nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Saturn conjunct SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Saturn is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This year may seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

If mostly harmonious: This is a year of gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

SR Saturn sextile SR Midheaven

SR Saturn sextile SR Midheaven: This is a year of gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

SR Saturn square SR Midheaven

This year may seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

SR Saturn trine SR Midheaven

This is a year of gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

SR Saturn quincunx SR Midheaven

More subtle than the square between these two points, this year may still seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

SR Saturn opposite SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Saturn is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This year may seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

If mostly harmonious: This is a year of gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

Natal Saturn conjunct SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Saturn is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This year may seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

If mostly harmonious: This is a year of gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

Natal Saturn sextile SR Midheaven

This is a year gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

Natal Saturn square SR Midheaven

This year may seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian. If you are open to this idea, you are advised to consult with a qualified professional astrologer for assistance.

Natal Saturn trine SR Midheaven

This is a year gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

Natal Saturn quincunx SR Midheaven

More subtle than the square between these two points, this year may still seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

Natal Saturn opposite SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Saturn is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This year may seem like a struggle. Tasks are difficult to complete, either because you lack motivation to finish, or because of a series of obstacles arising which cause delays. Some of these obstacles may be in the form of other people - people who may be critical in their judgment of your efforts, or people who are in a position to delay the results or rewards of your efforts. Patience is necessary, as well as the realization that the more time it takes someone to accept your ideas, the more time you have to either perfect your efforts further, or to work on other projects. There is a danger, however, that your efforts will be rejected in total, or in part. Perhaps you should be certain that you are not in danger of wasting your time before you begin such projects, i.e. get a contract to do the job before doing it. The worst possibility is that someone asks you to do it over again in a different way, or to modify it somehow, in a manner that requires as much work as you have already done. In addition to these things at work, there is also a possibility of a setback in the home or with a family member. This may not be a favorable year for relocation, building a home, or taking on a new job (unless your current position is just too frustrating). This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

If mostly harmonious: This is a year of gaining respect and prestige in your work or community. You get what you deserve, according to the amount and quality of effort you put into your duties. You may tend to be very thorough and organized, which helps in the successful completion of important projects. It also enhances your image as an authority, or expert, in your field. Many years of solid work now gives credibility and status to your position. Your reputation in your field is now earned, and you may feel as if you have finally "arrived." There may also be a clarity of purpose in life, a sense of fulfillment in terms of understanding, or realizing, your "calling in life." There is a sense of self satisfaction for a job well done.

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