negatively, you might be surprised by your own irrational thinking and sudden outbursts of emotion. Your feelings and attitudes will tend to be unpredictable and erratic. Positions change from day to day. You are probably reacting to unconscious impulses rather than responding rationally. Be aware of the people and situations which trigger your upsetting emotions. Others may be actively trying to manipulate you. Dismantle the triggering mechanism by under¬standing the pattern of manipulation and the complexes or fears in you which foster the responses. Gain a perspective on your emotional depths.

See also: Uranus in the 8th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 9th House

Uranus in the 9th house is a sign of radical changes in beliefs, either because you recognize discrepancies in your own thoughts or because you are directly challenged by others and situations you are involved in. You may have recently received new information which specifically contradicts your former beliefs, making them obsolete. Sometimes there is a rude awakening followed by a sharp transition; at other times, a slow transition may result from a constant series of small challenges. You can no longer depend on old axioms.

Mundane as well as religious, spiritual and philosophical beliefs are now in a state of evolution or turmoil. The 9th house is not only the house of all higher thoughts, but also the house of beliefs about yourself, your abilities and other people. You must reassess your position on a number of issues and be ready to make adjustments accordingly. You must also be ready to defend your position against the challenges of others. Disputes over philosophical differences are possible and one person in particular may be an agitator.

Consistent with philosophical differences are cultural distinctions. An awareness of practices in other cultures may be necessary if you plan to deal regularly with foreigners during the coming year. (Examples: a businessman dependent on foreign exchange, support or commodities; a foreign exchange student; or one who plans to marry someone of a different ethnic background.) Ignorance is not bliss in this case and can lead to conflict if you do not make the effort to accommodate the beliefs and customs of others. In very negative manifestations, you may not be able to weather the cultural distinctions easily. Ignoring the differences in customs may make it difficult for you to establish trust and understanding. Practices and beliefs in your own culture or religion will not be accepted readily by others and need to be explained or defended.

Quick trips and hectic travel are more likely man leisure pleasure cruises. If you have dealings in foreign countries, you generally travel for business reasons. The trips are more commonly stressful, especially if you are having problems with your foreign counterparts. If you travel for pleasure, chances are you try to pack too much into one trip, in which case travel can become more nerve-wracking than fun.

Legal problems or dealings with lawyers are possible during the year, but this interpretation is not the norm and occurs only occasionally. Understanding the legal system is like dealing with a foreign culture and generally involves learning to cope with the peculiarities of justice in America.

If you are in school, it is likely that your education will be disrupted by distractions or unexpected events. The college or university you are attending may not be offering the course you want or need to graduate. Your time may be split between two different campuses, or between employment and school. Your study hours may be repeatedly interrupted and your concentration broken by situations in the classroom or at home. It is difficult to think in a stressful environment. What you are learning may make you anxious if it contradicts your existing beliefs. If you are teaching others, your schedule may be changed or broken up. Changes (e.g., renovations) occurring in the classroom or home force you to shift from one place to another or suspend teaching for a period of time. This is a good time to be self-taught. Independent study may prove more rewarding than a structured learning environment. You may elect to study on your own or take a correspondence course during the year.

See also: Uranus in the 9th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 10th House

Uranus in the 10th house shows that professional changes are likely to occur. In most instances these changes are major and involve a switch from one career to another or from company-oriented employment to self-employment. You will tend to be restless during the year. Professional freedom is usually an issue and you will not submit quietly to authority figures, especially if they are unpredict¬able or if the main emphasis seems to be on restriction of goals and frustration of success. If this is your situation, you will undoubtedly rock the boat.

You need to function as independently as possible for your creative urges to flow. If you are unhappy with your boss, transfer to another department or office location. If you are unhappy with your present job, find a new one. If you are unhappy with your present profession, jump careers entirely and start out in a totally new field, especially if Saturn is also in the 10th house. Consider becoming self-employed since you have the need and ability to function independently. Breaks in employment usually mark the period of transition. You may decide to stop work entirely or retire. There is an outside chance you may be fired unexpectedly from your present job if your performance is inadequate or if the company undergoes reorganiza¬tion/merger.

