nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Jupiter in the SR 1st House

Great self-confidence and self-assurance come with Jupiter rising. This is a good time for travel and seeking knowledge in foreign places, or to withdraw to a quiet place and seek inner wisdom.

Jupiter in the 1st house implies that personal needs and attributes are becoming increasingly important and future growth may depend on the recognition of these qualities. The potential for personal success and progress during this year is great, but only for those individuals who are convinced that they are worthy of the time and effort necessary for self-development. First evaluate your assets. You cannot begin to fully implement or promote assets you do not recognize and appreciate. Self-appreciation fosters self-confidence, which is crucial to the process of initiating and developing opportu¬nities.

Secondly, an understanding of personal needs is important since you will not fulfill needs you ignore or consider inconsequential. The urge towards self-development arises from an awareness of what you have to offer others and what is needed in return. Self-interest is the cornerstone of achievement during the year. You must believe in yourself, your abilities and your future in order to tap into the opportunities associated with this placement. Those who hang back for fear of appearing self-centered or egotistical will miss the chance to become fully motivated towards success. Now is the time to expand your horizons and test your capabilities by tackling new and more difficult projects. Believe in yourself enough to allow new experiences to stretch the limits of your expertise. Optimism, when not extreme or unwarranted, pays off.

The most important task associated with this placement is the creation of opportunities. During the year, opportunities and benefits must be self-made; they will not fall in your lap. You must actively cultivate the situation or job you want in order to attain it. This is not the year to expect a lot of outside help. You must rely on your own wits to foster an opportunity for yourself which would not have existed if not for your efforts. Obviously you will not do this without some measure of self-confidence. This is why the reassessment of assets and needs is so crucial. For example, one individual created an exercise program in her home for neighbors and friends. She needed to shape up and she was able to draw upon her background (asset) to devise a program for herself and others. Many benefited from her enthusiasm and push for self-improvement. None of this would have happened without her motivation.

Freedom is an issue with this placement. You cannot remain, confined if you are to grow beyond personal boundaries. Personality expansion depends on freedom of movement. If you have been tied down in the past, this can be the year when freedom comes automat¬ically. For example, your youngest child may enter school, freeing your days for new pursuits. But if Jupiter is heavily aspected, you may have to push for greater freedom since your attention is divided among several different areas. Selfishness, real or imagined, may be an issue.

You can let this time slip by. It is only through your own efforts that opportunities will materialize and success will be realized. No one will push you to achieve. But if you do pass, you are likely to miss a chance for personal growth and reward, since the tendency is for things to turn out much better man expected. If there is a spiritual emphasis associated with this placement, it lies in the implication mat self-help leads to Universal assistance. Trusting in your own abilities while allowing a sense of spiritual purpose to guide you can make things happen. This is a time when beliefs about yourself and higher forces in the spiritual realm can be easily implemented in practical everyday situations. Call it a spiritual tail wind. Don't just believe; act on those beliefs and behave in a manner that is consistent with your spiritual purpose.

See also: Jupiter in the 1st House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 2nd House

Jupiter in the 2nd house of the solar return usually indicates a good financial situation, or at least improving financial conditions. As a rule, the money comes to you through your own efforts and is probably related to your professional endeavors or increased earning power. If you are not presently working, this can be the year you seek employment. If you are already employed, you can earn more money this year through salary increases or second jobs. Those who work on a commission or incentive basis have the opportunity for a significant increase in income. For those who work in sales, this can be the year you land mat big account. The possibility of receiving a lump sum of money exists during the year. Generally, the money is not a gift but remuneration associated with your job. Gifts are more likely to be seen with Jupiter or Venus in the 8th house of the solar return chart. Common examples associated with lump sums of money include selling a business (if you own one), retiring and collecting pension funds, receiving an advance for a book or invention, or winning' a sabbatical or grant for educational or research purposes.

Unfortunately, spending can also increase temporarily and it is common to make one large purchase or have increased expenses during the year. Sometimes you must spend money to make more money. If you wish to expand your business or your number of clients, you might buy extra advertising time or space. If you are selling your home for a profit, you might make improvements which will maximize the return on your investment. The emphasis is on money-making ideas and during this year it can be fairly easy to make more money. The tendency is to be in the right place at the right time, but unfortunately, you may have to spend money to attain this position. If there are aspects from Jupiter into the 8th house, you may overspend your income and incur a large debt. The bills can reach a significant level for those who have a history of financial problems. If this becomes your situation, the push to increase your income will be even stronger.

