nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Moon conjunct Neptune

This conjunction emphasizes emotional sensitivity and vulnerability to others, especially through an impressionable, sympathetic psychic empathy. The nature of your environment will be highly influential in affecting your inner balance and well-being, so ideally you need to live and work within suitable places and with suitable people, or else you may discover that your spirit and vitality begin to wane through absorbing what are negative influences on your sensitivity.

As your heart is so open to experience life, it is equally likely to experience suffering, anguish and disappointments. Evolving ways of self-protection or essential filters to this sensitivity may be necessary over time, otherwise life could become too painful for you. Through your innate understanding and sympathetic attitudes, you are likely to become a listener and confidante to others' problems; yet a degree of detached impersonal objectivity needs to be developed or else you will take their problems and pain away with yourself. This is not a sacrifice that needs to be made, even though you are rightly willing to offer aid and assistance to those in need. It may be that you are attracted towards employment in the spheres of social welfare and care, where you can serve deprived people and encourage them to take steps of advancement. Certainly that compassionate heart will be a main motivating factor in your life, and it is probably through such a route that you can most easily display your most natural qualities and abilities. Your influence can have a beneficial and catalytic effect on others, stimulating them towards either personal growth or resolving problems.

Employment which fixes you into a repetitive mundane work pattern will not be satisfying, and will ultimately be a denial of your talents and abilities. It is easy to recognize when you are stuck in the wrong place: you are beset by the intensification of wishful thinking and daydreaming, of desires to escape, and of a lack of interest in application.

You have a powerful imagination which does not like to be inhibited or denied and is constantly looking for ways to be expressed; there will be considerable artistic and cultural appreciation as well as creative gifts within you waiting to be released. Suitable channels are art, music, poetry, design, ways that preferably evoke an emotional-feeling response in yourself and others. You could develop into being visionary and inspirational if this area was especially focused and all your energies were committed to such a task. Your psychic sensitivities could play a role in this, offering the awareness of more subtle currents in life and the power inherent in symbols and images, or even your dream life with a prophetic quality could be influential. It is probably best to use any such psychic or mediumistic talents only as a support to artistic creation, because you may find that they can be too unreliable or too shrouded in Neptunian sea mists and make clear perception difficult. These tendencies can develop towards religious or spiritual interests, such as the exaltation of the mystic's emotions and heart devotions.

In your personal life and intimate relationships, you may need to be wary of a tendency to be excessively romantic, preoccupied with dreams of the ideal lover, always searched for and never found. In real life there are real people, and disillusionment is never far away from the anima-animus projected obsessions which create self-delusions and the experience of being shocked by the reality of your 'dream lover'. Turning men or women into gods or goddesses is a dangerous game; they always fall off the pedestal that you have placed them on. Like Humpty Dumpty, the fall shatters the illusion which can never be put together again around the person. Yet falling in love again with the real person is often much more rewarding and enriching.

There can be tendencies to evade the impingement of harsh reality at times. That isn't the way, but making adjustments to your own attitudes may be the key to deal with this challenge. Accepting reality is a process that we have to continually confront in life, although this doesn't necessarily imply a surrender to the inevitable; it can be the initial action required to determine how to transform an unsatisfactory situation. Sometimes the influence of Neptune dominates the Moon, and the result is a retreat towards private worlds, hiding within defensive shells, unable to face the real world, and living within the glamour of those castles in the air of your imagination, lost in dreaming worlds.

Additionally, Moon aspects indicate an association with the Mother image, symbol and real parent. The conjunction implies a close bonding with your mother or an important influence over your development, but, as with your romantic relationships, illusions can be present which may need cleansing or releasing if they are negatively affecting your adult relationships.

Moon conjunct Neptune: The Moon conjunct Neptune shows that you are imaginative, emotional, sensitive, and sometimes given to daydreaming. Your psychic ability enables you to respond to outside stimuli that others are unaware of. You are inclined to offer assistance to anyone who seems to need help. However, this may get you into difficulty, for some people will blame you if their problems aren't solved. Disappointments are common in your life, for, even though you suffer with others in their grief, you may be left alone when they experience joy.

Your professional life must have sufficient challenge to keep you alert and reasonably 'on the go'. Avoid any occupation that involves long periods of time spent in repetitious and boring tasks. In such a job you would find escape in daydreaming and dawdling, and accomplish little. You would probably be fired as lazy, incompetent, and indifferent, which would be accurate only in those circumstances. Your latent ability should find an outlet through public-oriented endeavors, such as service and welfare programs, nursing, working with the mentally retarded, or rehabilitation of the handicapped. Working closely with others who depend on you would serve as a catalyst for your energies, and you would participate with attentiveness and vigor.

Your love nature is extremely romantic, and it is truly difficult for anyone to measure up to your expectations. You've mesmerized yourself to escape from the abrasions of reality. Most individuals you meet disorient you, so you categorize them according to your own way of thinking. In time, when their human nature becomes painfully apparent, you are shocked in disbelief. Learn to accept people at their level of development and don't give them attributes they haven't earned or deserved. You will be admired by others for your sympathetic understanding of their 'highs' and 'lows'. You can express your imagination in artistic pursuits - designing, painting, music, or poetry. Help others by painting joy in their lives, by designing activities for them, by letting a song ring out to relieve their stresses, or by sharing tender moments in poetic escape.

Moon conjunct Neptune: The Moon represents the individual's physical mother and how she reacts to life when the person is very young. Neptune represents some characteristics of delusion or inspiration, or it clouds the mother issue. In an adult, the Moon indicates the ability to respond to life, and its sign indicates how it will be done. When Neptune conjuncts the Moon, it clouds the feelings, covers them, puts a veil around them, and it may also cloud the image of the mother so that much of her effect is confused or unclear. This makes it difficult to evaluate the mother's actions, and it deludes the individual about woman issues: how a woman should act; how a woman is expected to behave; what are 'nurturing', 'caring' and feeling'. The aspect affects males and females differently.

Moon conjunct Neptune: Both sexes have some kind of problem expressing their feelings of love on a sexual level. Sometimes it's easier to be sexy with someone you don't love, for love is such a 'spiritual' experience that physical sex can 'defile' it in some way. Men with this aspect sometimes have a woman they love and a woman they sex. Or, if the Moon is in a Fire sign, their sexuality is limited because of their idealism. Women with the aspect tend to choose spiritual relationships that may be emotionally painful - the man may mistreat them, or he may not be able to perform sexually. Sometimes this aspect appears in the charts of women who fall in love with homosexual men, so the relationship is close but the unrequited love aspect is there.

The aspect is an intuitive and sensitive one, and its owners may have many interesting psychic and intuitive experiences. It can sometimes indicate people who have a great deal of healing ability; they become involved in the mental, spiritual and physical healing of others. They are intuitive enough to be able to manifest on a creative level as well, and this sources of energy is never-ending once they learn to tap into it. The creative potential cannot be completely realized until they learn to share their feelings with another human being. This can be a most productive aspect. The blind spot toward the mother can be emphasized by other aspects in the chart; she may be the one who stands between this person and his freedom - and he can't see it.

