nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Mars conjunct SR Uranus

Strong changes, usually self-initiated, are associated with Mars-Uranus aspects. Changes range from a constant stream of minor adjustments to dramatic and sweeping transformations. Either form can be beneficial or detrimental depending on individual differences and manifestation. The energy patterns are shifting and the individual no longer wants to be tied down to the same old routine. Something new or exciting is expected and encouraged. During the transitional stage, behavior patterns might be somewhat erratic, and on-again, off-again situations are not uncommon. Changes and the need for greater freedom can lead to sudden separations and broken relationship ties. Freedom of action may be an issue and any restric¬tion will be met with assertiveness if not anger. Speed may be of the essence and therefore time delays are unlikely. Matters tend to move forward quickly.

SR Mars sextile SR Uranus

Restlessness, impatience, over activity and self-will are always in evidence whenever these two planets are connected, even in the harmonious trine and sextile aspects. This year, you have a need to live your own life, to interest yourself in new things, and, above all, to look for excitement. The harmonious aspects offer the advantage that circumstances are more likely to swing your way. Originality and reforming zeal can give you the opportunity to become the independent, pioneering leader of a group.

You are quick to seize fresh opportunities, and expect others to do the same. On the other hand, you lack patience, and have only a limited capacity for co-operation; but where you have to make a solo effort you can do outstandingly well - because it fits in better with your current deep-rooted love of liberty. The abruptness of a Mars/ Uranus combination always makes itself felt and even with the harmonious aspects you have to be guarded in your actions, which can sometimes be disruptive.

SR Mars square SR Uranus

Strong changes, usually self-initiated, are associated with Mars-Uranus hard aspects in the Solar Return chart. Changes range from a constant stream of minor adjustments to dramatic and sweeping transformations. Either form can be beneficial or detrimental depending on individual differences and manifestation. The energy patterns are shifting and the individual no longer wants to be tied down to the same old routine. Something new or exciting is expected and encouraged. During the transitional stage, behavior patterns might be somewhat erratic, and on-again, off-again situations are not uncommon. Changes and the need for greater freedom can lead to sudden separations and broken relationship ties. Freedom of action may be an issue and any restriction will be met with assertiveness if not anger. Matters tend to move forward quickly. You are likely to be rebellious; even off-the-wall to some eyes, this year. Along the way, it is good to practice relaxation and calm.

SR Mars trine SR Uranus

Restlessness, impatience, over activity and self-will are always in evidence whenever these two planets are connected, even in the harmonious trine and sextile aspects. This year, you have a need to live your own life, to interest yourself in new things, and, above all, to look for excitement. The harmonious aspects offer the advantage that circumstances are more likely to swing your way. Originality and reforming zeal can give you the opportunity to become the independent, pioneering leader of a group.

You are quick to seize fresh opportunities, and expect others to do the same. On the other hand, you lack patience, and have only a limited capacity for co-operation; but where you have to make a solo effort you can do outstandingly well - because it fits in better with your current deep-rooted love of liberty. The abruptness of a Mars/ Uranus combination always makes itself felt and even with the harmonious aspects you have to be guarded in your actions, which can sometimes be disruptive.

SR Mars quincunx SR Uranus

With the inconjunct from Mars to Uranus this year, you may function with great drive and originality, but you may always seem to be under some pressure. There is risk that you will behave thoughtlessly and cause upsets without intending to do so. Perhaps you are unnecessarily trying to prove something to yourself or to others. There is probably more time than you know, so first establish your priorities, and then you can accomplish all you want.

SR Mars opposite SR Uranus

Strong changes, usually self-initiated, are associated with Mars-Uranus hard aspects in the Solar Return chart. Changes range from a constant stream of minor adjustments to dramatic and sweeping transformations. Either form can be beneficial or detrimental depending on individual differences and manifestation. The energy patterns are shifting and the individual no longer wants to be tied down to the same old routine. Something new or exciting is expected and encouraged. During the transitional stage, behavior patterns might be somewhat erratic, and on-again, off-again situations are not uncommon. Changes and the need for greater freedom can lead to sudden separations and broken relationship ties. Freedom of action may be an issue and any restriction will be met with assertiveness if not anger. Matters tend to move forward quickly. You are likely to be rebellious; even off-the-wall to some eyes, this year. Along the way, it is good to practice relaxation and calm.

  puddles gayatri queen krishna_radha bill_hicks too_many_zooz terence_mckenna narayan rudolf ganesh