Regardless of your line of work, the inner quality of fulfillment is stressed this year. You will not do just anything for money. Principles are important, and unless 2nd house planets are strongly aspected, the tendency is to make money doing exactly what is most fulfilling. Money comes easily when you believe in what you do well. Ethics are generally not compromised, though individual differences abide.

The task for this placement is to attract situations which give you greater self-confidence and increased self-worth. For some, earning more money can be a confirmation of one's value. For others, being successful, ethical or fulfilled becomes the confirmation.

See also: Jupiter in the 2nd House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 3rd House

Jupiter in the 3rd house shows a great deal of daily activity. The pace of life picks up as you run around from one task to another. You have too many things to do and if the juggling act gets out of hand, you function in a state of crisis management for part of the year. It is common to have one specific project, thought or task dominate your attention and time. This interest crowds your days with activity; consequently, over scheduling is a problem. For example, a pregnant student needed to complete all her coursework before the baby was due. Papers, tests and homework took up all of her time and she had few outside interests until she was finished. Another woman volun¬teered to run a community event which was her whole focus of attention until the project was completed. An artist completely renovated his studio. The goal with this placement is to learn to focus only on the major tasks at hand while prioritizing lesser needs or delegating responsibilities to others. You cannot handle everything, and if you try, the day-to-day details of practical living may be easily lost in the flurry of activity. Concentration is necessary and when you are fully involved, everyday details get in your way. One tends to see only the big picture.

Despite all the activity, this is a great time to expand your mind either through school (teaching or learning), reading or writing. Many go to school or take a course sometime during the year, but a strong emphasis on being self-taught is also evident. New teachers will spend much time developing lesson plans and lectures. Writing with the hope of future publication is also possible, but the main emphasis is usually on community newsletters, magazine articles or children's stories.

Contrary to what one might expect with Jupiter in the 3rd house, this can be a mentally stressful year. Not only is the pace of life quick, the information you need to remember is greatly increased. You can get mentally overwhelmed by all the things you must do and recall. To further compound the stress you are already feeling, you could be involved in situations representative of ethical-moral dilemmas. If so, these dilemmas fall into the gray area of decision-making and are not simple black-or-white situations. Decisions involve major commit¬ments to lifestyle patterns, and choices may be limited. You are forced to make the best decision possible given the present circumstances. Common issues include dilemmas associated with sexuality, questions of loyalty, spiritual applications in daily life, abortion, and conscientious objection. Ethical-moral dilemmas intrude on your consciousness, causing further stress in an already hectic life. Eventually the mind can feel overloaded by too much mental processing.

Learning to apply spiritual concepts to daily life situations is an important task for the coming year. It is not enough to believe in a philosophical concept; the concept must have a practical, mundane application to your life situation. Concepts may be tested by an ethical-moral dilemma. Only successful applications of spiritual concepts will lead to fulfillment and confirmation of your beliefs. Impractical ideals will fall short of satisfactory implementation. These pseudo-philosophical principles not only fail to improve one's circumstances, they also create additional stress when one unsuccessfully attempts what is unrealistic. Consistency above and below is the goal. You cannot be hypocritical this year. You must practice what you preach, and if you cannot, then you must preach what you practice.

See also: Jupiter in the 3rd House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 4th House

Jupiter in the 4th house indicates the need for increased peace and security in your home. It is important to feel rooted and protected physically, emotionally and spiritually by the home environment. Many individuals choose to begin a beautification program to make their living quarters more comfortable. Although projects may be expensive, there is usually a minimum of disruption. Improvements are not necessitated by a need to make repairs (more likely with Saturn), or the need to make major changes in the structure of the house (more likely with Pluto). Projects tend to be minor, and generally the domestic situation is not disrupted by the improvements. Renovations or additions are not as likely as changing the decor with paint, wallpaper and new furniture. The object here is to enhance the surroundings both inside and outside of the home, not to redo the entire house from scratch. Outside improvements include landscaping the grounds or creating a small garden for meditation. Individuals having this placement wish to create an environment which not only suits the physical needs and comforts the soul, but pleases the eye.

Security is also important; depending on the individual's age, issues can relate to present or future needs. Domestic security is the immediate issue, and you may be striving to purchase a home or secure your position in the present one. Heavy aspects to Jupiter in the 4th can indicate other influences which might support or threaten your home life. For example, after one man's parents died, he inherited the family home and for the first time owned a piece of property. As he settled into his new home and began to redecorate the interior, his future bride informed him that she did not care for the house and wished to live elsewhere (aspect from the 7th house). This man felt the need to balance his commitment to his fiancée with his desire for a sense of rootedness. The home had become very important to him, since for the first time in his life he was working steadily towards completing a major project without abandoning his goal prematurely (aspect from the 1st house). He needed to work during the year to balance his needs and the needs of his fiancée with the desire for rootedness. Married individuals with this placement who are in the process of separating need to find and secure a home for the future. If Jupiter is very stressed, this may be a complicated task.

