nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Uranus conjunct Ascendant

Uranus conjunct the Ascendant shows that you are individuality personified. You have a personal chemistry that never fails to stimulate people to be friendly to you. You are admired by most but feared by some, especially those who feel overpowered by your total self-awareness. You tend to make people feel insignificant in your presence, although you certainly don't try to give that impression. No-one should feel any discomfort with you because you project yourself freely and honestly.

You relate easily to all types of people and are friendly to everyone, regardless of their social status. You don't measure anyone by the cut of their clothes, their school, or the social register, for you are intimately aware of the unfair limitations imposed by social custom and tradition. You view everyone you meet as a unique and individual person who cannot possibly be categorized except as a member of the human species. You are intuitively aware that the progress of man and of the society he conceives and constructs depends explicitly upon the individuality of its members. Therefore you aggressively defend every person's right to be an individual. In your view, the past and its traditions are important only for the lessons learned, and the future is possible only when our grip on the past is finally released.

Concerned primarily with the future, you are eager to participate in the development of a higher consciousness, which will be the nucleus for the greater awareness of man. You reject as inadequate a reality that is measured merely by its physical dimensions. Your greatest value to others is that you can give them access to explore the new freedom, a freedom that is denied them if they turn away from it.

Uranus conjunct Ascendant: With Uranus and the Ascendant we make no bones about showing how important individuality is to us. We take life into our own hands at a very early age; and this can easily make us seem unruly and impertinent. Uranus is capricious and restless, and we radiate these traits to others. It is impossible to sit still. We are highly strung and full of ourselves and, to make matters worse, we keep jumping from one thing to another. We are always ready with sudden insights and inventions, but hardly ever seem to finish what we start.

The Uranian tension quickly winds us up and fills us with impatience. Therefore we may appear brusque, tactless and crabby. Uranus conjunct the Ascendant is a difficult aspect to handle. What is more, we expect others to keep up with our changes and innovations. If they are unable to do so, we lose interest, and eagerly hunt around for something else to stimulate us.

People with Uranus conjunct the Ascendant prize freedom; they consult their own advantage in every situation, and expect others to do the same. So they are very tolerant of anything new but, because bright ideas lose their shine so quickly for them, they are not quite as open-minded as they suppose.

Uranus conjunct Ascendant: The Ascendant indicates the persona, how we present ourselves to others, the person we are trying to be. When Uranus conjuncts the Ascendant, the self-expression becomes unique. The qualities of the rising sign will be enhanced, the approach to life will be unorthodox or unconventional, and this personality will have a chance to manifest a more highly conscious reflection of the rising sign qualities then those without this conjunction.

Because the Ascendant reflects the approach to new life experience, this conjunction indicates a tendency toward an unusual approach, an unpredictable approach to new situations. This conjunction can be exciting, sparking off an unusual life experience, or it can cause much inner conflict depending on how Uranus is aspected to other planets. The unorthodox approach will only bring contentment when used to further develop the facets of personality that must have expression. In order to diagnose the personality needs, look to the personal planets.

Uranus conjunct Ascendant: People with Uranus aspecting the Ascendant / Descendant axis often look different. There is often something physical about them that sets them apart from others or makes them particularly noticeable. Frequently they are simply quite tall. Uranus always seems to increase height, and this is sometimes the case even with major Uranian contacts which don't involve the Ascendant.

Whereas a person with Uranus in the 12th house may be highly individualistic but keep the more unconventional aspects of his / her personality, world-view or lifestyle to him- / herself, those with Uranus rising usually make no secret about their differences from others.

As always, the sign involved is of crucial importance, as is the ruler of the Ascendant and other planets making aspect. As a rule though, the Uranus rising person seems to go out into the world saying: 'In what way am I different?'

Often, from birth or early childhood the individual felt marked out as being in some way unique. With Uranus rising, this is often felt to be just a statement of fact, and the individual may even come to wear his / her 'differentness' as some kind of badge. Whatever marks him / her out from the rest of the family may also have been reinforced and therefore exaggerated very early on in life. Thus the life's journey is often concerned with discovering in what way he / she is genuinely unique from the rest of the world as opposed to merely appearing to be different from others.

