nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Mercury in the SR 1st House

Intellectual interests and communication dominate the year, but nervous exhaustion can be a problem unless there are periods of rest and relaxation. Take care not to make hasty and careless decisions.

Mercury in the 1st house can show that your mind is very focused on self-interest. You will concentrate on your own needs, develop your own ideas and opinions, and/or make your own personal decisions. You will tend to be intellectually independent. You will rely more and more on your own thought processes and make decisions independently of feedback or consultation with others. Subjective interpretation can be very strong. You may only see one side of an issue, especially if there are no indications of objectivity in the solar return chart (e.g., 7th house planets and oppositions). Understanding other viewpoints may be difficult if you cannot relate to ideas other than your own. You value your own thoughts and opinions so highly that you may believe what you want regardless of what others tell you. This may not be a good time to truly understand others. You might have blind spots which make you unyielding and uninformed. You may stubbornly insist that you are right without reviewing the information. This can be a time of great conviction or great stupidity.

Intellectual development is possible during this time, but generally the individual prefers to be self-taught rather than return to school. More than likely, the emphasis is on testing and using already acquired intellectual abilities rather than focusing on further development. This is a time to put into action what you already know. Mercury in the 1st can be very good for reading, writing, studying or any task that requires single-mindedness to complete. Even so, sometimes there are two major tasks being worked on.

Your mind is very active and very quick, perhaps even impulsive. You may choose to hammer out your ideas during conversations. Be aware that you will tend to be very opinionated and perhaps even dogmatic during the discussions. Because you are in the process of developing your ideas, your thoughts will change over the year. You may have to eat some of your dogmatic decrees, so it would be wise to talk softly.

If you are not learning, reading, writing, studying, or actively thinking in a productive manner, Mercury in the 1st can symbolize a negative use of mental energy. Misdirected thought processes can succumb to nervousness, anxiety and depression. Inconsistencies between what you know and what you are told may be at the root of your anxiety. It would be better for you to get away from a preoccupation with your problems, and to focus instead on positive mental alternatives and solutions to your situation. This can be a highly productive year, one in which your personal preferences gain strength and significance.

See also: Mercury in the 1st House;

SR Mercury in the SR 2nd House

Mercury in the 2nd house is associated with financial planning and monetary decisions. Planning usually involves immediate finan¬cial needs rather than long-range retirement plans, which tend to be more closely related to placements in the 4th house of the solar return chart. More specific to Mercury in the 2nd house are conscious decisions about expenditures and income, and discussions about establishing a household budget. You need to discover how your money is being spent and may keep detailed lists of expenditures. If you have been an impulsive buyer in the past, you may decide that now is the time to carefully assess the necessity of each future purchase.

You may also want to make decisions about the amount of money you are earning. It may be necessary for you to get a job if you are not already employed, or earn more through overtime or part-time work. For those who are already working, this is a time to reassess the amount of money you are earning in relation to the quality of work you put out. The 2nd house rules one's sense of self-worth. Mercury in the 2nd can indicate that you decide that you deserve more money (rarely less), not because you need more or less to live on, but because your salary should be commensurate with your value as a worker. You are apt to be very vocal about renegotiating your salary. This is a good time to get your facts straight and graphically illustrate your increased productivity. Keep a log of money-saving ideas you have generated for your company and the amount of money you were able to save. Be certain of your facts and don't overestimate your productivity or worm. If you are self-employed, run a cost analysis of your office expenses and raise prices accordingly.

Self-worth issues are also common for those who are not employed or who only do volunteer work. You may feel that the services you offer to others are taken for granted. You need to hear how much you are appreciated. If you reassess what you do for others in regard to how well you are treated by these same people, you may decide that you should expect better treatment. Encourage others to appreciate what you do for them. Also learn to appreciate yourself. If time spent helping others drains away time you should spend on your own needs, it is essential that you prioritize tasks so that all the essential ones are completed first. Do not shortchange yourself. Your needs may be as important as the needs of others. This is a good time to make changes because you deserve more consideration and better treatment. Decide to limit your contact with people who do not respect your needs, to avoid situations that are not good for you.

