nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Aries Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Aries Midheaven; Aries Midheaven

Taurus Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Taurus Midheaven; Taurus Midheaven

Gemini Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Gemini Midheaven; Gemini Midheaven

Cancer Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Cancer Midheaven; Cancer Midheaven

Leo Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Leo Midheaven; Leo Midheaven

Virgo Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Virgo Midheaven; Virgo Midheaven

Libra Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Libra Midheaven; Libra Midheaven

Scorpio Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Scorpio Midheaven; Scorpio Midheaven

Sagittarius Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Sagittarius Midheaven; Sagittarius Midheaven

Capricorn Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Capricorn Midheaven; Capricorn Midheaven

Aquarius Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Aquarius Midheaven; Aquarius Midheaven

Pisces Solar Return Midheaven

See also: Pisces Midheaven; Pisces Midheaven

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 1st House

Generally a good indication, enabling the native to influence his destiny and to orient it in the direction he prefers. This superimposition always promises individual action that somehow or other helps his future. It is frequently seen in years when the native chooses his vocation, or begins a project that turns his life in a new direction. This position gives a great deal of opportunity.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 1st House: This is generally favorable, giving the you more freedom in directing your life as you desire. Doing so will help you in the future. This superimposition is often seen in years when the person "chooses a profession" or begins an important project that turns your life in a new direction. Much opportunity is shown by this placement. With the MC in the first good fortune can bring help, money, and patronage to you.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 2nd House

Indicates a year in which the native will be well or badly paid, depending on the favourable or unfavourable disposition of these two houses. It is a sign that finances are very important and should be carefully examined, even if the Second House is unoccupied.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 2nd House: This shows a year in which you will be well paid or poorly paid depending on the planets in the SOLAR and natal houses and aspects to those planets. Finances will be very important during the year and any indications shown in the SOLAR interpretation regarding money should be well considered in depth.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 3rd House

Indicates a social position that requires much travel, or which is connected with writing. If the Solar Return is “benefic”, this superimposition may bring an improvement in the social position as a result of a short business trip, or the receipt of an important proposal by letter. In feminine charts, and in the charts of persons with no profession, this orientation generally indicates that their situa­tion depends on their associates.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 3rd House: Social life will require a great deal of travel usually of a short distance to medium distance. Business or profession in turn may require the same kind of travel. If the overall SOLAR RETURN is benefic, your social position can improve because of a short business trip or by receiving an important proposal in a letter. In charts where the person is not working, this placement usually means that their circumstances depend on their associates, brothers, sisters, or neighbors. The person's social position may be connected with writing, speaking, teaching, or other forms of communication.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 4th House

Raises questions about land, parents, past or the home. Very often it indicates achievement of a project of long standing. Since the Fourth House governs the end of things, this orientation can mark the year of retirement. If afflicted, this orientation threatens a loss of position, especially if the natal and Solar Return MCs are in opposition (within 2-3°).

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 4th House: Questions concerning real estate, land, parents, or the home will occur this year. It often shows the end of a project you have been involved in for a long time. This is frequently seen in the year the person retires. If this house is afflicted by malefic planets or malefic aspects to planets in the SOLAR Fourth or Tenth house or to the SOLAR rules of the Fourth and Tenth, it threatens a loss of professional or social position.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 5th House

Generally a good sign and may indicate a position connected with the arts, or sports, a success through, or for, children, or an engagement or affair advantageous for improving the native's standing (more common in a feminine chart). Sometimes it is a sign of a life caught up in worldly pleasure. But if the Solar Return is afflicted there is a danger of the disintegration of all the native's hopes (because of the Midheaven's opposition to the natal Eleventh House here.)

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 5th House: This superimposition is generally a good sign frequently showing that you will be connected with the arts, entertainment, sports, investment, gambling, sports, or some form of creativity. Children may bring the main matter of the year to the fore and frequently bring success or your children are successful during the year. It can indicate an engagement which improves your standing. It can show a year in which the major amount of concern and time are devoted to a child. It sometimes shows a year in which you are caught up in pleasure seeking. For students, it shows the outcome of exams benefic or malefic. If the SOLAR RETURN is afflicted there can be a disintegration of your hopes because of the MC opposing the Natal Eleventh house of hopes and wishes.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 6th House

A sign of a subordinate or dependent position. If the Solar Return promises illness, this position is an indication of the repercussions bad health will have on the native's career. If this orientation is reinforced by Saturn's presence in the Midheaven, it indicates that the native is more or less a slave in his work, because it reduces his freedom of choice and freedom of action, and opposes the achievement of most of his desires.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 6th House: This shows that you will be in a subordinate or serving position during the year. If the SOLAR RETURN shows illness, this placement shows what repercussions your poor health will have on your career. Study the planets in the SOLAR Tenth house and the natal Sixth house, their aspects, and the rules of these two houses. If Saturn is in the MC (10th house) in the SOLAR RETURN it means you will more or less be a slave to your work during the year. It reduces your freedom of choice and action as well as the achievement of your desires.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 7th House

Well disposed, could signify promotion through marriage, partnership, or a business contract. Unfavourably disposed, this superimposition could cause changes through divorce, dissolution of a partnership, or even by trial. In feminine charts it frequently indicates the wife's dependence on the changes that oc­cur in the husband's business.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 7th House: If the SOLAR RETURN, Tenth house, and Natal Seventh house are well disposed with benefic planets, aspects, and rules it can show promotion or gain in social position through marriage, partnership, or a business contract. If the SOLAR tenth and Natal seventh are unfavorably disposed it could bring changes brought about by divorce, a dissolution of partnership, or a trial. It can show the changes you will experience good or poor brought about because of changes in your partner's (business or spouse) affairs.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 8th House

