nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Moon conjunct Uranus

All Moon-Uranus aspects indicate possible personality conflict based in the clash between established behavior patterns (symbolized by the Moon) and the progressive but disruptive energy of Uranus. While this conflict can spread throughout the psyche, the Moon's affinity is to feelings and emotions, and Uranus's is toward impersonality, abstraction, and intellect. This can create duality and friction between 'head and heart', which may be difficult to resolve.

Emotionally, you may experience regular mood changes and erratic, contradictory feelings, appearing to others as unpredictable, unreliable, impulsive, or lacking in commitment and responsibility. Lunar energies fluctuate, ebb and flow; and joining these with Uranus is not conducive to a stable and controllable inner life. You will find that your 'inner bias' moves between either lunar dominance or Uranus dominance; only occasionally will it rest at a balance uniting both. However, when 'head and heart' are in accord, this is the ideal state, and achieving this should be an objective more regularly.

You look for the unusual and the exciting in life. Strangeness and novelty intrigue and attract you; and this influences your intimate relationship choices. Your Moon will demand the experience of intense emotions; and Uranus will expect fascinating and excitement to bewitch the mind. The problem is finding both evoked by one partner, and not fading away with familiarity, or soon you will be looking for someone new.

Relationships are likely to be varied and cosmopolitan, ranging across different personality types; and you may find difficulty determining which type suits you the most over the long term. You are often attracted to unsuitable types, or to those who pose some sort of challenge, which you find adds extra interest.

Much depends on how you succeed in 'balancing' the innate conflict between a need for secure foundations and a fascination with novelty and free experimentation. The Moon could dominate, possibly by the inner imposition of restrictions, or inhibiting desires for new experiences and freedom. This could eventually result in the frustration of unlived dreams. Or Uranus could draw you toward excess, where roots and stability are lost in pursuing new and unexplored experiences, irrespective of personal cost.

Your life could be rich with interesting social acquaintances; your direct, open expression, coupled with intellectual analysis, realism, and personal tolerance, can attract many who find your company stimulating and rewarding. As you often reflect on both sides of an issue - evading a commitment to choose sides and become partisan - you can act as a diplomatic foil between adversaries, as well as retaining friendship and contact.

You may eventually prefer to live independently, choosing not to be restricted to one partner, allowing yourself freedom to change as you will. This can result from an inability to stay committed and interested within a traditional relationship or through problems partly created by your emotional shifts and moods, where, in the midst of confusion, you insist on your right to be self-determining, even if you have no clear idea of what it is you actually want.

Moon conjunct Uranus: With your Moon conjunct Uranus, you are somewhat of a character, and your personality is exciting. You are very expressive, especially when emotionally aroused. You prefer to have few secrets and thus remain free of the anxieties often brought on by them. Although you may become involved in emotional situations, you always try to examine them intellectually and as realistically as possible. You believe that this is the only way to solve such problems.

In your circle of friends, you are popular because of your tolerance and understanding. You rarely take sides on an issue because you can always find something worthwhile with both sides, and you know that there is common ground for mutual accord. Your basic honesty is what endears you to others. You are so hopeful and optimistic that others feel better in your presence, even when they are experiencing personal difficulties. But you can't always solve your own problems as easily as you solve those of others. When this happens, you may suffer from intense strain and nervous irritability.

Your romantic life is filled with unusual types who run the gamut from saint to sinner. You enjoy the thrill of forming relationships with 'impossible' individuals; an average person never seems to turn you on. Although you are often the matchmaker for others, you may remain unmatched yourself. When you do fall in love, you fall hard, and if the love is not returned you may become distraught.

Being such a free individual, you are impatient with any restraints. You insist on the right to determine your own way of life, and consequently your life-style bears little resemblance to that of your parents. You consider your success or failure to be an exclusive personal matter and will not permit yourself to be the product of someone else's conditioning.

Moon conjunct Uranus: We cannot expect much tranquility from a Moon / Uranus conjunction, since the restless, original, sparkling and fickle Uranus is indissolubly bound to the longing for security. These people will not know ordinary security, but that need not pose any problems. They find reassurance by expressing themselves in an individual and unconventional manner. They feel at home with this form of behavior in spite of the fact that it can lead to occasional clashes with those around them.

Certainly, great tension accompanied by alertness and restlessness is observable in the conjunction; these people are also nervy, irritable and quick-tempered. They like to rush into everything at once, and especially into whatever is unorthodox. In fact there is a temptation to be provocative with this aspect.

Changeable and capricious though they may be with a Moon / Uranus conjunction, they can also keep to their chosen course with grim determination. If they are completely sold on an idea, Uranus makes them easily annoyed by criticism, and they cling to the idea all the more obstinately. This apparent discrepancy (changeability and a taste for the unusual being combined with mulishness) is encountered in all Moon / Uranus aspects. In particular, the inability of the Moon/ Uranus conjunction to adapt to the environment can only serve to reinforce their intractability.

