nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Sun conjunct SR Mercury

SR Sun conjunct SR Mercury (3 degrees or less): You could be more impatient and react too quickly or unwisely to situations you are not happy with. You will tend to cling stubbornly to your ideas, which could cause you to have disagreements and confrontations with people around you. You may impulsively decide to take a short trip, which may not work out to your advantage. There also is a tendency to get behind in your correspondence and to neglect to communicate as well with your friends.

SR Sun conjunct SR Mercury (more than 3 degrees): Your ideas will be on the right track this year. You will be able to understand situations better and put things in their proper place. Communication will be important to you and this influence will prompt you to keep your correspondence up to date and to stay in contact with your friends. You probably will take one or several short trips, especially if other astrological factors in this report indicate the same.

See also: Sun conjunct Mercury;

SR Sun conjunct SR Venus

You will be very sensitive and sociable during this period. Your circle of friends will increase, and you will be much more concerned with enjoying pleasant activities in your daily life. You also will be more concerned with making personal improvements, especially in your looks. You may find yourself getting more interested than normal in acquiring luxuries and bringing comfort into your life, so be careful about overspending. It also increases your personal magnetism, causing others to take special interest in you. You will have opportunities for romantic relationships. One person (or several!) may court you intensely. You will receive innumerable invitations, and the choice of accepting will be yours. This will not be a year of solitude. If you already have someone in your life, your relationship will be harmonious and you will share many pleasant moments. This will be a pleasant year and you will have a good time in spite of any problems that you may have. You will be more agreeable, happy, and creative. If you have artistic inclinations, you will produce a lot during this year. Your need to express yourself will be very strong. This influence will manifest with intensity in the area influenced by the Sun during this year (where the Sun is placed by house).

See also: Sun conjunct Venus;

SR Sun semisquare SR Venus

You may encounter, and have to deal with, some unresolved romantic problems from the past. Stay calm and develop a positive attitude toward your partner, as well as your social life in general. The irritations and displeasures caused by others could be the reflection of your own inner uneasiness. This aspect generates a desire for comfort and pleasure, which could lead to disruptions in your routine, followed by a possible loss of income. Do your best to control these yearnings and search for a creative solution for your inner dissatisfaction.

See also: Sun semisquare Venus; Sun semisquare Venus;

SR Sun sextile SR Venus

This year will be a very pleasant one for you. No matter what problems you are confronted with you will be able to deal with them in a positive and constructive way. Due to your positive attitude toward your friends and companions, you will be able to rely on their help when you need it. You will probably have an busy social life during this period. You will receive countless invitations to parties and events where you will meet new people. There is also the possibility for a new romantic relationship to develop this year. If you are already involved with someone, you will enjoy each other's company and share many very pleasant moments. Your capacity to show affection as well as your creativity will increase. If you have artistic inclinations, you will accomplish a lot during this time.

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