Those with Uranus rising usually have no wish to conform. The type will be highly individualistic and uncompromising in his / her insistence upon having space and freedom; and especially space and freedom to pursue whatever (to others at any rate) radical or unconventional life-style is appropriate to him / her.

People with Uranus rising and sometimes on the Descendant are sometimes born very suddenly or unexpectedly, so that their first experience of themselves in the world is of their producing some kind of shock.

Others with Uranus conjunct Ascendant themselves receive and early shock to their system, and thus somehow come to expect that something sudden and devastating might occur at any minute. Or at least this is my theory to explain the often very taut nervous tension that these individuals sometimes exhibit.

In my experience, Uranus contacts to the Ascendant / Descendant axis are amongst the most common contacts to be found in the charts of astrologers, although if astrology ever becomes a commonplace, accepted subject amongst the general populace, I doubt whether this would remain the case.

Uranus conjunct Ascendant: James Dean 0, Georges Gurdjieff 1, JerGar 2, Lorraine 2, Paramahansa Yogananda 3, Fred Astaire 6, Bill Gates 6, Mick Jagger 6, Donovan Leitch 6, Brian Wilson 6, TonyC 6, Charles Manson 7, Lynn Forester de Rothschild 7, JerryGr 7, Adolf Hitler 8, Patrice 8, TonyO 8

Uranus sextile Ascendant

Uranus sextile the Ascendant shows that you think like a rebel, whether you act the role or not. You are impatient with traditional concepts unless they bring results when you adhere to them. Fascinated by novelty, your mind races with high expectation when you encounter an ingenious idea. Although you are restless and like to be on the move all the time, you realize that you cannot hope to win any support for your creative ideas unless you convince important people that you are stable and dependable. Your greatest selling point is your original and progressive creativity. You are skillful in communicating what you know, and you freely share your ideas with anyone who will listen. Time means little to you, and you reject the limitations it imposes. You depend on intuitive hunches which are, more often than not, extremely reliable. Many times, your statements are prophetic.

Because freedom means to much to you, your career must permit you some degree of independence and self-determination. Daily, routine jobs are too boring and restrictive for your creative talents. You bring ingenuity to any work you do, but research and development have a special appeal. If there is any way that new sources of revenue can be devised for the company you work for, you are the one who can find it.

You enjoy a wide variety of friends from different backgrounds. You are particularly fond of people who think for themselves and those whose interests are as novel as your own.

Among your associates, you sparkle. You enjoy competing with them, but you are not usually pompous when you win. Rather, you consider it a mutual victory, for you realize that your opponent helped stimulate you to win. You may be envied and even disliked by some co-workers, whose limited perspective prevents them from really understanding you.

It is unlikely that you will ever truly retire. Each day reveals new possibilities that continue to arouse your interest.

Uranus trine or sextile Ascendant: Individualism and independence play a big role in the harmonious Uranus / Ascendant aspects. But, with a surer instinct than someone with a conjunction or tense aspect, we know how to integrate these traits into daily life. However, this does not alter the fact that nothing will stop us from setting out on our own path; it simply means that we go about things rather cleverly and avoid conflicts with existing patterns.

We like variety, newness and renewal, and often react very quickly and adroitly to what we encounter. The impulsiveness of Uranus can play us false here, and its restlessness can make us alert, taut, and occasionally nervous. There is something provocative about our behavior. This does not necessarily cause trouble for us, but we make it clear that we are fond of change, that we are our own person, and that we are going to need plenty of elbow room. No Uranian aspect excels in adaptability, and, even in the harmonious aspects, the emphasis is laid on pursuing personal objectives. Yet although adaptability is not great, we can cope well with new situations - and what is this but adaptability of another kind? Apart from that, restlessness makes us very lively.

People with harmonious Uranus / Ascendant aspects are a stimulus to those around them; their activities are like a fresh breeze. There is no denying that some of them make good pioneers.

Uranus trine or sextile Ascendant: When a trine or sextile between the Ascendant and Uranus occurs, these individuals are exposed to new ideas and new attitudes because the parents were encouraging of new concepts.

