nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Moon conjunct SR Jupiter

Hard aspects to Jupiter suggest a period of emotionalism, with big feelings and the urge to expand your circle. Of all of the Moon's aspects, this one is the most frequently active in years when things come to individuals, such as money, gifts, and rewards. Besides potential windfalls, this aspect generally brings with it a positive and happy emotional outlook.

Moon in aspect to Jupiter suggests that your ability to express your feelings within a significant relationship is important to your own emotional growth during the year, and also to the growth of the relationship. Jupiter symbolizes your ability to expand and me Moon symbolizes your feeling nature. Together in aspect, they emphasize the process of sharing emotions, having those emotions understood, and growing from the interchange. For example, if you are involved in counseling, this exchange is crucial to the therapeutic process. If you are involved in a serious relationship, sharing your feelings is very important for the development of greater intimacy. Problems expressing your feelings or reaching a level of understanding will cause emotional stagnation and eventually strain your relationships.

Some real or imagined barrier to expressing feelings can exist with this aspect, and it is important that you break through this barrier and be understood if emotional growth is to occur. Sometimes the barrier is really no problem at all, but a wonderful opportunity for openness. Expansion through emotional interchange and relatedness is the key. It can come about by overcoming barriers or creating rewarding opportunities.

Moon-Jupiter aspects sometimes imply overwhelming emo¬tions. You do best with objective feedback from others. Your percep¬tion may be distorted if you keep your feelings isolated. It is just as important for you to convey cheerful emotions as serious feelings, especially if you are in a situation where enthusiasm could motivate others. For instance, if you are working on a humanitarian project and you need volunteers, your ability to inspire others with your enthu¬siasm will help your cause.

See also: Moon conjunct Jupiter;

SR Moon sextile SR Jupiter

This year, you will probably have optimistic, positive attitudes that contribute to a feeling of well-being, and which are effectively communicated through relationships. As your energies flow easily, making contact with others is natural and exhilarating. Your life expands when you share your abundant enthusiasms, as these also eventually open a path for you to follow.

You may be oversensitive to environmental influences or to negative reactions from people; but you have resilience, and prefer to work through problems as soon as possible, rarely allowing them to spoil your enjoyment of life for too long. You prefer a simple, uncomplicated life-style, and will not tolerate negative intrusions of any kind.

Compassion, generosity, and an altruistic, humanistic spirit will be present, and may encourage more social involvement, perhaps through feelings of moral and civic duty. Associated with this may be religious idealism, especially inspired by stories such as the Good Samaritan parable. You feel a sense of social responsibility, and will support endeavors to improve the quality of life for all those disadvantaged; for you, the quality of a society is in the level of support, care, and attention that it gives to those in need, helping rather than covertly penalizing them for being less able than others.

Creative and imaginative potential is likely; and this should be carefully developed. Even if these only manifest as leisure-time interests - perhaps as artistic or literary skills - their valuable contribution to your life and others' may be significant. For some, developing potential step by step may lead to this becoming a life purpose and career in itself.

Friends can find your self-assurance supportive; and you may become an adviser and confidante for them. Provided that it does not turn into a parasitic dependency, your advice may benefit others, helping them to confront and resolve problems. However, you may need to distinguish between times when people actually use your advice and support to solve their difficulties, and when they just transfer part of the burden to you, without making an effort to actually deal with their problem. The parable of the seeds falling on stony ground may be appropriate to consider. To achieve the best use of your talents and abilities, you should define and focus them, rather than dissipating them in several directions at once.

In intimate relationships, you will look for partners of high caliber and quality, people with whom you can experience a deep, meaningful relationship. Mutual intellectual and emotional fulfillment is sought; partners are chosen who also follow their life path and intend to manifest potential. You prefer partners who possess self-understanding and maturity, and are less attracted to those who could bring chaos and confusion into your life, knowing this will divert you from your chosen direction. You prefer peace and relative harmony, because that is the best foundation from which to work. Once your emotions are committed, you will be faithful and devoted to your partner, always looking for ways to improve the relationship. Family and home life is important to you; and much joy will come from this source.

See also: Moon sextile Jupiter;

SR Moon square SR Jupiter

Hard aspects to Jupiter suggest a period of emotionalism, with big feelings and the urge to expand your circle. Your ability to express your feelings within a significant relationship is important to your own emotional growth during the year, and also to the growth of the relationship. Jupiter symbolizes your ability to expand and me Moon symbolizes your feeling nature. Together in aspect, they emphasize the process of sharing emotions, having those emotions understood, and growing from the interchange. For example, if you are involved in counseling, this exchange is crucial to the therapeutic process. If you are involved in a serious relationship, sharing your feelings is very important for the development of greater intimacy. Problems expressing your feelings or reaching a level of understanding will cause emotional stagnation and eventually strain your relationships.

Some real or imagined barrier to expressing feelings can exist with this aspect, and it is important that you break through this barrier and be understood if emotional growth is to occur. Sometimes the barrier is really no problem at all, but a wonderful opportunity for openness. Expansion through emotional interchange and relatedness is the key. It can come about by overcoming barriers or creating rewarding opportunities.