See also: Mercury in the 2nd House;

SR Mercury in the SR 3rd House

Mercury in the 3rd house suggests a strong inquisitive mind with a thirst for knowledge. You could spend a lot of time reading, writing, studying, or communicating. You want an influx of new ideas. Information that you gather during this year may relate to a project or particular field of interest. But it is also possible that your interests are scattered and the information is superficial. If you are attending school, learning may tend to be tedious and involve the memoriza¬tion of numerous details. Interpreting Mercury's aspects and assess¬ing the mental conditioning reflected in the chart can give you a better idea about what type of information is important and its purpose during the coming year. All types of information can be important. Significance is>not limited to educational material. This can be a time for major disclo¬sures and realizations. It is possible that the information you receive at this time or have received in the past is false. You may be misin¬formed or even lied to. Mercury in the 3rd does not guarantee that the information you gather will be correct. There may be inconsistencies between what you are told and what you intuitively feel. It will be your task to assess what is truth and what is fiction.

Mercury in the 3rd house can suggest that the rational thinking processes may be stronger than feelings. This is most likely to be so if the Moon is not particularly strong by house, sign or aspect, and the chart is not watery. If the greater emphasis is on Mercury, decisions will be based on rational considerations rather than emotional needs. But if the Moon is very prominent in the chart, rational thoughts may be overwhelmed by emotional considerations. When the interpreta¬tion for the Moon (and /or Pluto) appears to conflict with the interpre¬tation for Mercury, emotions and rational thoughts may seem to contradict one another. You may be torn between what you know or hear and what you feel in your heart or sense intuitively. If you are very stressed, unconscious needs may surface. Negative feelings, obsessions, compulsions, phobias, and extreme anger may defy rational control.

Your mental attitude during the year is very important. You need to think clearly in order to function at an optimal level. Aspects to Mercury in the 3rd house can suggest influences that either hinder or promote logical thinking. Among the more detrimental influences are abusive substances such as alcohol and drugs. Mental illnesses (especially depression and anxiety) are also negative influences which can affect one's ability to think clearly. These very negative manifestations correspond more closely to an individual's negative behavioral pattern than to any one specific astrological pattern in the solar return chart. Although stress may be suggested by the solar return chart, disease is not. Those who are intimately and enthusiastically involved in life experience few problems. For them, great excitement rather than stress fuels their thinking processes.

See also: Mercury in the 3rd House;

SR Mercury in the SR 4th House

Mercury in the 4th house suggests that you should make long-range decisions regarding your future financial security and stability. You need to provide for your own retirement through a savings account or retirement plan. Reassess your present financial arrangements to see if they are adequate for your future needs. Mercury by itself does not indicate difficult problems in these areas, only a mental focus on a secure future.

You are also likely to make decisions about your home or present living conditions. Will you fix up your present home or will you move to another? Is your neighborhood run-down? Does your present home meet your immediate needs and will it also meet your future needs? This is a good time to make long-range plans and assessments which will affect your living conditions this year and in coming years as well. Decisions will be based on a rational reassessment of your present situation and a need for domestic contentment. If you do not presently own a home, you may conceive a plan that will make home ownership possible. Regardless of where you live, you will want to analyze your use of space or redecorate. Any type of redecoration or renovation usually involves great planning and will not be done on the spur of the moment.

You will reflect on your past, your childhood and your relations with your parents. You may learn new information which will give you a different perspective on past events, feelings and relationships. If your parents are elderly, you may have to make decisions for them concerning their care and future security. Communication with family members may be important. You can coordinate or take part in a family project. If you are alienated from certain relatives, this may be a time when you wish to reopen lines of communication.

If you are a parent yourself, you should be concerned with your ability to parent effectively. This is a good time to gather information or join a discussion group that emphasizes the techniques and problems associated with raising children. Become aware of your assets and shortcomings as a mother or father. Realizations can lead to a search for new information and new ways to handle situations.