Inner stability is not a strong point and, owing to the tremendous impulsiveness of Uranus - which is coupled here with a very unconscious and variable lunar influence ¬they tend to be accident-prone. Also, with this aspect, brusqueness needs curbing. And yet, with the same aspect, these people can retrieve some situation in an unexpected way by striking out on a new path; for it seems that change (and sometimes even radical change) is the watchword.

Moon conjunct Uranus: The Moon symbolizes our emotional responses to life, the responses we learned at an early age from our mother; and Uranus indicates a behavior pattern that is connected to the generation we were born into.

If the word 'erratic' can be associated with Uranus aspects, we may surmise that we have erratic emotional responses with this conjunction. The chances are that the mother of the person with this aspect responds to her life in some erratic or eccentric fashion during the individual's childhood. It may be that the mother doesn't respond emotionally unless it's in the form of an emotional outburst; the child may have difficulty determining whether Mom is happy, angry or upset; here the emotional tirades come out of nowhere.

The adult with this aspect tends to make sudden and abrupt emotional decisions that sometimes offend others, for decisions of an emotional nature are seldom discussed before they are made. The emotional responses or reactions may be unpredictable. This can be both good and bad. It gives the individual a close tie to his generation and creates an affinity with peer group goals; so, it often indicates a person involved in healing or social welfare. It indicates a person who responds so suddenly and so strangely to emotional relationships that he leaves a string of broken hearts behind him as he rejects one lover after another, rarely working through relationship problems.

If the rest of the chart warrants, it can indicate individuals who draw violent relationships. For example, a woman with this aspect can be involved in sudden break-ups; this may result in an angry lover trying to break down her door. If these women want to avoid violence, they must consciously learn to share their feelings and hurts before coming to a decision about a relationship. They need to learn to discuss their feelings, for this is the only way a man (or anyone) can understand how they feel. The constructive behavior pattern will have to be learned, for the child didn't see the mother making reasonable or considerate decisions.

Moon conjunct Uranus: This is a powerful and often a dangerous position. There is high emotional tension. Sometimes the affections are strangely and (possibly) tragically bestowed; there is an element of perversity and great determination, which may be directed wisely or unwisely, but very rarely follows any conventional or usual course. The interests are nearly always strange, and both mind and feelings differ from those of ordinary humanity, often giving rise to conditions with which it is exceedingly difficult for another to deal, because the native is deaf to reason and seems unable to help himself, there being a variable paralysis of the judgment. Perhaps it is most perilous in Fire, and least so in Earth and Air, but I have known strange people with this aspect even in the latter element - they are, however, less excitable than those having it in Fire, their vagaries being more often intellectual. Things ordinary and common do not satisfy the nature at all, and the constant search for the marvelous may lead the native into all kinds of fantastic cults. Note particularly the strength of Mercury and Jupiter, for these planets may determine the measure and direction of the influence.

Since the Uranian seldom does anything by half-measures, this conjunction may make a bad enemy, but as a general rule the afflictions of Uranus do not affect the moral nature (except unfortunately that they sometimes cause sexual abnormality), and I have never found those with this conjunction to be unlikeable so much as they are (to non-astrologers) impossible to understand.

It tends very much to an individual sort of life, the native hating routine and being willing to submit to anything rather than loss of independence of thought and action.

Moon conjunct Uranus Man: In the case of a man, it tends to indicate an individual who doesn't commit himself to one relationship, who may leave in a huff when the situation is not going his way. He goes from one love to another, or one marriage to another, rather than sharing himself with the person he says he loves. Rarely is he physically abused, since men usually are not physically attacked by women; but it sometimes happens. Should this male be homosexual, however, he may suffer from physical violence in his emotional involvements until he learns how to share his feelings.

See also: Moon conjunct Uranus;

Moon conjunct Uranus: Alex Jones 2, JBLight 2, Johanna 3, Orson Welles 4, J.Paul Getty 5, Timothy Leary 5, Pankaj 5, Bob Dylan 6, Arnold Palmer 6, Milton William Cooper 7, Meher Baba 7, John Dee 8, Art Garfunkel 8, TonyC 9

Moon sextile Uranus

Both sextile and trine offer an easier handling of the Moon-Uranus energy relationship than the conjunction. There is a fluency to the energy flow and merger that offers considerable potential when utilized creatively and sensibly.

You may find less reliance upon established behavior patterns, certainly reduced conflict or confusion, whenever you respond to the future orientation of Uranus. Also your 'head and heart' can beat more in unity, rather than to different discordant rhythms, so relationships should be more successful. In addition, this can improve your decision-making ability.

