nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Saturn conjunct North Node

This aspect makes the natives conservative and careful to conform to prevailing social, religious, and ethical values. They generally adhere to protocol as well as to the proper time and place for approaching those in well-established positions of authority. Thus they may further their personal ambitions, but at the expense of enslavement to the lowest common denominator of culturally accepted standards.

Saturn conjunct North Node: Isolation, inhibition in unions or associations. Feelings of depression caused by other persons, also inhibitions in contact with others. Sociological correspondence: An association of elderly persons such as home for the aged or for the needy, e.g. an alms-house; also community expressing feelings of grief or depression, e.g. mourners attending a funeral.

Saturn conjunct North Node: This aspect provides great relief or dampening to your general frustrations and bad experiences. All their learning experiences and limitations are properly analyzed and utilized in order not to make the same mistake again. Great assistance from older folks in the family is received, on which the person can greatly rely. Often this aspect may deny good physical health. However, it will provide them with quite a strong will power. In terms of karmic understanding, this soul does wonders in helping others know, diagnose and understand the value of learning from past mistakes. This aspect may provide a long life span or at least longer than average life, unless other things in the chart highly contradict this. Patience is quite a virtue for these individuals; if not, they will appreciate its value.

Saturn conjunct North Node: Ability to achieve growth by working at it. During the overcompensating phase of nodal balance, moodiness may be a problem. Sometimes there's a physical problem involving the nodal polarity that must be overcome. This person is often a loner, and is happiest when able to have time alone to reflect on how he or she is to achieve his or her goals.

Saturn conjunct North Node: In aspects of Saturn to the Moon's Node, there is a significant difference between the conjunction and the opposition. In the conjunction, each step in the native's development is carefully weighed, and everything is treated very seriously. Nothing is done on impulse, and many natives wait a long time before they move forward: they doubt and hesitate, and are unable to act with spontaneity. Even after making a great effort, they believe that they have done nothing and are simply not good enough. Because the basic principle of Saturn is security, they live in dread of doing something wrong, and often delay unnecessarily before taking the next step.

Saturn conjunct, trine or sextile North Node: This can give considerable spiritual beauty and a great feeling of duty and responsibility. These people are in step. Here we have the ability to see the serious broad view and to stick to it. It gives considerable patience and fulfills the work of balancing the Nodes and learning an even greater lesson in this lifetime. It eventually brings luck and success due to the ability to make the required sacrifices. The conjunction of North Node to Saturn brings a Saturn opposition to the South Node. This is considerably easier to handle than the South Node conjunct Saturn opposition the North Node, for with Saturn working in opposition to the North Node growth, it takes considerably more effort to push forward. Without additional support in the chart, it could be most difficult.

Saturn conjunct North Node: Mikael 1, Suzie 1, TonyC 1, J 2, BarryKl 3, Judy Garland 5, Alan Arkin 6, TonyO 7, Fred Astaire 8, L.Ron Hubbard 8, Bernie 8, Jeff 8, Suzanne 9

Saturn sextile North Node

This configuration is favorable for those whose professional goals require the approval of traditional social customs and institutions. The natives are able to win support for their endeavors, especially from established conservative members of society and the institutions they represent.

Saturn sextile North Node: Upbringing seems to play a major role in the interpretation of this aspect. If the person has been left in a comfortable position by parents or other benefactors, opportunities for growth may be rejected. Even when birth conditions don't leave opportunities to rest on the family laurels, growth may be considered only within the narrow limits of what's acceptable by family or parental standards. Growth potential may be damaged or repressed as a result of guilt feelings or arguments.

Saturn trine or sextile North Node: The inclination to become attached to persons older than oneself, also to seek contact with mature and experienced people. Association with elderly or experienced persons, also sponsorship through such people.

Saturn conjunct, trine or sextile North Node: This can give considerable spiritual beauty and a great feeling of duty and responsibility. These people are in step. Here we have the ability to see the serious broad view and to stick to it. It gives considerable patience and fulfills the work of balancing the Nodes and learning an even greater lesson in this lifetime. It eventually brings luck and success due to the ability to make the required sacrifices. The conjunction of North Node to Saturn brings a Saturn opposition to the South Node. This is considerably easier to handle than the South Node conjunct Saturn opposition the North Node, for with Saturn working in opposition to the North Node growth, it takes considerably more effort to push forward. Without additional support in the chart, it could be most difficult.