Moon conjunct Neptune Woman: When a woman has her Moon conjunct Neptune it indicates that her mother misled her as far as the behavior of woman is concerned; therefore, she often has a distorted image of what a woman should be. The image of Woman is frequently associated with martyrdom and unrequited love. She falls in love with a person on a spiritual basis and sometimes doesn't notice that the one she has fallen in love with is a hopeless alcoholic or has psychotic disturbances. She feels guilty about sexual involvements and consequently may pick a partner who cannot relate to her sexually, or she can't relate sexually to him. She may find herself in perplexing predicaments, for she doesn't know what earthly love is. The problem stems from the fact that she doesn't know what a woman should be and how she as a woman should react. The result is often too much phony spirituality and a lot of hurt feelings. Confusion surrounds the nurturing, caring and feeling functions.

Moon conjunct Neptune Man: In a man, the aspect often clouds his emotions and veils his concepts of what a woman should be, so that when he enters into a relationship with a woman it is often with strange expectations. He thinks women are different from what they are in reality, and he is usually disappointed in their behavior. This man doesn't want to know that women go to the bathroom or wear hair curlers etc.. His mother taught him illusions and delusions, so he is eventually forced to determine from a conscious point what adult female behavior is all about.

He is also extremely intuitive; he will have intuitive feeling responses that he may not consciously understand. This can be both a blessing and a curse. If his body is so sensitive that he picks up too many vibrations from the environment, he may not know 'who' he is feeling - himself or those around him. He may be unsettled because of his intuitive response, for his sensitivity may not match his conception of a two-fisted, hairy-chested male. If he is mother-dominated, his mother can do no wrong; he seldom sees her for what she is, always covering her with a shimmering cloud of perfection. If he is father-dominated, he often bases his idea of what a woman should be on a fairy-tale image of Cinderella / Sleeping Beauty attributes. He has trouble separating his anima function from his wife or girlfriend because he often projects his anima onto her personality. His girlfriend's actions may not be akin to his anima image, so he is constantly disappointed. If he is mother-dominated, his girlfriend seldom acts as his mother told him 'good' women should.

See also: Moon conjunct Neptune;

Moon conjunct Neptune: Benjamin Netanyahu 0, Dustin Hoffman 1, Sting 1, George Orwell 2, AlexP 2, Shirley McLaine 3, Albert Schweitzer 3, David 3, Jamie 3, Robert Redford 4, Collon 4, VinG 4, Carolyn 5, George 5, Groucho Marx 6, Michelle 6, Shakura 6, Mark 8, Steve 8, Virginia 8, AndyF 9, Pete 9, Tiger Woods 10

Moon sextile Neptune

The sextile aspect poses less ambiguous problems than the conjunction, and you should find that this aspect is more comfortable and allows the releasing of your potential more easily. There will be the qualities of imagination, psychic and empathic sensitivity which are present in Moon-Neptune contacts, but these are clearer with the sextile and less liable to distortion through personal and outer perceptions.

You will be very responsive to the dimension of social relationships, obligations and service, and this could form the key foundation in your life, both in providing a sphere of employment and as one which allows your intrinsic talents and qualities to emerge. You have a heart response to negative social conditions, whether in terms of individuals, alienated minority groupings or global undifferentiated sympathies. This may attract you towards employment which involves you in dealing with social-problem areas, or at least towards associating with pressure groups concerned with areas of social deprivation and negativity. You can become quite passionate in denouncing man's lack of humanity and care for others, and feel concerned enough to add your support to more positive and beneficial causes.

You tend to be externally focused rather than inwardly preoccupied, and this can lead you to become a spokesperson for your social objections, attempting to wake the public up to those dangers or lack of care that so offend you as causing people to suffer unnecessarily.. This search to promote social remedies can help you to express your creative spirit through evocative writing, through the dissemination of relevant information such as an educational aid; some may feel drawn to crusading journalism designed to awaken the sleeping social conscience. Having high social ideals implies that one important role that you could perform is as a mediator and enunciator of proposed social progress and development. Working with the burdens of social welfare in some respect would give deep satisfaction, as through your heart response you create alternative suggestions for improvement transmitted via your inspired intellect.

You are less prone to illusions and pedestal building in your intimate relationships, as you should have a more realistic appraisal of the fallibility of human nature, and your tolerance and understanding should lead you to less disappointment in this area. Provided that you create the right channels for external activity, then both your domestic and social life should fulfill. Try not to forget that the Moon will anchor you in deep family ties, both to your parents and to any current family, and that these are probably more important to you than you may realize, especially if you become extremely involved in social action.

As you will be liable to be sensitive to the subtle psychic influences around people and environments, you may need to periodically retreat into isolation and quiet in order to inwardly cleanse and renew your energies. Your inner life and imagination can often indicate suitable directions for you to travel in, or even themes for social action, and probably many of your decisions are taken by acting on your more unconscious impulses. If such actions are taken and result in failures, then you may need to investigate your own attitudes and motivations more so that unredeemed unconscious tendencies are brought into the light, thus diminishing their power to lead you into cul-de-sacs and self-created failure.

Moon sextile Neptune: The child with this aspect is born into a family that presents a constructive emotional environment. The mother is symbolized by the Moon placement in the chart, and the Neptune energy is handled in a positive way with this aspect. She teaches her child, through her own example, to respond to a creative atmosphere: she works well with her search for spirituality, she moves in a direction that involves her personal spiritual development. The child may not grow up to understand his mother's spiritual interests, but because she had them the child will be free to develop his own as he matures and discovers his direction.

The moon sign indicates how the child will respond emotionally; the Neptune sign indicates the child's creative bent. The house placements of the sextile will indicate the area of creative response.

Moon sextile Neptune: The Moon sextile Neptune indicates that you have a vivid imagination. You are psychically sensitive and have the intellectual skill for expressing yourself creatively. Your deep feelings urge you to respond to your social obligations in some way. Decayed or otherwise unacceptable social conditions arouse sympathetic anxieties within you. You are reasonably explicit in voicing your objections, and you can stimulate public anger to remedy conditions among the socially or economically disadvantaged.

Your involvement with the outside world provides you with several excellent career outlets. Writing is particularly recommended as a profession, as well as any other work associated with the gathering of facts and dissemination of truth. The essential factor is for you to serve as intermediary for the public welfare. Another possibility would be to work on a newspaper 'task force' investigating the activities of public officials who are alleged to be serving themselves rather than the public. You have a capacity for alleviating people's burdens. As a doctor you could skillfully diagnose complaints; as an artist you could easily convey any message or sentiment; as a nutritionist you could serve the masses by advocating better eating habits.

