nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Moon conjunct Mars

Moon and Mars contacts involve the psychological relationship between instinctive and emotional patterns with an ability to act decisively by applying a consistent will directed toward achieving aims.

The conjunction indicates you have strong emotions and feelings which influence perceptions and decisions. Their intensity may often feel uncomfortable and frightening, especially in situations of heightened passion or confrontation. You are aware that unleashing these energies often results in displays of temper, emotional outbursts, and anger, and that your sometimes belligerent style of disagreeing with others is actually a form of self-defense. Being overly sensitive to others' reactions and having emotional anxiety can create a mental state where you imagine that others criticize or plot against you. Before such situations are proven real, you are ready to retaliate.

Until a deeper integration and understanding of these energies occurs, you may find that contentious relationships continue. Those erratic and volatile emotions help to stimulate inner agitation, and this friction spills over into your exchanges with others. While you want to form better relationships, there are often problems with co-operation and trust, at work and in intimate partnerships. You are both attracted to and repulsed by emotional intimacy, often unable to deal with powerful feelings due to emotional immaturity; and others may sense these raging feelings and withdraw from closer contact. Rejection strikes into your deepest core. Reacting against the pain, you often strike out verbally with unkind words designed to damage and wound, or throw childish temper tantrums when needs are denied. You are liable to brood on any rejection, often continuing to criticize someone to friends for a long time afterward. Perceptions of losing erode a fragile self-esteem.

One of your major problems may be self-preoccupation; concerned with your private emotional world, you fail to recognize that others have needs too, and that they are also emotionally sensitive. Your world is egocentric and revolves around your desires, expecting others to serve your needs, and rejecting attempts at compromise. Being unaware of these tendencies is no excuse; failing to acknowledge that others have an equal sensitivity is a denial of reality. If you react against criticism, then so do others from you. You need to realize that others' needs are as important as yours. Compromise between all concerned is necessary to minimize conflicts. Emotional reactions distort your perceptions and evaluations, influencing choices, decisions, and actions; and sometimes these may contradict rationality.

This apparently negative portrayal of Moon-Mars conjunctions can, however, be transformed into a more positive approach. Much depends on an honest appraisal of your relationships, and of how you deal with inner difficulties, especially identifying how you project emotional frustrations onto others close to you, making these relationships fail to satisfy and later collapse. These intense feelings can be directed toward positive aims designed to shape constructive action. If you consciously attempt - even for a short time - to project yourself into the position of others and to imagine how life is from their perspective by seeing through their eyes and feeling through their heart, then your egocentric world may be transformed, and your latent sympathy and understanding awakened.

Moon and Mars can work successfully together, once inner adjustments are made; and feelings of personal anguish and frustration are reduced by developing awareness of others' needs. Then you may discover a new meaning and purpose to life. There can be a crusading spirit about this energy supported by powerful, assertive Martian qualities, which can increase persistence and opportunities for eventual success. This could initiate a real transformation.

Moon conjunct Mars: The Moon conjunct Mars indicates emotional anxiety and impatience. Your feelings are strong and always in turmoil, because you are extremely sensitive to what people say or do to you. Your imagination works overtime inferring slights against you that were never made. You defend yourself against these imagined insults by abusing the people you deal with, even though they don't deserve such treatment. In your self-preoccupation, you are sometimes unsympathetic toward people who are trying to compromise with you. In time, they will start to avoid you. When you feel threatened by persons who relate to you aggressively, you retaliate by putting them in their place. You want desperately to establish close relationships, but you don't know how to cope with them when you do. This probably started in childhood, when your parents erroneously accused you of wrongdoing.

This planetary combination does not of itself incline you toward specific professional interests. It does indicate problems in relating to your co-workers, no matter what your occupation is. When you lose, you are not especially gracious and may even imply that your competitor had an unfair advantage. In other words, you're a sore loser. You are so thin-skinned that even a minor criticism is enough to set off a temper tantrum. On the other hand, you can easily launch an almost sadistic verbal attack against another person, and then you are appalled at the response you get. There is a large inconsistency between your overly sensitive response to criticism and your indifference to other people's sensitivity.

If you wish to achieve in occupations that involve close contact with the public and / or co-workers, you will have to solve these problems.

You assert yourself in extreme ways to satisfy your emotional needs. When you are rejected, you can be incredibly unkind, even vicious and vindictive. The people you care for need a variety of human companionship, but you are blind to their needs, and your jealousy distorts your reason. You complain bitterly of being 'abandoned' by them. Compromise is something you expect from others, but you fail to see any reason to make compromises yourself.

You have a lot of homework to do before you can expect to attain peace of mind. Start by postponing any decision pertaining to a relationship until you have all the facts. Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes, to imagine what it's like to be on the receiving end of your cruel outbursts. If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that you often behave immaturely and unjustly. You have only yourself to blame if you can't get along with people. Try to assume they are not out to get you; the chances are that you have been imagining it.

Moon conjunct Mars: When security-minded behavior (Moon) fuses with the extremely energetic, fierce and executive Mars, there is a good chance that in doubtful situations we shall make it our business to go on the offensive in an impatient and quick-tempered, but also brave and enterprising, fashion. The speed of reaction that is virtually automatic in this lunar aspect may cause ruptures. Language is often forcible, and generally we do not stop to think what we are saying. Once we have had our say, annoyance is soon a thing of the past, but the consequences of plain speaking can follow us for a long time.

A good way to let off steam is physical activity; in a word, sport - preferably highly competitive sport, for Mars favors ambitious loners more than team players. The Moon/ Mars conjunction makes a tough fighter, even though sometimes the combativeness is more of the mind than of the body. When contending with someone with a Mars/ Moon conjunction, one should be aware that the antagonist has tremendous resilience. For Mars does not rule the idler, and the person whose Mars is conjunct the Moon will battle away without thinking too much about the odds.

The fighting spirit of a Moon / Mars conjunction finds a useful outlet in pioneers and in champions of various ideas. The ideas need not be reformist (or Uranus would be involved), but for them to be worth defending the native must feel they belong to him.

The aggressiveness and defensiveness of this conjunction must not be confused with militarism. The native has little patience with the strict regimentation of the armed forces; he is and remains a free spirit.