Favourably disposed, may indicate financial returns, occasionally an in­heritance, or a favourable settling of accounts. Unfavourably disposed, this superimposition indicates a death with repercussions on business, or problems with debts or financial obliga­tions. The question of "debts" almost always plays an important role during the year marked by this superimposition.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 8th House: If this house has beneficial planets or is well aspected it can bring financial rewards from partners and sometimes an inheritance, or it can bring gain from favorably settling an account. If this house has malefic planets or unfavorable aspects to planets, or these two house cusps (SOLAR and Natal), it can show the possibility of a death which will effect your business or financial affairs, or it can bring problems with debt or other financial obligations. Debts usually are prominent in some way, whether it is favorable or unfavorable.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 9th House

Indicates that the native's career will require a journey, or that a journey will influence his career. Sometimes this configuration emphasizes the importance of the native's business dealings involving foreign countries, or success coming from a distance. In the charts of writers when their works are translated into foreign languages.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 9th House: This indicates that your career will require a journey, usually of some distance unless Gemini is involved in either house, then the trips could be short, medium, or long distance. It can also mean that a journey will influence your career. Sometimes this superimposition shows that your business dealings will involve foreign persons or countries or overseas matters.. or that success will come from a distance. For authors it sometimes show their works being translated into foreign languages. It can also show you being placed in diplomatic service. During wars, it can show being arrested in a foreign country. When this happens the annual ASC is usually in the natal Twelfth house with strong planetary afflictions.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 10th House

If the Midheaven of the Solar Return coincides with its natal position, it is generally a good sign for everything involving profession, occupation, reputation or fortune. As stated earlier, the conjunction of the angles indicates a rather impor­tant year. Falling in the natal tenth but further away from the radix angle this elevation is less pronounced.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 10th House: This is good for your profession, reputation, and good fortune throughout the year. This placement generally shows that the year will be an important one in your life. Although poor planets and aspects will have their effect, this placement is in an overall state of protection for you in matters to do with social standing and profession.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 11th House

Indicates a career at least partially dependent on friends or connections. In general it is a very good omen for the achievement of the native's plans and aspirations during the year. Occasionally, this configuration induces him to live in, and work for, the future more than the present - sacrificing immediate rewards to a long term plan.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 11th House: This shows that your career is somewhat dependent on your friends, or the connection you have. It is usually a good sign that you will achieve your plans or goals for that year providing you are realistically set. At times, this shows you working more for the future and its gains than for present satisfactions. In this case you sacrifice immediate rewards in order to achieve long range goals.

Solar Return Midheaven in Natal 12th House

Generally indicates a year of great ordeal in or through the career, danger of libel, slander or difficulties in finding or keeping a job. Unfavourable aspects linked to the cusp of this house will aggravate these tendencies. If favourable and unfavourable configurations are about equal then this superimposition could be interpreted as the native being discontented with their current lot.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 1st House cusp

The 1st house (Ascendant) pertains to all of your efforts; the manner in which you come across to others; your immediate surroundings, and how you tend to conduct yourself, or present yourself to others. This deals with your health, your basic energy level, and in general, describes how you see your year - the "umbrella" of the year. It describes what you desire of yourself and for yourself this year.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 2nd House cusp

The 2nd house pertains to your money, income, savings, and new possessions.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 3rd House cusp

The 3rd house pertains to your mental state and intellectual ideas; communications; automobiles and computers - or anything that assists in communications; neighbors, brothers and sisters; your writings and correspondences.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 4th House cusp

The 4th house (I.C.) pertains to your home and your family; also your basic needs, your inner self, the "real you." This has to do with your domestic setting, the people you live with, and your parents.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 5th House cusp

Natal Midheaven on the SR 6th House cusp

The 6th house pertains to your health and work setting. Regarding work, it deals with "how" you work and with whom you work, and who works for you or with you.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 7th House cusp

The 7th house (Descendant) pertains to your marriage and partnerships (including business); it also pertains to others who represent or misrepresent you (lawyers, spokespersons, open enemies).

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 8th House cusp

The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one's research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 9th House cusp

The 9th house pertains to your long distance travels, legal decisions, publishing, and educational pursuits, as well as in-laws and second marriage, if it applies. It also deals with philosophical matters like religion and "the meaning life".

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 10th House cusp

The 10th house (Midheaven) pertains to your career and vocation; your status in the community; your accomplishments; your role as the head of the company, enterprise, or household; the father-figures in your life (father, employer, supervisor).

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 11th House cusp

The 11th house pertains to your friends, as well as people you have "power struggles" with; your professional rewards and accomplishments; the realization of your efforts; your dealings within groups.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

Natal Midheaven on the SR 12th House cusp

The 12th house pertains to your dealings behind the scenes, or the behind-the-scenes-dealings which effect you; hospitals, prisons, jails, places of confinement; your "fantasy" world; places of reclusion; your secrets and private world.

This is an area where you may accomplish great tasks. It is a special area wherein lies a sense of personal destiny and unfoldment during the forthcoming year, an area of great expectation, where a great degree of professionalism may be both developed and expressed. It is an area in which you may have to deal with superiors, but if adequately prepared, rewards may result. There is a sense of challenge, and "work to be done" in this area.

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