Saturn sextile North Node: Vaslav Nijinsky 0, George Bush, Sr. 1, Marlon Brando 2, Walt Disney 2, Leif 2, Prabhukar 2, SFor 2, Albert Einstein 3, Elton John 3, Terence McKenna 3, Joze 3, PapayaJ 3, Sally Field 4, Uri Geller 4, Mitt Romney 4, Patti Smith 4, Robert Anton Wilson 4, Flickinger 4, Medwick 4, Molly 4, Phylissa 4

Saturn square the Moon's Nodes

This square indicates a thwarting of the natives' ambition and progress by prevailing social forces. Their fearfulness and conservatism may prevent their being in the right place at the right time to take advantage of opportunities which the society affords them. They may be isolated by society or become recluses.

Saturn square North Node: This is quite a strange aspect to such an extent that limitations in life are doubly significant. Here, the Saturnian limitations will confront you with a problem or learning experiences, but the nodes will even take the chances away from you to learn from them. Depending upon the benefic aspects to this combination, the effects will change accordingly. For example, a supporting trine aspect to Saturn might minimize the intensity of drastic learning or a Trine to the nodes might increase your chances to learn the lesson in a constructive way, etc.. In general, growth as an individual is needed and noticed in this aspect. Full assistance or completely obstructive tendencies from older folk is seen. Problems with circulations and bone structure in general are noticed in these people.

Saturn square North Node: Much like Saturn conjunct South Node. Pessimism is one manifestation of the nodal conflict; this must be consciously dealt with and eradicated if growth is to take place.

Saturn square or opposite North Node: Lack of adaptability, great difficulties in co¬operating with others, also a feeling of inhibition in the presence of other people. Inhibitions and difficulties in association of partnerships, termination of blood relationships, the death of relatives or of kindred, disadvantages through other persons, co-operative work or team-work which is steadily becoming more difficult.

Saturn square or opposite North Node: Sacrifice or surrender are the key words here. Saturn's house position may cause neglect of the nodal position's growth; and the balancing of the nodal axis may be much delayed. Success is also harder to achieve where Saturn's position is located by sign and house. Wherever Saturn is located is where we feel a great lack; where a father's influence can be most strict; where ambitions are thwarted. Other aspects taken into consideration, this is not a favorable position for a positive, enthusiastic spirit. Unless well aspected to Jupiter, the Saturn square must be corrected first by strict discipline in accepting responsibility that can't be refused. This position can give great loneliness. The life seems to be fated. Call it fate, karma, or what you will, it is that area which we can do little about but surrender to it in strict discipline. With this aspect, along with a good aspect to Jupiter, Jupiter's influence cannot be felt greatly until the discipline Saturn calls for is accomplished. The person who has this aspect lacked discipline in a former lifetime; hence he is being forced into it in this life. The lessons of Saturn are patience, duty, loyalty, and being in tune and in step with time as it is. Their destiny is to get in step.

Saturn square Nodes: Paul Newman 0, AndySc 0, ChrisC 0, Donny 0, JerGar 0, Miriam 0, JBLight 1, Leen 1, James Taylor 2, Brian Wilson 2, Virginia 2, Hillary Rodham Clinton 3, James Dean 3, Robert Downey, Jr. 3, Paul McCartney 3, Malcolm X 3, Duane 3, MarieBr 3, Michelle 3, ChrisTr 4, Groucho Marx 6, Bette Davis 7, Gloria Steinem 7, Eva 7, Jason 7, Mark 7

Saturn trine North Node

This configuration indicates that the natives are careful and conservative, hewing strictly to the codes of social, moral, and business behavior of the culture with which they must deal. They are, therefore, considered somewhat old-fashioned. However, they achieve success by gaining the co-operation of social institutions and the older, more traditional members of society who respect their conservatism. They tend to ensconce themselves in secure positions in established institutions. This aspect especially favors those politicians or others in public life who represent the more conservative elements of society.

Saturn trine North Node: This aspect provides excellent working habits to these individuals. They have great stamina and endurance to do things. Getting substantial assistance from, or providing large helping hand to, older people is a part of their life¬style. Stronger family ties are already established from this aspect. As a result, they may have large family cohesion or a family environment that includes a lot of relatives and sometimes even distant relatives. They have excellent co-operative spirit, which is definitely learned not by childhood discipline but by some of their past-life habits. In this aspect, the harder the person works, the better will be his rewards. Surprisingly, he gets to collect those rewards in this lifetime. Emotional and spiritual maturity is seen even in early childhood.