Moon conjunct Mars: The Moon represents the physical body; the physical mother of the early childhood years; the emotional nature of an individual and his responses to life experience. Mars indicates how one acts, how one expresses sexuality.

The early childhood experience reflects an emotional mother; a mother who nursed her hurts, who reacted to her husband and children when her feelings were hurt. This child learns to respond in a similar way. The adult with this conjunction will be easy to anger, will act on hurt feelings, will act out emotional upsets rather than thinking them out. He may be seen as self-destructive because he seldom considers his own safety while in the midst of an emotional trauma. As he matures, and as he experiences physical pain because of his emotional reactions, he will eventually learn to think before he acts, but this behavior will be learned.

The conjunction can indicate a person who has a great deal of anger to cope with. He either explodes and takes out his anger on someone else, or he implodes and takes out his anger on himself. The conjunction can operate explosively, implosively, or in both ways. Rather than suppressing the anger, it is more important to understand it ¬to allow oneself time to work through it (writing letters that aren't mailed, sitting on reactions for several days prior to doing anything about a situation, getting a perspective from someone else) in order to learn how to channel the energy. Mars energy is creative; anger is merely the undisciplined tip of the iceberg.

The conjunction will express differently in each sign. The Mars energy will intensify the sign qualities of the Moon. When the super sensitivity is understood, when the overreaction to the environment is understood, this energy can be used creatively.

Moon conjunct Mars: Great energies, daring, and enterprise characterize this position, and the native usually takes many risks, both physical and financial. The same two sides of Mars will show forth - the bold and outgoing and the profound and penetrating. There is sometimes a reckless, irresponsible element, moody and resentful, but on the whole it is a healthy influence, which expresses itself freely and bravely as a ruler, teacher, reformer, or constructive man of business. There is often kindness and benevolence, at least in intention, but there is a tendency to extremes in action. It makes a good martyr if other parts of the chart concur, or it may be a revolutionary or rebel. It makes a combatant, and the character of the adversaries that are chosen depends on the general nature of the birth chart.

See also: Moon conjunct Mars;

Moon conjunct Mars: Prabhuta 0, Vaslav Nijinsky 1, Mark Zuckerberg 1, Judi 1, Kay 2, Prabhukar 2, Angelina Jolie 3, LouG 3, Dunja 4, Cate 5, Gabriela 5, Raga 5, Zoë 5, Nikola Tesla 6, Ellen 6, Thomas Edison 7, Bruce Lee 7, Joanne Woodward 9, JerryH 9, Bernie

Moon sextile Mars

Both sextile and trine are probably the easiest of Mars-Moon aspects to deal with, although even the sextile can pose some difficulty when trying to juggle powerful emotions with impulses of action and desire.

Often you try to impose mental control over volatile feelings. This is because previous experience has revealed an emotional volcano lurking in your depths, which can erupt aggressively and destructively whenever emotions are provoked or when prolonged stress cannot be contained any longer. Your temper can flare at such times; and, if emotional pressure builds inside, you can become argumentative just for an excuse to release blocked energy; yet, once the energy has flowed outward and the pressure diminishes, you feel much better - the question is, how much damage have you done?

While the Martian energies encourage spontaneous, impulsive actions, the protective lunar instincts tend to pull you back, allowing time to think and re-evaluate your decisions; this usually prevents rash actions which may have detrimental consequences. Often though, the directions of your feelings and your willful actions synchronize well, co-operating to make aims achievable. One valuable asset is the temporary lunar block on impulsive action which ensures that you think before leaping.

You may be skilled with financial matters, attracted toward enterprise and commerce due to recognizing suitable opportunities. Mars increases self-confidence, providing courage and initiative to take advantage of situations, and abundant energy to combine with emotional desires to help accomplish aims. Feeling confident and secure, you relish life's challenges; and even occasional failures do not diminish faith in your abilities. You take a philosophical view that you can't win them all, and then overcome the majority of challenges. An ability to co-operate well with others is an asset; and work involving co-workers or the public can prove successful, especially as your enthusiasm is easily shared with others, who become keen to participate on common projects.

Your friendliness helps social communication; and you try to maintain decent relationships with all, attempting to resolve any disagreements by a willingness to openly discuss them and an ability to keep them in perspective. If such an approach fails, then an 'agreement to differ' is offered; and you hope that, if stalemate is reached, doors will still be left open for future resolution.

You probably recognize that your first reactions are emotional. This influences ideas and perceptions of others; so minimize this by thinking things through. If still in doubt, cautiously give others the benefit of any remaining doubts. Rarely do you seek conflict, preferring to control inner pressures that can develop through emotional vulnerability. This is something learned through life experiences and then translated into a growing maturity, understanding, and integration.

You generally enjoy and appreciate life, giving a high priority to domestic and family life, seeing home as providing a relaxed sanctuary. You prefer to release strong emotions through intimate relationships which, with a suitable partner, will flow positively and constructively.

Moon sextile Mars: The sextile between the Moon and Mars shows that you tend to react emotionally when provoked. You are aware of this, however, so you try to keep your feelings in check in order to make a logical appraisal before reacting impulsively. You will still flare up on occasion, mainly when you are feeling argumentative and want to get something off your chest. But the results of such flare-ups should not be difficult to deal with. You don't generally hold grudges, preferring to clear the air between you and the other person by discussing your differences. You will be admired for not ending your outbursts with arrogant finality. Not wanting to close the door to any relationship, you try instead to leave it ajar so you will be able to communicate with that individual in the future. This is a sign of developing maturity.

You are a vital, energetic, and exciting person you can charm people with your infectious and personable manner. You respond to people eagerly, and your enthusiasm stimulates them to respond to you as well. You are a good companion to those close to you and on good terms with most, if not all, of your friends and associates. Knowing that you react to people in an emotionally biased way, you give them the benefit of the doubt in any confrontation. Your emotional vulnerability shows that you are human and not indifferent to the feelings of others. Because you learn from your experiences, your future is brighter with hope and anticipation of continued development.

Your ability to think twice before you act allows you to avoid many unnecessary complications in your dealings with people. You do this because you know that your first response is probably based only on emotion and therefore invalid. You can succeed in any occupation that brings you into close personal contact with the public or with fellow employees. You respond to challenges and are not terribly upset if you don't succeed with all of them.

