nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Moon conjunct SR Mars

This aspect in any kind of chart can be extremely empowering, especially if there are harmonious aspects to Moon and Mars from other planets in the chart; this aspect can also be indicative of much struggle if the Moon and Mars are severely afflicted by aspect to other planets in the chart. In either case, you will take pretty much everything extremely personally this year, especially if this conjunction is a close one.

Hard Moon aspects to Mars can bring with them confrontations and moments of emotional anger. This is largely because you are far from indifferent on an emotional level this year. Your passions are aroused and it is hard for you to step back and objectively review any given situation. You can be emotionally impulsive during this period of your life, and your hunger for new experiences can reveal itself in restlessness and/or impatience.

Moon-Mars aspects in general imply involvement in a situation which is emotionally uncomfortable yet rewarding, a mixed blessing. The energies represented here suggest working at cross-purposes and you may have ambivalent feelings about your circumstances. An example for illustrative purposes might be found in the experience of trying to comfort a sick baby. You know the baby is sick and does not feel well so you do everything you can to comfort me poor child. But at the same time, you become very frustrated if nothing you do seems to stop the screaming. At that point, stress is competing with concern and mixed feelings arise.

Mars in aspect to the Moon is very suggestive of contradictory emotions. The Moon symbolizes our nurturing qualities and emotional nature. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes our independence and assertiveness. The basic interpretations for these two planets are so different that they tend to remain separate like oil and water. They represent two sides of the coin or different perspectives on one situation. For instance, a common situation often involving mixed emotions is having to say good-bye to a good friend because one of you is moving. If you are the person left behind, you may feel happy for your friend, but still sad about your loss. If you are the person moving, you may be excited about the move, yet sorry to be leaving. The purpose of the mixed feelings is to call attention to your own emotional needs (Moon) and take appropriate action accordingly (Mars). The mother of the fussy infant may need to take five minutes away from the baby to cope with stress. The person who is moving may need to concentrate on maintaining friendships even after relocation.

Moon-Mars aspects suggest that emotional situations are not simple and usually involve a strange combination of contradictory emotions. They can also indicate that you might act in a way that detracts from your own sense of security and well-being, thereby creating stress. An example could be involvement in an extra-marital affair. A Moon-Mars combination is not necessarily difficult, nor must it involve your personal life. It can refer to professional endeavors or social activism. You can be motivated to act because you are affected emotionally by what you see. If you are upset by conditions in a poor section of town, you might be motivated to volunteer your services at a local soup kitchen. The unpleasantness you feel implies the need to look at your surroundings more closely and work to correct or improve conditions.

See also: Moon conjunct Mars;

SR Moon sextile SR Mars

The Moon symbolizes our nurturing qualities and emotional nature. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes our independence and assertiveness. You will be far from indifferent on an emotional level this year; and, as this is a soft aspect, much emotional fulfillment will be forthcoming.

The SR Moon trine Mars indicates intensity of feeling and emotion, which you relieve by applying yourself to creative activities. You do more than just what is physically required whenever you can. If necessary, you are willing to compromise your desires by making adjustments. You meet people halfway and enjoy good relationships with a large number of friends, associates, and relatives. You may not be satisfied in all areas of your life, but then who is? On the whole you should be able to deal with people more easily than most. You have mastered the art of relating to people, and can even chastise someone without being abusive or violent. Even when you display temper or fight for your rights, you don't give an impression of hatred. You don't generally interfere with others, and prefer that they respect your right to privacy as well.

Your psychological alignment allows you to function easily with the public and in personal relationships. You are sufficiently sure of yourself that you don't feel threatened by associates or competitors. You have faith in yourself and in those with whom you enjoy a close emotional contact. When challenged, you quietly accept it and cope as best you can, but you don't get uptight if you don't succeed. Your 'easy come, easy go' attitude helps conserve your abundant energy for important matters. You have a good imagination and the energy to express it well in your job and in vocational interests. Children respond well to your influence because you don't expect them to act older than they are.