For older individuals, issues concerning retirement and pension plans are important. The emphasis is on IRAs, mutual funds and retirement packages, but usually security issues do not apply to funds alone since included also is a concern for the home. You may pay off your mortgage, refinance your loan at a lower rate or purchase an insurance policy which will cover your payments should you become disabled or unemployed. This is the time to make changes in your home and in your financial planning which will insure the stability of your domestic situation both now and in the future.

Occasionally Jupiter in the 4th house indicates an increase in the number of people living in your home during the year. You expand your home by taking in another person; either a boarder, roommate, foreign exchange student or relative. Generally, the addition does not indicate an increase in responsibility. The other person is able to meet his or her own needs and contribute to household chores and expenses. It is likely you will enjoy his or her presence although it can cost you extra money to have this person around.

Domestic responsibilities tend to lessen as individuals gain independence from other family members. Children may enter school or go away to college. If you were saddled with a lot of responsibility during the previous year because either of your parents or some other family member was ill, it is likely that his or her health or situation will improve at this time and your duties will decrease. Parents who are very elderly could be placed in a nursing home, or outside assistance may be brought in to help. In cases where the death of a disabled person is imminent and could be considered a blessing, this is the reason why responsibilities lessen at this time. For one reason or another, the difficulty or demand for extra attention is no longer evident.

Feelings run high and emotional swings are likely. Excessive responses are the norm and both highs and lows are evident. You could seek to suppress emotional responses, fearing the strength of your feelings and the loss of control. Many times there is a situation during the year which heightens the emotional nature and forces you to deal with the adequacy or inadequacy of your responses and those of others. If you are not in a fulfilling lifestyle, emotions will tend to be negative as well as overwhelming. But if you are actively working towards a fulfilling lifestyle, emotions can be very pleasurable and the support you receive from others is reassuring.

See also: Jupiter in the 4th House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 5th House

The overall interpretation of Jupiter in the 5th house is expanded self-expression. There are a number of ways you might seek to manifest this growth. Most people begin by letting their inner personalities show more in daily-life situations, but then go on to branch out into new fields of interest. For example, one woman took flying lessons and learned to love flying. She subsequently took a job selling airplanes at a small local airport. She left a job in a family-run business which had always stripped her of time and energy. For her, flying became the symbol of her own breaking away. Being free to express yourself naturally is an issue with this placement, and you will tend to seek out those situations which allow for greater latitude and fewer restrictions. Then, as you grow to express yourself more and more during the year, you not only gain self-understanding, but you also learn to accept who you are as a person.

Artistic endeavors and creative or inventive pursuits can help to foster the extemalization of inner traits and the expansion of personal expression. This is the time to experiment with new techniques and media. The freedom and risks associated with a new creative endeavor parallel the freedom and risks in an evolving and expanding personal expression.

The possibility of a love relationship exists with Jupiter in the 5th house and this is another way individuals seek greater freedom. You may be attracted to those who are already free themselves and can therefore help you to become freer to grow into new areas. Sometimes the focus of growth is not in a specific field of interest, but a pervasive desire to be free of inhibitions. Youth can be a factor in the attraction, though not always. Relationships may or may not be sexual in nature, but ethical-moral or spiritual concerns commonly affect your in¬volvement, and monogamy or loyalty to one person might be the issue. Regardless of sexual involvement, the moral right to free self-expression takes precedence. No one has the right to control and stifle another's personal or artistic creativity, and those individuals caught in a restrictive partnership are more likely to look for a way out and somebody to assist in their escape. Spiritual connections between lovers could enhance the attraction and love, regardless of whether or not both have an interest in the spiritual realm. Relationships sometimes function on this level with one or both lovers intuitively understanding the other, and one or both generating philosophical insights and concepts leading to a spiritual connection.

Children also require greater freedom and this can be the year they go off to daycare, school, camp or college. This change affords parents more free time as well. If you have experienced difficulties relating to your children in the past, conditions may improve this year and it is a good time to open up the lines of communication. Jupiter aspected by a planet in the 2nd house implies large expenses associ¬ated with educating or supporting your children, and one might wish to save for this expenditure if it is anticipated. Your children have some very positive opportunities and they should be encouraged to apply for scholarships and awards, or to place themselves in positions for advancement or recognition. This interpretation is contingent on their age, qualifications and field of expertise.