Mercury in the 4th house can also indicate an emphasis on the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind. You may be actively investigating and analyzing your emotions. As the year progresses, it becomes easier to discuss those feelings with others. Obviously this is an excellent time for therapy, especially for those who find it difficult to think clearly and logically. Psychological complexes may intrude on rational thought processes. For some individuals, conscious/unconscious communication will include obsessive thoughts, irrational feelings and anxiety attacks. These conditions may be mild and involve a need to listen to suppressed information or emotions. Vocalizing your true feelings will help.

Mental difficulties associated with Mercury in the 4th house are generally confirmed by heavy emphasis on the Moon, Pluto and the 3rd/4th house in the solar return chart; however, these placements can also indicate a well-integrated conscious and unconscious per¬spective on life, especially if one is a writer, therapist or very aware.

SR Mercury in the SR 5th House

A 5th house Mercury can indicate an increased interest in creative pursuits. This is a good time to express yourself artistically or creatively. Writing articles or books, composing music or poetry, paint¬ing or sculpting will channel your self-expression into artistic media. You are not necessarily any more creative this year than you were last year, but you have a stronger need for self-expression. The key here is to find some positive way to use your mental abilities in expressing yourself more fully. You do not have to be artistic to do this. Generally it is the expression itself that is more important than the means. There are many mundane media. You may plan out the landscaping around your house; you may create lesson plans for a course you are teaching; you may start a newsletter concerning something that you believe in passionately. Failure to find a good forum may mean that you risk becoming very opinionated and domineering in your personal relationships. Being pushy is a poor substitute for creative self-expres¬sion, and the desire to dominate others should be consciously avoided.

Your thoughts may center around romance and sexual encounters. If you are involved in a strong infatuation this year, you may find it difficult to concentrate on work and studies. Romantic preoccupation is possible. You may spend a lot of time analyzing the positive and negative qualities of this interaction. Relationships formed at this time are more likely to have good verbal rapport. Intellectual stimulation and communication may play central roles in your attraction to this person. However, this does not guarantee a good emotional relationship, only that the two of you will find it easy to talk and exchange ideas.

If you are a parent, this is a good time to focus on communication with your children. Situations involving your children will make you more aware of their mental health, educational needs and intellectual functioning. You may need to make decisions concerning their future. If they are older, you will have to let them make their own decisions; however, this does not mean that you cannot offer an opinion.

See also: Mercury the 5th House;

SR Mercury in the SR 6th House

Mercury in the 6th house can indicate a desire to evaluate your health and health practices at this time. Mercury by itself does not generally indicate serious health problems, but rather a realization that changes should be made if wellness is to continue. This is an excellent time to make decisions that will have a positive effect on your future health. You should become more aware of the value of exercise, adequate rest, good nutrition and eating habits. Educate yourself on these topics and begin to incorporate the information into your daily routine. Learn stress-reduction techniques and question your involvement in stressful activities. Your mind is not only instrumental in making decisions concerning your health, it is also directly related to physical health. Stressful situations can quickly lead from nervousness and anxiety to physical illness; therefore relaxation and the elimination of unnecessary stress is crucial. If your mind is not focused on positive learning, you can become very anxious about your health. Excessive worry can lead to hypochondria. Choose to work with health issues before they become health problems.

During the coming year, you may have to face certain facts about your job, work habits or working conditions. It is likely that your job will grow a bit more tedious and detail-oriented. You may have a lot more paperwork to handle. Your ability to pay attention to detail may be helpful if you are working in quality control, but do not let your push for the perfect product become stressful or obsessive. Tension on the job, without recourse, can make you overly critical of your position, co-workers or employees. Use your analytical ability for constructive criticism. If you are in a position of authority, you may be able to reorganize your office or working time so as to be more productive. The 6th house rules the day-to-day issues surrounding employment, rather than major career decisions. Analyze the daily operation of the office and explore methods for greater efficiency. If you are not in management, you can still make suggestions for improvement. Even those individuals who have no authority must make decisions concerning their jobs or work environments. De¬pending on your position within the company, you may not have a lot of freedom in these decisions and may only be offered "either-or" choices.

