nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Saturn conjunct SR Uranus

SR Saturn sextile SR Uranus

This year, you can structure your life well (Saturn) within existing frameworks - social or otherwise - without sacrificing anything of your individuality (Uranus). You function in the community in a completely personal way without creating tensions in the outer world or in yourself.

You can apply ourselves diligently to personal development, showing great determination and energy. The will is resolute and you have plenty of staying-power. Life's ups and downs are taken in stride, and you are not easily thrown off balance. Although probably having a high opinion of yourself, you are not blind to limitations, are prepared to give others elbow-room, and are likely to have a egalitarian outlook.

SR Saturn square SR Uranus

You will have challenges establishing priorities in the obligations that you undertake, this year. You may not admit it, but you let yourself be intimidated by others because you want their approval. You may deceive yourself in believing that you can do any task as well as it needs to be done. The truth is that while you may do it well, you will probably resent having to adopt new methods or innovations.

SR Saturn trine SR Uranus

This year, you can structure your life well (Saturn) within existing frameworks - social or otherwise - without sacrificing anything of your individuality (Uranus). You function in the community in a completely personal way without creating tensions in the outer world or in yourself.

You can apply ourselves diligently to personal development, showing great determination and energy. The will is resolute and you have plenty of staying-power. Life's ups and downs are taken in stride, and you are not easily thrown off balance. Although probably having a high opinion of yourself, you are not blind to limitations, are prepared to give others elbow-room, and are likely to have a egalitarian outlook.

SR Saturn quincunx SR Uranus

You may have difficulty establishing priorities in the obligations that you undertake, this year. You may not admit it, but you let yourself be intimidated by others because you want their approval. You may deceive yourself in believing that you can do any task as well as it needs to be done. The truth is that while you may do it well, you will probably resent having to adopt new methods or innovations.

SR Saturn opposite SR Uranus

  puddles gayatri queen krishna_radha bill_hicks too_many_zooz terence_mckenna narayan rudolf ganesh