Those who do not make major career changes might feel restless at work, and easily bored with repetitive tasks or distracted by disruptions. Use this time to integrate new ideas and systems into your daily procedures. You need a variety of tasks or a change of pace. There are many ways to incorporate change into the office routine and mere is always room for improvement. You might become aware of numerous and continuing daily disruptions which prevent you from functioning at your best. Distractions can draw you away from your true purpose or job description. The entire office may need reorganization and management will usually welcome constructive criticism and enlightened input. Don't be afraid to make suggestions meant to streamline office procedures for greater efficiency. Extenu¬ating circumstances may make it difficult for you to plan out your day. The most common situation along this line is business relocation or renovation. If your office is preparing for a move, setting up shop in new quarters or rearranging old ones, it may be tough to adhere to a schedule and plan out your days in advance. Another possibility is an office agitator who regularly disrupts those trying to do their job.

If you are not working at this time, you can still make major changes, usually in your life direction. Decisions may not be made quickly and easily and the tendency is to be erratic. Major lifestyle changes may be considered including divorce, separation, or major relocations, possibly overseas. You may move away from your parents or they may relocate to a retirement community in the "Sun Belt." If you are still living at home with your folks, you may disagree with their authority over you, especially if you are of age and need greater freedom. Demonstrating your maturity is the quickest road to inde-pendence.

See also: Uranus in the 10th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 11th House

Uranus in the 11th indicates future goals are being reassessed. By the end of the solar return cycle, you may end up doing something totally different from what you had anticipated earlier in the year. Changes are not always initiated by others, but many times this is the case. Unexpected situations involving others may encourage you to change your direction. For example, if your spouse loses his or her job during the year and decides to becomes self-employed, you may agree to be his or her business partner. If your best friend chooses to move to California, you may want to go along. His or her personal change provides you with an opportunity for a new future direction. For this reason goals are somewhat unpredictable and subject to radical revision. Changes and uncertainties originating with others commonly affect you directly, encouraging you to modify your own goals accordingly. The new goals you formulate are a major departure from the norm or past expectations and dreams. Although sometimes triggered by others, new goals are expressly your own and representative of individuated needs. This is the time to capture the essence of your abilities and desires in a direction tailor-made for you alone. Though you may ride on the coattails of others at first, you must set your own path. Goals may change drastically early in the year, or evolve continuously over the solar return time period. Either way, you may have several false starts before full implementation. This is not a year to be very fixed about your future plans since as you acquire new information, you will continue to make adjustments.

Friendships may come and go during the year, old ones fading as new ones arise. Some changes will occur slowly, resulting from a long period of gradual distancing marked by a decrease in common interests. Other changes will occur quickly, the product of sudden attractions and/or separations. As old friendships end, new ones will take their place. There are several common reasons for this transition. You, yourself, or a good friend may relocate to another city or state. If there is not a physical relocation, sometimes there is a mental relocation, one in which your interest shifts from one area to another, leading you to join new groups and meet new friends while spending less time with old ones. Only in rare instances might you have a falling-out with one particular good friend. This is a very negative manifestation and during this period of time your friend may change greatly, appearing erratic and unpredictable.

This is not the best time to depend on old friends or groups for total support since you are meant to function independently. Uranus in the 11th house implies a strong need for freedom if one is to pursue and accomplish the goals set forth during the year. You will not want to be restricted by other people, preconceived notions or antiquated structures. You will question inane rules which stand in your way. This is a time for risk-taking and one is not meant to play it safe. New goals should be a departure from your normal routine; therefore, in order to fulfill them, you must have the freedom to stretch beyond your borders and seek new forms of self-expression.

Peer pressure is noticeable with this placement and can cause a dilemma for those caught in a transitional period. Many fear what others will think if they break away from the pack and become their own persons. There is a push-pull sensation associated with any relationship, group, or friendship as one wishes to belong (become the same as), while at the same time recognizing the drive to be different. This is why it is helpful for some friendships to change. Maintaining the old environment while striving for new directions can cause great anxiety. The transformation of the social milieu generally allows one support for new endeavors and risk-taking while still lending a sense of belonging.

See also: Uranus in the 11th House;

SR Uranus in the SR 12th House

Uranus in the 12th house is the sign of the closet personality. During the year, your thoughts may be wild, but your outward demeanor remains conservative. Others will be unaware of what is really going on inside you, and usually something is going on. You have the ability to hide things. Private matters, internal thoughts or choices will not become public knowledge. A dichotomy exists between what you truly do or think, and what others are actually aware of. Distinctions may exist solely on the mental level or may also manifest into the physical realm. This is a time when you will tend to take liberties without anyone being aware of what is going on.