You will be mentally alert, recognizing opportunities when they arrive and being ready to take advantage of them. You are prepared to take risks and speculative leaps if required to capitalize upon an idea or venture.

Learning can come easily: you quickly grasp the lessons which experience teaches, and you are able to channel enthusiasm into your projects to increase the chances of their success. Signs of this may have been evident during childhood, where you probably developed and matured earlier than most. A feeling of independence and uniqueness can increase self-esteem. This helps build a stable personality and is also a source of energy to exploit.

Socially, you get on well with people, experiencing empathic rapport and deepening understanding and tolerance. You enjoy inter-personal relating, and could become interested in expanding this into teaching or communication, where you can transmit to others your enthusiastic love of exploration and discovery.

Intimate relationships should rarely be fraught with emotional moods and tensions; and this helps committed partnerships to continue. You remain attracted toward Uranian impulses for change, variety, and novelty; but these demands will be less compulsive and demanding. If you wish, you can follow these urges, but can also control them. You need an intellectual content and affinity in closer relationships, however; and this factor should be considered in your choices. It is also likely that the relative 'success or failure' of your life will be heavily influenced by women, and that they will be important 'agents of destiny' for you.

Moon sextile Uranus: With the Moon sextile Uranus, you realized early in life that you were different from other people. You were unique in that you understood the significance of your experiences much more than others ever could. You learned something from every situation or event that involved you in any way. Perhaps your parents asked why you weren't like all the other kids. Your emotional and intellectual development was accelerated, mainly because you are not blindly loyal to the past. You respect the lessons of the past, but you set your sights toward the challenging future.

Your best expression is in teaching, because your feeling of excitement in discovery is instantly communicated to others. History particularly comes alive as you discuss, examine, and derive meaning from it. You effectively dramatize the importance of history, which can benefit others. You especially want people to enjoy the freedom from ignorance that serves progress. You encourage them to put aside emotional loyalties that hinder individual development.

Regardless of the particular profession you follow, you have enormous opportunities to stimulate others. You would be capable as a writer, reporter, politician, or a researcher in medicine. In science you would be certain to make distinct progress. However, you are impatient with the laborious effort often required in research and development, and you would probably work best if you could determine your own pace. Your highly developed intuition allows you to solve many problems with amazing ease. For this reason you might have found the usual pace in school too slow for your accelerated learning ability.

You are drawn to relationships that involve your logical nature, realizing that a strictly emotional rapport is not enough to bind you permanently to anyone.

Moon sextile Uranus: The emotional response capability that the mother shows this child, because of her reaction to life, is extremely positive for the child's emotional development. This aspect indicates a person who can work through emotional crises, who has original ideas, who can understand many other patterns of reaction than his own, and who brings much positive energy to the environment.

Moon trine or sextile Uranus: In the harmonious aspects you'll see a great need for freedom and the chance to develop, and usually this need will make itself well and truly felt. These people have an enormous desire for change, renewal, for breaking established patterns, or crossing demarcation lines.

Every time they revert to Moon behavior, or, in other words, to a search for peace and safety, Uranus springs into action, and the planet, although intervening harmoniously, does tend to make them restless and impulsive. In breaking free they may also want to be unconventional, and interests may include astrology or esotericism, subjects which lie outside the present scientific world-picture. Of course, by no means everyone with strong Uranus aspects will become an astrologer, but they will probably be interested in something pioneering - say some innovative branch of technology like radar.

Once they have found an interest, then they can throw themselves into it heart and soul. They become absorbed in each new bright idea. Not all of these are likely to be usable, but that's not important; what matters is that the idea interests them intensely, and they have scant patience with the comments or criticisms of others. These people always give full rein to individuality and act according to what they think at the time. Possibly they shall bring about reforms in society, but these attitudes can also isolate them. Not for nothing is Uranus called an eccentric, solitary planet; and Uranians feel compelled to push themselves forward in order to express their individuality although, incidentally, they would be scandalized at the suggestion that they were being egotistic or self-centered.

With harmonious Moon/ Uranus aspects, people feel at home wherever they can manage to be themselves. But when they are restricted the destructive side of Uranus shows up, harmonious aspects or no harmonious aspect, and reactions can be very uncertain and even unpredictable.

Moon trine or sextile Uranus: Both sextile and trine offer an easier handling of the Moon-Uranus energy relationship than the conjunction. There is a fluency to the energy flow and merger that offers considerable potential when utilized creatively and sensibly.

Moon trine or sextile Uranus: These bodies have little in common, the Moon being concerned chiefly with the usual and the ordinary, whilst Uranus is of an exactly contrary nature.

