nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Solar Return Sun conjunct Solar Return Moon

A very fortunate force. If the same conjunct is in the natal chart, the event this conjunction shows will totally modify your destiny. If you do not have this conjunction natally, it shows an important event during the year. The interpretation of the SIGN is very important here.

When the solar return Sun and the Moon are conjunct and in the same sign in the same house, you are more likely to experience consistency. And as the lights come closer together, the sense of "newness" becomes especially noticeable. Generally, the new experience is related to the house placement of the Sun and Moon, but if the native is an adult, the new experiences may occur in the career or professional arena regardless of the Sun-Moon house position.

Solar Return Sun conjunct Solar Return Moon: This astrological influence is very strong and accentuates the possibilities of the Sun's position by house. The energy of these two adjacent luminaries could be very intense. You will be more sensitive and will react more strongly to things around you. The New Moon under which your birthday falls indicates new experiences, initiatives, and success in projects that are begun in this period. This energy is concentrated in the house that the Sun occupies during this year and will benefit you immensely.

You may also become more sentimental and have the need to strengthen your family ties. Your interest in discovering your roots will increase and you will feel more connected and attached to those who have had an influence on your childhood and your early home environment. This influence also favors contact with the public, especially women.

Solar Return Sun conjunct, square or opposite Solar Return Moon: When the Sun conjuncts, opposes, or squares the Moon in the Solar Return chart, this points to a key period in the native's life when major new beginnings, endings, and activities occur. For example, marriages or births of a first child occur frequently when the Sun conjuncts the Moon in the SR chart. Culminations often occur when a Full Moon occurs in the SR chart.

These hard aspects of the Sun and Moon often point to relationships and/or significant times in the native's life when his or her actions receive real reactions in the life. There is little moderation in the native's life during these periods. The Sun-Moon conjunction is a dynamic aspect, but besides signifying new beginnings, it is also a very receptive energy. Things tend to come to the native, while things appear to be taken from the native when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon in the natal chart.

Hard Sun-Moon aspects in the Solar Return signify turning points in the native's life. Connections are made or ended. With a square between the Sun and the Moon, either there is an event that changes the native's life significantly, or there is some kind of conflict arising from a great urge to do something different. All hard aspects point to a very busy, dynamic, and significant period in the life.

Solar Return Sun sextile Solar Return Moon

You will show more enthusiasm and vitality during this year. Your thinking will be very positive and you will want to take the initiative and make decisions that you have not considered before. Your confidence in yourself will be recognized by others and you will receive support from your family and friends in general. It will be easy to carry out the changes that you propose which will benefit you in the future. You also could receive help from powerful or very influential women. Your popularity will increase and you will feel comfortable in your surroundings in spite of any difficulties that you encounter.

Your physical body will be very resistant to any type of illness. If you have some kind of on-going health problem at this time, it is probable that it will be successfully treated during this year. This is mainly due to the fact that you will find it easier to deal with your emotions, thereby putting less stress on your mind and body.

See also: Sun sextile Moon;

Solar Return Sun square Solar Return Moon

This influence could bring tension in your home which will disturb your tranquility during this period. Don't get too emotional about the problems you have, and try to analyze them more rationally. You could experience disagreements or tension in the relationship with your mother or other female relatives, and you may not always get your family's approval for what you do or say. You also could have some problems with your health because of your need for emotional balance. Watch out for nervous tension and eat a healthy diet.

You could feel weaker and less effective than usual, and you may find yourself at odds with relatives who are difficult to get along with at this time. You could lose patience with people and if your work exposes you to the public, you should be careful to avoid unnecessary disagreements and misunderstandings, especially with women who won't tend to approve of your ideas. You will probably be dissatisfied with your daily routine and may even have the desire to change your residence.

Solar Return Sun conjunct, square or opposite Solar Return Moon: When the Sun conjuncts, opposes, or squares the Moon in the Solar Return chart, this points to a key period in the native's life when major new beginnings, endings, and activities occur. For example, marriages or births of a first child occur frequently when the Sun conjuncts the Moon in the SR chart. Culminations often occur when a Full Moon occurs in the SR chart.

These hard aspects of the Sun and Moon often point to relationships and/or significant times in the native's life when his or her actions receive real reactions in the life. There is little moderation in the native's life during these periods. The Sun-Moon conjunction is a dynamic aspect, but besides signifying new beginnings, it is also a very receptive energy. Things tend to come to the native, while things appear to be taken from the native when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon in the natal chart.

Hard Sun-Moon aspects in the Solar Return signify turning points in the native's life. Connections are made or ended. With a square between the Sun and the Moon, either there is an event that changes the native's life significantly, or there is some kind of conflict arising from a great urge to do something different. All hard aspects point to a very busy, dynamic, and significant period in the life.

Solar Return Sun trine Solar Return Moon

You will show more enthusiasm and vitality during this year. Your thinking will be very positive and you will want to take the initiative and make decisions that you have not considered before. Your confidence in yourself will be recognized by others and you will receive support from your family and friends in general. It will be easy to carry out the changes that you propose which will benefit you in the future. You also could receive help from powerful or very influential women. Your popularity will increase and you will feel comfortable in your surroundings in spite of any difficulties that you encounter.

Your physical body will be very resistant to any type of illness. If you have some kind of on-going health problem at this time, it is probable that it will be successfully treated during this year. This is mainly due to the fact that you will find it easier to deal with your emotions, thereby putting less stress on your mind and body.

See also: Sun trine Moon;

Solar Return Sun quincunx Solar Return Moon

Minor problems and conflicts in your home could alter the peace during this year. There is a possibility that problems from the past that haven't been resolved yet will resurface. You can't expect much support from your family in carrying out your plans.

It also is possible that you will have moments of doubt and indecision. You will be less decisive and practical, and you will tend to be more influenced by your feelings and emotions.

See also: Sun quincunx Moon;

Solar Return Sun opposite Solar Return Moon

This influence could bring tension in your home which will disturb your tranquility during this period. Don't get too emotional about the problems you have, and try to analyze them more rationally. You could experience disagreements or tension in the relationship with your mother or other female relatives, and you may not always get your family's approval for what you do or say. You also could have some problems with your health because of your need for emotional balance. Watch out for nervous tension and eat a healthy diet.

You could feel weaker and less effective than usual, and you may find yourself at odds with relatives who are difficult to get along with at this time. You could lose patience with people and if your work exposes you to the public, you should be careful to avoid unnecessary disagreements and misunderstandings, especially with women who won't tend to approve of your ideas. You will probably be dissatisfied with your daily routine and may even have the desire to change your residence.

Solar Return Sun conjunct, square or opposite Solar Return Moon: When the Sun conjuncts, opposes, or squares the Moon in the Solar Return chart, this points to a key period in the native's life when major new beginnings, endings, and activities occur. For example, marriages or births of a first child occur frequently when the Sun conjuncts the Moon in the SR chart. Culminations often occur when a Full Moon occurs in the SR chart.

These hard aspects of the Sun and Moon often point to relationships and/or significant times in the native's life when his or her actions receive real reactions in the life. There is little moderation in the native's life during these periods. The Sun-Moon conjunction is a dynamic aspect, but besides signifying new beginnings, it is also a very receptive energy. Things tend to come to the native, while things appear to be taken from the native when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon in the natal chart.

Hard Sun-Moon aspects in the Solar Return signify turning points in the native's life. Connections are made or ended. With a square between the Sun and the Moon, either there is an event that changes the native's life significantly, or there is some kind of conflict arising from a great urge to do something different. All hard aspects point to a very busy, dynamic, and significant period in the life.

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