nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Mars conjunct SR Saturn

Mars-Saturn aspects imply a need for well-planned activity which is strongly based on a realistic assessment of the situation. If you are involved in a major project, personality characteristics such as discipline, perseverance, and organizational ability may be needed for the hard work ahead. This is a good time to work towards completing long-term goals, especially if you appreciate the amount of effort that is involved. You are able to accomplish according to your strengths and acquired skills. Future plans are a direct extension of past events, issues and experience. Nothing is given and everything must be earned.

As you strive to succeed in any endeavor, you have to maintain an awareness of societal structures, norms and institutions. Certain requirements will be expected of you as a member of society. For instance, if you wish to borrow money to purchase your first home, you must deal with a bank or mortgage company and meet their requirements for loan customers. This is a good time to push carefully for success, but it is also a good time to cut back on activities if a realistic reassessment of your feelings and life situation tells you to do so. For instance, if you are a young mother wishing to quit work because you have small children, budgeting finances might be a must. Careful planning can make things possible.

Saturn rules reality and practicality. It is not enough to be organized; your plans cannot be implemented if they are unrealistic or impractical. Frustrations are common with this combination and seem to arise from the inability to understand the options and problems. Restrictions and time delays are common in situations where planning is inadequate and expectations unrealistic. Mars by its house placement indicates the action you wish to take (or the anger you feel when thwarted) and Saturn by its house placement indicates where the restrictions are most likely to occur.

Limitations may be built into the situation or personified by a difficult individual. For example, a young man with Saturn in the 4th house bought an older home in need of extensive renovation. Mars was in the 1st house in the solar return and his natural tendency was to go quickly ahead without carefully investigating and planning how to proceed. He soon discovered that problems required more consideration than merely going at it with a saw and hammer. He was able to save time, in the long run, by researching the problem and detailing his plans. Most people would realize that you cannot ad-lib major renovations. When Mars aspects Saturn in your solar return chart, you may have to work with time delays and restraints. In the most negative situations, you could feel like your life is on hold for much of the year. Actions are thwarted by others, if not by your own lack of organization or unrealistic expectations.

Freedom of action can also be limited if liberties have been taken in the past. If you have overspent your budget and have now incurred serious debt, your finances will be restricted during the coming year (Saturn in the 2nd house of money square Mars in the 11th of earning power). You, yourself, may decide to limit your expenses or you may have no other choice but to cut down. If actions are not planned well now or in the past, restrictions, delays and frustrations are a possibil¬ity. Those who are able to work within structures will be highly productive.

See also: Mars conjunct Saturn; Mars conjunct Saturn;

SR Mars sextile SR Saturn

The sextile between Mars and Saturn in the Solar Return chart indicates a blending of brain and brawn, this year. You always try to assert yourself intelligently so you won't have to do something over again. You think before you act, which pays dividends in the results you achieve. Others can appeal to you through your logic and understanding, and you are appreciative when their proposals are reasonably acceptable. Your self-discipline and patience enable you to accomplish more than your competitors because you take the time to understand every detail of a problem before attempting to solve it.

Your avocational pursuits can follow many interesting avenues; ecology projects, Big Brother or Sister organizations, working with groups such as the aged or the shut-in, fund-raising campaigns for the physically handicapped, and other such enterprises could enrich your private life. You may be fascinated by all kinds of crafts.

You will enjoy discussion groups and you you don't have to retreat from your position in a debate, because you rarely make a statement that you can't back up with very impressive evidence.

You will have the ability to do most anything you set your mind to this year and you will not accept defeat easily. You may be conservative in displaying your emotions.

See also: Mars sextile Saturn;

SR Mars square SR Saturn

Mars square Saturn implies a need this year for well-planned activity which is strongly based on a realistic assessment of the situation. If you are involved in a major project, personality characteristics such as discipline, perseverance, and organizational ability may be needed for the hard work ahead. This is a good time to work towards completing long-term goals, especially if you appreciate the amount of effort that is involved. You are able to accomplish according to your strengths and acquired skills. Future plans are a direct extension of past events, issues and experience. Nothing is given and everything must be earned.

As you strive to succeed in any endeavor, you have to maintain an awareness of societal structures, norms and institutions. Certain requirements will be expected of you as a member of society. For instance, if you wish to borrow money to purchase your first home, you must deal with a bank or mortgage company and meet their requirements for loan customers. This is a good time to push carefully for success, but it is also a good time to cut back on activities if a realistic reassessment of your feelings and life situation tells you to do so. For instance, if you are a young mother wishing to quit work because you have small children, budgeting finances might be a must. Careful planning can make things possible.

Saturn rules reality and practicality. It is not enough to be organized; your plans cannot be implemented if they are unrealistic or impractical. Frustrations are common with this combination and seem to arise from the inability to understand the options and problems. Restrictions and time delays are common in situations where planning is inadequate and expectations unrealistic. Mars by its house placement indicates the action you wish to take (or the anger you feel when thwarted) and Saturn by its house placement indicates where the restrictions are most likely to occur.

Limitations may be built into the situation or personified by a difficult individual. For example, a young man with Saturn in the 4th house bought an older home in need of extensive renovation. Mars was in the 1st house in the solar return and his natural tendency was to go quickly ahead without carefully investigating and planning how to proceed. He soon discovered that problems required more consideration than merely going at it with a saw and hammer. He was able to save time, in the long run, by researching the problem and detailing his plans. Most people would realize that you cannot ad-lib major renovations. When Mars aspects Saturn in your solar return chart, you may have to work with time delays and restraints. In the most negative situations, you could feel like your life is on hold for much of the year. Actions are thwarted by others, if not by your own lack of organization or unrealistic expectations.