The good aspects appear above all to bestow firmness and determination of a singularly unflinching kind, and, moreover, there is a distinct tendency for the native to interest himself in occultism, spiritist phenomena, Christian Science, and various cryptic matters, ranging from the less reputable up to the truly scientific and elevative, such as astrology. Sometimes the effects of the contacts are apparently slight, and the same is often true, I believe, of directions between the same bodies. It seems that the good aspects favor the rigid performance of duty and make the native capable of enduring and sacrificing much for anything that he conceives as being an obligation or an ideal. He will be of the type that cannot be argued with; he seems to get his inspirations and beliefs from another world, or, as is sometimes said, intuitively - a word often used to indicate feelings that cannot be justified rationally and are not to be submitted to rational analysis. Even the good aspects seem to make people too inflexible.

It is probable that they are also indications of help from friends, and in some cases they are certainly found in the charts of persons of extraordinary genius. Apart from such cases, the probability of helpful friends is, I think, almost the only practically useful result of these configurations, for the determination bestowed by them is a dubious boon unless the rest of the chart offers promise that there is judgment and sense behind it.

See also: Moon sextile Uranus;

Moon sextile Uranus: Prince Charles 0, Dick Cheney 0, Peter Sellers 1, JerryH 1, Dipesh 2, Nancee 2, River 3, Yarrow 3, Doug 4, Zeno 4

Moon square Uranus

The square's characteristics are quite similar to the opposition, indicating a clash of disparate energies and personality signals. Relationships are likely to be a battleground; and your domestic life will remain unsettled whenever you struggle with unresolved inner conflicts.

While you are mentally alert and quite clever, one challenge could be how you apply your talents. Finding a satisfactory outlet could also benefit your inner balance; failure to do so, through lack of discipline and application, will only exacerbate personality conflicts.

You are capable of releasing restrictions from the past; but an idea path for you would be founded on well-established ways (the lunar influence), which also allow enough freedom to explore new horizons (to satisfy Uranus). The problem is how to achieve this balance.

Your usual experience involves relinquishing the past, so that you feel free to experience the new. How to do this without unnecessary disruption or pain - for example, by finishing relationships - is the challenge. This task is fundamentally the same one facing our culture during the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

If you allow the Uranian impulse to dominate, it may sweep away most of your life foundations. While this can create a temporary excitement at glimpsed potentials and a promise of unrestrained liberty, there will inevitably come the time when a consolidation phase to re-anchor roots is necessary. Unlimited freedom is hard to handle without losing stability.

Within relationships, several vital lessons may need to be learned. These are co-operation, commitment, responsibility, compromise, and shared decision-making. You have no innate right to be always dominant, authoritative, or right, expecting a partner to acquiesce to your will or bow to your need for freedom when you do not allow the partner the same rights. Changing your behavior patterns to be more positive and creative will work wonders; and intimacy will become more fulfilling for all concerned. Don't reject your life-style as unsatisfying, or be tempted to 'throw it away' in search of new excitement: the key to working with the Moon-Uranus energy lies in using this to transform your existing life.

Ask yourself which areas you wish to change. Evaluate your needs, dreams and desires carefully to see if, by your deliberately transforming your current life, these could be satisfied without destroying existing foundations. Consider how you could change your life to create space for new interests; or consider which attitudes could be changed to renew life or improve your relationships. Most people fail to take advantage of their potential, or refuse to transform themselves and their environment to create a more enjoyable life. It is an individual choice; but for those with a rebellious streak, this energy can be used positively to change whatever is not suitable. An active, not passive, approach is required. Exploring the contemporary self-help technique of N.L.P. is recommended.

Moon square Uranus: The square from the Moon to Uranus shows that you are emotionally impulsive and erratic in your behavior. If someone crosses you, you reply abruptly and may even be bad-tempered with those you love most. Your hair-trigger temper fires away, especially when you are emotionally aroused. You must exercise greater self-discipline in order to control your outbursts, many of which are unnecessary and unjustified. Because you are accustomed to having your own way, you can't stand being challenged. You have many lessons to learn, and the first is submission. The freedom that you demand you must give others as well, or you will encounter many problems in your relationships.

You are bright and ingeniously clever. When you gain more self-control, you can become a smashing success. Your talents are suitable for teaching, writing, research, or politics. You have the ability to successfully handle or represent groups. A born fighter for equal rights, you can vividly depict to others the freedom that they have been denied.

Your impatience and impulsiveness may make you accident-prone. You lack caution in judgment, which encourages accidents. Your restlessness may be the result of early conditioning, when you weren't allowed to assert yourself at will. You tended to defy authority by rejecting responsibility. If others preyed on your feelings to make you yield to them, you may have responded with emotional arrogance.