You are sensible about personal relationships and are rarely upset when people demonstrate their failings. Your understanding and tolerance enable you to fully experience all levels of human expression. Be careful, however, not to overcompensate for those who may deliberately exploit your natural desire to be helpful.

You should enjoy a rich and rewarding life. You are able to fulfill all your domestic obligations in addition to serving your community when required. Save some precious solitary moments for yourself in order to regain physical energy and recharge your psychic batteries.

Moon trine or sextile Neptune: Both the sextile and trine aspects of Neptune to the Moon are often found in the charts of artistic and creative people, especially those with a personal interest in increasing the amount of beauty and goodness in the environment of social life. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, form improving someone's living conditions, through more aesthetic cultural appreciations, to enjoying a well-made film or admiring an evocative painting of harmony and beauty.

The trine indicates the potential for a successful resolution of these two planetary energies, so that inner imaginative and sensitive life is integrated with a suitable form of outer expression. As there is a tendency towards environmental hypersensitivity, you need to discover a way of response that allows you to use this perception in creative ways, through revealing to others this more subtle and perhaps hidden invisible dimension of life, so that they too can appreciate and contact the vitalizing, uplifting and inspirational quality of the inner realms. This is why this aspect can often be found in those who are dedicated to film, dance and the arts as revealers of enriched perceptions of life, and where the Neptunian muse works through into the world.

You are likely to possess such innate talent, and, provided that you make the effort to manifest your inner imaginative dreams - perhaps associated with your Venus - then you can be productive. If, however, you have a weak or badly aspected Mercury, Saturn or Mars, then you may have certain obstacles to overcome before your dreams can turn into reality. Otherwise, you may be able to offer rich dramatic artistic creations for the stimulation and enjoyment of others.

Generally, you are a beneficent spirit, warm and compassionate to others and aware of the social dimension to life. Yet you may be more attuned to applying your energies in a distinctly creative manner than to being preoccupied with more direct social action, believing that creativity is the best way for you to contribute towards the advancement of society. Your interest is usually in the unfolding of individual potential, and you can place much effort into encouraging this in others, especially your family and younger people. Sometimes. though, you may be a little self-centered in attitude - especially when under the influence of an artistic muse - and prefer to be freer from social or family obligations in order to concentrate on releasing your creative spirit.

In relationships, you prefer a partner to have independent interests and the ability to be more self-reliant and not excessively dependent on you. Partners should have a corresponding artistic appreciation and sensitivity, culturally developed so that mutual understanding is present.

It may be that your creative spirit is fully satisfied by the creation of projects which can have a direct benefit for others, which contribute to improving social conditions in some way. From these you too would benefit as the quality of the social environment improves, and so diminishes the level of negative impact that it can make on you.

There can be a prophetic element in your creativity; intuition, related to people and directions, can play a vital role in your life, and art can give direction or voice to underlying social needs too. This is the psychic dimension operating; it requires attention.

Moon trine or sextile Neptune: Even when the Moon and Neptune are in harmony, they still give sensitivity, great fantasy, and introversion. For the effect of Neptune is to make it hard to see where anything begins or ends. The sole difference between the easy aspects and the conjunction is that with the former there seems to be more stability, self-expression is easier, and the native is more readily understood by others.

Not seldom, he manages (quite unintentionally) to make use of his sensitivity to undercurrents in the environment and in society. Deep down, he will detect that 'something is going on' even if he is not overtly aware of it. What he decides and does will be modified accordingly: he will go where he gets plenty of co-operation and will instinctively follow the latest trends. Therefore, although in principle Neptune has little to do with the material world, the aspects can be advantageous and can promote social and business success. Yet when he is enjoying prosperity the native is unable to say how it has come about.

Spiritual and religious interests are commonly present in the harmonious aspects, too, and the open-endedness of Neptune can give an insatiable hunger for these things. The person can be extremely idealistic and religious, but is in danger of over-enthusiasm and failure to preserve a sense of proportion.

As with the other Moon/ Neptune aspects, the native can do a great deal of creative work, or can develop a fine insight into the creations of others. He senses references and atmospheres, and has a greater appreciation of the emotional world enshrined in, say, a painting than would be gained by analyzing each brush stroke.

As I have already said, the harmonious Moon / Neptune aspects impart a great need for a personal dream world. Now, because the person with these aspects finds little to distract him externally, he must be careful to avoid absorption by this inner world.

Moon trine or sextile Neptune: The contacts of these two bodies are not easy to interpret, for they operate in many seemingly diverse ways. Both the Moon and Neptune affect the emotional nature, and the action of the latter is greatly to sensitize it and as it were enlarge its scope. Perhaps the dominant feature is the desire to do something great and unusual. In the more ordinary types we find chiefly a desire to do comparatively usual things in an unusual manner or on a grandiose scale. In more exceptional horoscopes, the desire takes all sorts of strange forms.

The contacts are undoubtedly beneficial in a worldly sense, tending to bestow wealth and ease, and very often there are more of the good things of life than the native seems to merit; he may benefit considerably by others' brains and toil, and may be a conscious or unconscious parasite.

It is specially good for the numerous Neptunian features of modern business, such as hire-purchase.

In some cases there is much spiritual ambition, inclining, if the rest of the chart shows afflictions, to great unbalance. The aspects have a mediumistic and spiritist side, for Neptune has particularly intimate relations with the so-called 'astral plane'; but this tendency has been exaggerated, and is more commonly found under other aspects to Neptune.

It is a rather unsatisfying configuration, for there is no boundary to the aspirations of Neptune, and we often find an overweening desire to push further and further ahead, without due acceptance of the limitations which mundane conditions necessarily impose upon all of us. (This difficulty of adjusting spiritual longings to earthly conditions is at the root of most, and perhaps of all, Neptunian ordinations.

See also: Moon sextile Neptune;

Moon sextile Neptune: George Bush, Sr. 0, Johnny Depp 0, JerryH 0, James Dean 1, Cynthia 1, Johnny Cash 2, Mother Teresa 2, Shirley Temple Black 3, Jyothi 3, Joseph Ratzinger 4, J 4, Jason 4

Moon square Neptune

The main challenge facing you with the square aspect is that of discrimination between reality and unreality, between fact and fiction, and the consequences of confusion when these are not correctly perceived and established within consciousness. Volatile and tidal emotions and feelings are often intertwined with your imagination so that your perceptions are clouded by personal bias and fantasies. There is a tendency to change experiences in your own mind so that they fit more acceptable emotional patterns, yet through distorting real experiences and re-creating your memories illusion spreads until your accounts of the past and reality are at odds with those of others. Attempts to warp realities, especially those concerning others, are never welcomed and are a source of conflict within relationships. Insisting that you are right - even against the recall of several others - will eventually generate antagonism, as no-one enjoys having their reality and memory threatened by others, even if they are family members. Alternatively, you may resort to imaginatively building inner landscapes to escape into that are populated by personally satisfying fantasies; the dangers here lie in their intrusion into everyday reality.