See also: Mercury in the 6th House;

SR Mercury in the SR 7th House

This Solar Return house position can signal the importance of communication with others during the coming year. You may spend a lot of time discussing, explaining, negotiating and even arguing with others, especially if you have a major project or issue that needs to be handled. Matters under discussion will not be finalized easily. Projects may require much communication among all those involved before completion; disputes may require lengthy negotiations before agreement can be reached. Other planets in the 7th house or planets aspecting Mercury may give you some clue as to the nature of these discussions. Topics may relate to either personal or business matters.

On a personal level, communication within couples will be important. This is a good time to share thoughts and get in touch with one another. You may want to attend a marriage encounter. If you are having marital difficulties, see a marriage counselor and open up the lines of communication. Clarification and negotiation may be needed to improve or restore your relationship, especially if you are aware of contradictions and discrepancies.

Professionally, you may negotiate and communicate directly with others or hire the services of a professional to act as a go-between. Mercury in the 7th house can be indicative of another person with a great deal of knowledge or expertise. This is a good time to seek the advice and professional assistance of someone who is viewed as an authority in your particular field of interest or problem area. It may be in your best interest to let this expert handle certain business matters for you, but it is still important that you oversee proceedings and discuss decisions being made.

Both personal and professional relationships may be valued for the information and intellectual stimulation they provide. You will be attracted to people who are bright and full of ideas. The mental interchange fostered can lead to great creativity and insight through combined efforts. These results may far exceed the intellectual abilities of the individuals working alone. This is a good time to share ideas with others or to join a discussion group for the purpose of intellectual growth.

The danger associated with Mercury in the 7th house is a tendency to let others dominate your thoughts with their own opinions and comments. Do not personally accept truisms without assessing their validity or practicality. Since you are very open to advice from others, you may lack conviction in your own mental competence. You may grow dependent on the decision-making abilities of others. Mercury in the 7th house can indicate that you are lied to during the year. There is no guarantee that the information you receive is accurate or helpful. Therefore, it is essential that you evaluate information and advice as you receive it. This is an excellent time to gather information from others, but it is still your responsibility to evaluate the information received and make your own decisions.

See also: Mercury in the 7th House;

SR Mercury in the SR 8th House

The phrase "acute awareness" encapsulates the interpretation of Mercury in the 8th house of the solar return. Your mind is more insightful and reflective during this year, and there will be times when you will see more or know more man you were previously aware of. Knowledge of the unconscious mind grows quickly, leav¬ing you overwhelmed by the change. You are more aware of nuances, motives and psychological conflicts in yourself and others. Subtle shifts in power and power plays will be more obvious to you now. The interpretation of Mercury in the 8th house is very similar to the interpretation of the Sun or the Moon in this house, but there is an important difference. When Mercury is in the 8th, you are more apt to gain understanding of psychological issues as a result of training and education. You become intellectually aware of psychological complexes and power struggles, but they generally do not disrupt your life or upset you emotionally. When the Sun is in the 8th house, you are more likely to be disrupted by the turmoil of living with your own psychological issues or those of others. When the Moon is in the 8th house, you may be upset emotionally by complex unconscious forces and power struggles. Mercury in the 8th house is generally not upsetting, only insightful.

There are several ways to initiate and stimulate this psychological insight. You may study psychology directly or you may become involved in one of the occult sciences. You may see a counselor during the year even though you might not feel seriously stressed. Mercury in the 8th house implies the ability to grasp psychological information intellectually. Generally, by itself, Mercury is not indicative of nervousness or anxiety. If you are just entering therapy at this time, you may be doing so to gain self-knowledge rather than because of incapacitation. If you have been in therapy for a while now, this may be the year when therapy pays off and suddenly you begin to see the behavioral patterns that have been affecting your life negatively.

Psychologically you may be more withdrawn and cautious during the year, preferring to talk to one person in depth rather than several friends superficially. Small talk will not interest you. Information that is factual and blatant will not be as exciting as what is less obvious, sexual or mysterious. You see and understand a lot more than you express. You may withhold information deliberately or just be reluctant to talk openly.