Marriage can succeed for you only if you are willing to compromise. Because of your eagerness for personal freedom and your rejection of responsibility, you would be totally unprepared for a union except on your own terms. Your concept of marriage is of the old style in which one partner is the sole authority. But this structure has little chance for success today. Actually, you have a desperate need to relate to your partner on an equal basis. If you do, you will delight in your gain rather than malign your loss.

See also: Moon square Uranus;

Moon square Uranus: Osho 0, Dewitt 0, Jamie 0, Tammy 0, William Randolph Hearst 1, Carl Jung 1, DJenkins 1, Barack Obama 2, Mark 2, Silas 2, TonyO 2, Salvadore Dali 3, Donovan Leitch 3, O.J. Simpson 3, Q 3, Sarik 3, Ursula Andress 4, Hillary Rodham Clinton 4, Thomas Edison 4, Cathy O’Brien 4, Ellen 4, Michael Jordan 5, Sugeet 5, Robert De Niro 6, JT 6, Pete 6, Nicole Kidman 7, Sting 7, Ray

Moon trine Uranus

The trine is similar to the sextile, but also offers the potential to direct this energy toward a wider social influence. You will be curious, and eager to learn, and find comprehension easy. There is an ability to productively exploit the information, skills, and techniques that you acquire through life. Combined with creative imagination, you should be able to channel this toward building new enterprises and businesses; you have adequate energy and enthusiasm to do so, linked with commitment for personal success.

Your attraction toward the new is likely to be for 'group benefit' rather than toward fulfilling private needs and desires. Your vision will have a futuristic attitude and perspective. Here, the Uranian influence will shine through more strongly.

If Uranus remains a dominant planetary influence, your domestic and personal life may appear unconventional and unusual to some, although it will probably seem perfectly natural to you. There can be inner fears that tradition and predictable behavior patterns could become life-destroying, limiting freedom and exploration, especially when your 'Uranus needs' conflict with lunar needs. While you may not feel committed to open opposition, you certainly will not feel any obligation to surrender power to tradition by assuming a submissive attitude. Some kinds of authority you can respect; but your attitudes will be rebellious and you will be scathing in your denunciation whenever you believe that abuses of power are occurring.

Using this energy effectively will depend on discovering suitable channels of expression. You may need to create these, or could ally with others in a communal future-orientated venture. This sense or intuition of inter-relatedness acts as a guide, and is very important in your life. Following its signals assists your development, and will satisfy the inner need to build the future now, within the present.

Moon trine Uranus: The Moon trine to Uranus shows you are inquisitive and eager to know all you can about everything. You are mentally alert and absorb knowledge easily. Your perspective on life is broad, and you rarely concern yourself with superficial matters. Your sparkling personality attracts a wide circle of friends. Since you are a willing listener, you don't threaten anyone's identity, but you can still hold your own in an argument because you are well armed with facts.

Your early conditioning prepared you to accept your future and made you aware that you could cope effectively with any situation. You have a healthy respect for legitimate authority but will challenge anyone who assumes power irresponsibly. Your temperament draws you to occupations that serve the group rather than the individual. You are thus especially suited to teaching, politics, and broad social programs. When you speak in public, your delivery, which is usually dramatic and to the point, stimulates positive reactions in your listeners.

Your outlook is toward the future, and you can easily establish the proper foundation for logical development in the future, to everyone's benefit. Others will thirstily seek your help in defining the goals they should strive for in their lives. Without even trying, you utter profound truths that sometimes reveal spiritual wisdom.

In your thinking, the past is well integrated with your desires for the future. There is no conflict in your circumstances that cannot be resolved easily. The answers you need always seem available, because you are emotionally prepared to accept the truth. Study of the occult would open vast areas of additional knowledge to you. You could also succeed in the professional application of this information.

The mate you choose should also function at your high frequency, or the relationship will dissolve from sheer boredom on your part.

Moon trine Uranus: The child born with this aspect comes into a home where the mother understands the attitudes of the younger generation. The Moon symbolizes the mother and how she responds to life when the child is small. The child learns emotional responses, how to care, how to nurture, and how to feel and respond, from the mother. Uranus indicates the behavior of the generation; it also indicates our point of eccentricity or willfulness. This child's mother is willing to work with her environment in a positive manner, and her children will imitate her creative response to life in their adult relationships.

The only problem coming from this trine can be that of too much permissiveness, perhaps too much support given to people before understanding their goals and purposes. For example, a woman with this trine gave a great deal of support to a juvenile group in her neighborhood. The kids wanted a club house and needed adult support in order to get it. She gave them her endorsement, only to find out later that the club house was a centre for drug activities and was even used for violent situations - several children were physically abused there.