You often feel uncomfortable with your feelings and emotions as they are not easily assimilated and integrated by you, and being liable to moods you find it difficult to feel centered in any stable emotional pattern of responses to people and life. There may have been some emotionally based difficulties in your parental relationships, especially to your mother, where emotional needs were not satisfied or where you imagine failings to have occurred. You tend to resist accepting responsibility, and can display anti-social behavior, perhaps being contrary as a knee-jerk reaction to those inner feelings of pain and disappointment regarding social expectations, deliberately refusing to express any potential at all, acting only to assert a hurt negativity.. Possibly your earlier home life was one of change, tension, stress and confusion, maybe a broken home or an unsatisfactory parental marriage whose psychic impression has been left on you. In many ways you often feel that you are holding back the floodgates from bursting open, and these can be stresses emanating from your unconscious mind caused by unresolved and blocked powerful emotions which are seeking a cathartic release. Fear can result from this, a fear which manifests itself in a variety of ways, for example that of overstretching yourself or that of allowing yourself to be vulnerable within relationships. To diminish these pressures, some allow themselves to fall into the grip of addictions, drugs, alcohol, forms of sexual and emotional indulgences, searching for those brief periods of blankness from reality.

Yet none of this is inevitable or essential to experience. Changes can be successfully made by working with those intrinsic assets which you may have blocked so far, or whose presence you may have denied, rather than acknowledging them as gifts. Imagination is present; this can be used in positive ways. What you need to do is to build positive images of a 'new you' who has less of a chip on your heart, and who is prepared to change into a more creative and loving person.

Understanding your own nature is the first step towards being tolerant of others' weaknesses and strengths, so some form of inner psychological enquiry is required. Releasing pent-up emotional tension is essential, and should be carefully done, probably with the aid of trained counselors or psychotherapists, because too great and sudden an emotional explosion of pressures may be more damaging than healing. Types of body work, manipulation and massage could possibly be additionally beneficial too. Acknowledging the hurt or anger in your emotions is necessary, but do not be self-condemnatory about this; accept that it is there and resolve to release it in order to allow healing to happen. Be more open and honest in relationships concerning any feelings of confusion; try not to let them fester inside. Organize your life more consciously, determine suitable directions and aims, although ensure that they are realistic and that you can persevere in any commitment needed to achieve them, perhaps starting with easier short-term objectives. Take things steadily during this period of re-creation, for change rarely happens overnight and always needs a thorough integration into the personality. Be cautious, and begin to relate more consciously with the material level, allowing those inevitable limitations to become a necessary structure for you to grow within. Work with others, so that you realize that all need support and guidance at times in their lives from others who may be perceptive on a clearer level. Believe in your own potential, and determine to allow it access into your life.

In so doing, you can transform the negative aspects of the square into positive assets. Preferably work with more down-to-earth schools of therapy, which can then ground you better, rather than following a natural tendency towards more imaginative escapism, which can result in involvement with any religious / mystical cults that aim to fly in holy skies of grandeur and hallucinations rather than experience real life. Try to keep away from attempts to develop psychic or mediumistic abilities, as these can throw you back into that confusion of reality-unreality.

Moon square Neptune: The Moon square Neptune shows that you have difficulty in separating fact from fiction. Your highly developed imagination causes some confusion when you are faced with reality. You often 'adjust' the reality to what is emotionally tolerable to you. When this is not possible, you may artificially create an environment to which you can escape. You tend to reject your responsibilities, feeling that you are being persecuted by them. Your negative reaction to socially acceptable behavior may cause you to become a parasite and wastefully allow your vast potentials to disintegrate. If you will use it, your extreme sensitivity could be put to use in developing organizations to relieve socially depressed conditions. No-one needs to study human nature more than you, and, for this, an education is absolutely necessary.

Your early parental conditioning has not prepared you to accept the challenges of the harsh outer world of competition. Fear of the unknown is the greatest deterrent to your success. Your professional activities should relate to earthly enterprises in which your decisions must be approved by someone else. Be especially careful not to become involved in any suspicious alliances. When in doubt about such an alliance, reject it immediately. You are vulnerable to treachery from others who won't hesitate to dump their negative results on you. Be realistic in your ambitions and aim for goals that can be attained within the near future. Proceed with caution, one step at a time, knowing you can redefine your goals as you achieve them.

You should ask a trusted confidential friend or professional advisor to help you find the proper perspective for your creative potentials. Don't trust to luck to see you through the initial stages of your personal or professional relationships. Believe only some of what you see, and none of what you hear.

Your greatest guilt results from letting misunderstandings grow and fester between you and your mate. What you don't know can hurt you. Eat nutritious food and be especially careful that cleanliness is a habit, not an accident. You are more open to infection than most, and must take precautions to maintain good health.

Moon square Neptune: The energy of this aspect manifests itself much like the Moon-Neptune conjunction, except that it is less productive. The Moon indicates how we respond emotionally, and this response is learned from the mother during the first three years of life. Neptune indicates creativity, inspiration and delusion. When this planet squares (or works against) the Moon, it usually indicates that some delusion is at hand. The circumstances of the delusion are an unknown factor of the childhood. The delusion can range from the fact that the mother 'played around' but told everyone that she was a 'goody-two-shoes' to the fact that family members lied about her. At any rate, the child born with this aspect is misinformed either by the mother herself or by the family members.

This aspect is difficult for it means that the person doesn't have a clear picture of his mother image and cannot see how she did or didn't influence his childhood. If the person is mother-dominated, he may blame the state of his emotional problems on his father because Mother told him he should. The other aspects in the chart will either verify her story or show the individual that Mother needs to be investigated in order to gain freedom from her influence. In the case of the father-dominated person, the mother is not so important and the father may be favored, or the role Mother played may not be considered as important. In either case, the individual needs to understand the mother in order to develop the feminine function, the feeling and intuitive side of the self.

It's especially important to understand the truths of our early childhood when we are unable to live adult lives free of parental influence. If we go from one unproductive situation to another, the root cause is often within ourselves: and it is by determining what kind of 'normals' we absorbed as children that we can ultimately let go of the problem. The investigation of family patterns will not be successful when pursued with vengeance. As we mature, we begin to understand that misunderstandings created between children and parents are done by accident.

Moon square or opposite Neptune: The significance belonging to Moon / Neptune aspect generally also belongs to the hard aspects in particular, but it is not very easy to come to terms with this energy. There are problems. For one thing, we are oversensitive; for whenever the Moon influences us to look for safety we experience a vague but unmistakable uneasiness because of the undermining, blurring effect of Neptune. Naturally, we tend to lose confidence instead of gaining it. Several unfortunate things may occur. For example, a longing for reassurance may make us too self-sacrificing. Or we may misinterpret other people's feelings - a common occurrence with these hard aspects - and fail to respond appropriately. Often we invite disillusionment, due perhaps to some infatuation; simply because we imagine everything to be more beautiful than it is, as if it were part of a storybook world. Or, by taking things the wrong way, we may sometimes appear to be deliberately manipulative and full of intrigue.