Moon-Jupiter aspects sometimes imply overwhelming emotions. You do best with objective feedback from others. Your percep¬tion may be distorted if you keep your feelings isolated. It is just as important for you to convey cheerful emotions as serious feelings, especially if you are in a situation where enthusiasm could motivate others. For instance, if you are working on a humanitarian project and you need volunteers, your ability to inspire others with your enthusiasm will help your cause.

See also: Moon square Jupiter;

SR Moon trine SR Jupiter

This year, you will probably have optimistic, positive attitudes that contribute to a feeling of well-being, and which are effectively communicated through relationships. As your energies flow easily, making contact with others is natural and exhilarating. Your life expands when you share your abundant enthusiasms, as these also eventually open a path for you to follow.

You may be oversensitive to environmental influences or to negative reactions from people; but you have resilience, and prefer to work through problems as soon as possible, rarely allowing them to spoil your enjoyment of life for too long. You prefer a simple, uncomplicated life-style, and will not tolerate negative intrusions of any kind.

Compassion, generosity, and an altruistic, humanistic spirit will be present, and may encourage more social involvement, perhaps through feelings of moral and civic duty. Associated with this may be religious idealism, especially inspired by stories such as the Good Samaritan parable. You feel a sense of social responsibility, and will support endeavors to improve the quality of life for all those disadvantaged; for you, the quality of a society is in the level of support, care, and attention that it gives to those in need, helping rather than covertly penalizing them for being less able than others.

Creative and imaginative potential is likely; and this should be carefully developed. Even if these only manifest as leisure-time interests - perhaps as artistic or literary skills - their valuable contribution to your life and others' may be significant. For some, developing potential step by step may lead to this becoming a life purpose and career in itself.

Friends can find your self-assurance supportive; and you may become an adviser and confidante for them. Provided that it does not turn into a parasitic dependency, your advice may benefit others, helping them to confront and resolve problems. However, you may need to distinguish between times when people actually use your advice and support to solve their difficulties, and when they just transfer part of the burden to you, without making an effort to actually deal with their problem. The parable of the seeds falling on stony ground may be appropriate to consider. To achieve the best use of your talents and abilities, you should define and focus them, rather than dissipating them in several directions at once.

In intimate relationships, you will look for partners of high caliber and quality, people with whom you can experience a deep, meaningful relationship. Mutual intellectual and emotional fulfillment is sought; partners are chosen who also follow their life path and intend to manifest potential. You prefer partners who possess self-understanding and maturity, and are less attracted to those who could bring chaos and confusion into your life, knowing this will divert you from your chosen direction. You prefer peace and relative harmony, because that is the best foundation from which to work. Once your emotions are committed, you will be faithful and devoted to your partner, always looking for ways to improve the relationship. Family and home life is important to you; and much joy will come from this source.

See also: Moon trine Jupiter;

SR Moon quincunx SR Jupiter

Solar return Moon in quincunx to SR Jupiter suggests that your ability to express your feelings within a significant relationship is important to your own emotional growth during the year, and also to the growth of the relationship. Some adjustments may need to be made. Jupiter symbolizes your ability to expand and me Moon symbolizes your feeling nature. Together in aspect, they emphasize the process of sharing emotions, having those emotions understood, and growing from the interchange. For example, if you are involved in counseling, this exchange is crucial to the therapeutic process. If you are involved in a serious relationship, sharing your feelings is very important for the development of greater intimacy. Problems expressing your feelings or reaching a level of understanding can cause emotional stagnation and eventually strain your relationships.

See also: Moon quincunx Jupiter;

SR Moon opposite SR Jupiter

Hard aspects to Jupiter suggest a period of emotionalism, with big feelings and the urge to expand your circle. Your ability to express your feelings within a significant relationship is important to your own emotional growth during the year, and also to the growth of the relationship. Jupiter symbolizes your ability to expand and me Moon symbolizes your feeling nature. Together in aspect, they emphasize the process of sharing emotions, having those emotions understood, and growing from the interchange. For example, if you are involved in counseling, this exchange is crucial to the therapeutic process. If you are involved in a serious relationship, sharing your feelings is very important for the development of greater intimacy. Problems expressing your feelings or reaching a level of understanding will cause emotional stagnation and eventually strain your relationships.

Some real or imagined barrier to expressing feelings can exist with this aspect, and it is important that you break through this barrier and be understood if emotional growth is to occur. Sometimes the barrier is really no problem at all, but a wonderful opportunity for openness. Expansion through emotional interchange and relatedness is the key. It can come about by overcoming barriers or creating rewarding opportunities.

Moon-Jupiter aspects sometimes imply overwhelming emotions. You do best with objective feedback from others. Your percep¬tion may be distorted if you keep your feelings isolated. It is just as important for you to convey cheerful emotions as serious feelings, especially if you are in a situation where enthusiasm could motivate others. For instance, if you are working on a humanitarian project and you need volunteers, your ability to inspire others with your enthusiasm will help your cause.

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