See also: Jupiter the 5th House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 6th House

Generally, your job tends to get both easier and more enjoyable while Jupiter is in the 6th house. How this comes about varies. Working conditions can improve and good co-worker relationships are possible. Friendly interchanges with clients, customers, fellow employees, and the cultivation of a helpful attitude could prove very beneficial to you personally and the general climate of the office. During the year, physical as well as attitudinal changes specific to the environment can enhance your surroundings, making them more pleasurable. For instance, your office might become smoke-free, you might move to a bigger or nicer location, or new procedures could streamline your workload.

You function at your best when you are given the freedom to handle tasks in your own way and at your own speed. Flexible schedules might be instituted, allowing you to set your own hours. This flexibility may arise because of your position, seniority, or changes in office policy. You may want to take time off or cut back on hours, which should not be a problem unless Jupiter is heavily aspected, implying a complicated situation. With this placement, the workload is often shared with co-workers who cover for you while you are gone. It is also possible that the job situation is such that you can easily take time off. You might need to do this to handle other pressing responsibilities.

Job benefits, incentives or awards are possible with this placement, and you can benefit directly or indirectly from your position as either boss or employee. Rewards can be monetary, as in a promotion or raise, or otherwise (e.g., travel). Opportunities arise for advancement or on-the-job training. Watch for these and take advantage of them.

Aspects from the 6th house to the 10th house can indicate that the daily running of the office either competes with or contributes to career goals. The problem here is that you will not be pushed to complete long-term projects and daily short-term projects will interfere. Motivation is a problem when a laissez-faire attitude exists.

Health improves as long as you do not overindulge or make excessive demands on your body. The possibility of your health improving is most noticeable immediately following a difficult year punctuated by health problems. New or old difficulties arising during the year are generally directly associated with present or past overindulgences. Excesses of all kinds are a danger, even sudden and excessive exercising since you may push yourself to the point of injury. Included also are alcoholic and dietary excesses. Because of the tendency towards overeating, you can gain weight, but it is just as likely, and perhaps even more so initially, to try to eat a nutritious well-balanced diet. This is the time to pay more attention to what you are eating. Becoming mindful and better informed will make you an educated consumer. Since Jupiter rules higher education, you may be less likely to eat junk food and more likely to eat foods that are good for you.

Unfortunately, Jupiter's negative manifestation is the inability to exist for long in a state of moderation. Jupiter in the 6th is a perfect setup for "yo-yo" dieting. You may lose a lot of weight, only to gain it all back if you have not assimilated the knowledge which originally created the loss. It is knowledge that supports your most positive actions and establishes a sense of balance and moderation leading to good health. Creating natural limits through educated responses to stimuli is the task of this placement.

See also: Jupiter in the 6th House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 7th House

The best phrase to describe Jupiter in the 7th house is, "Ask and you shall receive." Others naturally come to your aid, giving more assistance and support than you expected or even thought you needed. If you are in a difficult situation, others readily offer to help. This can occur without asking, but the possibilities become even stronger if you not only recognize and foster the help available to you, but also ask specifically for what you need. Somebody may be in the perfect position to actualize your goals, and partnerships of this nature enable you to accomplish together what you would not have attempted alone. Help may be either tangible or intangible. Under the best possible circumstances, you benefit directly or indirectly from others in more ways than one. For example, if you are married, you benefit through your spouse since what he or she receives trickles down to you.

Individuals offer their insight into your problems or situation, and you progress through what another knows or has learned. The objective view helps you to see and interpret life more clearly. Usually the message is encouraging. Exchanging knowledge is important with this placement, but this is not all that is exchanged.

Relationships can improve; good marriages become better. If you have had a problem relating in the past, this interpretation is partic¬ularly apparent. Difficult marital problems tend to be resolved, especially if professional help is sought (individual or marital counseling). Under therapeutic conditions, those you are involved with become more apt to listen to your complaints and make concessions. Perhaps you are also more insightful and better able to explain your position. Great strides can be made because something suddenly clicks in your consciousness, adjusting your pattern for intimacy. Regardless of your marital situation, good relationships with a variety of people in a variety of situations could exist. If you are able to create a climate of compatibility and harmony, your success in any endeavor during the year can be augmented by cooperation with others. If you are unable to work with others, you will lose out on this experience of mutual gain.