Neptune's hard aspects are supposed to be typical of cheats and swindlers. However, the astrologer should not forget that the reason for the bad behavior lies mainly in defective subconscious perceptions or emotions. Therefore we ought not to assume that the native is out to deceive us. In fact the effect can be more droll than sinister; and the native's Neptunian fantasizing can make events so bright and colorful to him that he revels in things that have not really happened. Needless to say, these aspects can be accompanied by great creativity in art and handicrafts.

Religious and spiritual interests play a part, as in all Neptune aspects. The native is continually searching, since he is very active on the Neptunian plane. With the tense aspects, he can arouse a certain amount of opposition from those around him, but this can be extremely stimulating as it can promote his spiritual growth.

Moon square or opposite Neptune: These aspect tend in the case of men to a kindly, rather easygoing character, and the probability of complications with the other sex, and probably scandal. Much must, as always, depend on other parts of the chart, but as a general rule it is a scandal-engineering influence. It also often causes the wife to be an invalid, a recluse, or a nag. Neptune has high ideals, and under affliction is prone to apply them mercilessly, sometimes to the person with the affliction, sometimes to others; perhaps to both the self and others. Discontent and complaints ensue. An inability to rest satisfied with anything short of perfection is a common and a tormenting condition.

In affairs there is a tendency to intrigue, and to seek short-cuts and get-rich-quick methods. There is sometimes a subtle interior laziness, which shuns definite matter-of-fact views, and seeks to meander in fantasy. A legitimate outlet for these romantic tendencies is very much to be desired in such cases.

Moon square or opposite Neptune: I have known instances wherein the square seems to have denoted a parasitical tendency, the native being of an easy-going, put-off-the-evil-day type, but as a rule receiving help in his difficulties from others.

The tendency to resort to spiritualistic practices is common under these configurations; and this I attribute to the inborn desire of the Neptunian to rise to something above and beyond earthly interests. Moreover, the 'messages' delivered by mediums are often of a comforting and optimistic character, and this is helpful to the anxious frame of mind that Moon-Neptune afflictions are apt to generate. Further, Neptune, through its connection with the 12th house, has an affinity with death and the dead, and these aspects sometimes cause the native to be obsessed by thoughts of the hereafter. These proclivities seem commoner in women than in men, whose activities depend on solar rather than lunar configurations.

Moon square or opposite Neptune Woman: In women there is a high emotional tension with various forms of manifestation. From a moral point of view they run from the deceptive and untruthful to those who are unreliable owing to the instable character of their feelings. There is also a distinct liability to be deceived by others and to suffer various forms of disillusion. Neptunian traits often appear in the husband even with the lunar affliction, and similarly with the father. This, I know, is quite contrary to accepted teachings, in which the moon is always referred to the mother, but the evidence is pretty clear. Thus, running down my list of six female cases with Moon in bad aspect to Neptune, I find: two cases where the father was a minister of religion, two where he was an artist, and two where he was a muddler.

Moon square or opposite Neptune Man: In the case of men it seems that one or other of the parents is often of a harsh ¬sometimes a rigid disciplinarian or Puritanical type. I have noticed this in several cases wherein the Moon was afflicted only by Neptune.

See also: Moon square Neptune;

Moon square Neptune: Komala 0, Ludwig van Beethoven 1, Flickinger 1, Warren Buffett 2, Salvadore Dali 2, Al Pacino 2, Peter Sellers 2, Victoria 2, Lina 3, GaryCl 4, Shiloh 4, Yarrow 4, George Carlin 5, John Dee 5, Arnold Schwarzenegger 5, Jeff 5, Sigmund Freud 6, Geoff 6, Bernie

Moon trine Neptune

Both the sextile and trine aspects of Neptune to the Moon are often found in the charts of artistic and creative people, especially those with a personal interest in increasing the amount of beauty and goodness in the environment of social life. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, form improving someone's living conditions, through more aesthetic cultural appreciations, to enjoying a well-made film or admiring an evocative painting of harmony and beauty.

The trine indicates the potential for a successful resolution of these two planetary energies, so that inner imaginative and sensitive life is integrated with a suitable form of outer expression. As there is a tendency towards environmental hypersensitivity, you need to discover a way of response that allows you to use this perception in creative ways, through revealing to others this more subtle and perhaps hidden invisible dimension of life, so that they too can appreciate and contact the vitalizing, uplifting and inspirational quality of the inner realms. This is why this aspect can often be found in those who are dedicated to film, dance and the arts as revealers of enriched perceptions of life, and where the Neptunian muse works through into the world.

You are likely to possess such innate talent, and, provided that you make the effort to manifest your inner imaginative dreams - perhaps associated with your Venus - then you can be productive. If, however, you have a weak or badly aspected Mercury, Saturn or Mars, then you may have certain obstacles to overcome before your dreams can turn into reality. Otherwise, you may be able to offer rich dramatic artistic creations for the stimulation and enjoyment of others.

Generally, you are a beneficent spirit, warm and compassionate to others and aware of the social dimension to life. Yet you may be more attuned to applying your energies in a distinctly creative manner than to being preoccupied with more direct social action, believing that creativity is the best way for you to contribute towards the advancement of society. Your interest is usually in the unfolding of individual potential, and you can place much effort into encouraging this in others, especially your family and younger people. Sometimes. though, you may be a little self-centered in attitude - especially when under the influence of an artistic muse - and prefer to be freer from social or family obligations in order to concentrate on releasing your creative spirit.

In relationships, you prefer a partner to have independent interests and the ability to be more self-reliant and not excessively dependent on you. Partners should have a corresponding artistic appreciation and sensitivity, culturally developed so that mutual understanding is present.

It may be that your creative spirit is fully satisfied by the creation of projects which can have a direct benefit for others, which contribute to improving social conditions in some way. From these you too would benefit as the quality of the social environment improves, and so diminishes the level of negative impact that it can make on you.

There can be a prophetic element in your creativity; intuition, related to people and directions, can play a vital role in your life, and art can give direction or voice to underlying social needs too. This is the psychic dimension operating; it requires attention.

Moon trine Neptune: With the Moon trine Neptune you sometimes express your creativity in a prophetic way. Your inner and outer selves are well integrated. In other words, you react to outside stimuli imaginatively and creatively. You are inventive in the artistic sense and can dramatically communicate your aesthetic experiences. You are deeply appreciative of the finer things in life, for they enrich you in many ways every day.

In your professional activities, you generate warmth and genuineness. You radiate affection and appreciation for creative efforts. Spiritually you are 'in tune', although you are not necessarily a religious fanatic. You are dutiful and aware of social obligations in your church, social club, civic affairs, or programs that serve worthwhile causes. However, you do not necessarily feel within yourself the need to help those who won't help themselves. Apathy is your singular liability.

