nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Neptune conjunct SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Neptune is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This is a year in which your reputation is vulnerable. You may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others.

If mostly harmonious: You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

SR Neptune sextile SR Midheaven

SR Neptune sextile SR Midheaven: You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

SR Neptune square SR Midheaven

This is a year in which your reputation is vulnerable. You may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others.

This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. It may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this planetary aspect to your meridian.

SR Neptune trine SR Midheaven

You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

SR Neptune quincunx SR Midheaven

This is a year in which your reputation may be vulnerable. There is some chance that you may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others. Some adjustments may need to be made.

SR Neptune opposite SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Neptune is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This is a year in which your reputation is vulnerable. You may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others.

If mostly harmonious: You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

Natal Neptune conjunct SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Neptune is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This is a year in which your reputation is vulnerable. You may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others.

If mostly harmonious: You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

Natal Neptune sextile SR Midheaven

You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

Natal Neptune square SR Midheaven

This is a year in which your reputation is vulnerable. You may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others.

This set up portends some difficult conditions during the year. Depending upon the rest of the solar return chart, it may be wise to consider traveling elsewhere for your solar return in order to remove this Neptunian square to your meridian.

Natal Neptune trine SR Midheaven

You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

Natal Neptune quincunx SR Midheaven

This is a year in which your reputation may be vulnerable. There is some chance that you may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others. Some adjustments may need to be made.

Natal Neptune opposite SR Midheaven

Depending upon how well placed and well aspected Neptune is in both the natal and solar return charts, this aspect can manifest basically harmoniously or basically discordantly.

If mostly discordant: This is a year in which your reputation is vulnerable. You may be the subject of gossip and even slander. It is very important for you to conduct all of your professional and social efforts totally above board. You must remain above reproach, for if you do anything that lets others down, they may cause great embarrassment to you. Trust is also an important issue in all relationships and work efforts this year. Know who you are dealing with - are they honest? You yourself must also be honest in your dealings, or it will come back to haunt you. Take extra precautions to make sure you understand correctly what others are saying - do not assume anything that has the slightest chance of being interpreted differently by others. By the same token, make sure you are very clear in your communications to others - do not allow them to interpret issues in any other way than what you intend. The danger this year is that a major misunderstanding could lead to great loss and/or embarrassment. This could be very disappointing to you and others.

If mostly harmonious: You may find yourself being placed upon a pedestal this year by others. Your imagination in work matters, as well as domestic and family concerns, is very great. If you are involved in advertising or marketing, this could be quite helpful. If you design or decorate homes or offices, this is excellent. There is a seductive "glamour" to what you are doing that draws others in. This could be very beneficial in a sales sense, such as creating incentive programs. There is a "romance" about your work - perhaps you really love what you are doing now. It seems as if you handle pressure quite well; in fact, you may be quite relaxed and laid back this year. Socially, you will do quite well. You are the perfect host or hostess, and everyone loves your parties. In both the home and work setting, you may find others come to you with their problems, and if you listen carefully, they may truly be helped by your counsel. This can create a sense of great inner satisfaction, of knowing you helped someone.

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