Sometimes personal benefits are not realized because of the overwhelming emphasis on the partner's needs to the exclusion of your own. In negative situations, personal needs are not only dwarfed, but drowned out completely by the interests of another. Relationships can be so excessive that one goes overboard in an attempt to please. Even what initially appears to be a benefit can negate your self-interest and ultimately fulfill your partner's require¬ments only. Within this context, benefits cannot be considered all good. For example, if your spouse is offered a position overseas, you may be thrilled about the possibility of living in a foreign country, but you may be forced to give up a lot in order to go. You need to assess the effect leaving has on your long-term goals. You may be able to set aside your personal needs for one or two years' time in order to benefit from a new experience coming to you directly through the spouse. But instead, it may be difficult, if not impossible, for you to leave at this time.

Any opportunity can be a mixed blessing, and the lines of stress might be denoted in the solar return chart by the aspects to Jupiter in the 7th house. The balance is very delicate. You may benefit greatly or feel overwhelmed by circumstances that are not your own or are inconsistent with your needs for fulfillment. One must control the swing of the pendulum. In the worst-case scenario, you will not be aware your own needs are being overrun. It is at this time that someone will step forward and make an observation that will change your perspective, if you are willing to listen.

See also: Jupiter in the 7th House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 8th House

The 8th house is commonly associated with the earnings of others while the 2nd house is more indicative of your own earning power. Therefore, Jupiter in the 8th primarily focuses on the money made available to you after someone else has already earned it. During the year, your financial situation may improve specifically because you are now able to share resources with another person. If you have already been sharing resources up to this point, the dollar amount of the shared funds is likely to increase. This placement commonly shows money coming to you through others, possibly in the form of a lump sum. For those who are interested in making a large purchase such as a home, combining incomes and savings makes the goal a reality.

Besides shared resources, you may acquire money through other means. These other means include an inheritance, gift or monetary settlement from an insurance claim or legal case. Funds from profit sharing, royalties, and advances for books or inventions are also more commonly seen in the 8th house, even though one would think they would be more consistent with 2nd house earnings. Because of the extra money coming in, this may be a good time to place some funds in an investment account or hire a broker to manage your money. In this way your money works for you, creating extra funds through means other than salary.

Most likely, if you share incomes with another, you must also share his or her debts, and unfortunately, this person can be a big spender. The negative interpretation for financial concerns associat¬ed with this placement is mat you are just as likely to experience increased expenses and debts caused by the other person as you are to have more money available. The pendulum can swing either way. The probability of struggling over expenses and debts increases if there are oppositions running between the 2nd house placements and Jupiter in the 8th.

Ethical questions relevant to sexual morality are important and must be addressed. Situations you face this year are meant to force you to further define your own moral code. Therefore sexual oppor¬tunities you encounter, regardless of whether or not you take advan¬tage of the experience, must be understood within me context of your own religious or philosophical ideals. Issues concerning sexual free¬dom, preference and practices are most noteworthy. Regardless of your age, the cycle is such that either you must look at these concepts for the first time or you must review what now can be considered preconceived notions. For example, a young teenager was faced with the possibility of her first sexual encounter, while a much older woman who had always defined her relationships as "open" now began to desire a monogamous relationship with her lover. Each of these people dealt with the philosophical aspect of the dilemma as well as the actual feelings, thoughts and events.

For those who have the training or innate ability to make the leap to psychological understanding, the sexual and/or monetary situa¬tions and issues encountered during the year become a springboard to greater knowledge of the inner motivations and unconscious complexes of others. The intensity of relationships in these two areas of concern fosters great insight when one is able to read the subtleties of the mind.

See also: Jupiter in the 8th House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 9th House

There is a strong emphasis on spirituality with this Jupiter placement. It seems that an individual naturally begins to look for a higher understanding of the life purpose. Study of a spiritual nature is frequently associated with Jupiter in the 9th, but teaching and direct application of principles are more likely for those who are further advanced. The understanding of the word spirituality should not be limited to religion and philosophy, but should also include all New Age, esoteric, and metaphysical studies. In fact, this may be the more common emphasis. It is time for the great awakening. One does not merely learn with this placement, one begins to know and experience the force and draw of the higher realms. To do this, you can be a born-again Christian or a daily meditator. It makes no difference. It is not the teachings that are most central to the growth in consciousness, but the experiential process which fuels a desire to know and understand. The pull can be very powerful for those who are in a space and time to readily open up and go with the experience.