You are not afraid to express your feelings toward those you care for because you don't have any hang-ups about your affections not being returned. People can't help but be impressed with your attitude and behavior. You put others at ease and make them feel welcome in your company. But you don't warm up to persons who are dishonest with you, for they are not worth the effort. You are reasonably independent, because you don't feel emotionally obligated to anyone. Nor do you hold others to account, unless they feel it naturally. Permissive to a fault, you enjoy warm, personal relationships with many types of people. You give everyone the benefit of the doubt in fulfilling what you expect of them, but you don't ignore them when they fail. You find qualities to admire in everyone, and you don't categorize them in neat little pigeonholes.

SR Moon square SR Mars

Hard aspects to Mars can bring with them confrontations and moments of emotional anger. This is largely because you are far from indifferent on an emotional level this year. Your passions are aroused and it is hard for you to step back and objectively review any given situation. You can be emotionally impulsive during this period of your life, and your hunger for new experiences can reveal itself in restlessness and/or impatience.

Moon-Mars aspects in general imply involvement in a situation which is emotionally uncomfortable yet rewarding, a mixed blessing. The energies represented here suggest working at cross-purposes and you may have ambivalent feelings about your circumstances. An example for illustrative purposes might be found in the experience of trying to comfort a sick baby. You know the baby is sick and does not feel well so you do everything you can to comfort me poor child. But at the same time, you become very frustrated if nothing you do seems to stop the screaming. At that point, stress is competing with concern and mixed feelings arise.

Mars in aspect to the Moon is very suggestive of contradictory emotions. The Moon symbolizes our nurturing qualities and emotional nature. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes our independence and assertiveness. The basic interpretations for these two planets are so different that they tend to remain separate like oil and water. They represent two sides of the coin or different perspectives on one situation. For instance, a common situation often involving mixed emotions is having to say good-bye to a good friend because one of you is moving. If you are the person left behind, you may feel happy for your friend, but still sad about your loss. If you are the person moving, you may be excited about the move, yet sorry to be leaving. The purpose of the mixed feelings is to call attention to your own emotional needs (Moon) and take appropriate action accordingly (Mars). The mother of the fussy infant may need to take five minutes away from the baby to cope with stress. The person who is moving may need to concentrate on maintaining friendships even after relocation.

Moon-Mars aspects suggest that emotional situations are not simple and usually involve a strange combination of contradictory emotions. They can also indicate that you might act in a way that detracts from your own sense of security and well-being, thereby creating stress. An example could be involvement in an extra-marital affair. A Moon-Mars combination is not necessarily difficult, nor must it involve your personal life. It can refer to professional endeavors or social activism. You can be motivated to act because you are affected emotionally by what you see. If you are upset by conditions in a poor section of town, you might be motivated to volunteer your services at a local soup kitchen. The unpleasantness you feel implies the need to look at your surroundings more closely and work to correct or improve conditions.

SR Moon trine SR Mars

The Moon symbolizes our nurturing qualities and emotional nature. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes our independence and assertiveness. You will be far from indifferent on an emotional level this year; and, as this is a soft aspect, much emotional fulfillment will be forthcoming.

The SR Moon trine Mars indicates intensity of feeling and emotion, which you relieve by applying yourself to creative activities. You do more than just what is physically required whenever you can. If necessary, you are willing to compromise your desires by making adjustments. You meet people halfway and enjoy good relationships with a large number of friends, associates, and relatives. You may not be satisfied in all areas of your life, but then who is? On the whole you should be able to deal with people more easily than most. You have mastered the art of relating to people, and can even chastise someone without being abusive or violent. Even when you display temper or fight for your rights, you don't give an impression of hatred. You don't generally interfere with others, and prefer that they respect your right to privacy as well.

Your psychological alignment allows you to function easily with the public and in personal relationships. You are sufficiently sure of yourself that you don't feel threatened by associates or competitors. You have faith in yourself and in those with whom you enjoy a close emotional contact. When challenged, you quietly accept it and cope as best you can, but you don't get uptight if you don't succeed. Your 'easy come, easy go' attitude helps conserve your abundant energy for important matters. You have a good imagination and the energy to express it well in your job and in vocational interests. Children respond well to your influence because you don't expect them to act older than they are.