This aspect can be called the aspect of 'positive' eccentricity. It indicates that the individual has a creative bent that bestows an ability to be emotionally involved in any career chosen. It also indicates an unusual emotional nature, one that may enjoy 'new age' relationships.

Moon trine or sextile Uranus: In the harmonious aspects you'll see a great need for freedom and the chance to develop, and usually this need will make itself well and truly felt. These people have an enormous desire for change, renewal, for breaking established patterns, or crossing demarcation lines.

Every time they revert to Moon behavior, or, in other words, to a search for peace and safety, Uranus springs into action, and the planet, although intervening harmoniously, does tend to make them restless and impulsive. In breaking free they may also want to be unconventional, and interests may include astrology or esotericism, subjects which lie outside the present scientific world-picture. Of course, by no means everyone with strong Uranus aspects will become an astrologer, but they will probably be interested in something pioneering - say some innovative branch of technology like radar.

Once they have found an interest, then they can throw themselves into it heart and soul. They become absorbed in each new bright idea. Not all of these are likely to be usable, but that's not important; what matters is that the idea interests them intensely, and they have scant patience with the comments or criticisms of others. These people always give full rein to individuality and act according to what they think at the time. Possibly they shall bring about reforms in society, but these attitudes can also isolate them. Not for nothing is Uranus called an eccentric, solitary planet; and Uranians feel compelled to push themselves forward in order to express their individuality although, incidentally, they would be scandalized at the suggestion that they were being egotistic or self-centered.

With harmonious Moon/ Uranus aspects, people feel at home wherever they can manage to be themselves. But when they are restricted the destructive side of Uranus shows up, harmonious aspects or no harmonious aspect, and reactions can be very uncertain and even unpredictable.

Moon trine or sextile Uranus: Both sextile and trine offer an easier handling of the Moon-Uranus energy relationship than the conjunction. There is a fluency to the energy flow and merger that offers considerable potential when utilized creatively and sensibly.

Moon trine or sextile Uranus: These bodies have little in common, the Moon being concerned chiefly with the usual and the ordinary, whilst Uranus is of an exactly contrary nature.

The good aspects appear above all to bestow firmness and determination of a singularly unflinching kind, and, moreover, there is a distinct tendency for the native to interest himself in occultism, spiritist phenomena, Christian Science, and various cryptic matters, ranging from the less reputable up to the truly scientific and elevative, such as astrology. Sometimes the effects of the contacts are apparently slight, and the same is often true, I believe, of directions between the same bodies. It seems that the good aspects favor the rigid performance of duty and make the native capable of enduring and sacrificing much for anything that he conceives as being an obligation or an ideal. He will be of the type that cannot be argued with; he seems to get his inspirations and beliefs from another world, or, as is sometimes said, intuitively - a word often used to indicate feelings that cannot be justified rationally and are not to be submitted to rational analysis. Even the good aspects seem to make people too inflexible.

It is probable that they are also indications of help from friends, and in some cases they are certainly found in the charts of persons of extraordinary genius. Apart from such cases, the probability of helpful friends is, I think, almost the only practically useful result of these configurations, for the determination bestowed by them is a dubious boon unless the rest of the chart offers promise that there is judgment and sense behind it.

See also: Moon trine Uranus;

Moon trine Uranus: David Rockefeller 2, Robin Williams 2, VinCar 2, Helena Blavatsky 3, G.W. Bush 3, David 3, Jane 3, Mother Teresa 4, Abbe 4, BenT 4, Dustin Hoffman 5, Andrea 5, Bram 5, Bill Gates 6, Carolyn 6, Jen 7, Joze 7, Virginia 7

Moon quincunx Uranus

The inconjunct from the Moon to Uranus shows that you must solve your emotional problems before you can really feel free. You may be distressed by the fact that as soon as you solve one problem, then you discover another. However, in this process you become skilled in dealing with recurring crises. In time, they will no longer occur - and you will be free. The difficulties you experience are a direct result of conditioning by your parents. You were emotionally unprepared to accept the burdens you were expected to carry. Because of this you felt guilty and tried to do whatever you could to rid yourself of this guilt.

In serving others, you overreact emotionally, always hoping to finally be released from the necessity of serving. You develop many skills to enable you to succeed in your job. Your best field would be one that involves teaching groups to develop their potentials. You could also use your talents for optimum effect in medicine, and receive meaningful rewards. Research and development would give you access to constructive avenues for future expression.

Be careful that you are not abused by people who claim that you alone can satisfy their needs. This is a confidence tactic to gain your submission and willingness to serve, even though others could do equally well.

Your sensitive, emotional nature should warn you not to become trapped in distressing situations. Your resistance is low, and you could suffer from nervous ailments caused by the pressure of your burdens. It is important that you prevent this by refusing to do anything beyond what is absolutely necessary. Rest and relaxation are essential and should be an integral part of your life.