Aside from the spiritual emphasis, educational opportunities can exist. Depending on your level of expertise and search for knowledge, you can either teach or learn. Those who are interested in learning are just as likely to be self-taught as to attend a school. In fact, the greater emphasis appears to be on individual courses taken separately, (e.g., tutoring, independent study, or self-help groups whose focus is on personal advancement through shared-learning experiences).

Although one would expect a formal educational environment, attending college is a manifestation more commonly seen with Saturn in the 9th house. The degree of freedom associated with Jupiter is more likely to lend itself to a relaxed and enjoyable study environ¬ment without the detailed structure of a degree program; however, the possibility of a formal education does exist. If you do return to school, you may receive some educational honors or awards during the year. It is to your advantage to seek recognition for educational endeavors by entering writing contests, art shows, etc., according to your area of interest.

Your mind is very active during this period and needs stimula¬tion; consequently, there is an interest in a variety of topics. Sometime during the year, you may be overwhelmed by the information you are trying to master or understand, especially if the experiential side of the manifestation is strong. If you choose not to study this year and have no other mental outlets for your mind (reading, writing, con¬templation), this can be a time of mental restlessness. One way or another, you need to satisfy the mental hunger.

In conjunction with the emphasis on teaching is the possibility of writing a book for publication. Books, especially informational, non-fiction works, seek to allow others the chance for independent study of a topic. Although publication of the book will probably not occur at this time unless mere are strong placements in the 10th house consistent with this interpretation, this is a good time to begin investigation into the publishing field.

You might travel during the year, but the focus of attention seems to be more on the above-mentioned areas of concern; however, interest in a specific culture or ethnic group can be evident without any travel whatsoever. You may be fascinated by foreign customs or foods. If you do not travel, you can still follow your interests in this area through books, foreign films, or ethnic sojourns. Relating direct¬ly with a person of foreign nationality is the most likely trigger for this interest.

See also: Jupiter in the 9th House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 10th House

Jupiter in the 10th house implies an easy flow of opportunity and advancement in the career arena. The harder the person has worked for this success in the past, the greater the opportunity for advancement now. Those who have done little to foster their own success might still advance, but if so, they are more likely to be at the beginning of a professional climb and will not be able to go as far as those who are better prepared. Regardless of your position, a chance for advancement can materialize without a lot of work on your part. Opportunities may specifically relate to a new field of interest, and moving into a new career arena can be so easy that one only realizes the transition in hindsight. This is a time when most career maneu¬vers can be accomplished easily. Sometimes little or no effort is needed to acquire a new job. You can be at the right place at the right time. You can also be released from a difficult employment situation of the past.

If you are self-employed or in a position where the development of a clientele is important, you will most likely find that, by the end of the year, you no longer need to search out clients; they come to you of their own accord. If you own a business, you may expand your operations into new areas, open a new branch office, relocate the factory, or seek a more beneficial working environment. Both owners and employees can use professional connections to network with others in the profession.

Those intent on staying with a chosen profession or job can enhance their present situation by seeking in-office opportunities for advancement or options to improve daily procedures. If you have performed well in the past, you may expect to be promoted. Transfers and travels to new locations, even overseas, are possible if they are self-initiated and welcomed. Past or future educational goals can play a role in governing your options. Educational benefits or on-the-job training opportunities could be made available to you. In the best possible scenario, the career becomes a point of stability and success in the life pattern for the year. If you are unhappy with your present position, this is an excellent time to change jobs or careers.

Too much of a good thing is the negative manifestation with this placement. Short-term goals may overrun long-term career needs. You may be so busy advancing that you skip over necessary steps or compromise your own business ethics. Advancement may require that you maintain jovial relationships with authority figures, and this may or may not be in your best interest in the long run. Analyzing the lines of stress coming out of the 10th house can help you to envision the possibility of being put in a compromising position and the implications of such a dilemma. Opportunities abound and one does not necessarily have to settle for less.

See also: Jupiter in the 10th House;

SR Jupiter in the SR 11th House

The number one issue with Jupiter in the 11th house is the issue of freedom as it relates to one or more specific areas of life. Goals are being set early in the year, and most likely the goals are meant to directly benefit the individual. The goals may include educational pursuits which will enhance career potential, but this is not always the case. In order to fulfill the goals, the individual must fight for freedom in one or more specific areas of life. The specific areas are denoted by the houses with Sagittarius and Pisces on the cusps. The symbolism of either one or both houses will work. For example, one young man wanted to attend graduate school but his work demand¬ed that he put in much overtime. He needed to fight for freedom from the grueling hours before he could attain the educational goal he wished for. Sagittarius ruled the 6th house and Pisces ruled the 10th. He eventually quit his job and found part-time employment.