Uranus sextile Ascendant: Bobby Fischer 0, J.Paul Getty 0, Osho 0, Wilhelm Reich 0, Flossie 0, Geoff 1, Merrill 1, Alan Arkin 2, Bette Davis 2, Steve Jobs 2, Paul McCartney 2, Albert Schweitzer 2, O.J. Simpson 2, Abbe 2, Ty Cobb 3, PapayaJ 3, Karl Marx 4, JudyPl 4

Uranus square Ascendant

Uranus square Ascendant shows that you are a rebel at heart. When your independence is denied even momentarily, you are defiantly abusive. You feel you have the right to do anything you want without adhering to any rules or regulations. In general you are irresponsible and find it difficult to learn anything from your experiences. You were at odds with the rest of your family when you were growing up, and you will always strike others as being different from the average person. But you do have a mind of your own and insist on finding for yourself the best way to capitalize on your wealth of ideas.

Generally indifferent to money, you prefer to devote your efforts to enterprises that are characterized by such clichés as 'relevant' and 'meaningful'. What you do is far more important than what you are paid for doing it. Your modernity is repelled by tradition, and yet you conform to another kind of tradition that is consistent with the values of your generation.

You refuse to stay confined in a career that does not give you some degree of freedom and mobility. A nine-to-five routine would be positively crushing to your individuality. The only reason you want an education is so you can make a better contribution to society, but you must learn to be wary of people who will take advantage of you and deprive you of even basic necessities. Giving is noble, but in this case poverty is stupid. You are not likely to seek a binding partnership unless it is by agreement rather than by contract. You remember rebelling against the close confinement of your youth, and you have no intention of repeating that experience.

You are disturbed by social injustice and hope that someday you can contribute substantially to eliminating those injustices. You need to know that your life's work is serving a wide human need. Closely identified with youth in society, you try to help young people exploit their creative potentials.

Uranus square or opposite Ascendant: With a tense aspect from Uranus to the Ascendant, we give the impression of being restless, changeable and capricious: a pretty good description of our behavior toward everything encountered in the outside world. We shift from one thing to another and, in spite of longing to develop along lines compatible with freedom, we are not clear how to shape desires or know quite what they involve. We are liable to do the wrong thing, or to be fiercer, more impulsive, more tactless, and often more provocative than is really justified. There is no doubt that these aspects can cause ruptures through thoughtlessness, restlessness and a hot temper.

Ingenuity is a marked feature, but often we are too impatient to exploit or perfect an invention. We are easily distracted by novelties, and the next thing that comes along may capture our attention for no better reason than that it is original or quaint (usefulness is not high on our list of desirable qualities). And then something even more intriguing catches our eye, and we go running after that. Real progress is out of the question when this happens, and the usual restlessness is compounded by nerviness. With Uranus / Ascendant conflicts, we need an outlet for tension. If, for example, the Ascendant has few other aspects, it is hard to be openly impulsive, and the tension can build up inside. When we finally let off steam, the effect is startling and possibly destructive.

Uranus square or opposite Ascendant: The square or opposition brings in conflict, for the behavioral attitudes of these individuals were probably not accepted as a part of their persona. When putting their best foot forward, they may not be comfortable.

When the opposition takes place, the behavioral attitudes are compromised with every new beginning: the approach to life may not reflect the behavioral attitudes.

Uranus square or opposite Ascendant: Those with Uranus squaring the Ascendant are usually not reinforced for their 'differentness' by the family. They often themselves feel different or think that others may find them odd. This usually feels rather uncomfortable, and the individual often finds it difficult to integrate his / her unconventionality into the rest of his/ her personality or life-style.

People with Uranus on the Descendant tend to look to others to bring out the more unconventional or original aspects of their personality. It usually takes someone else to awaken the Uranus-Descendant person to the possibility of leading a more exciting or exhilarating life. It is through interaction with someone else that it dawns upon the person that they needn't conform to the whims of society but can express themselves as they would honestly wish to.

Instead of making a statement 'I am unique', as might be expected with Uranus conjunct Ascendant, those with this placement might make a life-statement which says: 'We are different. Our relationship is exciting, radical, unconventional' - or a whole host of other Uranian words. The relationships of Uranus conjunct Descendant will often involve 'shocks'. Quite unexpected happenings, unexpected choices of partner, instant marriage proposals, speedy and sudden exits from relationships and so on. And all of this is usually in the service of some personal awakening, some personal radical change.