Freedom of action can also be limited if liberties have been taken in the past. If you have overspent your budget and have now incurred serious debt, your finances will be restricted during the coming year (Saturn in the 2nd house of money square Mars in the 11th of earning power). You, yourself, may decide to limit your expenses or you may have no other choice but to cut down. If actions are not planned well now or in the past, restrictions, delays and frustrations are a possibility. Those who are able to work within structures will be highly productive.

See also: Mars square Saturn; Mars square Saturn;

SR Mars trine SR Saturn

See also: Mars trine Saturn; Mars trine Saturn;

SR Mars quincunx SR Saturn

Mars-Saturn aspects imply a need for well-planned activity which is strongly based on a realistic assessment of the situation. If you are involved in a major project, personality characteristics such as discipline, perseverance, and organizational ability may be needed for the hard work ahead. This is a good time to work towards completing long-term goals, especially if you appreciate the amount of effort that is involved. You are able to accomplish according to your strengths and acquired skills. Future plans are a direct extension of past events, issues and experience. Nothing is given and everything must be earned.

As you strive to succeed in any endeavor, you have to maintain an awareness of societal structures, norms and institutions. Certain requirements will be expected of you as a member of society. For instance, if you wish to borrow money to purchase your first home, you must deal with a bank or mortgage company and meet their requirements for loan customers. This is a good time to push carefully for success, but it is also a good time to cut back on activities if a realistic reassessment of your feelings and life situation tells you to do so. For instance, if you are a young mother wishing to quit work because you have small children, budgeting finances might be a must. Careful planning can make things possible.

Saturn rules reality and practicality. It is not enough to be organized; your plans cannot be implemented if they are unrealistic or impractical. Frustrations are common with this combination and seem to arise from the inability to understand the options and problems. Restrictions and time delays are common in situations where planning is inadequate and expectations unrealistic. Mars by its house placement indicates the action you wish to take (or the anger you feel when thwarted) and Saturn by its house placement indicates where the restrictions are most likely to occur.

Limitations may be built into the situation or personified by a difficult individual. For example, a young man with Saturn in the 4th house bought an older home in need of extensive renovation. Mars was in the 1st house in the solar return and his natural tendency was to go quickly ahead without carefully investigating and planning how to proceed. He soon discovered that problems required more consideration than merely going at it with a saw and hammer. He was able to save time, in the long run, by researching the problem and detailing his plans. Most people would realize that you cannot ad-lib major renovations. When Mars aspects Saturn in your solar return chart, you may have to work with time delays and restraints. In the most negative situations, you could feel like your life is on hold for much of the year. Actions are thwarted by others, if not by your own lack of organization or unrealistic expectations.

Freedom of action can also be limited if liberties have been taken in the past. If you have overspent your budget and have now incurred serious debt, your finances will be restricted during the coming year (Saturn in the 2nd house of money square Mars in the 11th of earning power). You, yourself, may decide to limit your expenses or you may have no other choice but to cut down. If actions are not planned well now or in the past, restrictions, delays and frustrations are a possibil¬ity. Those who are able to work within structures will be highly productive.

See also: Mars quincunx Saturn;

SR Mars opposite SR Saturn

Mars opposite Saturn implies a need this year for well-planned activity which is strongly based on a realistic assessment of the situation. If you are involved in a major project, personality characteristics such as discipline, perseverance, and organizational ability may be needed for the hard work ahead. This is a good time to work towards completing long-term goals, especially if you appreciate the amount of effort that is involved. You are able to accomplish according to your strengths and acquired skills. Future plans are a direct extension of past events, issues and experience. Nothing is given and everything must be earned.

As you strive to succeed in any endeavor, you have to maintain an awareness of societal structures, norms and institutions. Certain requirements will be expected of you as a member of society. For instance, if you wish to borrow money to purchase your first home, you must deal with a bank or mortgage company and meet their requirements for loan customers. This is a good time to push carefully for success, but it is also a good time to cut back on activities if a realistic reassessment of your feelings and life situation tells you to do so. For instance, if you are a young mother wishing to quit work because you have small children, budgeting finances might be a must. Careful planning can make things possible.

Saturn rules reality and practicality. It is not enough to be organized; your plans cannot be implemented if they are unrealistic or impractical. Frustrations are common with this combination and seem to arise from the inability to understand the options and problems. Restrictions and time delays are common in situations where planning is inadequate and expectations unrealistic. Mars by its house placement indicates the action you wish to take (or the anger you feel when thwarted) and Saturn by its house placement indicates where the restrictions are most likely to occur.

Limitations may be built into the situation or personified by a difficult individual. For example, a young man with Saturn in the 4th house bought an older home in need of extensive renovation. Mars was in the 1st house in the solar return and his natural tendency was to go quickly ahead without carefully investigating and planning how to proceed. He soon discovered that problems required more consideration than merely going at it with a saw and hammer. He was able to save time, in the long run, by researching the problem and detailing his plans. Most people would realize that you cannot ad-lib major renovations. When Mars aspects Saturn in your solar return chart, you may have to work with time delays and restraints. In the most negative situations, you could feel like your life is on hold for much of the year. Actions are thwarted by others, if not by your own lack of organization or unrealistic expectations.

Freedom of action can also be limited if liberties have been taken in the past. If you have overspent your budget and have now incurred serious debt, your finances will be restricted during the coming year (Saturn in the 2nd house of money square Mars in the 11th of earning power). You, yourself, may decide to limit your expenses or you may have no other choice but to cut down. If actions are not planned well now or in the past, restrictions, delays and frustrations are a possibility. Those who are able to work within structures will be highly productive.

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