nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR North Node conjunct SR Ascendant

This year you have ability to shape yourself according to prevailing social trends. Although this favors popularity, it can also lead to superficiality. You may be other-directed and base your actions not on any fundamental convictions but on the lowest common denominator of popularly accepted behavior. South Node conjunct the Descendant is unfavorable for the formation of partnerships and close personal relations this year - other people tend to be somewhat inhibited where you are concerned because of your poosibly too effusive outgoing qualities. People may suspect a lack of sincerity and feel you are merely trying to play a popularity game. You can also be serious and calculating when dealing with partners and the public. Sometimes the partner is a burden or the public makes demands on your resources.

SR North Node sextile SR Ascendant

This year you may have a special ability to make use of current social trends and opinions. Such ability can be utilized in public relations, partnerships, salesmanship, and legal matters. You will be tuned in to what is going on at the present and what will meet with popular approval.

SR North Node square SR Ascendant

The tension produced by the nodal conflict can lead to either a discordant sort of self-projection or a tendency to attract discordant people, this year. It may be advisable to watch a tendency towards clannishness or social climbing which can contribute to stagnation.

SR North Node trine SR Ascendant

This year you may have a special ability to make use of current social trends and opinions. Such ability can be utilized in public relations, partnerships, salesmanship, and legal matters. You will be tuned in to what is going on at the present and what will meet with popular approval.

SR North Node quincunx SR Ascendant

Your karmic path this year is not fully aligned with your identity or ego, which requires adjustments of your growth and evolution. You may feel like an outsider or that many people are against you. Your ego may be strong or rigid and this aspect is trying to cause problems in order for you to be more flexible and modify and change your behavior and identity. The best way to deal with this aspect is to be more open minded when it comes to alternative perspectives, opinions or viewpoints especially when it revolves around how you act with others.

SR North Node opposite SR Ascendant

This conjunction (to the descendant) indicates good fortune through partnerships and public relations, and, if well-aspected, through marriage, this year. Although natives are personally detached from the prevailing social trends by virtue of having the South Node conjunct their Ascendant, they are able to view objectively the workings of these popular attitudes in their partners and the public at large, and use this understanding to advantage in relating to them. On the negative side, there can be deliberate manipulation by others, who play upon their social conditionings. The natives do not go out of their way to conform to accepted modes of social behavior. This attribute makes for strong individualism but not for popularity. At times these people are very serious in manner and can make anyone who expects overt signs of sociability feel uneasy. They are also subject to periodic moods of personal inhibition.

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