nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

SR Jupiter conjunct SR Neptune

Tendencies towards excess, idealism, creativity and naivety will be evident this year. The tendency to exaggeration and confused emotions can cause difficulties in whatever houses these two planets are placed. Be wary of deception and dreaming and scheming. Occasionally, it may take extra effort to see straight.

SR Jupiter sextile SR Neptune

One of the commonest and most marked results of this influence is hospitality, and this is but one aspect of the quick sympathy which it is usually ready to bestow upon all who are in need. Sometimes this is directed towards the animal world, sometimes towards the slum-dweller and outcast.

There is considerable emotional content, and, besides philanthropy, this is often discharged in the form of art, especially music. The sensitivity is very great.

SR Jupiter square SR Neptune

This year, the tendency to exaggeration and confused emotions can cause difficulties in whatever houses these two planets are placed. Be wary of deception and dreaming and scheming. Occasionally, it may take extra effort to see straight.

SR Jupiter trine SR Neptune

One of the commonest and most marked results of this influence is hospitality, and this is but one aspect of the quick sympathy which it is usually ready to bestow upon all who are in need. Sometimes this is directed towards the animal world, sometimes towards the slum-dweller and outcast.

There is considerable emotional content, and, besides philanthropy, this is often discharged in the form of art, especially music. The sensitivity is very great.

SR Jupiter quincunx SR Neptune

The inconjunct from Jupiter to Neptune indicates some distortion between your intellect and your emotions, this year. Your reasoning tells you not to overextend yourself for others, but your emotions make it difficult to refuse. You are inclined to persecute yourself by creating impossible problems, that are so painful to solve that you wind up in an emotional bind. It is sometimes difficult to know which is greater, other people's dependence on you or your need for their dependence. You are constantly struggling to expiate an undefined guilt concerning service to others.

By imagining social obligations that are not even your responsibility, you push yourself to extremes. You might even seek out the most painful and demanding profession just to work out your addiction for pain. At the same time, you may complain bitterly about your work, without doing anything to find a less demanding situation. You are particularly awed and fascinated by work involving institutions such as prisons and other places of detention for unruly elements in society.

Your positive attitude could be beneficial because you have a warm, sincere understanding of socially afflicted members of your environment. However, even this is dangerous, because you tend to absorb the ills of those you care for. You are unconsciously seeking to take the burden and guilt of humanity on your own shoulders.

You are susceptible to physical problems that are obscure in origin and difficult to diagnose. Oftentimes, the causes may be psychosomatic in origin, caused by your misunderstanding of your responsibilities and by the guilt associated with them.

You need the advice of someone you trust and admire to help you determine when and if you should burden yourself with duties toward others. You must learn to say 'no', even to those who can't seem to get along without your help.

SR Jupiter opposite SR Neptune

This year, the tendency to exaggeration and confused emotions can cause difficulties in whatever areas these two energies are placed. Can cause person to be deceived or deceive, according to its house position. Not apt to see straight. The schemer and the dreamer who can be unstable as water, constantly veering and changing course. Apt to be unreliable and lacking in emotional control. Can be a weak character but seldom a mean or cruel one. Can be dominated by a stronger mind due to suggestibility.

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