It is also through relationship that the Uranus conjunct Descendant person can rebel. The choice of partner may itself be an act of rebellion, as may the way the relationship is pursued. With this placement, the individual will insist on the freedom to pursue whatever kind of relationship he / she wants, and with whomever he / she chooses. With Uranus at either end of the Ascendant / Descendant axis, freedom within a relationship will also usually be insisted upon, and thus this combination might be associated with 'open' marriages and partnerships; and, in particular, with relationships which are essentially based on friendship. Individuals look to their partners and their relationships for excitement, stimulation and personal awakening. If such exhilarating interchange becomes no longer possible, the individual will usually feel the need to look elsewhere for it.

Uranus square Ascendant: Angelina Jolie 0, VinCar 0, Komala 1, Miriam 1, PaulS 1, Victoria 1, George Orwell 2, Brad Pitt 2, Andrew 2, J. Krishnamurti 3, Joanne Woodward 3, Mikael 3, Nancee 3, Ernest Hemingway 4, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 4, Cheri 4, Ellen 4, Ricardo 4, VinCal 4, George Carlin 5, Deepak Chopra 5, Fergus 5, Ju 5, Henry Kissinger 6, Benjamin Netanyahu 6, Swami Vivekananda 6, ChrisTr 7

Uranus trine Ascendant

Uranus trine the Ascendant means that you will always be able to express your creativity when you want, mainly because you let everyone know that you will not be denied this privilege. Your creative potentials are considerable, and you only need self-discipline to develop them. But it is useless for anyone to pressure you to do so, because you resent interference in this matter and consider it an invasion of privacy.

Nothing seems to bother you, and your bright, optimistic outlook shows that you are not troubled by personal problems you can't take care of. You live each day as it comes and are not unduly worried about all the tomorrows, for you know you will take care of them in due time. Generally you are not bothered by subconscious problems because you refuse to dwell on anything negative. Not a clock-watcher, you are freed from being dependent on time. You enjoy a variety of pleasures, some rather ordinary but others bordering on the ridiculous or bizarre. You are a rebel and in many ways a loner. You don't really care whether others have freedom; that is their problem. You only know that you must be free.

You have an adventurous mind filled with ingenious ideas that you can exploit if you want to. All that restricts you is the money needed for developing them. Since you are not interested in public admiration, you don't feel any obligation to gain status. Your love relationships must be based partly on intellectual rapport, or you easily become bored. You like to believe that you are important in the lives of those you touch; chances are that anyone who forms a close friendship with you is affected by your concern. You understand people better than they understand themselves. You are pleased that the trend among young people is toward greater individuality and that they are more determined to seek their own desires free from the confinement of tradition.

Uranus trine or sextile Ascendant: Individualism and independence play a big role in the harmonious Uranus/ Ascendant aspects. But, with a surer instinct than someone with a conjunction or tense aspect, we know how to integrate these traits into daily life. However, this does not alter the fact that nothing will stop us from setting out on our own path; it simply means that we go about things rather cleverly and avoid conflicts with existing patterns.

We like variety, newness and renewal, and often react very quickly and adroitly to what we encounter. The impulsiveness of Uranus can play us false here, and its restlessness can make us alert, taut, and occasionally nervous. There is something provocative about our behavior. This does not necessarily cause trouble for us, but we make it clear that we are fond of change, that we are our own person, and that we are going to need plenty of elbow room. No Uranian aspect excels in adaptability, and, even in the harmonious aspects, the emphasis is laid on pursuing personal objectives. Yet although adaptability is not great, we can cope well with new situations - and what is this but adaptability of another kind? Apart from that, restlessness makes us very lively.

People with harmonious Uranus/ Ascendant aspects are a stimulus to those around them; their activities are like a fresh breeze. There is no denying that some of them make good pioneers.

Uranus trine or sextile Ascendant: When a trine or sextile between the Ascendant and Uranus occurs, these individuals are exposed to new ideas and new attitudes because the parents were encouraging of new concepts.