This is a good time for financial planning and consolidation loans. If your debts have risen recently, you might want to establish a payment plan for reducing those bills. If you share income and expenses with another person, review the division of debts and plan for future expenditures. Reread your will and investigate estate and tax plans.

See also: Mercury in the 8th House;

SR Mercury in the SR 9th House

A 9th house solar return Mercury suggests an intense learning situation. You may return to school or continue your education in one form or another during me coming year. Education may involve a formal teacher-classroom setting; or you may study independently or take a correspondence course. Topics are diverse and not necessarily limited to a college curriculum. It is the keen interest and the concentrated study that usually characterize Mercury in the 9th house, not the topic of interest or classroom attendance. Even those who study on their own tend to be very interested or even obsessed with a specific topic.

It is also possible that you are the teacher rather than the student. If so, you are probably just starting out in the profession or need to rework your lesson plans. Your interest in the subject matter is usually high and you make a conscious effort to present me information enthusiastically. Unenthusiastic teachers with this placement may need to go back to school and recapture the thrill of learning for themselves. They may also need to reassess their beliefs concerning the teaching profession.

Teachers will not be the only ones reassessing their beliefs in regards to their reality. Everyone with a 9th house Mercury will be involved in this reevaluation process and all types of beliefs will be evaluated. The 9th house rules mundane beliefs as well as philosophical. Misconceptions, prejudices and unrealistic expectations fall under the rulership of the 9th. If you are involved in a difficult situation and you have any planets in the 9th house of your solar return chart, you may have misconceptions that are contributing to your problems or complicating the issues. Mercury in the 9th indicates that the assimilation of new information may help you to deal with these problems or issues.

What you learn from your educational pursuits may directly apply to your present situation. This is the time to use your education to reassess your beliefs and philosophy of life. Situations you are involved in will naturally stimulate philosophical adjustments, but you can foster this reevaluation process by actively seeking information directly related to present situations or issues.

If you have written a book or plan to write a book, this may be a good time for you to approach a publisher or contact a literary agent. Communication with those in the publishing business can help you with your project. Generally, though, publishing itself is indicated by more man the placement of Mercury in the 9th house. Usually the Sun in the 9th or a 9th house stellium is more indicative of publishing. If you view your book as a career achievement, placements in me 10th may suggest publication.

This is also the case with traveling. Mercury in the 9th by itself does not generally imply travel. A 9th house stellium, Venus or Jupiter are more likely to do so, especially if you are looking for indications of foreign travel. Moon in the 9th may indicate living overseas for a period of time or visiting foreign relatives.

See also: Mercury in the 9th House;

SR Mercury in the SR 10th House

Mercury in the 10th house is associated with decisions that will channel the direction of your life over the next few years. During the year, you will be asked to make choices that will affect your immedi¬ate and distant future. Decisions may be career-related and directly involve your present job or professional goals. You might decide to attend school or take a refresher course. On-the-job training and work-related travel are also a possibility. On the other hand, deci¬sions might pertain to major life transitions without an emphasis on career. Important decisions such as marriage, leaving home or mov¬ing to another country can be indicated by Mercury in the 10th house. People who decide to change their lifestyles totally can have this placement.

Professionally, this can be a good time to communicate with your superiors. Networking can further your advancement. Make busi¬ness connections now and plan for future career developments. You may have ideas that would improve business or streamline office procedure. These creative ideas can play a crucial role in career developments over the next year. If you are already in a position of authority or willing to accept more responsibility, you might be asked to play & greater role in the decision-making process at your place of employment. If you are not in a position to change office routines where necessary, work may become more tedious. Tasks may be predominantly detail-oriented or repetitive and involve a great deal of paperwork.

See also: Mercury in the 10th House;

SR Mercury in the SR 11th House

The 10th house rules laws and standards established by society to govern groups of people. Because they were prepared for the masses, they may not fit all individual situations or meet individual needs. The 11th house rules laws and standards established by the individual after reevaluating society's restrictions and regulations in light of personal experience. With this Mercury placement, you will probably question social restrictions in an attempt to personalize limitations and understand their usefulness in your present situation. It is possible that your needs as an individual conflict with the society's expectations. For example, if you are involved in a very difficult marriage and you are attracted to someone new, you might toy with the idea of having an affair. Pressure and needs relevant to your personal situation may contradict social restrictions. Because Mercury usually relates to a mental exercise, it is not necessary that you actually transgress social norms or experience compromising situations. Your reassessment may consist of a continuing intellectual or theoretical debate running through your mind for most of the year. But it is essential that you question the rules by which you live your daily life, and that you develop a new personal code of ethics.