Whatever your role in life, you will enjoy and appreciate it. You value your rights enough to fight for them when you feel they are threatened. Your domestic affairs are a source of pleasure and contentment, and your home is a refuge when your job puts you under the pressure of competition.

Avoid eating when you are angry, and don't take your job home with you. Psychologically, you are a well-oriented individual without severe maladjustment between your emotions and your feelings of aggression. You should enjoy pleasing contacts with people at all times.

Moon sextile Mars: The sextile indicates a mother influence that was constructive to this person. The action taken by the mother harmonized with her emotional needs. This person therefore will be able to cope with emotional needs and sexuality in a constructive manner. The Moon represents the emotional response capability, and the Mars sextile indicates that action taken will complement the emotional nature. This person is drawn to healthy, constructive relationships. The chances are he will enjoy his work as well, for he cares (Moon) about what he does (Mars).

Moon trine or sextile Mars: Even the harmonious aspects between the Moon and Mars indicate great application, executive ability and energy. They also confer the fierceness and quick temper of the conjunction. The love of liberty is great in the sense that we will not think twice about defending our right to do whatever we most enjoy doing. We soon get our dander up over anything that irks us, no matter what others might think. On the other hand, we show elation when we feel fine, again regardless of whether it is the right time to do so. With Moon / Mars aspects we are liable to put our own interests first, though not necessarily with any evil intent. We are not easily thwarted and are sometimes startlingly blunt and tactless.

Although these are harmonious aspects, the rashness of Mars is still very much in evidence. We are both bold and reckless. Pioneering and launching fresh projects are in our blood. With Moon / Mars aspects, we do best when working on our own. The harmonious aspects make us good self-starters. Here again, sporting and similar activities are splendid for shedding surplus energy.

A woman with such an aspect is often a bit mannish and would adapt well to military life. A man with such an aspect will feel himself drawn to rather belligerent women.

Moon trine or sextile Mars: Both the good and bad contacts of these bodies operate in two distinct channels, corresponding to the positive and negative sides of Mars.

The positive side augments courage, daring, enterprise, and bodily vigor; the negative relates rather to the mental and intellectual parts, and frequently indicates a deep thinker. These two subtypes are very different; the one being essentially vigorous; the other profound. But in both cases there tends to be a practical outlook ¬it does not incline to a purely intellectual point of view though a large amount of air in the horoscope may introduce this.

Moon trine or sextile Mars: Moon-Mars aspects generally do not seem to be particularly common in the horoscopes of soldiers, despite the vigor and combativeness they engender. Perhaps they dislike the disciplinary character of army life, and are readier to enlist when war is at hand than to undergo prolonged training in anticipation of fighting at a distant date, or perhaps not at all.

Moon trine or sextile Mars Woman: For women it is commonly a very invigorating contact, endowing them with what is called 'rude health' and often producing a robust rather than a refined physique, and a tendency to be direct, outspoken, good-hearted and hard-hitting. This aspect, by itself, will often introduce a distinct Arian element into the demeanor, so that it is easy to think that this sign is heavily tenanted. Such people take life as they find it and usually enjoy it to the full without much thought for the morrow. Occasionally the worse side may appear even with the good aspects.

See also: Moon sextile Mars;

Moon sextile Mars: Aleister Crowley 0, Meher Baba 0, Jack Nicklaus 0, Tara 0, Robert 1, Jane 2, SFor 2, Virginia 2, Pete 3, Bob Marley 4

Moon square Mars

The square indicates inner tensions and frustrations related to expressing feelings and taking actions. Conflict may occur when you attempt to direct your will when instincts and emotions are not supportive or are giving contrary signals. These internal stresses may often prevent relationships or career from being fully satisfying or successful. Emotional volatility is likely; and you display periodic temper outbursts when inner pressure overflows in provocative situations.

Your inability to fully control pent-up emotions, and your tendency to interpret all experiences and comments as personally directed, keeps emotions in a state of underlying turmoil, which can later manifest as arguments and confrontation. Sometimes you seem to relish arguments as an excuse for self-assertion, although they are often more a means to release inhibited energy than a real exchange of different viewpoints. In fact, you tend to dismiss others' beliefs and opinions without respectful consideration. This, coupled with a dismissive style which can seem like a verbal attack, succeeds mainly in alienating people. Eventually there is reduced support and help from others.

If contentious temperamental displays become increasingly dominant, then psychosomatic health disorders may be one consequence, stimulated by stress through interpersonal conflict, or through repressed anger. Such symptoms of ill-health are often emotionally caused, tending to affect the intestine and stomach areas, perhaps stimulating the formation of ulcers. You need to discover how to release these agitative feelings and direct them into constructive channels, perhaps by exploring methods of relaxation or mediation, and by gradually understanding your emotional complexity through self-help techniques.

You can be self-centered, intent on pursuing your way irrespective of the impact it has on others. Sometimes you use Martian energies aggressively to gain your way, refusing adjustments and compromises with others, demanding that they appease your will and needs while denying any validity to theirs. You need to realize that 'give and take' establishes a more appropriate balance and movement of energies within relationships; you might have expectations of what you need from others, but, equally, they will demand some exchange from you.

Often instincts and emotional needs clash with your will for action, and you may feel confused regarding which to choose. This inability to know which way to turn increases frustration; and anyone offering help is likely to be rejected as interfering; you prefer to tread an independent path, even if it is a solitary one.

Fear of possible threats from others often stimulates protective instincts. This unease is likely to persist as an undercurrent through life, even though it is mainly an imaginary fear. It is often your contentious and belligerent nature which arouses the ire of others and makes social relationships complex and unsatisfactory. You need to develop self-esteem based on appreciating your nature rather than on how you make others submit to you; this type of aggressive tactic, designed to achieve a sense of superiority, gains more enemies than friends. This is especially true in a career environment, which is likely to be unfulfilling, and where pressures and self-imposed tensions have a direct influence on the rest of your life and relationships.

Despite your emotional vulnerability and sensitivity, attitudes may still remain immature and unintegrated; as a consequence, awareness and sensitivity to others is diminished. Others should be seen as enriching your life rather than posing hidden threats. You should concentrate more on co-operation and less on divisive competition. Compromise and trust will need developing, as well as a new perception extended to include the reality of others.

