nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Moon conjunct SR North Node

This year, your sensitivity is greater than in past years, contacts you have are taken very seriously, and you are occupied by emotional matters. Therefore the development of the capacity for friendship and love comes very much to the fore. Love and affection, pampering and dependence are experienced intensely. Because the Moon is a fluctuating emotional element, reversals can often be suffered; and, there can be hurts and disappointments, followed by disregard.

Generally, though, this conjunction brings fortune through your heightened ability to sense and to flow in harmony with the prevailing current of events. In other words, you may find yourself instinctively capable of taking advantage of current trends. Carried too far, this attribute can lead you to jump on whatever bandwagon happens to be passing, without due concern for the consequences.

Your enthusiasm brings you popularity. Good fortune in dealing with women or the public is also indicated. This may be a favorable karmic influence, created by generosity and helpfulness to others in the past.

SR Moon sextile SR North Node

This year you will have effective timing of day-to-day events and the handling of small matters in a way that is harmonious with your society and your acceptable habit patterns make you popular. Family background may bring good fortune.

This aspect gives a calm and steady emotional nature. In a man's chart it attracts a woman who will help him. It gives a cheerful temperament. The health is affected beneficially and the personality comes across well with the public.

SR Moon square the SR Moon's Nodes

This can give problems with health this year. There is much emotional influence concerning the nodal area. There can be a passive intolerance of others' opinions. This aspect can cause some drastic change in the personality. It can exaggerate greatly the femininity of a woman, or can make the woman extremely coarse and rough unless well aspected by Venus. In a man it seems to make him less tender, less refined. Relations with the mother may be poor due to personality clashes. This person's personality can be misunderstood by others in first contact. For a man it may mean marriage or unions with women of diverse age or social background; or marriage may be prevented or delayed. The action and stress seem to come out at the Moon's position and through problems with women. It causes inhibitions in expression and feelings which do not work to the best advantage of nodal balancing and growth. It is best to release the feelings some way.

SR Moon trine SR North Node

This year bodes well for a harmonious blending of your own emotions and instinctive reactions with the prevailing social trends and attitudes. You instinctively know how to navigate the currents of changing popular beliefs to your own advantage.

SR Moon quincunx SR North Node

Health may be delicate this year. Relations with the mother or women in general may require constant adjustments. It may cause inhibitions in expression and feelings, so remember it is best to release the feelings some way. You will feel slightly out of sync with others this year.

SR Moon opposite SR North Node

This is a difficult aspect because circumstances this year make it hard to synchronize your activities with current trends. In other words, you may be plagued with bad timing due to your own circumstantially imposed inability to be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing in the right way. Thus you are constantly forced to draw upon your own personal resources. You cannot depend upon the co-operation of others. You may feel emotionally alone against the world.

SR Moon sextile SR South Node

See also: Moon sextile South Node;

SR Moon trine SR South Node

See also: Moon trine South Node;

SR Moon quincunx SR South Node

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