nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Jupiter conjunct SR Pluto

Return Jupiter conjunct Return Pluto can mean positive changes for your social status. Benefits may come through the government or those in authority. Sexual issues may capture your attention. Events may occur that enhance your understanding of human mortality and promote personal transformation. Travel and contact with other cultures can deepen your appreciation of the human spirit. This aspect carries tremendous power that may propel you to a position of leadership and influence. For sure, you will not be satisfied with half measures this year and may even be insatiable, generally; and, you will need to be attentive to not overload yourself.

Willpower and stubbornness can be so great that, once you get hold of an idea, you do not deviate from it by so much as a hair's-breadth. Obviously, this can arouse opposition, especially as you may be liable to express opinions vigorously. You may be perceived as fanatical, although you imagine you are being very accommodating.

SR Jupiter sextile SR Pluto

Return Jupiter harmoniously aspecting Return Pluto can mean positive changes for your social status. Benefits may come through the government or those in authority. Sexual issues may capture your attention. Events may occur that enhance your understanding of human mortality and promote personal transformation. Travel and contact with other cultures can deepen your appreciation of the human spirit. This aspect carries tremendous power that may propel you to a position of leadership and influence over the masses.

SR Jupiter square SR Pluto

Use Jupiter square Pluto to get a grasp on something important to you - and do something with or about it. This can actually be a moment of victory long planned for and labored towards.

The danger of things getting out of hand or piling up on top of us is greatest in the hard aspects between Jupiter and Pluto. Since Pluto insists on getting to the bottom of things, and Jupiter wants fullness and breadth, half-measures never satisfy us for we are always looking for more. If necessary, we work hard to this end, but we can easily overload ourselves. In the tense aspects, we find it difficult to control the energies of these two factors, and they tend to whip one another up. Therefore we can be extremely ambitious; so that, even when we reach the top of our profession, we remain dissatisfied.

Willpower and stubbornness are so great that, once we get hold of an idea, we do not deviate from it by so much as a hair's-breadth. Obviously, this is bound to arouse opposition, especially as we are liable to express opinions vigorously. With the hard aspects, we are not good at measuring the intensity of what we are saying. We can be fanatical; what is more, others generally perceive us as fanatical, even though we imagine we are being very accommodating.

SR Jupiter trine SR Pluto

Return Jupiter harmoniously aspecting Return Pluto can mean positive changes for your social status. Benefits may come through the government or those in authority. Sexual issues may capture your attention. Events may occur that enhance your understanding of human mortality and promote personal transformation. Travel and contact with other cultures can deepen your appreciation of the human spirit. This aspect carries tremendous power that may propel you to a position of leadership and influence over the masses.

SR Jupiter quincunx SR Pluto

This year, a strain takes place between the relating needs symbolized by Jupiter and the unconscious motivation factors indicates by Pluto's sign and house placement.

Relationships are influenced by a vague feeling that one must be in control of something, but what the 'something' is may be difficult to self-diagnose. The strain caused by the quincunx can be handled on an intellectual level; and both facets of personality as well as the personal qualities symbolized by the sign of the quincunx can be incorporated into the personal life. Then the strain will disappear.

SR Jupiter opposite SR Pluto

With Jupiter in opposition to Pluto this year, you need vision to cope with people who resist you in your desire for growth and expansion. You are disposed to question every ideology and to challenge dogma by asserting your own. Therefore you search for answers to life's mysteries and will create conflict with others. Your social values are often not in step with those of society, and you alienate the very people who can help you make dramatic changes in social attitudes. You have a 'savior' quality that people will sometimes disdain, if you pompously declare your mission to serve mankind.

On the negative side, you may be inclined to seek positions of power in order to more effectively manage other people's lives. You may try to gain financial advantage over people as an additional pressure on their destinies. In this way you may win a qualified victory over them, but if you use them in your anarchistic rise to power, you will never gain their respect and admiration.

Be careful not to become affiliated with illegal enterprises merely because they offer better returns. The society you manipulate can legally restrict and even confine you ¬even the wealthy are imprisoned. You must carefully weigh your activities against the risks involved. What may seem right for you may be completely wrong for society.

On the other hand, you may be motivated to correct social injustices and start a crusade against social harassment. You may focus on how you can best serve others through intimate response and spiritual dedication to their problems. Your dramatic flair can arouse the general public both through skillful personal contacts and through the media.

Be specific about your aims to serve as spokesperson to help others achieve their objectives. Also, it may be better to be chosen than to immodestly elect yourself on the assumption that without you they will suffer disappointment or defeat. You have a lot to offer people; don't spoil it with arrogance.

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