nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Jupiter conjunct SR Uranus

SR Jupiter sextile SR Uranus

You will have a definite need to communicate with others this year. The emphasis is on the development of the mind level and intellect, based upon an ever-increasing store of information and knowledge, which will be a natural outlet for the energy to circulate in your life. That enthusiastic curiosity and ability to absorb information will be present, although you may need to invest more energy into successfully developing your ideas more clearly and effectively.

SR Jupiter square SR Uranus

This year, there is likely to be a conflict between a need to be externally successful, and an inner struggle to release tensions and transcend limitations. Part of the difficulty will lie in the irregular flow of your energies, which makes it hard to generate momentum and persistence. You will feel that you should be a success, and resent any need to progress slowly in your intended direction. Suitable preparation is not an approach that really appeals to you, yet it can be this failure to lay good foundations that can destroy future success.

You need more clarity in your life. There is a spreading uncertainty within you that makes it difficult to concentrate your energies and purpose together. You are unsure of your real motivations, desires and needs; and there is no cohesive belief structure that you can use as a temporary centre. What you do feel is this frustrating tension, which inhibits your choices and options. Often you make a few steps towards manifesting an intention, make a few preliminary plans, then retreat from this, perhaps from a fear of failure or because a new idea has suddenly attracted all your attention. You have a problem in being self-disciplined and actually completing your intentions. Yet sometimes you can be very impulsive, launching into things with little thought, and suddenly waking up to discover that you have created a new problem or are in a situation from which you have to withdraw. Much energy is wasted through such thrashing about with no real idea of what you really want to do.

The energy to succeed is there, but it is locked away or dissipated through lack of direction. The frustration will remain until you release the tension through channeled intent, completing one project at a time. More self-evaluation as to your dreams and desires will help, as through clarifying those you will be able to determine the required direction that is necessary for achievement. Those tendencies towards being too idealistic and impractical may need to be moderated; and it may be that you will have to work closely with others in a co-operative manner, so that mutual discipline and focus helps to keep you in line through a sense of group obligation and responsibility. The key is that you need to change your way of operating in order to succeed.

SR Jupiter trine SR Uranus

You will have a desire to communicate with others this year. The emphasis is on the development of the mind level and intellect, based upon an ever-increasing store of information and knowledge, which will be a natural outlet for the energy to circulate in your life. That enthusiastic curiosity and ability to absorb information will be present, although you may need to invest more energy into successfully developing your ideas more clearly and effectively.

SR Jupiter quincunx SR Uranus

Your dreams for the future may undergo reversals that are difficult to control during the next year. The problem is probably that you expect too much, since your dreams are probably to some extent unrealistic and far-fetched. Self-discipline and careful management are the only solutions. You may tend to listen to people who encourage you to extend yourself beyond safe limits. In your eagerness for instant results, you sometimes fail to plan your moves sufficiently. You may overreact to suggestion and condition yourself to submit to others, which may undermine your own needs and desires.

Sufficient rest is essential for you to maintain good health and general well-being, this year. Avoid excess in all things.

SR Jupiter opposite SR Uranus

It is in the spheres of judgment and sensitivity that you may find difficulties occurring this year. Under the expansionist tendencies of both Jupiter and Uranus, you can easily become over-enthusiastic about ideas, business schemes or unconventional beliefs. Allied to an erratic, restless tendency, this can lead you to become involved in highly speculative business ventures where your obsession with the project idea can override any real rational analysis of financial feasibility. Often your attachment to ideas veers towards investing them with elements of fantasy and imagination, which can lack a real applicability within daily life, also adding a distorting factor.

There is likely to be some conflict with established traditional beliefs and social attitudes, especially in the areas of religion and politics; and you may become involved with radical politics or more unusual religious and spiritual beliefs. These will hold considerable personal meaning for you; and you will feel impelled to share these with others. Often despite that clever mind, there is an element of simplicity and faith in you, which can become naivety at times. If a belief resonates with that point of imagination within, you can accept it then with little questioning, because really you are looking for a sense of centre and security; and a belief structure appears to offer this.

You may need to be wary of an urge to convert others to your beliefs which, whilst genuinely held, may not be suitable for everyone. If others oppose you, this serves to reinforce your support of your beliefs against any odds; you can feel that this often validates them. There can be a tendency to be too domineering in expression, founded on that strong self-assurance; and in relating there is often a lack of tact and sensitivity to the feelings and abilities of others. Not everyone has your ability to be so focused on achieving important objectives; many vacillate, or sit on the fence, instead of choosing to be on one side or the other. Also, others have different requirements for life experience from yours, different challenges; and they may be following their path as much as you are following yours.

Eventually, you may find that the Uranus action causes you to revolt against any belief structures to which you have bound yourself. At least for a period, you may have to stand alone and adrift from security in beliefs; this can occur as a result of disillusionment and a collapse in your faith in a specific belief. Yet this can be liberating, since in the experience of such a phase of inner darkness, your own light may be perceived and contacted, enabling you to live more freely and attuned to your own life pattern through later life. Identification with outer belief structures can be personally inimical and restrictive.

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