You are not afraid to express your feelings toward those you care for because you don't have any hang-ups about your affections not being returned. People can't help but be impressed with your attitude and behavior. You put others at ease and make them feel welcome in your company. But you don't warm up to persons who are dishonest with you, for they are not worth the effort. You are reasonably independent, because you don't feel emotionally obligated to anyone. Nor do you hold others to account, unless they feel it naturally. Permissive to a fault, you enjoy warm, personal relationships with many types of people. You give everyone the benefit of the doubt in fulfilling what you expect of them, but you don't ignore them when they fail. You find qualities to admire in everyone, and you don't categorize them in neat little pigeonholes.

See also: Moon trine Mars;

SR Moon quincunx SR Mars

Moon-Mars inconjuncts in general imply involvement in a situation which is emotionally uncomfortable yet rewarding, a mixed blessing. The energies represented here suggest working at cross-purposes and you may have ambivalent feelings about your circumstances.

Mars in quincunx aspect to the Moon is very suggestive of contradictory emotions. The Moon symbolizes our nurturing qualities and emo¬tional nature. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes our independence and assertiveness. The basic interpretations for these two planets are so different that they tend to remain separate like oil and water. They represent two sides of the coin or different perspectives on one situation.

Emotional situations, this year, are not simple and usually involve a strange combination of contradictory emotions. They can also indicate that you might act in a way that detracts from your own sense of security and well-being, thereby creating stress. An example could be involvement in an extra-marital affair. A Moon-Mars combination is not necessarily difficult, nor must it involve your personal life. It can refer to professional endeavors or social activism. You can be motivated to act because you are affected emotionally by what you see. If you are upset by conditions in a poor section of town, you might be motivated to volunteer your services at a local soup kitchen. The unpleasantness you feel implies the need to look at your surroundings more closely and work to correct or improve conditions.

See also: Moon quincunx Mars;

SR Moon opposite SR Mars

Hard aspects to Mars can bring with them confrontations and moments of emotional anger. This is largely because you are far from indifferent on an emotional level this year. Your passions are aroused and it is hard for you to step back and objectively review any given situation. You can be emotionally impulsive during this period of your life, and your hunger for new experiences can reveal itself in restlessness and/or impatience.

Moon-Mars aspects in general imply involvement in a situation which is emotionally uncomfortable yet rewarding, a mixed blessing. The energies represented here suggest working at cross-purposes and you may have ambivalent feelings about your circumstances. An example for illustrative purposes might be found in the experience of trying to comfort a sick baby. You know the baby is sick and does not feel well so you do everything you can to comfort me poor child. But at the same time, you become very frustrated if nothing you do seems to stop the screaming. At that point, stress is competing with concern and mixed feelings arise.

Mars in aspect to the Moon is very suggestive of contradictory emotions. The Moon symbolizes our nurturing qualities and emotional nature. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes our independence and assertiveness. The basic interpretations for these two planets are so different that they tend to remain separate like oil and water. They represent two sides of the coin or different perspectives on one situation. For instance, a common situation often involving mixed emotions is having to say good-bye to a good friend because one of you is moving. If you are the person left behind, you may feel happy for your friend, but still sad about your loss. If you are the person moving, you may be excited about the move, yet sorry to be leaving. The purpose of the mixed feelings is to call attention to your own emotional needs (Moon) and take appropriate action accordingly (Mars). The mother of the fussy infant may need to take five minutes away from the baby to cope with stress. The person who is moving may need to concentrate on maintaining friendships even after relocation.

Moon-Mars aspects suggest that emotional situations are not simple and usually involve a strange combination of contradictory emotions. They can also indicate that you might act in a way that detracts from your own sense of security and well-being, thereby creating stress. An example could be involvement in an extra-marital affair. A Moon-Mars combination is not necessarily difficult, nor must it involve your personal life. It can refer to professional endeavors or social activism. You can be motivated to act because you are affected emotionally by what you see. If you are upset by conditions in a poor section of town, you might be motivated to volunteer your services at a local soup kitchen. The unpleasantness you feel implies the need to look at your surroundings more closely and work to correct or improve conditions.

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