Uranus trine Ascendant: Woody Allen 0, Shirley Temple Black 0, Alfred Hitchcock 0, Howard Hughes 0, Gina 0, Prabhukar 1, Sally Field 2, Clark 2, Eva 2, Leen 2, RoyO 2, Judy Garland 3, DavMcC 3, Yarrow 3, John F. Kennedy 4, Friedrich Nietzche 4, Jack Parsons 4, Zeno 4, Princess Diana 5, Dustin Hoffman 5, Gore Vidal 5, Andrea 5, Cynthia 5, J 6

Uranus quincunx Ascendant

Uranus inconjunct the Ascendant shows that you are inventive and clever in capitalizing on your creative abilities. Always on the lookout for novel ways to use your talents, you generally succeed in finding them. You want to be admired for finding new and better ways to gain your objectives. Being progressive and eager to develop, you are not satisfied with traditional methods unless they can be improved upon. People who prefer tried and true ways of doing things may not accept your ideas easily, so you may have to develop them privately until you are sure they will work. You are especially concerned with finding labor-saving techniques that will give you greater freedom to indulge in personal interests. Although your outlandish suggestions may be criticized, you will not fail to arouse the interest of people who can visualize their financial advantages. You should guard your ideas and not share them with anyone until you have legal protection.

With your ingenuity at finding new sources of revenue when you have to, you will always be able to earn a living. Your retirement security is reasonably assured if you realize that you must have a program for that purpose alone.

You are admired by friends who are more aware of your gifts than you are; they may make proposals you could take advantage of. You are effective in your job, and your superiors know it, even if they don't say so. You are strongly motivated by a desire to use your talents for the benefit of many people.

In partnerships you may have difficulty because you are preoccupied with your own interests, which take up a lot of your time. Because you are so enthusiastic about any current interest, you tend to get lost in your work.

Uranus quincunx Ascendant: This inconjunct, by virtue of being an inconjunct, and also by virtue of connection Uranus and the Ascendant, is a sure sign of tension. Therefore this aspect is often associated with inexplicable nerviness and sudden fits of passion. When we are expressing ourselves, the need for individuality is sure to rear its head, and we can be more capricious and opinionated than we wish. But whenever we are spending time on self-development, or are occupied with Uranian-type hobbies, we are unconsciously affected by our surroundings (which press in on us via the Ascendant) and, feeling insecure, are inclined to snap at people - not something to be recommended for establishing stable relationships.

Although with this aspect we can be inventive, we are inclined to show off cleverness at the wrong moment. In other words, we do not know what to draw attention to insights and ideas, and when to take a back seat and listen to others. The irritation we may cause by mistimed suggestions will probably serve only to increase the inner turmoil produced by the Uranus / Ascendant inconjunct. This turmoil can reveal itself in destructive tendencies such as the sudden impulse to smash things up or to break off relationships. With the inconjunct, we shall keep on creating or running into highly charged, unstable situations - until the day we discover how much we ourselves are contributing to the problem. When that day comes, we shall be able to react in a more balanced fashion to the outside world; though always possessing a certain nervous watchfulness and great independence.

Uranus quincunx Ascendant: Jamie 0, Mark 0, Nisargadatta 1, Kay 1, Tara 1, George Harrison 2, Shirley McLaine 2, Robert Plant 2, Shiloh 2, Ted Turner 3, David 3, Elijah 3, Marcy 3, Michael 3, Paulo 3

Uranus opposite Ascendant

Uranus opposition the Ascendant shows that relationships stand in the way of achieving the freedom you want. You attract people who demand their own freedom, even though it means you must curtail yours, and this annoys you. Attracted to people who are defiant of authority, you'd like to share the enthusiasm of their independence. You feel uncomfortable when anyone asks you to make a commitment, for you consider contracts and related obligations as too limiting and frustrating. Marriage in the traditional sense is not for you. You prefer a more liberal association in which the only binding agent is your emotional attraction to your partner. You enjoy a wide circle of friends who share your views and with whom you feel safe and secure.

Your contemporaries admire your ingenuity in using your creative talents. You are drawn to occupations that give you freedom to work in your own way, unconfined by rules and regulations. You don't like to be told when and how you should do something or to receive an ultimatum if you don't submit.

