nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Jupiter conjunct SR Saturn

Especially with positive aspects to this conjunction, the way in which we seek expansion, improvement and increase harmonizes this year with perseverance and the way in which we discipline ourselves and define our egos. A balance between the two planets gives us the possibility of being level-headed visionaries looking for a solidly-built future. A structured career pattern is another possibility and is quite likely to bring success.

We are often filled with a justifiable optimism, a sort of well-balanced enthusiasm, and this enables us to promote joint efforts in a thoroughly relaxed way.

We are good organizers at this time, and know how to combine a look ahead with a sense of current realities; responsibilities seldom over-burden us, and we have little dread of the future. Nevertheless, the promising and stimulating side of these aspects will never turn our heads. We are and remain serious, and will retain the necessary self-discipline to achieve our ends. For in these aspects Jupiter strengthens the ambition and the diligence of Saturn so that we never rest until we have attained our goal.

If this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is positionally challenged in our solar return chart, it may be that whenever we feel like setting to work enthusiastically, improving our chances or seizing fresh opportunities (Jupiter), we are aware of the dead hand of Saturn. Fearing to make a move, we delay too long, or else, by an error of judgment, we saddle ourselves with a pile of unwanted work. Whatever the case may be, our theory and practice, vision and reality are out of alignment and, to begin with, we are uncertain how to proceed. This leads to extreme modes of expression. We can balk at undertakings, but may also bite off more than we can chew. When, for example, we take a position of responsibility (Saturn), Jupiter can propel us into a situation that is too taxing for us or into one where we are forced to take too many risks (financial or mental), and there is an even chance that by adopting half-baked measures to mend matters we shall only make them worse.

With conflicts, we learn after many slips and recoveries what we should be aiming for and when to make an all-out effort; initially we lose a great deal of energy by misreading the situation. We are likely to be somber and melancholy, and subject to disappointment.

Yet, when all is said and done, these are aspects that offer us great opportunities provided we have a well-defined field of action; so that we might do well, for example, by taking on responsibilities under the sort of supervision that allows a fair amount of freedom. Then we can produce hard and painstaking work and develop self-confidence.

SR Jupiter sextile SR Saturn

The way in which we seek expansion, improvement and increase harmonizes this year with perseverance and the way in which we discipline ourselves and define our egos. A balance between the two planets gives us the possibility of being level-headed visionaries looking for a solidly-built future. A structured career pattern is another possibility and is quite likely to bring success.

We are often filled with a justifiable optimism, a sort of well-balanced enthusiasm, and this enables us to promote joint efforts in a thoroughly relaxed way.

We are good organizers at this time, and know how to combine a look ahead with a sense of current realities; responsibilities seldom over-burden us, and we have little dread of the future. Nevertheless, the promising and stimulating side of these aspects will never turn our heads. We are and remain serious, and will retain the necessary self-discipline to achieve our ends. For in these aspects Jupiter strengthens the ambition and the diligence of Saturn so that we never rest until we have attained our goal.

SR Jupiter square SR Saturn

Whenever we feel like setting to work enthusiastically, improving our chances or seizing fresh opportunities (Jupiter), we are aware of the dead hand of Saturn. Fearing to make a move, we delay too long, or else, by an error of judgment, we saddle ourselves with a pile of unwanted work. Whatever the case may be, our theory and practice, vision and reality are out of alignment and, to begin with, we are uncertain how to proceed. This leads to extreme modes of expression. We can balk at undertakings, but may also bite off more than we can chew. When, for example, we take a position of responsibility (Saturn), Jupiter can propel us into a situation that is too taxing for us or into one where we are forced to take too many risks (financial or mental), and there is an even chance that by adopting half-baked measures to mend matters we shall only make them worse.

With conflicts between Saturn and Jupiter, we learn after many slips and recoveries what we should be aiming for and when to make an all-out effort; initially we lose a great deal of energy by misreading the situation. We are likely to be somber and melancholy, and subject to disappointment.

Yet, when all is said and done, these are aspects that offer us great opportunities provided we have a well-defined field of action; so that we might do well, for example, by taking on responsibilities under the sort of supervision that allows a fair amount of freedom. Then we can produce hard and painstaking work and develop self-confidence.

SR Jupiter trine SR Saturn

The way in which we seek expansion, improvement and increase harmonizes this year with perseverance and the way in which we discipline ourselves and define our egos. A balance between the two planets gives us the possibility of being level-headed visionaries looking for a solidly-built future. A structured career pattern is another possibility and is quite likely to bring success.

We are often filled with a justifiable optimism, a sort of well-balanced enthusiasm, and this enables us to promote joint efforts in a thoroughly relaxed way.

We are good organizers at this time, and know how to combine a look ahead with a sense of current realities; responsibilities seldom over-burden us, and we have little dread of the future. Nevertheless, the promising and stimulating side of these aspects will never turn our heads. We are and remain serious, and will retain the necessary self-discipline to achieve our ends. For in these aspects Jupiter strengthens the ambition and the diligence of Saturn so that we never rest until we have attained our goal.

SR Jupiter quincunx SR Saturn

This is a year in that whenever you set out to tackle something with cheerful enthusiasm, it is not long before you may start feeling insecure. Say, for example, you were thinking of asking for a better job, you might hold back because 'you wouldn't stand much chance of getting it anyway'. And yet you would be hard put to it to give one good reason for such pessimism. In fact, you can be our own worst enemy, at times,when it comes to realizing potential. This inconjunct often goes with restlessness, inconstancy and inexpediency.

If you are engaged in responsible work (Saturn), then you may experience a feeling of dissatisfaction because you want to be free and unconstrained (Jupiter), but if you throw in your hand, you do not know what to do next because you then feel rudderless. Therefore, responsibility and its opposite, complete irresponsibility, are both in the cards with this aspect. You are continually looking for circumstances to suit you, but there is no possibility of finding them until you understand that you need them to provide both restriction and opportunity, not just either one or the other. Having gained this understanding, you shall be more balanced in your reaction to rules and regulations and will not try and take unfair liberties. Until then, you are likely to undergo some changes in both private and public life, due to the challenge to combine form and vision.

SR Jupiter opposite SR Saturn

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