nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Jupiter conjunct SR North Node

This year, good companionship is conducive to growth. Often growth is linked to teaching, community work or some kind of adventuring.

SR Jupiter sextile SR North Node

Financial good luck and material success without sacrificing any Karmic debt is seen in this aspect. This year, you have happy-go-lucky attitudes and philosophies. As a result, you minimize internal friction or strain on your soul work. With this aspect, proper use of knowledge and wisdom is shown. Your philanthropic attitude does help you bring your status to the desired level in terms of spirituality and worldliness. This aspect does make you take life very easily; and as a result, if the chart has some stressful squares, you may have difficulty handling the tensions in life. Achievement of status can be realized.

Generally, this year, there is a harmonious relationship to other persons, adaptability, meeting other people half-way, a sense of tact. Entering into advantageous associations, getting engaged or married, the gaining of advantages in business together with other people and the good luck to find a good partner are all possibilities with this aspect, this year.

SR Jupiter square the SR Moon's Nodes

Hindrance in good luck or opportunities is often seen in this aspect. Your personal philosophies may get crossed by others this year.

SR Jupiter trine SR North Node

Financial good luck and material success without sacrificing any Karmic debt is seen in this aspect. This year, you have happy-go-lucky attitudes and philosophies. As a result, you minimize internal friction or strain on your soul work. With this aspect, proper use of knowledge and wisdom is shown. Your philanthropic attitude does help you bring your status to the desired level in terms of spirituality and worldliness. This aspect does make you take life very easily; and as a result, if the chart has some stressful squares, you may have difficulty handling the tensions in life. Achievement of status can be realized.

Generally, this year, there is a harmonious relationship to other persons, adaptability, meeting other people half-way, a sense of tact. Entering into advantageous associations, getting engaged or married, the gaining of advantages in business together with other people and the good luck to find a good partner are all possibilities with this aspect, this year.

SR Jupiter quincunx SR North Node

Awareness of growth potential can be erratic this year, subject to sudden blocks or repression offset by occasional periods of heightened awareness; sometimes this is due to an illness or an excess - smoking, drinking, overeating, etc. Health seems to be most likely to suffer if the nodes are cadent; the person may complain he or she is drowning, smothering, or being otherwise overwhelmed by environmental conditions. Argumentativeness and 'full of hot air' tendencies are often employed as coping mechanisms.

SR Jupiter opposite SR North Node

This year, your endeavors may be blocked because of bad timing. Your social and ethical aims may clash with prevailing societal customs, creating conflicts of interest. At the same time, you can give a detailed and honest appraisal of commonly accepted values. You can encounter obstacles in obtaining higher education and find yourself in disagreement with prevailing religious institutions. There can be difficulties and delays in foreign lands, and problems connected with all these matters.

SR Jupiter sextile SR South Node

SR Jupiter trine SR South Node

SR Jupiter quincunx SR South Node

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