The 11th house also emphasizes group needs versus individual needs. Therefore it is common for the individual to be involved with a group or social situation which focuses on balancing these two energies. You may be involved in a group because you are more likely to attain goals through a combined effort than working independently. You may need to share thoughts and experiences with others and establish new goals for the future. The group you are involved in may be primarily intellectual or social, but it is also possible that the group is working towards a common goal. Communication among group members or the discussion of pressing issues may be an important part of the group efforts. Self-help groups may pertain to Mercury in the 11th house, although these kinds of groups are more closely associated with the Moon or Mars in the 11th.

Some organized groups tend to support group needs and goals over the needs of the individual. The individual may feel compromised in this situation. For example, a new collective business group hired a full-time advertising person to promote their business. They needed to hold down expenses since finances were limited. The person creating and placing the ads believed in the group efforts, but he needed to live off the salary received. In this case, the group goal of holding down expenses was not consistent with the individual's need to earn a good salary and provide a valuable service. The balance of individual needs versus group needs is usually emphasized in some way when Mercury is in the 11th house.

A question of personal freedom underlies the issues of Mercury in the 11th house. Whether you are dealing with friends, groups or society at large, the amount of individual freedom you enjoy is controlled to a certain degree by the relationships you have. You must accept certain restrictions and considerations so that your behavior does not impinge on the rights and freedoms of others. Therefore issues related to monogamy in a relationship or loyalty among friends may be important.

Since this is a decisive year for goals, the process of questioning established norms is particularly important. This is a time when you should be open to the new ideas and directions so necessary to the formulation of future goals. The questioning process opens your mind to original ways of thinking and frees you from unnecessary restrictions. The reevaluation process also helps you distinguish practical goals from unrealistic dreams. Mercury in the 11th house can suggest that you are able to justify theoretically your need for freedom from pointless restraint in order to pursue new goals for the future.

See also: Mercury in the 11th House;

SR Mercury in the SR 12th House

Mercury in the 12th house indicates that you are probably not outspoken this year. You keep your opinions, thoughts and feelings to yourself. You also keep secrets. You may be spending more time alone, lost in your own thoughts. This is a time for the development of new ideas and the understanding and organization of what you have already learned. Consequently, you may not be sure of exactly what you want to say or how to say it. Unfortunately, you may not be saying some of the things that need to be said. Mercury in the 12th house is associated with keeping quiet to preserve peace. You may find that when you do express yourself, it causes an argument. So it seems easier to compromise before the argument starts and just bite your tongue to begin with. You may not verbalize your true thoughts, even when you should. If you are caught in a lie, even one which was perpetrated by others, you may not correct the situation by telling the truth as you know it.

This is a good time to be reflective and introspective rather than just withholding. This can be a very religious or spiritual placement for Mercury. Meditation, quiet reflection and spiritual studies are important and may give you a greater understanding of the Universe and your place within the Universal plan. But the concept of the "big picture" is applicable to all information and not just mat which is spiritual in nature. You have accumulated much information in recent years which now needs to be organized into accessible and practical knowledge. Let's use an analogy as an example. If you are an astrology student, you spend many years learning astrological techniques. These techniques provide you with different bits of information. At some point you will need to learn to organize these pieces of information into a chart interpretation. This is the difference between "cook-booking" astrological facts and understanding the individual's personality by interpreting the whole chart. There is a leap of consciousness described here that transforms separate facts into cohesive knowledge. Mercury in the 12th can denote this leap of consciousness from facts to knowledge. It represents the organization and assimilation of data necessary for true learning. Private study and personal research can help you with this process, but inner thoughts should be your focus of attention. This can be a good position for the writer, artist or anyone beginning a long-term project which will involve much contemplation. Do not waste all this inner energy on daydreaming and fantasizing; use this time to deepen your understanding of what you have learned.

