nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Mars conjunct SR Pluto

When Mars is in aspect to Pluto, actions are not truly conscious or planned out. There is an acute awareness of the interplay between what appear to be directed activities and unconscious motivations. One does not just set career goals; one is driven to succeed. Compul¬sions and obsessions, healthy or not, are common since many psycho¬logical issues and complexes are indigenous to the scenarios you are involved in during the year. In very negative situations, phobias can develop. The psychological influences affecting you can spring unsolicited from your own unconscious, but are more likely to arise from your encounters with another. Generally, you must deal with this person regularly, and he or she may or may not be totally rational. Reacting from the gut level can become the standard mode of opera¬tion for those who do not work toward a greater understanding of these forces.

Control issues are likely during this time, and some individuals get locked into power struggles. In this type of situation, you are both able to manipulate others and subject to manipulation yourself. Surreptitious actions or underhanded maneuvers are also possible. Rather man battling with someone else, you can instead (or also) be locked into a power struggle with yourself. One man with Mars in the 9th house square Pluto conjunct the Ascendant was seriously hurt by a past relationship. He recognized the need to deal with unconscious anger and develop a philosophy for handling future anger-produc¬ing situations. During the year, he met and was compulsively drawn to a new relationship. The loss of control over the inhibitions to intimacy frightened him. Consequently, the scene was set and the interplay between the unconscious obsession to resolve the anger issues and fear of being hurt again dominated the involvement for much of the year. Efforts to consciously control yourself will be thwarted until you gain insight into the problem at hand. The man was both irresistibly drawn and frightened by the attraction until he began to resolve issues from the original relationship. This cleared the' way for a more meaningful interchange.

Understanding psychological forces and learning to work with them rather than against them can lead to productive encounters. Use insight to break bad habits and negative attitudes. The ability to comprehend new knowledge fostered by the unconscious leads to new power over your own actions and the situations you are involved in. It is at this point that realistic control over behavior begins.

This can be an extremely empowering aspect, especially with harmonious aspects to this conjunction from other planets. On the other hand, with major discordant aspects to other planets, this aspect can bode extremely challenging.

SR Mars sextile SR Pluto

When Mars is sextile Pluto, actions may not be truly conscious or planned out, but they will be gutsy, forceful and most likely highly impactful. There is an acute awareness of the interplay between what appear to be directed activities and unconscious motivations. One does not just set career goals; one is driven to succeed. Reacting from the gut level can become the standard mode of operation this year. Good to remember, as much as possible, the huge influence, even control, you may have over others this year, while being conscious and kind.

Understanding psychological forces and learning to work with them rather than against them can lead to productive encounters. Use insight to break bad habits and negative attitudes. The ability to comprehend new knowledge fostered by the unconscious leads to new power over your own actions and the situations you are involved in. It is at this point that realistic control over behavior begins. This can be an extremely empowering aspect, especially with harmonious aspects to this conjunction from other planets.

SR Mars square SR Pluto

When Mars is in hard aspect to Pluto, actions are not truly conscious or planned out. There is an acute awareness of the interplay between what appear to be directed activities and unconscious motivations. One does not just set career goals; one is driven to succeed. Compulsions and obsessions, healthy or not, are common since many psychological issues and complexes are indigenous to the scenarios you are involved in during the year. In very negative situations, phobias can develop. The psychological influences affecting you can spring unsolicited from your own unconscious, but are more likely to arise from your encounters with another. Generally, you must deal with this person regularly, and he or she may or may not be totally rational. Reacting from the gut level can become the standard mode of operation for those who do not work toward a greater understanding of these forces.

Control issues are likely during this time, and some individuals get locked into power struggles. In this type of situation, you are both able to manipulate others and subject to manipulation yourself. Surreptitious actions or underhanded maneuvers are also possible. Rather than battling with someone else, you can instead (or also) be locked into a power struggle with yourself, and efforts to consciously control yourself will be thwarted until you gain insight into the problem at hand.

Understanding psychological forces and learning to work with them rather than against them can lead to productive encounters. Use insight to break bad habits and negative attitudes. The ability to comprehend new knowledge fostered by the unconscious leads to new power over your own actions and the situations you are involved in. It is at this point that realistic control over behavior begins.

SR Mars trine SR Pluto

When Mars is trine Pluto, actions may not be truly conscious or planned out, but they will be gutsy, forceful and most likely highly impactful. There is an acute awareness of the interplay between what appear to be directed activities and unconscious motivations. One does not just set career goals; one is driven to succeed. Reacting from the gut level can become the standard mode of operation this year. Good to remember, as much as possible, the huge influence, even control, you may have over others this year, while being conscious and kind.

Understanding psychological forces and learning to work with them rather than against them can lead to productive encounters. Use insight to break bad habits and negative attitudes. The ability to comprehend new knowledge fostered by the unconscious leads to new power over your own actions and the situations you are involved in. It is at this point that realistic control over behavior begins. This can be an extremely empowering aspect, especially with harmonious aspects to this conjunction from other planets.

SR Mars quincunx SR Pluto

There is some challenge in managing our energy this year. Whenever we stand up for ourselves, our efforts are intensified by Pluto; so that we act more forcibly than intended and with a grim determination that surprises us. The upshot is that others may be provoked; which means that, in a sense, we are to blame for our own insecurity. Initially, we find it strange that we arouse such fierce reactions, but we radiate Plutonian emanations that others find disturbing whenever we try to influence them, although we ourselves may have no idea of the impression we are making.

Also, with the inconjunct, we have a desire to prove ourselves. We can go far, but may possibly tend to be over insistent about our own opinions - even when we think we are making every allowance for the opinions of others. Consequently, we may force issues that would be better left alone; and so our career or aim in life absorbs more energy than necessary. Pluto represents the urge to get to the bottom of everything; in this aspect, the result of such a course of action is a feeling of uncertainty. Nevertheless, once we realize the reason for discomfort, we shall find that we have an enormous fund of energy at our disposal, and that even the inconjunct is an asset in its own way.

SR Mars opposite SR Pluto

Control issues are likely during this time, and some individuals get locked into power struggles. In this type of situation, you are both able to manipulate others and subject to manipulation yourself. Surreptitious actions or underhanded maneuvers are also possible. Rather than battling with someone else, you can instead (or also) be locked into a power struggle with yourself, and efforts to consciously control yourself will be thwarted until you gain insight into the problem at hand.

Understanding psychological forces and learning to work with them rather than against them can lead to productive encounters. Use insight to break bad habits and negative attitudes. The ability to comprehend new knowledge fostered by the unconscious leads to new power over your own actions and the situations you are involved in. It is at this point that realistic control over behavior begins.

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