nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Sun conjunct SR Saturn

Brings a year of worry and isolation; maybe a separation from husband, father, or son, and worries over them. It does NOT effect the health unless this conjunction is in the sixth or twelfth house or if the Sun or Saturn rules EITHER the sixth or twelfth. That is, the sixth or twelfth have Leo, Capricorn, or Aquarius on the cusp. It is very restrictive, delays good things and brings unhappiness. It is fortunate only if the NATAL ASC is in Capricorn and if Saturn and the Sun IN THE NATAL do not have one unfavorable aspect. In this case it brings advancement, improvement, beneficial change in plans, and has a long and fortunate influence on your destiny.

SR Sun conjunct SR Saturn: The weight of responsibilities and obligation could limit your freedom. You will have to organize your life during this year and tackle situations that you have put aside before. This astrological conjunction forces you to see things realistically. It is important that you become aware of this because, the more realistic you are, the more profit you will gain this year. You will probably have to forego, or limit, the time you normally spend on amusement and entertainment. You will have a more serious and responsible attitude; this will be a year of maturation.

But you could also feel alone and isolated from others, experiencing great difficulty in expressing your emotions. You may feel inhibited and have doubts about where you're going, which could bring about distress or depression. It is important to see things with good humor and optimism, and to work in a persevering way in order to achieve your goals.

This influence could weaken your energy level, and it is advisable that during this time you concentrate your efforts on the most necessary and important tasks.

SR Sun sextile SR Saturn

During this year you will put your life in order. Your energy will be used in a practical manner and your efforts will be rewarded positively. Your concentration will increase and you will be very objective and realistic, which will enable you to advance in a concrete way and on solid ground. During this time you could review your work habits and decide to discard those that are negative and incorporate new habits that improve you as a person. One of the qualities that will stand out is your ability to persevere against any obstacles.

This astrological aspect brings order into your life. You will be able to organize your time better and to take advantage of the time that is gained. You will have a serious and responsible attitude toward the events and happenings which come your way this year, thereby bringing you support from people in authority as well as your friends in general.

In addition, because of your great desire at this time for stability in your life, you might want to invest in furniture or improvements in your home. The actions you take during this year will benefit you a great deal in later years. Studies or intellectual work that requires a maximum of concentration and attention to detail will also be very favored.

You will have strong, consistent physical energy which will make it possible for you to meet your responsibilities calmly and surely. Remember that your key to success for this year is discipline, order, and action.

See also: Sun sextile Saturn;

SR Sun square SR Saturn

During this year you could experience obstacles that will be difficult to overcome. The duties and responsibilities of your daily life will seem to choke you. On the other hand, you won't be so willing to gratify your every wish. You will be inclined to take things too seriously and to limit yourself unduly. Try to keep your good humor in spite of the problems you may have and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

You will find that other people will interfere in your life and those in authority over you will be difficult. The relationship with your father, or with some paternal figure in your life, could be very disturbing during this time. You could feel isolated and alone, generating inner feelings of bitterness and frustration. The opposition of others won't be easy to deal with and will require much patience and perseverance on your part.

During this period your physical energy will diminish and you will discover your own weaknesses and faults. It is important to become aware of them and work on overcoming them. Don't expect immediate results from your efforts because under this influence success in any enterprise is delayed, sometimes for a long period of time. Feelings of frustration could discourage you and lead you to abandon your objectives. Your consistency and perseverance is being tested.

See also: Sun square Saturn;

SR Sun trine SR Saturn

During this year you will put your life in order. Your energy will be used in a practical manner and your efforts will be rewarded positively. Your concentration will increase and you will be very objective and realistic, which will enable you to advance in a concrete way and on solid ground. During this time you could review your work habits and decide to discard those that are negative and incorporate new habits that improve you as a person. One of the qualities that will stand out is your ability to persevere against any obstacles.

This astrological aspect brings order into your life. You will be able to organize your time better and to take advantage of the time that is gained. You will have a serious and responsible attitude toward the events and happenings which come your way this year, thereby bringing you support from people in authority as well as your friends in general.

In addition, because of your great desire at this time for stability in your life, you might want to invest in furniture or improvements in your home. The actions you take during this year will benefit you a great deal in later years. Studies or intellectual work that requires a maximum of concentration and attention to detail will also be very favored.

You will have strong, consistent physical energy which will make it possible for you to meet your responsibilities calmly and surely. Remember that your key to success for this year is discipline, order, and action.

See also: Sun trine Saturn;

SR Sun quincunx SR Saturn

Your energy level could fluctuate during this year which could lead to moments of depression or general fatigue. You will probably have the desire to isolate yourself to some extent even from a close companion or live-in partner. You should maintain a positive attitude and face life in a positive way. Otherwise, you will become very frustrated and unhappy.

It is important for you to develop your sense of responsibility, examining your life more objectively. The obstacles that you will encounter are due to your own negligence and disorder. During this time you will experience some opposition or lack of support from those around you, especially those who are authority or parental figures for you.

See also: Sun quincunx Saturn;

SR Sun opposite SR Saturn

During this year you could experience obstacles that will be difficult to overcome. The duties and responsibilities of your daily life will seem to choke you. On the other hand, you won't be so willing to gratify your every wish. You will be inclined to take things too seriously and to limit yourself unduly. Try to keep your good humor in spite of the problems you may have and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

You will find that other people will interfere in your life and those in authority over you will be difficult. The relationship with your father, or with some paternal figure in your life, could be very disturbing during this time. You could feel isolated and alone, generating inner feelings of bitterness and frustration. The opposition of others won't be easy to deal with and will require much patience and perseverance on your part.

During this period your physical energy will diminish and you will discover your own weaknesses and faults. It is important to become aware of them and work on overcoming them. Don't expect immediate results from your efforts because under this influence success in any enterprise is delayed, sometimes for a long period of time. Feelings of frustration could discourage you and lead you to abandon your objectives. Your consistency and perseverance is being tested.

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