nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Neptune conjunct SR North Node

SR Neptune sextile SR North Node

This configuration indicates an intuitive ability to fathom the trends of prevailing social attitudes and modes of conduct and take advantage of them, this year. You will find that you thus instinctively know how to benefit from the social forces around you. You are in tune with the times, and gain success and popularity through this rapport.

SR Neptune square the SR Moon's Nodes

This year, psychic sensitivity or receptivity may often be blocked by circumstances. Thus, one gets fairly close to an intuitive answer, and then all of a sudden, everything is washed out and they start all over again. Hidden problems with drugs, medicine or alcohol may require dealing with. Major changes in life from being too idealistic or too practical are often noticed.

SR Neptune trine SR North Node

This configuration indicates an intuitive ability to fathom the trends of prevailing social attitudes and modes of conduct, this year. You will find that you thus instinctively know how to benefit from the social forces around you. You are in tune with the times, and gain success and popularity through this rapport.

SR Neptune quincunx SR North Node

This year, psychic sensitivity or receptivity may occasionally be blocked by circumstances. Thus, one gets fairly close to an intuitive answer, and then all of a sudden, everything is washed out and they start all over again. Perhaps slight, but there can can be hidden problems with drugs, medicine or alcohol. Major changes in life from being too idealistic or too practical are sometimes noticed.

SR Neptune opposite SR North Node

A peculiarity or confused issue may encourage stagnation this year. Sometimes there's a medical disorder, a drinking problem, or a weight problem; other times, inhibitions of misperceptions hinder growth.

SR Neptune sextile SR South Node

SR Neptune trine SR South Node

SR Neptune quincunx SR South Node

  puddles gayatri queen krishna_radha bill_hicks too_many_zooz terence_mckenna narayan rudolf ganesh