A young woman also wanted to go to school but needed money from relatives. Deep underlying family complexes made it very difficult for her to address the issues clearly and acquire the much-needed financing. Sagittarius ruled the 8th and 9th houses, while Pisces ruled the 12th. She eventually applied for scholarships and loans and entered the school of her choice. The issue of freedom is crucial to success. If one cannot master the tasks necessary for eliminating restrictions, one will not be free to accomplish the goal. Those who are frustrated may function erratically. Freedom in this case is a negative reaction to a restrictive condition, rather than a quest for wholeness.

Friends may be crucial to the goals you set during the year. They can directly assist you or help you to make the necessary connec¬tions. It might be more important who you know than what you do, and therefore networking is to your advantage. It's possible that goals can only be accomplished through a combination of energies coming together from several different individuals. The pooling of resources enables all to succeed as a group while maintaining some measure of individual success. Group efforts and self-help programs are consistent with this placement.

SR Jupiter in the SR 12th House

Jupiter in the 12th house indicates the possibility of an overwhelming influence. Many times it is the emotional nature which appears to overwhelm the individual, especially if he or she is already dealing with a difficult situation, but any area of life can be difficult to control. The natal house which falls in the 12th house of the solar return chart may give you a clue. It sometimes occurs that one activity, person or theme overshadows all other self-expression and sets the tone for the year. The 12th house rules the unconscious, and perhaps Jupiter, the planet of growth, in this placement implies that the unconscious nature can grow out of proportion to the rest of the psyche. In some instances, this might be a beneficial development. Those who compose melodies might need to unlock a feeling to create the tune. Those who work with sick children need to function with a high level of compassion in an emotionally charged environment. But in other situations, psychological stress can cause a great imbalance in the psyche or lifestyle. Individuals in these situations might feel immobilized. Some are not able to function without the support of a therapist, and difficult emotional problems and anxieties can get worse during this year. Strong feelings drown out reason, especially if Mercury is conflicted in the solar return chart.

Jupiter in the 12th is like an "ace in the hole" and those having this placement may actually have it better than is readily apparent. Despite what is implied, things cannot be as bad as they say. For some the ace is a belief in God as a universal protector. Optimism and a divine sense of protection cloak all fears and give great encouragement. Jupiter points to the development of real faith, an empathic connection to the Oneness of life, and a confident trust in the Ultimate Good. Inner states associated with meditation, spirituality or religion may be particularly comforting. But keep in mind that both the use and abuse of spirituality can be seen with this placement. One is able to twist ethical situations and misuse spiritual concepts for the sake of personal gain. This is all done quietly, behind closed doors, and the truth might never be known. The end can justify the means and in this case the ace in the hole becomes the last laugh.

The day that Jupiter crosses the Ascendant by transit is especially important since it indicates a time when those activities and processes kept behind the scenes can become a reality. Problems can intensify as Jupiter crosses into the 1st house, but generally this is a rewarding time and you might wish to schedule beneficial events around this transit.

See also: Jupiter in the 12th House; Jupiter in the 12th House;

Natal Jupiter on the SR 1st House cusp

Natal Jupiter on the SR 2nd House cusp

The 2nd house pertains to your money, income, savings, and new possessions.

These are areas where unions and matters of "good fortune" occur; the areas where you might succeed and expand yourself in a favorable way. Beneficial contacts and opportunities are likely to arise here, so it is to your advantage to push matters (i.e. be assertive perhaps) in these areas. You will tend to meet with favor from other people here, particularly on a social level. It also is an area in which educational and teaching opportunities may be presented. In short, look for success and happiness in this area over the next year. However, also be aware of a tendency to "over-indulge" here. Temptations to go against your basic nature may be strong, so use common sense and good judgment in order to enjoy this area to its maximum potential - without debilitating consequences later on. The qualities you tend to exhibit here are friendly, hopeful, optimistic, happy, charitable, but perhaps "too loose."

Natal Jupiter on the SR 3rd House cusp

The 3rd house pertains to your mental state and intellectual ideas; communications; automobiles and computers - or anything that assists in communications; neighbors, brothers and sisters; your writings and correspondences.