Acknowledge these inner stresses, and find constructive channels for energies to move outward, instead of allowing them to contaminate your life and relationships by negative frustrations. Self-discipline may be required to achieve this; you must refuse to indulge in unnecessary argumentative behavior. Attractions toward drugs and alcohol should be avoided, as they may further agitate emotions into greater volatility.

Domestic and intimate relationship problems are likely unless greater understanding and maturity is gained. Men may try to be too forceful and aggressive with women, playing a 'macho' role without much understanding and sensitivity to the female temperament, oppressing through asserting raw power without sympathy, and over identifying with the Mars energy and denying the Moon. Women may passively respond to a more dominant partner, and, in the process, deny personal instincts and emotions. These may become consigned to the unconscious, where they fester and gain hidden power, waiting for the right time to be unleashed to destroy an imprisoning life-style.

Moon square Mars: The Moon square Mars indicates that there are great obstacles in the way of successful interhuman relationships. You resist making any adjustments to other people for fear they will take advantage of you if you seem to compromise. Your feelings are vulnerable because you are so sensitive; you are always defending yourself against threats that never materialize. To justify your uncalled-for emotional outbursts, you assert your right to use any necessary tactics to protect yourself. Your lack of control creates problems where none exist, and complicates those that do. There are times when you are simply contrary in your dealings with people. You are satisfied only when others give in to your lack of maturity and indulge your need to feel you've won when you've been challenged.

Eventually you will have to grow up, or you will always suffer from the problems that arise from your lack of moderation in dealing with people. If you understand this problem, you can learn to be more compromising and derive benefits from meeting others halfway. Until you do, you will have a hard time achieving your goals because you will waste so much effort in endless arguments with your competitors. You consider an opinion that is different from yours an affront to your intelligence and competence; those who voice such opinions are assailed with your arrogant and abusive displays of temper. If you are competent, what do you have to fear? Do you need constant reassurances to bolster your sagging opinion of your own worth? If you are not competent, get the training that will enable you to stand your ground with your competitors. Your greatest drawback is your lack of self-discipline.

Your professional distress tends to cross over into your domestic life and cause painful situations to develop between you and your partner. Unless you take steps to relieve these pressures, the scars may heal with great difficulty. It is important to maintain complete separation between your domestic and professional lives to avoid contaminating both of them.

You are forceful in making demands of others, but you are not equally prepared to fulfill what is expected of you. This double standard irks the people who have to work closely with you.

The constant strain of argument and the resulting distress cannot fail to have an effect on your physical constitution. Stomach and intestinal disorders could easily develop from the keyed-up tensions and anxieties of your daily affairs.

Moon square Mars: Here the influence of the mother was not particularly helpful to the child in the development of healthy emotional reactions. The child will have to learn to develop these as an adult. The Moon represents the emotions, Mars represents action, and the square aspect represents excessive or unconstructive use of energy. In keyword language, it reads 'I act (Mars) against (square) my emotional needs (Moon)'. Sexual relations may not be emotionally fulfilling.

This person has similar traits to those of the Moon-Mars conjunction or opposition, for the action taken often stems from an overly emotional response to a situation. It may be that the person with this square is exposed to physical violence or to violent explosions of temper in the childhood years. The mother may be emotionally distraught for reasons known only to her. She may be living a life that is either uncomfortable or unhappy. The child emulates this emotional response for he knows no other.

Because Mars indicates anger, the person with this aspect is easily angered. He can react with anger and violence to unpleasant situations he encounters; or he may suppress his anger and implode, causing much internal stress and tension. Implosive energy causes weight problems and other delicate health problems to manifest. The emotional patterns need to be examined, for this person is apt to pick partners who are emotionally ungratifying, or he may even become involved with violent types of people. (It seems that when there are hard aspects between the moon and Mars, and the individual is not physically violent himself, he chooses a partner who is.) A woman may express the Moon-Mars square by choosing to live with a man who beats her; a man with the same aspect might beat his wife and children. Both the male and the female may choose a partner who doesn't satisfy their emotional needs. The excess of this aspect tends to make one angry, and the anger is eventually vented on the loved one.

Moon square or opposite Mars: Hard aspects between the Moon and Mars give a sizable dose of unrest. The influence of the Moon, which we so desperately need to make us feel comfortable, is rendered less reassuring by the Martian rashness, dynamism and unrest. It is difficult to use energy evenly, and we are liable to act on impulse. Therefore this is counted as one of the accident-prone aspects. We can harm ourselves through lack of forethought. The harm need not be physical, although this is certainly a possibility. We can also spoil relationships with other people. That is to say, due to the tension we are far too eager to make our presence felt. Self-control is definitely not our strongest point because our energy is sporadic and is therefore hard to manage.

Feelings of insecurity can make us very pugnacious; so that, whenever the emotional temperature rises, we sometimes react too angrily, aggressively or sarcastically.

In athletics, we are inclined to overdo things and are probably best suited to sports like fencing, boxing and judo or to sports which test our endurance.

Moon square or opposite Mars: The most usual effect of these aspects in the horoscopes of 'nice' people is ill-health ¬it is rare to find accidents under the Luna-Martian aspects than it is under those in which the Sun is implicated. Often the health is not robust, there are many illnesses of greater or lesser severity, and life is not likely to run its full measure, though one may point to such a case as that of Lord Balfour, who after a very delicate infancy lived to an advanced age. Alan Leo is a case wherein, after a healthy life, death came suddenly and unexpectedly. In another class we find the combative and pugnacious side of the contacts in full play.

The tendency to deep thought is common in the bad contacts, but the native is apt to be influenced too much by his emotions, and there is a rebellious and intolerant element which refuses to see any good in its opponents.

A more disagreeable type is the self-indulgent prodigal, with tendencies to drink and promiscuity. There seems always to be a certain degree of kindheartedness, of a rough and selfish kind - the sort that is kind with other people's money, or when no personal sacrifice is involved. Otherwise this contact may go with a pretty considerable blackguard, the native having little self-respect, self-control or refinement. Thus we have the cases of 'Defalcating Bank Clerk', 'Drunkard', 'Adventuress', 'Young Prodigal' and 'Opium and Alcohol'.

Sometimes there is obstinacy and self-will, and probably in all examples there is a liability to hot temper or sullenness, but it is certain that in many cases this is not very prominent.

