nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR North Node conjunct SR Midheaven

This conjunction gives natives the ability to further their professional ambitions and public standing through their aptitude for harmonizing with present social trends, this year. They are fortunate in meeting and gaining the assistance of people in prominent positions who will help to further their careers; they have the ability to be in the right place at the right time. If the rest of the chart is weak, the natives' lives can become unbalanced - they may attain more power and responsibility than they have the knowledge or integrity to handle. This can be dangerous for the natives as well as for those whom their power affects. The conjunction brings good fortune and, even in a heavily afflicted chart, will protect the natives from ruin and disaster. South Node conjunct Nadir brings heavy responsibilities into the natives' lives where their homes and families are concerned. Sometimes parents are a burden. The domestic sphere may limit the natives' expressions.

SR North Node sextile SR Midheaven

This year you have special capacity for utilizing social trends in the domestic and professional sphere. The talent for making domestic and career matters mutually supportive is characteristic. There can also be business ability in using popular trends to make money that is then used to support of improve the domestic environment.

SR North Node square SR Midheaven

This year, there may be a tendency not to fit into your environment; to feel odd, be odd, or be misunderstood. As a result, difficulties can arise in the course of activities involving others, particularly those which involve sharing or teamwork. There's still ability to grow and progress, and often the tension triggered by the nodal conflict actually triggers growth, but there may be endless hassles with parents or authority figures over the type of growth desired or the means of attaining it.

SR North Node trine SR Midheaven

This year you have special capacity for utilizing social trends in the domestic and professional sphere. The talent for making domestic and career matters mutually supportive is characteristic. There can also be business ability in using popular trends to make money that is then used to support of improve the domestic environment.

SR North Node quincunx SR Midheaven

This year, there may be a tendency not to fit into your environment; to feel odd, be odd, or be misunderstood. As a result, difficulties can arise in the course of activities involving others, particularly those which involve sharing or teamwork. There's still ability to grow and progress, and often the tension triggered by the nodal conflict actually triggers growth, but there may be hassles with parents or authority figures over the type of growth desired or the means of attaining it.

SR North Node opposite SR Midheaven

This conjunction to the Nadir tends to bring success and increase through one's domestic life. This year, you'll never be without a roof over youir head. Benefit comes from parents and other members of the family unless other factors in the horoscope dictate otherwise. Career matters and getting due recognition can be thwarted. This is especially likely to be the case when Saturn transits in conjunction or in adverse aspect to this configuration. Long-held habits may no longer be in harmony with current trends or poor timing prevents meeting people of influence who could further careers. You will have the capacity for hard work which leads to success in the long run, but often others reap a lot of the reward.

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