On the domestic scene, you would particularly enjoy observing and nurturing your family's creative potentials. However, you may choose not to have a family, merely to keep your present mobility and freedom. Young people are sensitive to you and can gain much from your participation in their affairs. They feel comfortable in your company and will co-operate with your efforts to assist their developing talents.

In personal relationships, you usually require that others have a variety of interests. You offer much to those who interest you, and you are willing to serve their desires if your efforts are appreciated. You are drawn especially to educated and refined individuals. Although you find the negative elements of your environment distasteful, your activities are not inhibited by them. You may even cultivate programs to bring about more acceptable social conditions. Your best development lies in actively contributing your vast resources for the benefit of others.

Moon trine Neptune: This aspect indicates a child born into a home where spiritual development is important to the mother. The mother needs to relate to something in a spiritual sense, and the child sometimes avoids developing spiritually because he thinks that he must walk the same spiritual path Mom did. This person needs to learn that we each find our own paths and determine our own values.

The trine aspect fosters energy for spiritual insight. The individual needs to be creative, needs to learn to meditate, needs a chance to grow spiritually. Out of a meditative mind comes new ideas, inspirations that are received on a feeling-intuitive level. However, creativity is limited as long as the body will not permit emotional relationships. Since the body is the 'temple of the soul', it need to be nourished and loved as much as the soul it houses. This aspect can cause a person to be so involved with spiritual or universal love that he forgets to live in this world.

The mother was a productive influence in the childhood and both males and females with this aspect are looking for a spiritual type of personal relationship. However, they may not be prepared for a close relationship, one that involves caring and sharing both mentally and physically, because love may have been reserved for an ethereal plane.

Moon trine or sextile Neptune: Even when the Moon and Neptune are in harmony, they still give sensitivity, great fantasy, and introversion. For the effect of Neptune is to make it hard to see where anything begins or ends. The sole difference between the easy aspects and the conjunction is that with the former there seems to be more stability, self-expression is easier, and the native is more readily understood by others.

Not seldom, he manages (quite unintentionally) to make use of his sensitivity to undercurrents in the environment and in society. Deep down, he will detect that 'something is going on' even if he is not overtly aware of it. What he decides and does will be modified accordingly: he will go where he gets plenty of co-operation and will instinctively follow the latest trends. Therefore, although in principle Neptune has little to do with the material world, the aspects can be advantageous and can promote social and business success. Yet when he is enjoying prosperity the native is unable to say how it has come about.

Spiritual and religious interests are commonly present in the harmonious aspects, too, and the open-endedness of Neptune can give an insatiable hunger for these things. The person can be extremely idealistic and religious, but is in danger of over enthusiasm and failure to preserve a sense of proportion.

As with the other Moon/ Neptune aspects, the native can do a great deal of creative work, or can develop a fine insight into the creations of others. He senses references and atmospheres, and has a greater appreciation of the emotional world enshrined in, say, a painting than would be gained by analyzing each brush stroke.

As I have already said, the harmonious Moon / Neptune aspects impart a great need for a personal dream world. Now, because the person with these aspects finds little to distract him externally, he must be careful to avoid absorption by this inner world.

Moon trine or sextile Neptune: The contacts of these two bodies are not easy to interpret, for they operate in many seemingly diverse ways. Both the Moon and Neptune affect the emotional nature, and the action of the latter is greatly to sensitize it and as it were enlarge its scope. Perhaps the dominant feature is the desire to do something great and unusual. In the more ordinary types we find chiefly a desire to do comparatively usual things in an unusual manner or on a grandiose scale. In more exceptional horoscopes, the desire takes all sorts of strange forms.

The contacts are undoubtedly beneficial in a worldly sense, tending to bestow wealth and ease, and very often there are more of the good things of life than the native seems to merit; he may benefit considerably by others' brains and toil, and may be a conscious or unconscious parasite.

It is specially good for the numerous Neptunian features of modern business, such as hire-purchase.

In some cases there is much spiritual ambition, inclining, if the rest of the chart shows afflictions, to great unbalance. The aspects have a mediumistic and spiritist side, for Neptune has particularly intimate relations with the so-called 'astral plane'; but this tendency has been exaggerated, and is more commonly found under other aspects to Neptune.

It is a rather unsatisfying configuration, for there is no boundary to the aspirations of Neptune, and we often find an overweening desire to push further and further ahead, without due acceptance of the limitations which mundane conditions necessarily impose upon all of us. (This difficulty of adjusting spiritual longings to earthly conditions is at the root of most, and perhaps of all Neptunian ordinations.)

See also: Moon trine Neptune;

Moon trine Neptune: Samp 0, Sri Aurobindo 2, Mahatma Gandhi 2, Bobbie 2, Travis 2, Angelina Jolie 3, Jack Parsons 3, Bram 3, Leen 3, Ty Cobb 4, Bob Dylan 4, Antonio 4, Elijah 4, Farmer 4, Marlon Brando 5, George Patton 5, Karl Renz 5, Gore Vidal 5, JerryP 5, Mick Jagger 6, Nisargadatta 6, Andrew 6, Elroy

Moon quincunx Neptune

With the Moon inconjunct Neptune you are sympathetic toward others. You demonstrate how much you care by offering service when help seems needed. Because of your deep-feeling nature, it is difficult for you to remain detached. You are like a mother hen seeking to protect her brood when danger threatens. Unconsciously, however, you are constantly seeking situations in which you can persecute yourself. Thus you are able to spiritually fulfill your social obligations and justify your deep response to them. Your imagination works overtime in creating problems to solve.

In your professional affairs, you overextend yourself unnecessarily, which may anger your co-workers. Such fields as medicine, social programs for public welfare, or counseling at youth camps would enable you to make an important contribution to society. You could derive much satisfaction from such service. Your greatest problem is to find a valid outlet both for you and for those you serve. In any endeavor you must determine the limits of your responsibilities and avoid volunteering for additional tasks. Your physical constitution cannot tolerate abuse. Good food, nutritiously prepared under clean conditions, is absolutely necessary.

Your romantic interests may prove disappointing until you can relate to others honestly and realistically. It is not easy for you to see people as they really are. You tend to project on them qualities they can't possibly live up to, and you feel let down when they don't measure up to your expectations. You are also vulnerable to deception by people who misrepresent themselves. You will have many unsatisfactory alliances until you learn to insist that others establish their credentials before you become inextricably involved.

You are a romantic and can find solace through artistic pursuits or any creative expression. Your inspiration can effectively enrich your private moments with serenity.

Moon quincunx Neptune: In the inconjunct, we seldom understand why we are so sensitive and vulnerable. We feel that something is wrong somewhere, but exactly what it is escapes us. In general, we feel very insecure and ill-at-ease, and tend, perhaps more than we would like, to pick up emotional trends in our environment and to reflect them as if they emanated from us. This hardly improves our rather poor self-image.