The effects of this influence on the vocation are to incline the native very strongly to seek his own career and make himself independent of others. It points to one who strikes out his own course, and it is probably that in some of the criminal examples this course of life was adopted to avoid drudgery, routine, and control by others.

It is unfavorable for the parents, either or both of whom may die young or suffer misfortunes which will affect the whole family. Sometimes this influence seems only to extend so far as to make the parent Martian in character or occupation, and sometimes the native is brought into danger by the example of the father, or when following him. It generally denotes that the family history is not altogether a happy or prosperous one.

Moon square or opposite Mars Woman: There can be a certain amount of friction between the sexes: a woman with such an aspect is likely (often without quite realizing what she is doing) to become unusually dominant over her husband, by giving him regular tongue-lashings or (if the rest of the chart points in that direction) by flying at him in a rage every now and then.

Moon square or opposite Mars Woman: In the case of women, I think it is unfavorable because of the independence which it signifies; if there is marriage, then I believe that the husband chosen will usually be of the meeker kind, for this contact is intolerant of restraint.

Moon square or opposite Mars Man: A man with one of these aspects is liable to arouse the interest of a fierce, aggressive woman, or to have an independent-minded partner who insists on going her own way.

Moon square or opposite Mars Man: It is distinctly unfavorable for marriage in the case of males. The wife may be an invalid, meet with accidents, or be of a domineering disposition; or there may be mutual incompatibility.

See also: Moon square Mars;

Moon square Mars: Paulo 0, Travis 0, Walt Disney 1, Isadora Duncan 1, Mickey Mantle 1, Ashira 1, Al Capone 2, Bobby Fischer 2, Mahatma Gandhi 2, JerryP 2, Martin Luther King, Jr.3, Andrew 3, Duane 3, James Dean 4, Clint Eastwood 4, Joni Mitchell 4, Michael 4, Marlon Brando 5, Dick Cheney 5, Sean Connery 5, Milton William Cooper 5, Cesar 5, Jude 5, Terence McKenna 6, Donald Trump 6, Vincent van Gogh 6, JerryGr 6, Leen 6, Marybeth 6, Shakura 6, Suzanne 6, George Orwell 7, George 8

Moon trine Mars

The trine indicates that your personality can potentially integrate both Moon and Mars energies. While feelings and emotions are intense and powerful, you have confidence in your ability to handle them; they act more as a vitalizing source of energy which can be directed rather than as a flood threatening to drown you. You may discover how to channel these energies into creative and imaginative pursuits to benefit career or personal interests. You can achieve aims by focused willpower. Attention is rarely wasted on frivolous matters, and you concentrate instead on issues and projects that are meaningful and important.

Your emotional ease is communicated to others; and social and intimate relationships benefit from your open and welcoming spirit. You accept the need for compromise, and know adjustments are necessary for harmonious relationships and better social contact. With your non-threatening temperament and outstretched hand, you can develop a wide range of acquaintances and friends. You recognize that all share a common human nature and display tolerance, sympathy and understanding of people's frailties, with a worldly attitude that prevents suffering from any over idealistic expectations or illusions. Usually your perceptions are accurate and realistic, and you know that people inevitably pass through times of stress and confusion, so that you rarely condemn or criticize others through insensitive comment and attitude.

You are not gullible, however, and will steer away from those who take advantage of others or selfishly abuse their feelings. You share with those able to benefit from your company and support, appreciating others' qualities and allowing for the inevitable weaknesses which will also be displayed. While you are well balanced in both public and personal relationships, you prefer to maintain independence, especially in protecting privacy; you may become touchy if anyone crosses the demarcation lines that you have established. This indicates the lunar need to establish habit patterns and protective barriers; and, if you suspect that your rights are being ignored, you will fight any oppression or be angry at whoever is infringing upon your 'territory'. Your actions may surprise any who have not previously seen your instinctive reactions to such situations.

You meet challenges and difficulties positively, applying effort to transcend or resolve them. However, your self-image is strong enough not to collapse when failures are encountered. Obviously there will be disappointments; you take a philosophical approach to life, shrug your shoulders, and carry on. This attitude is particularly useful if you enter the business world, where your enterprising nature can prove successful, especially when you are following instincts; and acting on those feelings should usually reap profitable results.

Moon trine Mars: The Moon trine Mars indicates intensity of feeling and emotion, which you relieve by applying yourself to creative activities. You do more than just what is physically required whenever you can. If necessary, you are willing to compromise your desires by making adjustments. You meet people halfway and enjoy good relationships with a large number of friends, associates, and relatives. You may not be satisfied in all areas of your life, but then who is? On the whole you should be able to deal with people more easily than most. You have mastered the art of relating to people, and can even chastise someone without being abusive or violent. Even when you display temper or fight for your rights, you don't give an impression of hatred. You don't generally interfere with others, and prefer that they respect your right to privacy as well.

Your psychological alignment allows you to function easily with the public and in personal relationships. You are sufficiently sure of yourself that you don't feel threatened by associates or competitors. You have faith in yourself and in those with whom you enjoy a close emotional contact. When challenged, you quietly accept it and cope as best you can, but you don't get uptight if you don't succeed. Your 'easy come, easy go' attitude helps conserve your abundant energy for important matters. You have a good imagination and the energy to express it well in your job and in vocational interests. Children respond well to your influence because you don't expect them to act older than they are.

You are not afraid to express your feelings toward those you care for because you don't have any hang-ups about your affections not being returned. People can't help but be impressed with your attitude and behavior. You put others at ease and make them feel welcome in your company. But you don't warm up to persons who are dishonest with you, for they are not worth the effort. You are reasonably independent, because you don't feel emotionally obligated to anyone. Nor do you hold others to account, unless they feel it naturally. Permissive to a fault, you enjoy warm, personal relationships with many types of people. You give everyone the benefit of the doubt in fulfilling what you expect of them, but you don't ignore them when they fail. You find qualities to admire in everyone, and you don't categorize them in neat little pigeonholes.

Moon trine Mars: The mother influence on this individual is a healthy one. If the child is mother-dominated, or has a chart so aspected that he can accept what the mother has to offer, he grows to be an adult who can receive emotional relationships in a positive manner. He is receptive emotionally, he enjoys relationships, and he looks for healthy emotional involvements. He is that lucky person who picks a lover who is good for him.