In your romantic attachments, you may find that you often play the servant role. You hope to be relieved of your problems by marrying out of them. If you feel no guilt for what you haven't done, there is no reason why you can't succeed in this.

Moon quincunx Uranus: At the same time as these people look for peace and security (Moon), they are somehow confronted with the opposite (Uranus). The harder they work to achieve an atmosphere of calmness and confidence, the more inclined they are to throw a spanner in the works by sudden uncontrolled outbursts or by creating such tension that others shrink back from them. Also they can adopt a very independent and provocative attitude in order to be themselves; yet, even so, they do not feel comfortable and remain a prey to gnawing uncertainty.

With this rather elusive hard aspect, these people are often extremely restless and are forever seeking new ways of making good. The urge to cross boundaries and to be original play a big, if generally unconscious, role here. If only they would look back on what they have already achieved, they might be struck by how resourceful and creative they can be: frequently coming up with the most unusual solutions ¬which work well more often than not. Skill and sudden insight are characteristics of this aspect, but these people are unaware that they possess them and therefore have little confidence in themselves. Owing to this lack of self-confidence, they do not take kindly to interference from others or to being told what to do. By way of overcompensation, they can even adopt an 'I know best' attitude.

Once they realize that uncertainty is not inevitable and that the need to be original and individual has a different aim from the need for security, they can achieve much with their inventive-creative way of doing things and with their unusual interests.

Moon quincunx Uranus: The physical influence of the mother is indicated by the Moon sign of the child. When Uranus quincunxes the moon, Mom's reaction to emotional tensions and life in general is hampered by the qualities of the sign Uranus is in. The aspect indicates a strain, so she had trouble relating emotionally but it wasn't big trouble. The child will pick up her habit pattern and will have vague feelings of emotional disturbance that eventually take their toll in terms of health. The aspect can be worked out by understanding that all the qualities of the chart need to be expressed in some positive manner.

With this aspect, the emotional needs of an individual may not sit well with the peer group requirements, and some comfortable middle ground will have to be found.

See also: Moon quincunx Uranus;

Moon quincunx Uranus: Bette Davis 0, Uri Geller 0, Jyothi 0, John Dillinger 1, George Harrison 1, Al Pacino 1, Ludwig van Beethoven 1, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.1, Jean 1, Cher 2, Michael Jackson 2, Andrew 2, L.Ron Hubbard 3, U.G. Krishnamurti 3, Kyle 3, George Bush, Sr. 4, Aleister Crowley 4, Samp 4

Moon opposite Uranus

Challenges will probably occur within intimate relationships. These will reflect the clash between old and new, between familiar behavior patterns and the attraction of renewal emerging from a chaotic unknown. Your inner life may feel like a battleground, as these two different energies try to influence choices and decisions; and at times of crisis, you may feel almost torn apart.

A tendency toward mental and emotional stress will exist, arising from emotional instability and problems created in relationships through unpredictable and frequent mood changes. The impact of the Uranian vibration may create sudden changes in the erratic mutability of the lunar emotions. This can stir choppy seas into more dangerous storms. If you then release this tension through conflict with those closest to you - which is a common behavior pattern - relationships could become quite stormy. Others' inability to rely upon and trust you will obviously affect the development of long-term relationships.

Your need for variety can also cause problems. This can be felt inwardly, where you easily get bored and lose interest in your home, employment, marriage, lovers etc., and then enter a phase of frustration if your need for new stimulation is denied. To break free from this tension, you may suddenly 'explode' toward new explorations, attempting to shatter all limitations and restrictions. This can lead to moving to a new house, changing employment or established careers to pursue other directions, or entering affairs or separating from marriage. You find responsibility and commitments hard to bear during times when the Uranian impulse is too strong and capable of breaking through the Moon's established defensive patterns.

What should be avoided is a repressive build-up of inner tensions, because if they 'explode' through you, their destructive quality will dominate, rather than their transformative intent. The first step lies in acknowledging this inner pressure, and then learning to release it slowly and with conscious control, directing it into suitable channels as a natural development of your life. Accepting this impulse for new experiences and interests can be adequately handled, if a continuous element of exploration in your life is sensibly allowed to operate in appropriate ways. This is an essential 'safety valve' to develop for your well-being.

Understanding this tendency will help in choosing a suitable partner, one who accepts this need of yours and is both capable and willing to compromise when necessary in helping you to find ways to safely release tensions. Any progress made in integrating your emotions and mind into a functioning whole will reap considerable dividends. Self-help techniques devoted to personal wholeness could be explored, offering potential positive development. Attempts by you to impose either emotional or rational dominance on your inner life will lead to additional friction created by the ignored planetary energy.