Generally, the fear of disapproval is common with this placement, and for one reason or another, you feel you must be on your guard. In all likelihood, you are involved in a new situation which is very different from what is normally expected of you. If you are not free to express yourself naturally and openly, you will do so secretively. Everything will tend to stay quiet unless Uranus transits across the solar return Ascendant during the year. If this occurs, you or someone else may wish the truth to be known. Difficult situations you might want to keep quiet usually involve sex-related activities such as initial sexual experiences, homosexual or bisexual preferences, affairs, birth control practices, or abortions. With this placement, matters of this nature are more likely to be handled secretively than openly.

Positive manifestations include the discovery of an unusual talent which you are just becoming aware of and are not ready to demonstrate. For example, if you find that you have psychic or artistic ability, you might be afraid to make your talent known before it is further developed. You choose to remain quiet about what you know or can do until a later date when you are ready to subject yourself to outside criticism.

Secrecy may lead to anxiety and nervousness over discovery. Furthermore, already existing negative feelings or fears will be made worse by the pressure of concealment. Thoughts and actions are such a break from your normal pattern that they appear to be irrational. Dilemmas cause you to flip-flop on important issues without under¬standing why. If you experience extreme psychological discomfort, see a counselor. Trying to survive in a vacuum can be frightening. Talking openly with a safe and understanding therapist will help you to assess objectively your situation and the choices available. On a positive level, you develop a deep faith in your own individuality, learning to trust your unique inner qualities which free you from the limitations of conformity.

See also: Uranus in the 12th House;

Natal Uranus on the SR 1st House cusp

The 1st house (Ascendant) pertains to all of your efforts; the manner in which you come across to others; your immediate surroundings, and how you tend to conduct yourself, or present yourself to others. This deals with your health, your basic energy level, and in general, describes how you see your year - the "umbrella" of the year. It describes what you desire of yourself and for yourself this year.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 2nd House cusp

The 2nd house pertains to your money, income, savings, and new possessions.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 3rd House cusp

The 3rd house pertains to your mental state and intellectual ideas; communications; automobiles and computers - or anything that assists in communications; neighbors, brothers and sisters; your writings and correspondences.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 4th House cusp

The 4th house (I.C.) pertains to your home and your family; also your basic needs, your inner self, the "real you." This has to do with your domestic setting, the people you live with, and your parents.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 5th House cusp

The 5th house pertains to your lovers, children, and people you socialize with (i.e. party with). It also has to do with speculative ventures and pursuits of fun and entertainment. It also rules creative pursuits, but mostly it has to do with your capacity for enjoyment of life and relationships with children.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 6th House cusp

The 6th house pertains to your health and work setting. Regarding work, it deals with "how" you work and with whom you work, and who works for you or with you.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 7th House cusp

The 7th house (Descendant) pertains to your marriage and partnerships (including business); it also pertains to others who represent or misrepresent you (lawyers, spokespersons, open enemies).

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 8th House cusp

The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one's research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 9th House cusp

The 9th house pertains to your long distance travels, legal decisions, publishing, and educational pursuits, as well as in-laws and second marriage, if it applies. It also deals with philosophical matters like religion and "the meaning life".

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 10th House cusp

The 10th house (Midheaven) pertains to your career and vocation; your status in the community; your accomplishments; your role as the head of the company, enterprise, or household; the father-figures in your life (father, employer, supervisor).

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 11th House cusp

The 11th house pertains to your friends, as well as people you have "power struggles" with; your professional rewards and accomplishments; the realization of your efforts; your dealings within groups.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

Natal Uranus on the SR 12th House cusp

The 12th house pertains to your dealings behind the scenes, or the behind-the-scenes-dealings which effect you; hospitals, prisons, jails, places of confinement; your "fantasy" world; places of reclusion; your secrets and private world.

These are areas where sudden changes are experienced, where matters are apt to be rather erratic and unpredictable during the year. It shows where you may either encounter separations from established relationships or attractions to new ones. It indicates an area where ingenuity may be applied, or an "awakening" transpires, frequently attracting others to you because of such "original" ideas. It is possible that new developments in technology or with computers and/or software programs play an important role for you in this area during the year. It signifies the area of life where you might become extraordinary, or at the least, non-conforming and unconventional. Here you can expect the unexpected to occur. That which you take for granted as secure isn't; that which you never expected to work out, may indeed work out. Surprises are in store for you here, so it's best to be flexible and adaptable in this area of life. It could be exciting or disturbing. It is also an area where you may exhibit a very poor sense of timing - you are ahead of yourself and others. The qualities you tend to exhibit are charismatic, excitable, inventive, ingenious, but perhaps arrogant and over-zealous.

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