He is able to participate emotionally in the work he does, enjoys the interaction between fellow employees, and participates in life from a full viewpoint. Action taken will support his emotional needs. Creative action will be full of joy. Because his emotional and sexual needs are easily expressed, he can be supportive and helpful to those he loves.

Moon trine or sextile Mars: Even the harmonious aspects between the Moon and Mars indicate great application, executive ability and energy. They also confer the fierceness and quick temper of the conjunction. The love of liberty is great in the sense that we will not think twice about defending our right to do whatever we most enjoy doing. We soon get our dander up over anything that irks us, no matter what others might think. On the other hand, we show elation when we feel fine, again regardless of whether it is the right time to do so. With Moon / Mars aspects we are liable to put our own interests first, though not necessarily with any evil intent. We are not easily thwarted and are sometimes startlingly blunt and tactless.

Although these are harmonious aspects, the rashness of Mars is still very much in evidence. We are both bold and reckless. Pioneering and launching fresh projects are in our blood. With Moon / Mars aspects, we do best when working on our own. The harmonious aspects make us good self-starters. Here again, sporting and similar activities are splendid for shedding surplus energy.

A woman with such an aspect is often a bit mannish and would adapt well to military life. A man with such an aspect will feel himself drawn to rather belligerent women.

Moon trine or sextile Mars: Both the good and bad contacts of these bodies operate in two distinct channels, corresponding to the positive and negative sides of Mars.

The positive side augments courage, daring, enterprise, and bodily vigor; the negative relates rather to the mental and intellectual parts, and frequently indicates a deep thinker. These two subtypes are very different; the one being essentially vigorous; the other profound. But in both cases there tends to be a practical outlook ¬it does not incline to a purely intellectual point of view though a large amount of air in the horoscope may introduce this.

Moon trine or sextile Mars: Moon-Mars aspects generally do not seem to be particularly common in the horoscopes of soldiers, despite the vigor and combativeness they engender. Perhaps they dislike the disciplinary character of army life, and are readier to enlist when war is at hand than to undergo prolonged training in anticipation of fighting at a distant date, or perhaps not at all.

Moon trine or sextile Mars Woman: For women it is commonly a very invigorating contact, endowing them with what is called 'rude health' and often producing a robust rather than a refined physique, and a tendency to be direct, outspoken, good-hearted and hard-hitting. This aspect, by itself, will often introduce a distinct Arian element into the demeanor, so that it is easy to think that this sign is heavily tenanted. Such people take life as they find it and usually enjoy it to the full without much thought for the morrow. Occasionally the worse side may appear even with the good aspects.

See also: Moon trine Mars;

Moon trine Mars: AndySc 0, Bobbie 0, Kyle 0, John Lennon 1, Flossie 1, Molly 1, Samp 1, Alan Arkin 2, Michael Jordan 2, John F. Kennedy 2, Paul Simon 2, Suzanne Somers 2, Gloria Steinem 2, Abbe 2, Geoff 2, JulieD 2, Mark Twain 3, Robin Williams 3, JJ 3, JT 3, Madonna Ciccone 4, Ty Cobb 4, Erin 4, Q 4, Barack Obama 5, Karl Renz 5, James Taylor 5, Robert Anton Wilson 5, Sugeet 5, Henry Kissinger 6, Shirley McLaine 6, Mother Teresa 6, BPoe 6, Sky 6, GaryCl 7, George Bush, Sr. 8

Moon quincunx Mars

The inconjunct between the Moon and Mars shows that you lack self-control in expressing your feelings. You tend to misjudge people and to form binding alliances with individuals who take advantage of your indulgence. Even when others abuse and misuse you, you never raise a hand to defend yourself. You feel powerless to oppose the oppressive demands that people make of your talents, and, when they exploit you, you are bitter and disappointed. The most disturbing result of this process is that you may become hardened in your dealings with people. Your greatest problem is to resolve the conflict between your desire to be useful to people and their expectations that you will make up for their deficiencies.

There are many occupations you can follow, for this planetary combination does not incline you in a specific direction. It shows that you are more versatile than most people in being able to handle a variety of occupations. You must be alert to the hazard of becoming locked in a job pattern in which you do all the work while others get the recognition you deserve. You might be the victim of collusion by your co-workers and have to account for their incompetence, as if you were responsible for it. Proving that you had nothing to do with it might be difficult, and you would suffer a loss from that injustice.

Resist the temptation to offer yourself to others. Although it might seem to be the only way to get people to like and admire you, you will actually lose their respect by such gestures. Mind your own business and beg off when people try to get you involved in their affairs. Take care of your own responsibilities and develop the skills that will give you the self-confidence you need to feel satisfied with yourself. You may be criticized for being selfish, but you will save yourself a lot of headaches.

You will avoid a lot of nervous irritability and emotional anxiety by keeping your distance from the people who demand your services and devotion. They need you much more than you need them.

Digestive and possibly intestinal discomforts may result when you get really uptight about situations involving people that defy a solution. Better to lose some so-called friends than take that risk. An intellectual appraisal may reveal that compromise will solve the problem. You must carefully evaluate your priorities concerning others; you may find that you should involve yourself only when your own affairs are in order. You need the calming effect of peaceful relationships and a more easy-going attitude in your other affairs.

Moon quincunx Mars: Without knowing why, people with this aspect are easily hurt and offended. They are very touchy and need little provocation before they blow up. Anyhow, whatever the reason, they are certainly suffering from tension charged with aggression. Lack of foresight is another feature of the aspect - and not only on the physical plane. Even in associations with others, they are inclined to respond much too quickly and unthinkingly simply because feelings have been aroused. Therefore they run the risk of being manipulated emotionally and of allowing themselves to be turned against people. They react indignantly because they fail to see situations in their true light.

With this aspect, these people are quite capable of standing up for friends, but self-defensiveness gives them problems. One moment they are unnecessarily fierce owing to insecurity and the next moment they back off without striking a blow. All the aggressive tension tucked away inside makes them nervous of their own behavior and so they swing from one extreme to the other. Whenever Mars is activated, the inconjunct creates insecurity because the Moon - which normally gives a feeling of safety - usually fails to come to terms with the Martian energy.

If they learn to control the Martian energy, then, just as in other Moon / Mars aspects, it can be utilized in work, sport and other demanding activities. By refusing to allow themselves to be tossed from pillar to post, they can develop greater self-reliance.