Saturn trine North Node: A need for material progress stimulates a desire for growth. Patience and ability to tolerate seclusion are conducive to growth. In other respects, much like Saturn conjunct North Node.

Saturn trine or sextile North Node: The inclination to become attached to persons older than oneself, also to seek contact with mature and experienced people. Association with elderly or experienced persons, also sponsorship through such people.

Saturn conjunct, trine or sextile North Node: This can give considerable spiritual beauty and a great feeling of duty and responsibility. These people are in step. Here we have the ability to see the serious broad view and to stick to it. It gives considerable patience and fulfills the work of balancing the Nodes and learning an even greater lesson in this lifetime. It eventually brings luck and success due to the ability to make the required sacrifices. The conjunction of North Node to Saturn brings a Saturn opposition to the South Node. This is considerably easier to handle than the South Node conjunct Saturn opposition the North Node, for with Saturn working in opposition to the North Node growth, it takes considerably more effort to push forward. Without additional support in the chart, it could be most difficult.

Saturn trine North Node: Alford 0, Tom 0, Prince Charles 2, Jack Parsons 2, Tara 2, Carlos Castaneda 4, John Dillinger 4, Queen Elizabeth II 4, Beth 4, Ellen 4, Fergus 4, JerryP 4, Joy 4, Lina 4, Art Garfunkel 5, Hugh Hefner 5, Marilyn Monroe 5, George Orwell 5, Cheri 5, LouG 5, Muhammad Ali 6, Joanne Woodward 6, MFor 6, Pete 6, Sugeet 6

Saturn quincunx North Node

Your ambitions often clash with societal norms. You may be overly conservative and may need to adjust your tendency to retreat from contact with others.

Saturn quincunx North Node: Bruce Lee 0, Carl Lewis 0, Andrea 0, DavMcC 0, Lance 1, Marie 1, Patrice 1, Princess Diana 2, Benjamin Netanyahu 2, Barack Obama 2, Pablo Picasso 2, Dheeraj 2, George 2, JT 2, Lorraine 2, Tammy 2, Johnny Depp 3, Martin Luther King, Jr. 3, John Lennon 3, Mark Twain 3, Al 3, BenT 3, LucSr 3, Seligma 3, Sting 4

Saturn opposite North Node

This aspect tends to be extremely limiting; the natives' rigid personal habits and ambitions put them out of harmony with prevailing cultural attitudes. In order to overcome the isolation thus created, they must learn to co-operate with the ideas and the methods of their society. On the positive side, the natives may achieve things which put them in a class by themselves by their individualistic and painstaking approach to work, in which all external influences are disregarded. This is especially the case with experts in obscure fields of endeavor.

Saturn opposite North Node: Growth may trigger feelings of not fitting in or being out of touch; conformity may lead to stagnation. There's a strong feeling of something missing within the person, leading to dissatisfaction with relationships and circumstances. As with Saturn conjunct the North Node, there may be an illness connected with the nodal polarity. The tendency is to try to repress awareness of the need for growth.

Saturn opposite North Node: In this aspect, the individual confines itself with its own psychologically complex network. They just have to go through worldly and unworldly experiences and learn the significance of patience. Things have a tendency to occur as late as possible. Association with old folks or old ideas becomes a part of life. The native often runs away from his own creation; and this running around in circles is one of the karmic fulfillments of his soul. Depending upon the balance of Karma from the previous life, some of these individuals will experience the highest benefits in life, but only after significant hard work during the most of their life. The Saturnian principle with the South Node with it really makes the combination doubly Saturnian. Thus, hard work, patience and coping with restrictions is a major focus in this combination. On a mundane level, it causes weak bone structure, rheumatism, skin difficulties, etc.. One of the benefits this aspect provides is the ability to cope with disease and confinement.

Saturn opposite North Node: In the opposition, Saturn stands at its own point: for, in the classical literature of astrology, the Descending Node is also 'the point of Saturn'. Here it hinders the native's progress considerably, and the latter clings to old habits and fails to see the need for change. The native is liable to regress, and refuses to strike out in a new direction. Many are pessimistic and do not believe that there is a better life for them. They load themselves with needless responsibilities and are hardly free to act. Many take refuge in duty, and imagine they have to do everything and that, without them, 'nothing would ever get done'. With Saturn on the nodal axis, it is hard to break old habits: there is a constant temptation to lapse into familiar reactions and routines.