Rebellious by nature, you probably left home at an early age to seek your own goals. Although you have a mind of your own, you probably are not fully prepared to accept responsibility for your actions. You tend to avoid competition on the excuse that it is the trap of a regulated society.

Although you secretly hope to make a substantial contribution to improve society, you may lack the motivation to actually do something to prove your concern. Your resentment of authority may cause problems in reaching your goals. You make your own rules to serve as guidelines, but they are not very demanding. Part of your role in life is to help others gain their freedom by urging them to get an education and to learn about the social and political issues that can affect them.

Uranus square or opposite Ascendant: With a tense aspect from Uranus to the Ascendant, we give the impression of being restless, changeable and capricious: a pretty good description of our behavior toward everything encountered in the outside world. We shift from one thing to another and, in spite of longing to develop along lines compatible with freedom, we are not clear how to shape desires or know quite what they involve. We are liable to do the wrong thing, or to be fiercer, more impulsive, more tactless, and often more provocative than is really justified. There is no doubt that these aspects can cause ruptures through thoughtlessness, restlessness and a hot temper.

Ingenuity is a marked feature, but often we are too impatient to exploit or perfect an invention. We are easily distracted by novelties, and the next thing that comes along may capture our attention for no better reason than that it is original or quaint (usefulness is not high on our list of desirable qualities). And then something even more intriguing catches our eye, and we go running after that. Real progress is out of the question when this happens, and the usual restlessness is compounded by nerviness.

With Uranus/ Ascendant conflicts, we need an outlet for tension. If, for example, the Ascendant has few other aspects, it is hard to be openly impulsive, and the tension can build up inside. When we finally let off steam, the effect is startling and possibly destructive.

Uranus square or opposite Ascendant: The square or opposition brings in conflict, for the behavioral attitudes of these individuals were probably not accepted as a part of their persona. When putting their best foot forward, they may not be comfortable.

When the opposition takes place, the behavioral attitudes are compromised with every new beginning: the approach to life may not reflect the behavioral attitudes.

Uranus square or opposite Ascendant: Those with Uranus squaring the Ascendant are usually not reinforced for their 'differentness' by the family. They often themselves feel different or think that others may find them odd. This usually feels rather uncomfortable, and the individual often finds it difficult to integrate his / her unconventionality into the rest of his / her personality or life-style.

People with Uranus on the Descendant tend to look to others to bring out the more unconventional or original aspects of their personality. It usually takes someone else to awaken the Uranus-Descendant person to the possibility of leading a more exciting or exhilarating life. It is through interaction with someone else that it dawns upon the person that they needn't conform to the whims of society but can express themselves as they would honestly wish to.

Instead of making a statement 'I am unique', as might be expected with Uranus conjunct Ascendant, those with this placement might make a life-statement which says: 'We are different. Our relationship is exciting, radical, unconventional' - or a whole host of other Uranian words. The relationships of Uranus conjunct Descendant will often involve 'shocks'. Quite unexpected happenings, unexpected choices of partner, instant marriage proposals, speedy and sudden exits from relationships and so on. And all of this is usually in the service of some personal awakening, some personal radical change.

It is also through relationship that the Uranus conjunct Descendant person can rebel. The choice of partner may itself be an act of rebellion, as may the way the relationship is pursued. With this placement, the individual will insist on the freedom to pursue whatever kind of relationship he / she wants, and with whomever he / she chooses. With Uranus at either end of the Ascendant / Descendant axis, freedom within a relationship will also usually be insisted upon, and thus this combination might be associated with 'open' marriages and partnerships; and, in particular, with relationships which are essentially based on friendship. Individuals look to their partners and their relationships for excitement, stimulation and personal awakening. If such exhilarating interchange becomes no longer possible, the individual will usually feel the need to look elsewhere for it.

Uranus opposite Ascendant: Patti Smith 0, Hugh Hefner 1, Elton John 3, Barack Obama 3, Arnold Palmer 4, Lady Gaga 5, Bob Marley 6, Ezra Pound 6, Jack Nicklaus 7, Ludwig van Beethoven 7, Ashira 7, Jane 7, Lucille Ball 8


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