Moon quincunx Mars: Here the subtle argument between the emotional needs and the activity or sexual needs is harder to diagnose. The quincunx represents a strain similar to that of a nagging toothache, one that is not painful enough to go to a dentist about. The emotional needs, the emotional responses to universal energies, and the love requirements, are not fulfilled by either the action taken or the sexual expression chosen. The emotional needs may drive one to spend time with a person who is not sexually satisfactory; the sexual needs may drive one to spend time with someone who cannot fulfill the emotional needs; and the problem is often not discussed or even consciously faced. A hint of aggravation remains. If our actions (Mars) cause us grief, the aspect needs to be worked with. The qualities of both signs need to find expression.

See also: Moon quincunx Mars;

Moon quincunx Mars: Sri Aurobindo 0, Jim Carrey 2, Georges Gurdjieff 2, L.Ron Hubbard 2, Arine 2, DonW 2, Helen Keller 3

Moon opposite Mars

Inner tensions and unresolved issues are likely to be projected into social relationships; and this creates difficult experiences and a scene for crises or turning points.

Your inner pressures are released within relationships, through arguments, dissension, provocation, and antagonism; you take advantage of even trivial issues to turn them into energy-filled confrontations and clashes. This will obviously affect career prospects and domestic life; and these rebellious feelings will always be stimulated by anyone imposing his or her will on you through authority, orders, or criticism. Anyone crossing this line and irritating your feelings is liable to be confronted by an extremely obstinate and stubborn character. Co-workers will soon lose patience with an emotionally erratic colleague, who can suddenly become aggressive when facing criticism or personal comment; and people will learn to withdraw from contact if you behave in this way.

You feel emotionally uncomfortable; and others may find you hard to understand. You need to resolve the difficulty of instincts and emotions co-operating with an active and assertive Martian energy. Sometimes you may favor one of the planets; and, when this is temporarily Mars, you are liable to act impulsively, making sudden decisions which could be irrational, foolish, and lacking in forethought. Yet such actions may sometimes allow you to break free from restrictive situations. Expressing the lunar energy may encourage cautious self-protection, remaining with the status quo, and being afraid to move beyond familiar behavior patterns. The challenge is to unite both energies, honoring each as equally valid and necessary for a well-balanced personality.

Part of this aggressive and assertive nature may be rooted in your relationship with your mother. Childhood feelings may have been denied through a lack of emotional contact, or through having to submit to an oppressive home régime of duty and behavior. In adult life, you refuse to submit to this again, yet unconsciously repeat the pattern by attempting to impose your will on others. Hoping to gain superiority, you may be too assertive in your desire to become a leader and not a follower. This often results in a distorted self-image, both to yourself and to others, as you fall into the trap of becoming 'number one' and behaving in ways which are cold, arrogant, and overly assertive. You hate others resisting your will; and when this happens, you respond with a personal attack. Sometimes such an antagonistic stance may succeed; but eventually its costs far exceed those of other more moderate approaches.

Yet your personality can appear attractive to many; and there is certainly a validity that can intrigue some, even though it is often a distorted expression of the planetary energies. Choosing companions, both friends and lovers, is one area where weaknesses may appear, as you are often attracted to people who turn out to be unsuitable characters with equally volatile emotional difficulties. Intimate relationships may be limited to physical expression, or entered for material reasons, as you may repress the deeper emotional and subtler dimensions of interpersonal contact.

Sustaining relationships is difficult as time passes; and once initial attractions fade, relationships collapse; satiating superficial feelings is easier than dealing with your deeper needs; and you prefer to avoid these. You are drawn toward 'exciting experiences' which lead into dubious areas of life, where 'excitement' may not prove beneficial. Much depends on your choice of fellow travelers, as personality tendencies can dissipate and deplete energies if efforts are not consistently made to reunify conflicting traits. In a similar way, you may fail to fulfill promises made to others through inner changeability; and commitment and responsible behavior may not be your strongest assets.

Routines and partnerships may fail to satisfy; and reactions against fixed life-style patterns may pose relaxation difficulties, creating psychosomatic illnesses associated with stomach tensions and digestion problems.

Repressing genuine feelings is not wise. You may need to acknowledge your lunar qualities more openly, and find space in your life to allow proper expression. Lessons are needed to discover how compromise is important in developing better relations. You may need to find new forms of self-assertion, which recognize that others exist too and should be given equal respect. This can help to moderate your overbearing tendencies. Through greater insight, you can gain relationship clarity, with perspective, realism, and more positive attitudes proving highly transforming as self-centeredness diminishes. Accepting the need to live harmoniously with others can readjust your sense of proportion and help you realize that you can contribute to the well-being of all, instead of merely indulging in alienated antagonism. Transforming this imbalanced side of your nature will bring considerable personal benefits, improving self-esteem and peace of mind. Achieving this will also heal uncomfortable emotions; and, once their stressful, hidden, contaminating effect on you is reduced, you can discover a clarity of thought and decisive action which can be used for your advantage.

Moon opposite Mars: The Moon opposition Mars indicates that you are constantly involved in crises in the relationships in your life. This will continue to be true unless you can learn to compromise. Even as a young person you got into disputes over the most insignificant matters. Intense in your feelings, you are quick to strike back at criticism, no matter how innocently intended. You have a sparkling personality and are outgoing and aggressive when you meet people. But in your eagerness you sometimes choose to befriend individuals who are temperamentally unsuitable. You seek physical or material relationships and usually pay little attention to a person's other qualities. Because you don't have the patience to nourish a permanent relationship, you 'love them and leave them'. Those closest to you are alienated by your overbearing attitude. You tend to be emotionally pushy and intolerant of anyone who refuses to submit to your demands. Men with this aspect lack tenderness, while women tend to assert themselves with unusual arrogance.

Your argumentative nature may cause you some problems in your occupation, for you deeply resent criticism. You don't respond too well to authority and act very stubborn when required to follow rules. If you can learn to understand that everyone must follow the rules and that not everyone can be a leader, you may succeed very well. Your aggressiveness can be an asset in meeting competition. But you should tone down your frequent emotional outbursts, which are generally out of order in a business enterprise. You must make a special effort not to indulge yourself this way, or you will find that your fellow employees will avoid you, and your superiors will not be happy about the overall effect you create. People may be uncomfortable in your company because they know that you tend to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.