Neptune spoils endeavors whenever we look for security (Moon), yet, because the forms of behavior represented by Neptune and the Moon have such different objectives, we often fail to understand the problems. In many areas there is often a sense of having no grip on ourselves or a sense of inferiority; and this can result in shyness, or in the need to be subservient, and we may be prepared to be completely self-sacrificing.

In relationships, people with the Moon inconjunct Neptune can so idealize the partner that they doom themselves to eventual disillusionment. Often, they experience difficulty in finding the right partner; and, anyway, they are so vulnerable, and so incapable of being satisfied owing to Neptune's lack of fixed boundaries, that few partners could cope with them (which is also to some extent true of the other Moon / Neptune aspects).

The inconjunct can make these natives over-eager to see things from the other person's point of view. (Unconscious) identification with others can damage self-reliance, but does give them the empathy needed for social and welfare work. As in all Moon / Neptune aspects, originality and artistry are great. Once they realize that self-doubt has no basis, they can invest sensitiveness in outstanding service and creativity.

Moon quincunx Neptune: There is a strain between the feelings, the emotional responses and the creative urges with this aspect. The Moon represents the individual's physical mother and how she responds to her child. Neptune indicates the creative inspiration or delusion of a generation. Neptune quincunx the Moon adds a strain here: the need for spiritual development and the dreams and goals in life are often different from the feeling function. The intuitive awareness that comes from Neptune disagrees with the emotional responses symbolized by the Moon.

When this person listens to intuition, he may hear two voices, neither of which is strong enough to outweigh the other - just strong enough to create suspicion within himself. Ideals interfere with emotional needs, and the two kinds of energy need to be expressed in some constructive way. The keywords of the signs and planets can be of help in understanding this dilemma.

See also: Moon quincunx Neptune;

Moon quincunx Neptune: Bill Hicks 0, Bobby Fischer 2, Meryl Streep 2, Dewitt 2, Jack 2, Nancee 2, Seligma 2, Meher Baba 3, OmNi 4, Nicole 4

Moon opposite Neptune

There are several similarities between the opposition's effects and those of the square aspect between Neptune and the Moon, although with the opposition the inner tension and stress is more projected outwards into the world so that it is reflected back by other people and the environment.

You tend to look for the solutions to your problems in the outer world, often by forms of dependency on others, or by misidentification with people, places or material possessions which seem to offer some sense of security and respite from those inner pressures of emotional confusion. By doing this, you are liable to fragment an already fragile emotional nature, and by displacing your centre you are liable to suffer a loss of motivational and directional cohesiveness to your life.

As is common with these planetary contacts, there is an over-imaginative production of illusions, where the boundaries of truth and fiction become blurred at the edges. It is within your more personal and intimate relationships that these illusions are probably most active and observable, especially as they tend to create distortions, disorder and confusion in communication. There can be friction in your home life, partly as a consequence of your projections of unresolved stresses and illusions onto others, and this is likely to continue until you withdraw these projections back into yourself and resolve them.

At times you may feel trapped within your lifestyle, aching to become free of any situations that you feel are oppressing you. You often respond to such feelings by attempts at escapism, tending to prefer 'running away' from problems rather than confronting them in an effort to resolve them. In some cases this leads to the common Neptunian addictions towards drugs and alcohol as easily available 'remedies', which of course they are not: they are just crutches that only add to your existing difficulties.

This psychic emotional sensitivity and empathy to people and environments tends to be very influential, and you tend to absorb all impressions without any protection or discrimination. These add to your emotional insecurity and instability, as well as to that tendency to allow yourself to be used by others for their own advantage. These inner conflicts reflect the Neptunian tendencies towards being a victim, rather than a voluntary sacrifice, and you may find that the inner tensions become reflected externally in your physical body through a psychosomatic reaction.

Yet if such a situation is afflicting your life, then it need not remain this way; it can be improved through conscious change. Underlying the emotional vulnerability and lack of confidence is a reservoir of creative talent that can be used; the difficulty lies in being able to clear a path for it to flow through into manifestation, and to do so requires the transformation of inhibiting emotional patterns. If you seriously choose to apply yourself, then perhaps through disciplined training and tuition you could unlock the closed doors to this inner imaginative talent and release that frustrated energy.

You need to learn how to stand firmly within your own light, to be powerful and centered in your own being, rather than relying on others or displacing your centre into the external world. Your challenge is to be yourself, not to compare your abilities with others', bemoan your fate and feel envy regarding the successes of friends. You will have enough struggle to reorient your own established patterns of behavior, but the effort will certainly be worthwhile and dissolve all those restrictive emotionally based festering inner poisons; the task is that of re-creation and renewal, a second birth. Self-confidence will improve as each small step is taken and you begin to observe the improvements that are happening, and slowly you'll believe that you can exploit that reservoir of hidden potential that is so deeply located within you. You'll start to re-clarify your aims and intentions in life, piecing together a new direction to travel, forging a lifestyle that fits you and which does not generate friction through inner frustration and conflict. You'll feel strong enough to follow your own counsel, trusting in the validity of those inner promptings, and finally being able to take advantage of your acute sensitivity, appreciating the perception that it offers of an enriched life, and of how it can be used positively for the benefit and support of others instead of being a source of emotional anguish in an unbalanced and confused psyche. Relationships will improve as clarity depends through more realistic appraisals and understanding, plus the awareness to make essential compromises and adjustment to live harmoniously with a partner. The joys of a stable domestic life will be revealed, instead of the traps and limitations that you have previously experienced; and your old ideals of perfection will be recognized as illusions that are dissipating in the wind, so that you are not chasing rainbows in the sky but accepting and loving real human nature, that of your partner and yourself. Your projections lose their force and are reabsorbed within yourself to be broken down to liberate that blocked energy. These are the potentials that are yours to grasp with this aspect; living with its negative impact and an unintegrated Neptune is the other alternative if you choose not to make the transformation that is indicated.

Moon opposite Neptune: With the Moon opposition Neptune you are extremely talented and creative. Because you respond so deeply to stimuli, you may have difficulty in separating truth from fiction. The illusions you create about yourself and others make your relationships disorderly and confused. You become deeply involved with and even entrapped by the conditions of your environment. You closely identify with other people, places, and things, and in the process sometimes lose your own identity. An escapist, you are trying to avoid finding a solution to your own emotional insecurity and instability.

Although you are creative and have much artistic appreciation, you may find it difficult to express this in a useful way. Others sometimes use you as a means for their own self-expression, which makes you feel abused. You should develop your talents through training. In this way you can define your objectives without relying on people who may not have your best interests at heart. It is important not to compare yourself with others. You need self-confidence to assure yourself that you can succeed without outside help. People will climb over you, if you allow them to.

