nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Mercury conjunct SR Venus

When Mercury is conjunct Venus in the solar return chart, you are more apt to have confidence in your decisions and intellectual capabilities. This is a wonderful time to be in school or to take a course since learning is likely to be an enjoyable experience. You may also make great progress in what most people consider to be a difficult topic or a subject you have had particular trouble with in the past. Facts can be easier to comprehend during this time and the information you receive should be applicable to your present needs or skills.

Your verbal tactics must include good negotiation skills. Devel¬op a soft style for expressing your needs and getting what you want. Learn to compromise and generate win-win solutions to problems. By doing so, you will be able to retain an inner peacefulness and a relaxed state of mind.

This is a good time to cash in on money-making ideas or save money by following a financial plan. If Venus and/or Mercury are associated with any of the work houses (2nd, 6th, or 10th), your ideas might generate funds for you personally, or for your company. Your ideas might also save money by cutting expenses or streamlining operations. Resources are not likely to be spent freely, but according to a plan with a goal in mind.

See also: Mercury conjunct Venus;

SR Mercury semisquare SR Venus

SR Mercury sextile SR Venus

When Mercury is sextile Venus in the solar return chart, you are more apt to have confidence in your decisions and intellectual capabilities. This is a wonderful time to be in school or to take a course since learning is likely to be an enjoyable experience. You may also make great progress in what most people consider to be a difficult topic or a subject you have had particular trouble with in the past. Facts can be easier to comprehend during this time and the information you receive should be applicable to your present needs or skills.

Your verbal tactics must include good negotiation skills. Devel¬op a soft style for expressing your needs and getting what you want. Learn to compromise and generate win-win solutions to problems. By doing so, you will be able to retain an inner peacefulness and a relaxed state of mind.

This is a good time to cash in on money-making ideas or save money by following a financial plan. If Venus and/or Mercury are associated with any of the work houses (2nd, 6th, or 10th), your ideas might generate funds for you personally, or for your company. Your ideas might also save money by cutting expenses or streamlining operations. Resources are not likely to be spent freely, but according to a plan with a goal in mind.

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