You must learn to exercise greater self-discipline in your relationships. If you do not, you will permanently alienate many people who will not tolerate your kind of abuse. Given a chance, most people are willing to meet you halfway. You can get far better results if you assert yourself in a more moderate way and try to compromise in reaching mutual understanding.

Digestive upsets are common with this planetary combination, mostly because you don't know how to relax.

Moon-Mars in opposition shows a conflict between your emotions and your assertive faculties, which can be modified with even a small amount of effort. You can become more serene about your life circumstances and bring them into some degree of order. You will find that the results are much better than the results you get when you are antagonistic.

Moon opposite Mars: The key here is compromise. Any opposition indicates a compromise to be made, and the Mars-moon opposition indicates that action taken may be compromised because of the emotional reaction to what is being done. The mother of this individual feels sexuality is restricting, that her personal needs are different from her professional needs and that she can't have both. She has difficulty expressing her emotional needs, and she may have violent emotional outbursts. Action taken may be ill-planned or have unhealthy results. She may make foolish decisions based on hurt feelings. The child sees this reaction to life as 'normal'.

The Mars placement indicates how we act, how we develop our career, how we function sexually. The Moon indicates our emotional needs, our emotional responses. The conflict of the opposition is expressed as a compromise between the professional action at the expense of personal relationships or vice versa. or the sex drive (much like the Mars square) is at odds with the emotional needs.

People born with a Mars-Moon opposition may compromise several ways. The work (Mars) may be separated from the emotional life (Moon); the lover may satisfy the sexual needs (Mars) but not the emotional / affectionate needs (Moon); they may choose a partner who shares affection (Moon) but is sexually unsatisfying (Mars); an overreaction to emotional needs may take place; the energy can express in violence.

Men and women use this energy differently. A man with the opposition may take out his anger on women; a woman with the opposition may take out her anger on her self-regard as a woman by becoming involved in basically unhealthy relationships. Both can be physically violent or draw physical violence to them in some way.

The aspect causes so much emotional sensitivity that much time can be wasted blowing minor issues out of proportion. The misuse of energy takes place because, as a child, this person saw no other approach to life. The energy can be rechanneled whenever the underlying causes are understood.

Moon square or opposite Mars: Hard aspects between the Moon and Mars give a sizable dose of unrest. The influence of the Moon, which we so desperately need to make us feel comfortable, is rendered less reassuring by the Martian rashness, dynamism and unrest. It is difficult to use energy evenly, and we are liable to act on impulse. Therefore this is counted as one of the accident-prone aspects. We can harm ourselves through lack of forethought. The harm need not be physical, although this is certainly a possibility. We can also spoil relationships with other people. That is to say, due to the tension we are far too eager to make our presence felt. Self-control is definitely not our strongest point because our energy is sporadic and is therefore hard to manage.

Feelings of insecurity can make us very pugnacious; so that, whenever the emotional temperature rises, we sometimes react too angrily, aggressively or sarcastically.

In athletics, we are inclined to overdo things and are probably best suited to sports like fencing, boxing and judo or to sports which test our endurance.

Moon square or opposite Mars: The most usual effect of these aspects in the horoscopes of 'nice' people is ill-health ¬it is rare to find accidents under the Luna-Martian aspects than it is under those in which the Sun is implicated. Often the health is not robust, there are many illnesses of greater or lesser severity, and life is not likely to run its full measure, though one may point to such a case as that of Lord Balfour, who after a very delicate infancy lived to an advanced age. Alan Leo is a case wherein, after a healthy life, death came suddenly and unexpectedly. In another class we find the combative and pugnacious side of the contacts in full play.

The tendency to deep thought is common in the bad contacts, but the native is apt to be influenced too much by his emotions, and there is a rebellious and intolerant element which refuses to see any good in its opponents.

A more disagreeable type is the self-indulgent prodigal, with tendencies to drink and promiscuity. There seems always to be a certain degree of kindheartedness, of a rough and selfish kind - the sort that is kind with other people's money, or when no personal sacrifice is involved. Otherwise this contact may go with a pretty considerable blackguard, the native having little self-respect, self-control or refinement. Thus we have the cases of 'Defalcating Bank Clerk', 'Drunkard', 'Adventuress', 'Young Prodigal' and 'Opium and Alcohol'.

Sometimes there is obstinacy and self-will, and probably in all examples there is a liability to hot temper or sullenness, but it is certain that in many cases this is not very prominent.

The effects of this influence on the vocation are to incline the native very strongly to seek his own career and make himself independent of others. It points to one who strikes out his own course, and it is probably that in some of the criminal examples this course of life was adopted to avoid drudgery, routine, and control by others.

It is unfavorable for the parents, either or both of whom may die young or suffer misfortunes which will affect the whole family. Sometimes this influence seems only to extend so far as to make the parent Martian in character or occupation, and sometimes the native is brought into danger by the example of the father, or when following him. It generally denotes that the family history is not altogether a happy or prosperous one.

Moon square or opposite Mars Woman: There can be a certain amount of friction between the sexes: a woman with such an aspect is likely (often without quite realizing what she is doing) to become unusually dominant over her husband, by giving him regular tongue-lashings or (if the rest of the chart points in that direction) by flying at him in a rage every now and then.

Moon square or opposite Mars Woman: In the case of women, I think it is unfavorable because of the independence which it signifies; if there is marriage, then I believe that the husband chosen will usually be of the meeker kind, for this contact is intolerant of restraint.

Moon square or opposite Mars Man: A man with one of these aspects is liable to arouse the interest of a fierce, aggressive woman, or to have an independent-minded partner who insists on going her own way.

Moon square or opposite Mars Man: It is distinctly unfavorable for marriage in the case of males. The wife may be an invalid, meet with accidents, or be of a domineering disposition; or there may be mutual incompatibility.

See also: Moon opposite Mars;

Moon opposite Mars: PaulS 0, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.1, Bill Gates 2, George Clooney 3, Ken Kesey 3, Cathy O’Brien 3, Arnold Palmer 4, Fisher 4, Silas 4, Charlie Chaplin 5, Tiger Woods 5, Al Pacino 6, BarryKl 7, Princess Diana 7, Patrice 7, Jane Fonda 8, Queen Elizabeth II 9, Elroy


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