In your professional skills, you underestimate your potentials and tend to assume that others are more qualified. Because you are extremely sensitive and exquisitely aware of other people's problems, you could be a fine doctor, analyst, counselor, or researcher. You work best alone and can accomplish a great deal when not distracted by others who may be parasites.

Your personal relationships suffer from the same illusions as your other interests. Satisfying romantic alliances require your realistic attention and willingness to make necessary adjustments. The love between you and your mate must include acceptance of domestic responsibilities and human frailties, and the understanding that compromise can avert estrangement. Remember that the ideal is an illusion that rarely exists and that would not be recognized even if it did.

Moon opposite Neptune: This aspect works much like the Moon-Neptune conjunction or square except that the opposition seems to also include a feeling of loss. The moon represents the physical mother and how she responds to raising us during our formative years. We learn our emotional responses from hers. Neptune symbolizes the creative instinct, inspiration and delusion. When Neptune opposes the Moon, it indicates that a veil of illusion or delusion clouds our perception of our mother. Either we were told stories about her that weren't true, or she told us she was something she wasn't.

Both sexes can be drawn into strange spiritual groups and become victims of the 'professional guru' who takes their money and leads them down a path that doesn't get them anything. They both need to determine who they are; they need to define 'woman' and what she is, relationships and what they are, so that truly creative energy can manifest. If they have emotional problems that need solving, this aspect gives a clue as to where the problems originated. When children have been presented with distortions at the formative stages of development, it's difficult to shake the delusion.

The aspect indicates a kind of emotional confusion that can be most frustrating, but it also gives an intuitive ability and a creative sense; and a drive for spiritual growth and awareness that can be most exciting.

Moon square or opposite Neptune: The significance belonging to Moon/ Neptune aspect generally also belongs to the hard aspects in particular, but it is not very easy to come to terms with this energy. There are problems. For one thing, we are oversensitive; for whenever the Moon influences us to look for safety we experience a vague but unmistakable uneasiness because of the undermining, blurring effect of Neptune. Naturally, we tend to lose confidence instead of gaining it. Several unfortunate things may occur. For example, a longing for reassurance may make us too self-sacrificing. Or we may misinterpret other people's feelings - a common occurrence with these hard aspects - and fail to respond appropriately. Often we invite disillusionment, due perhaps to some infatuation; simply because we imagine everything to be more beautiful than it is, as if it were part of a storybook world. Or, by taking things the wrong way, we may sometimes appear to be deliberately manipulative and full of intrigue.

Neptune's hard aspects are supposed to be typical of cheats and swindlers. However, the astrologer should not forget that the reason for the bad behavior lies mainly in defective subconscious perceptions or emotions. Therefore we ought not to assume that the native is out to deceive us. In fact the effect can be more droll than sinister; and the native's Neptunian fantasizing can make events so bright and colorful to him that he revels in things that have not really happened. Needless to say, these aspects can be accompanied by great creativity in art and handicrafts.

Religious and spiritual interests play a part, as in all Neptune aspects. The native is continually searching, since he is very active on the Neptunian plane. With the tense aspects, he can arouse a certain amount of opposition from those around him, but this can be extremely stimulating as it can promote his spiritual growth.

Moon square or opposite Neptune: These aspect tend in the case of men to a kindly, rather easygoing character, and the probability of complications with the other sex, and probably scandal. Much must, as always, depend on other parts of the chart, but as a general rule it is a scandal-engineering influence. It also often causes the wife to be an invalid, a recluse, or a nag. Neptune has high ideals, and under affliction is prone to apply them mercilessly, sometimes to the person with the affliction, sometimes to others; perhaps to both the self and others. Discontent and complaints ensue. An inability to rest satisfied with anything short of perfection is a common and a tormenting condition.

In affairs there is a tendency to intrigue, and to seek short-cuts and get-rich-quick methods. There is sometimes a subtle interior laziness, which shuns definite matter-¬of-fact views, and seeks to meander in fantasy. A legitimate outlet for these romantic tendencies is very much to be desired in such cases.

Moon square or opposite Neptune: I have known instances wherein the square seems to have denoted a parasitical tendency, the native being of an easy-going, put-off-the-evil-day type, but as a rule receiving help in his difficulties from others.

The tendency to resort to spiritualistic practices is common under these configurations; and this I attribute to the inborn desire of the Neptunian to rise to something above and beyond earthly interests. Moreover, the 'messages' delivered by mediums are often of a comforting and optimistic character, and this is helpful to the anxious frame of mind that Moon-Neptune afflictions are apt to generate. Further, Neptune, through its connection with the 12th house, has an affinity with death and the dead, and these aspects sometimes cause the native to be obsessed by thoughts of the hereafter. These proclivities seem commoner in women than in men, whose activities depend on solar rather than lunar configurations.

Moon opposite Neptune Woman: A woman with this aspect is not quite sure of what a 'good' woman is. She also doesn't know how to respond emotionally as a woman. The aspect usually sets her up for involvements with men who are unproductive or unkind; or she cannot see that the man she loves is not what she thinks he is. Again, this can sometimes indicate the woman who falls in love but the love affair is not consummated in the sexual sense, or she marries a man who doesn't want to have sex with her after the marriage takes place.

Moon square or opposite Neptune Woman: In women there is a high emotional tension with various forms of manifestation. From a moral point of view they run from the deceptive and untruthful to those who are unreliable owing to the instable character of their feelings. There is also a distinct liability to be deceived by others and to suffer various forms of disillusion. Neptunian traits often appear in the husband even with the lunar affliction, and similarly with the father. This, I know, is quite contrary to accepted teachings, in which the moon is always referred to the mother, but the evidence is pretty clear. Thus, running down my list of six female cases with Moon in bad aspect to Neptune, I find: two cases where the father was a minister of religion, two where he was an artist, and two where he was a muddler.

Moon opposite Neptune Man: Men get a distorted image of what a woman should be when they have this aspect. This is the man whose mother tells him 'a good woman doesn't do that', and he believes her. Her description of what a 'good woman' is will influence his response to the idea of 'woman', and it also influences his ability to care and feel in his own life. He may be constantly disappointed in the women with whom he comes into contact, for none of them seems to match his mother's description.

Moon square or opposite Neptune Man: In the case of men it seems that one or other of the parents is often of a harsh ¬sometimes a rigid disciplinarian or Puritanical type. I have noticed this in several cases wherein the Moon was afflicted only by Neptune.

See also: Moon opposite Neptune;

Moon opposite Neptune: Robert Downey, Jr. 0, PapayaJ 0, Ashira 1, Wilhelm Reich 3, James Taylor 3, Silas 3, Sally Field 4, Marilyn Monroe 4, Vaslav Nijinsky 4, Swami Vivekananda 4, Stevie Wonder 4, Dick Cheney 5, Eva 5, TonyO 5, ChrisC 6, Q 7


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