Saturn square or opposite North Node: Lack of adaptability, great difficulties in co¬operating with others, also a feeling of inhibition in the presence of other people. Inhibitions and difficulties in association of partnerships, termination of blood relationships, the death of relatives or of kindred, disadvantages through other persons, co-operative work or team-work which is steadily becoming more difficult.

Saturn square or opposite North Node: Sacrifice or surrender are the key words here. Saturn's house position may cause neglect of the nodal position's growth; and the balancing of the nodal axis may be much delayed. Success is also harder to achieve where Saturn's position is located by sign and house. Wherever Saturn is located is where we feel a great lack; where a father's influence can be most strict; where ambitions are thwarted. Other aspects taken into consideration, this is not a favorable position for a positive, enthusiastic spirit. Unless well aspected to Jupiter, the Saturn square must be corrected first by strict discipline in accepting responsibility that can't be refused. This position can give great loneliness. The life seems to be fated. Call it fate, karma, or what you will, it is that area which we can do little about but surrender to it in strict discipline. With this aspect, along with a good aspect to Jupiter, Jupiter's influence cannot be felt greatly until the discipline Saturn calls for is accomplished. The person who has this aspect lacked discipline in a former lifetime; hence he is being forced into it in this life. The lessons of Saturn are patience, duty, loyalty, and being in tune and in step with time as it is. Their destiny is to get in step.

Saturn opposite North Node: AndyF 0, Tom Cruise 1, Jack Nicklaus 1, Dipesh 1, DJenkins 1, Johanna 1, Alex Jones 2, River 2, AlexP 3, JRosh 3, Jane 5, Howard Hughes 6, Farmer 6, Jean 6, Shirley Temple Black 7, OmNi 7, Mick 7

Saturn sextile South Node

Saturn trine South Node

Saturn quincunx South Node

Saturn quincunx South Node: Cher 0, Charlie Chaplin 2, Donovan Leitch 2

Saturn conjunct Part of Fortune: Clint Eastwood 0, George 0, Albert Einstein 2, John Malkovich 3, Benjamin Netanyahu 3, Evelyn Robert de Rothschild 3, SFor 3, William Randolph Hearst 4, Ashira 4, Robert Hand 5, Maharaj Ji 5, Stevie Wonder 5, Molly 5, Bill Hicks 6, Fred Astaire 7, Cathy O’Brien 7, Paul Simon 7, Ju 7, Pete 7, Tara 7, VinCal 7, Helena Blavatsky 8, Jyothi 8

Saturn sextile Part of Fortune: Alfred Hitchcock 0, Jim Carrey 1, Zeno 1, Ernest Hemingway 2, Erika 2, Marybeth 2, Ty Cobb 3, Carl Lewis 3, Tom 3, Bruce Springsteen 4, Doug 4

Saturn square Part of Fortune: Mahatma Gandhi 0, Michael Jackson 0, GaryCl 0, Ingrid Bergman 2, Jack Nicholson 2, Orson Welles 2, Kyle 2, Sugeet 2, Bobbie 3, VinG 3, Jon Voight 4, Cheri 4, Patrice 4, Paul Newman 5, Medwick 5, George Clooney 6, DonW 6

Saturn trine Part of Fortune: Joseph Ratzinger 0, Abbe 0, DavMcC 0, Sky 0, TonyO 0, Kim Basinger 1, John D. Rockefeller 1, Tenzin Gyatso 2, Wilt Chamberlain 3, DJenkins 3, Dunja 3, Jen 3, River 3, TomW 3, Pablo Picasso 4, Mother Teresa 4, Mark Zuckerberg 4, JerGar 4, JonathanG 4, JulieD 4, Arnold Schwarzenegger 5, H.G. Wells 5, ChrisC 5, PaulS 5, Robert 5, ScottS 5, Q 6, Travis 6

Saturn quincunx Part of Fortune: Marilyn Monroe 0, Patti Smith 0, BPoe 2, Komala 2, Sally Field 3, Charles Manson 3, Jack Parsons 3, Ted Turner 3, Gore Vidal 3, Joni Mitchell 4, Fisher 4

Saturn opposite Part of Fortune: Frank Sinatra 1, JBLight 2, John F. Kennedy 3, Bruce Lee 3, Suzanne Somers 5, Leigh 5, Al Capone 6, Ezra Pound 6, Mitt Romney 6, Princess Diana 7, Walt Disney 8, Jane Fonda 8, Jane Fonda 8, Howard Hughes 8, AndySc 8, BenSt 8, Elijah 8


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