The review and organization of information is not limited to factual data only. Unconscious impressions, feelings and intuitive insights will also be important. The 12th house seems to relate to the integration of all forms of existing information, whether on the conscious or unconscious level. If there is a conflict between what you are thinking rationally and what you are feeling emotionally, the integration process may be more difficult and you will probably experience some anxiety. This lack of continuity may be due to your avoidance of certain issues and feelings in the past. But it can also be caused by inaccurate information you are receiving at the present time. A very negative manifestation is that someone is lying to you or purposely misleading you. Your task during the year is to resolve any conflicts between feelings and conscious thoughts and become an integrated whole.

If your mind does not have a strong inner or outer focus this year, you could experience mental problems in the form of phobias, compulsions, obsessions, jealousy and anxiety. Free-floating anxiety (generalized fear) is the more common difficulty. Those who were counseling candidates before Mercury was placed in the solar return 12th house are not likely to improve on their own this year. If you are already experiencing problems, this is a time for therapy. The empha¬sis should be on integrating unconscious and conscious energies. Wisely channeled, you can use this time to intelligently evaluate unconscious insights in the light of previously gathered information. Together the two sources, the conscious and the unconscious levels, can provide you with a wealth of information organized into a body of knowledge.

See also: Mercury in the 12th House;

Natal Mercury on the SR 1st House cusp

The 1st house (Ascendant) pertains to all of your efforts; the manner in which you come across to others; your immediate surroundings, and how you tend to conduct yourself, or present yourself to others. This deals with your health, your basic energy level, and in general, describes how you see your year - the "umbrella" of the year. It describes what you desire of yourself and for yourself this year.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 2nd House cusp

Natal Mercury on the SR 3rd House cusp

The 3rd house pertains to your mental state and intellectual ideas; communications; automobiles and computers - or anything that assists in communications; neighbors, brothers and sisters; your writings and correspondences.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 4th House cusp

The 4th house (I.C.) pertains to your home and your family; also your basic needs, your inner self, the "real you." This has to do with your domestic setting, the people you live with, and your parents.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 5th House cusp

The 5th house pertains to your lovers, children, and people you socialize with (i.e. party with). It also has to do with speculative ventures and pursuits of fun and entertainment. It also rules creative pursuits, but mostly it has to do with your capacity for enjoyment of life and relationships with children.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 6th House cusp

The 6th house pertains to your health and work setting. Regarding work, it deals with "how" you work and with whom you work, and who works for you or with you.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 7th House cusp

Natal Mercury on the SR 8th House cusp

The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one's research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 9th House cusp

The 9th house pertains to your long distance travels, legal decisions, publishing and educational pursuits, as well as in-laws and second marriage, if it applies. It also deals with philosophical matters like religion and "the meaning life".

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 10th House cusp

The 10th house (Midheaven) pertains to your career and vocation; your status in the community; your accomplishments; your role as the head of the company, enterprise, or household; the father-figures in your life (father, employer, supervisor).

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 11th House cusp

The 11th house pertains to your friends, as well as people you have "power struggles" with; your professional rewards and accomplishments; the realization of your efforts; your dealings within groups.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

Natal Mercury on the SR 12th House cusp

The 12th house pertains to your dealings behind the scenes, or the behind-the-scenes-dealings which effect you; hospitals, prisons, jails, places of confinement; your "fantasy" world; places of reclusion; your secrets and private world.

This denotes an area of life in which correspondence, writings, business deals and transactions, signing of papers, and areas of current mental or intellectual interests may lie this year. It describes the areas in life in which you may make deals. New ideas may be expressed or learned here. In addition, you may be of service to others in this area of life. It is in these areas that you may be called forth to deal with younger people. In short, this is where a great deal of your mental energy is spent in the next year, and where communications skills come in very handy. It presents ample opportunities for learning. The qualities exhibited in this area of life are intelligence, knowledge, communicative but perhaps critical skills.

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