nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Saturn conjunct SR Neptune

SR Saturn sextile SR Neptune

The high idealism of Neptune and the awareness of social responsibility of Saturn will be prominent this year, and will stimulate an inner motivation intent on sharing in the ongoing work of social improvement. You should have a natural insight into social issues, and this coupled with a keen perception can help you to indicate those core problems that require resolution; in addition, you are able to offer constructive solutions to such problem areas, and are able to work with or within existing social organizations or governmental bodies to influence suitable changes to be made. In particular, you enjoy restoring 'order from chaos' and making use of forgotten and ignored resources.

You will tend to have an absorbent intelligence, which accumulates considerable information and knowledge easily, and which is a resource that you should be able to utilize. The level of imagination is high and active, and this too can be personally used in a variety of ways, giving a spark of life to the ideas that you have for personal and social development. You may have difficulty in deciding exactly how to use your own resources, and the ideal may be to become involved in work which has a definite social dimension.

Friends find that you are a reliable support in times of crisis, and you are equally willing to lend a helping hand when necessary. Neptune inspires you towards compassionate feelings, both for people you know and for strangers.

SR Saturn square SR Neptune

The square from Saturn to Neptune this year indicates that you are sometimes given to unrealistic fears about poverty or personal incompetence. You are often overly anxious in matters over which you have no control and for which you should not bear any guilt. You become emotionally disturbed about them, and yet you do nothing to relieve your anxiety. You feel inadequate to deal with negative environmental conditions that you experience or observe, and this can cause you to become depressed. Actually you are afraid of responsibility and have doubts about your competence to deal with it effectively.

Your negative attitude may cause difficulties as you seek a professional career. The real problem is your lack of self-love, which often results in underachievement. Avoiding challenges may lead you to believe that you really cannot accomplish anything. It is imperative that you be willing to fail occasionally in order to find out where and how you can succeed. Being indifferent to duty and obligation doesn't solve anything. Withdrawal only further deepens your feeling of incompetence. You must be prepared to face competition so you can sharpen your talents for future use. Remember that those you meet in competition are also being tested by you, because they do not know your abilities.

You must come to see your fear of encounter and failure as an avenue of opportunity for development and progress. Small but increasingly significant successes can restore your self-confidence. You won't become so overconfident as to be arrogant, but you will know what you can and cannot accomplish.

SR Saturn trine SR Neptune

The high idealism of Neptune and the awareness of social responsibility of Saturn will be prominent this year, and will stimulate an inner motivation intent on sharing in the ongoing work of social improvement. You should have a natural insight into social issues, and this coupled with a keen perception can help you to indicate those core problems that require resolution; in addition, you are able to offer constructive solutions to such problem areas, and are able to work with or within existing social organizations or governmental bodies to influence suitable changes to be made. In particular, you enjoy restoring 'order from chaos' and making use of forgotten and ignored resources.

There can be a tendency to sit back and observe social decline and contentious issues without choosing to become more actively involved, but this would be a waste of your own talents and a denial of that sense of social obligation. Your idealism has strong moral and ethical roots, and you could feel uncomfortable if you ignored those inner promptings. Direct activism may not be your preferred mode of involvement, but you may find your role perhaps through communicating to others the facts about certain problematic social issues, especially through the medium of writing and analysis.

You will tend to have an absorbent intelligence, which accumulates considerable information and knowledge easily, and which is a resource that you should be able to utilize. The level of imagination is high and active, and this too can be personally used in a variety of ways, giving a spark of life to the ideas that you have for personal and social development. You may have difficulty in deciding exactly how to use your own resources, and the ideal may be to become involved in work which has a definite social dimension.

Friends find that you are a reliable support in times of crisis, and you are equally willing to lend a helping hand when necessary. Neptune inspires you towards compassionate feelings, both for people you know and for strangers.

SR Saturn quincunx SR Neptune

SR Saturn opposite SR Neptune

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