Feelings of instability that often persist also diminish your self-esteem, resulting in insecurity. You may lack a firm personality centre, fluctuating between Moon and Uranus, between emotion and logic, finding a home nowhere. You could find it useful to experience your emotional depths as deeply as possible. Let them rise to the surface; feel and understand their intensity, without cutting them off whenever they become unpleasant by an 'intellectual put-down' as inferior and not part of your preferred self-image. Equally, your mental interests and pursuits should be emotionally resonant, drawing both levels together. As your nervous system is over amplified, attempts like these help moderate and balance the flow of combined energies, thus making it easier for you to live with others without frequently feeling a restless obsession for change.

Moon opposite Uranus: The Moon in opposition to Uranus indicates mental and emotional stress. You are trying to integrate your feelings with logic to achieve a better balance between your inner and outer lives. You constantly feel the need to make decisions involving others, and these decisions cause you much emotional turmoil. If your feelings dominate, you alienate yourself from others, but if logic prevails you feel crushed. Only experience can teach you to compromise so that both impulses are satisfied. The whole process will succeed if you are patient; this conflict can be resolved.

The crisis lies in your insecurity about projecting yourself in relationships that seem threatening. You are eager to make contact with others who will respond warmly to you. The important thing is to be yourself, realizing that others may have the same apprehensions you have. People will warm up to you and become friends if you give them the chance.

Your occupation should involve you in the personal affairs of others. In helping others to acquire self-confidence, you will increase your own. Teaching is especially recommended because it will force you to project your creative abilities. The constructive results you achieve will make you more totally aware of your potential development.

You may become involved in the most unusual romantic alliances. You tend to innocently form attachments with individuals who are either already attached or at least spoken for. You have a fascination for bizarre or complicated relationships. Perhaps this is your way of avoiding responsibility, which can never develop in such situations. You are emotionally promiscuous even if you never actually indulge in physical promiscuity. Others will insist that you put up or shut up.

Try to get as much rest as you can. Your keyed-up nervous system can seriously affect your digestion. A serene outlook will do wonders to help you avert physical distress.

Moon square or opposite Uranus: The square's characteristics are quite similar to the opposition, indicating a clash of disparate energies and personality signals. Relationships are likely to be a battleground; and your domestic life will remain unsettled whenever you struggle with unresolved inner conflicts.

While you are mentally alert and quite clever, one challenge could be how you apply your talents. Finding a satisfactory outlet could also benefit your inner balance; failure to do so, through lack of discipline and application, will only exacerbate personality conflicts.

You are capable of releasing restrictions from the past; but an idea path for you would be founded on well-established ways (the lunar influence), which also allow enough freedom to explore new horizons (to satisfy Uranus). The problem is how to achieve this balance.

Your usual experience involves relinquishing the past, so that you feel free to experience the new. How to do this without unnecessary disruption or pain - for example, by finishing relationships - is the challenge. This task is fundamentally the same one facing our culture during the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

If you allow the Uranian impulse to dominate, it may sweep away most of your life foundations. While this can create a temporary excitement at glimpsed potentials and a promise of unrestrained liberty, there will inevitably come the time when a consolidation phase to re-anchor roots is necessary. Unlimited freedom is hard to handle without losing stability.

Within relationships, several vital lessons may need to be learned. These are cooperation, commitment, responsibility, compromise, and shared decision-making. You have no innate right to be always dominant, authoritative, or right, expecting a partner to acquiesce to your will or bow to your need for freedom when you do not allow the partner the same rights. Changing your behavior patterns to be more positive and creative will work wonders; and intimacy will become more fulfilling for all concerned. Don't reject your life-style as unsatisfying, or be tempted to 'throw it away' in search of new excitement: the key to working with the Moon-Uranus energy lies in using this to transform your existing life.

Ask yourself which areas you wish to change. Evaluate your needs, dreams and desires carefully to see if, by your deliberately transforming your current life, these could be satisfied without destroying existing foundations. Consider how you could change your life to create space for new interests; or consider which attitudes could be changed to renew life or improve your relationships. Most people fail to take advantage of their potential, or refuse to transform themselves and their environment to create a more enjoyable life. It is an individual choice; but for those with a rebellious streak, this energy can be used positively to change whatever is not suitable. An active, not passive, approach is required. Exploring the contemporary self-help technique of N.L.P. is recommended.

See also: Moon opposite Uranus;

Moon opposite Uranus: Fred Astaire 0, AndySc 0, Princess Diana 2, Carl Lewis 2, Donald Trump 4, Patrice 4, Marybeth 5, Melanie Griffith 6, AbbieJ 6, Aldous Huxley 7, Komala 8, Antonio 9, Joy 9


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