nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Moon conjunct SR Saturn

Hard aspects to Saturn point to a stronger need for emotional security and some possible hypersensitivity. Others may find you somewhat withdrawn emotionally. Obligations and responsibilities are magnified. With this aspect, you find it challenging to keep a positive frame of mind, and if not kept in check, you can more easily attract negative circumstances as a result.

Moon-Saturn aspects are associated with emotional control. If you are involved in an important project which you feel must be completed, you can work despite any emotional strain. You take your commitments seriously and will enforce restrictions on your own behavior or suppress feelings in order to get a job done. This is a time when responsibility wins out over emotional expression.

Feeling that you can only depend on yourself and must take responsibility for your own welfare is characteristic of Moon-Saturn aspects. This is a time when you will be asked to make decisions affecting you emotionally. These decisions will have some bearing on your future sense of fulfillment (such as attending the school of your choice, or entering a particular career). You might have to make these decisions on your own if others are not involved, supportive, com-forting or interested. They are either absent or for some reason unable to help you with the task at hand. At times, you may feel lonely. If you cannot depend on others, depend on yourself, your own resources and abilities.

Someone who started her own day care center had a Moon-Saturn aspect in her solar return. She worked alone to set up the center since she did not have an assistant. Her husband was fearful of the financial commitment and was less than supportive of her new business venture. There were times when she wished she could share her fears with someone who really understood.

Major decisions are made only after careful consideration, and may be associated with some sadness or stark realization. Emotional implications are likely. You may have to give up something to get something. Options may be limited, and you might have to choose from an either/or situation. Suppose you wish to move to your own apartment. Although you wish to move quickly, the particular apartment you wish to rent might not be available until later in the year. You can either wait or settle for something else. In the long run, the delay could be beneficial.

SR Moon sextile SR Saturn

SR Moon square SR Saturn

Hard aspects to Saturn point to a stronger need for emotional security and some possible hypersensitivity. Others may find you somewhat withdrawn emotionally. Obligations and responsibilities are magnified. With this aspect, you find it challenging to keep a positive frame of mind, and if not kept in check, you more easily attract negative circumstances as a result.

Moon-Saturn aspects are associated with emotional control. If you are involved in an important project which you feel must be completed, you can work despite any emotional strain. You take your commitments seriously and will enforce restrictions on your own behavior or suppress feelings in order to get a job done. This is a time when responsibility wins out over emotional expression.

Feeling that you can only depend on yourself and must take responsibility for your own welfare is characteristic of Moon-Saturn aspects. This is a time when you will be asked to make decisions affecting you emotionally. These decisions will have some bearing on your future sense of fulfillment (such as attending the school of your choice, or entering a particular career). You might have to make these decisions on your own if others are not involved, supportive, com-forting or interested. They are either absent or for some reason unable to help you with the task at hand. At times, you may feel lonely. If you cannot depend on others, depend on yourself, your own resources and abilities.

Someone who started her own day care center had a Moon-Saturn aspect in her solar return. She worked alone to set up the center since she did not have an assistant. Her husband was fearful of the financial commitment and was less than supportive of her new business venture. There were times when she wished she could share her fears with someone who really understood.

Major decisions are made only after careful consideration, and may be associated with some sadness or stark realization. Emotional implications are likely. You may have to give up something to get something. Options may be limited, and you might have to choose from an either/or situation. Suppose you wish to move to your own apartment. Although you wish to move quickly, the particular apartment you wish to rent might not be available until later in the year. You can either wait or settle for something else. In the long run, the delay could be beneficial.

SR Moon trine SR Saturn

Your outlook this year may be cautious and conservative, respecting social rules and traditions, preferring to live by self-conformity to 'civilized behavior'. You may view social experimentation and radical ideas to change cultural establishments with unease and suspicious concern, preferring the familiar and trusted ways. However, you also do recognize the renewing virtue of change, and will support change if you believe it will be beneficial; yet change for change's sake is not what you're after this year.

Establishing firm life foundations is seen as important. You realize that 'successful building' depends on right foundations. Following this 'pattern' will increase the likelihood of success in any endeavors, whether in business, career, marriage, or family life.

SR Moon quincunx SR Saturn

Moon quincunx to Saturn point to an emphasized need for emotional security and some possible hypersensitivity. Others may find you somewhat withdrawn emotionally. Obligations and responsibilities are magnified. This year, you may find it at least somewhat challenging to maintain a positive frame of mind.

SR Moon opposite SR Saturn

Hard aspects to Saturn point to a stronger need for emotional security and some possible hypersensitivity. Others may find you somewhat withdrawn emotionally. Obligations and responsibilities are magnified. With this aspect, you find it challenging to keep a positive frame of mind, and if not kept in check, you more easily attract negative circumstances as a result.

Moon-Saturn aspects are associated with emotional control. If you are involved in an important project which you feel must be completed, you can work despite any emotional strain. You take your commitments seriously and will enforce restrictions on your own behavior or suppress feelings in order to get a job done. This is a time when responsibility wins out over emotional expression.

Feeling that you can only depend on yourself and must take responsibility for your own welfare is characteristic of Moon-Saturn aspects. This is a time when you will be asked to make decisions affecting you emotionally. These decisions will have some bearing on your future sense of fulfillment (such as attending the school of your choice, or entering a particular career). You might have to make these decisions on your own if others are not involved, supportive, com-forting or interested. They are either absent or for some reason unable to help you with the task at hand. At times, you may feel lonely. If you cannot depend on others, depend on yourself, your own resources and abilities.

Someone who started her own day care center had a Moon-Saturn aspect in her solar return. She worked alone to set up the center since she did not have an assistant. Her husband was fearful of the financial commitment and was less than supportive of her new business venture. There were times when she wished she could share her fears with someone who really understood.

Major decisions are made only after careful consideration, and may be associated with some sadness or stark realization. Emotional implications are likely. You may have to give up something to get something. Options may be limited, and you might have to choose from an either/or situation. Suppose you wish to move to your own apartment. Although you wish to move quickly, the particular apartment you wish to rent might not be available until later in the year. You can either wait or settle for something else. In the long run, the delay could be beneficial.

  puddles gayatri queen krishna_radha bill_hicks too_many_zooz terence_mckenna narayan rudolf ganesh