These are areas where unions and matters of "good fortune" occur; the areas where you might succeed and expand yourself in a favorable way. Beneficial contacts and opportunities are likely to arise here, so it is to your advantage to push matters (i.e. be assertive perhaps) in these areas. You will tend to meet with favor from other people here, particularly on a social level. It also is an area in which educational and teaching opportunities may be presented. In short, look for success and happiness in this area over the next year. However, also be aware of a tendency to "over-indulge" here. Temptations to go against your basic nature may be strong, so use common sense and good judgment in order to enjoy this area to its maximum potential - without debilitating consequences later on. The qualities you tend to exhibit here are friendly, hopeful, optimistic, happy, charitable, but perhaps "too loose."

Natal Jupiter on the SR 4th House cusp

Natal Jupiter on the SR 5th House cusp

Natal Jupiter on the SR 6th House cusp

Natal Jupiter on the SR 7th House cusp

Natal Jupiter on the SR 8th House cusp

The 8th house pertains to your dealings with taxes, insurance, estate and death matters, and also sexual issues. It may describe the nature of threats you encounter during the year, but if positive, may also describe gifts, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. It describes the nature of one's research or investigative pursuits. It may also indicate conflicts between obligations to others versus work which one wishes to pursue.

These are areas where unions and matters of "good fortune" occur; the areas where you might succeed and expand yourself in a favorable way. Beneficial contacts and opportunities are likely to arise here, so it is to your advantage to push matters (i.e. be assertive perhaps) in these areas. You will tend to meet with favor from other people here, particularly on a social level. It also is an area in which educational and teaching opportunities may be presented. In short, look for success and happiness in this area over the next year. However, also be aware of a tendency to "over-indulge" here. Temptations to go against your basic nature may be strong, so use common sense and good judgment in order to enjoy this area to its maximum potential - without debilitating consequences later on. The qualities you tend to exhibit here are friendly, hopeful, optimistic, happy, charitable, but perhaps "too loose."

Natal Jupiter on the SR 9th House cusp

The 9th house pertains to your long distance travels, legal decisions, publishing, and educational pursuits, as well as in-laws and second marriage, if it applies. It also deals with philosophical matters like religion and "the meaning life".

These are areas where unions and matters of "good fortune" occur; the areas where you might succeed and expand yourself in a favorable way. Beneficial contacts and opportunities are likely to arise here, so it is to your advantage to push matters (i.e. be assertive perhaps) in these areas. You will tend to meet with favor from other people here, particularly on a social level. It also is an area in which educational and teaching opportunities may be presented. In short, look for success and happiness in this area over the next year. However, also be aware of a tendency to "over-indulge" here. Temptations to go against your basic nature may be strong, so use common sense and good judgment in order to enjoy this area to its maximum potential - without debilitating consequences later on. The qualities you tend to exhibit here are friendly, hopeful, optimistic, happy, charitable, but perhaps "too loose."

Natal Jupiter on the SR 10th House cusp

The 10th house (Midheaven) pertains to your career and vocation; your status in the community; your accomplishments; your role as the head of the company, enterprise, or household; the father-figures in your life (father, employer, supervisor).

These are areas where unions and matters of "good fortune" occur; the areas where you might succeed and expand yourself in a favorable way. Beneficial contacts and opportunities are likely to arise here, so it is to your advantage to push matters (i.e. be assertive perhaps) in these areas. You will tend to meet with favor from other people here, particularly on a social level. It also is an area in which educational and teaching opportunities may be presented. In short, look for success and happiness in this area over the next year. However, also be aware of a tendency to "over-indulge" here. Temptations to go against your basic nature may be strong, so use common sense and good judgment in order to enjoy this area to its maximum potential - without debilitating consequences later on. The qualities you tend to exhibit here are friendly, hopeful, optimistic, happy, charitable, but perhaps "too loose."

Natal Jupiter on the SR 11th House cusp

The 11th house pertains to your friends, as well as people you have "power struggles" with; your professional rewards and accomplishments; the realization of your efforts; your dealings within groups.

These are areas where unions and matters of "good fortune" occur; the areas where you might succeed and expand yourself in a favorable way. Beneficial contacts and opportunities are likely to arise here, so it is to your advantage to push matters (i.e. be assertive perhaps) in these areas. You will tend to meet with favor from other people here, particularly on a social level. It also is an area in which educational and teaching opportunities may be presented. In short, look for success and happiness in this area over the next year. However, also be aware of a tendency to "over-indulge" here. Temptations to go against your basic nature may be strong, so use common sense and good judgment in order to enjoy this area to its maximum potential - without debilitating consequences later on. The qualities you tend to exhibit here are friendly, hopeful, optimistic, happy, charitable, but perhaps "too loose."

Natal Jupiter on the SR 12th House cusp

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