nisargadatta siddharameshwar eckhart-tolle-78x111 ramana-maharshi-78x111 wei-wu-wei Anandamayi-Ma Neem-Karoli-Baba jkrishnamurti papaji-80x111 Leen osho

Mercury conjunct Uranus

With the harmonious aspects, Uranus tends to work well with Mercury, as both are associated with the mind and intellect, and it is upon that level that their influence and qualities are displayed.

You are likely to have an alert, clever mind which finds great enrichment in pursuing any aspect of human life and knowledge that you are curious about. You are probably articulate and literate too. You have a natural questioning and searching attitude, always looking to increase your personal storehouse of knowledge, and attempting to derive a sense of connectedness synthesizing that information into more holistic patterns.

Your immediate response to the world is one of mental exploration, rather than emotional flowing reaction. The world is perceived as an inextinguishable source of fascination, overflowing with a myriad of stimulating facts, theories and beliefs. New horizons beckon, and there seems to be scope to investigate the unusual and the different ways of living on this multi-hued planet. With so much to delve into, so many different paths that you can walk, the problem is that of choice. Where do you start? There is the fear that by choosing Route 1, you could then miss that fascinating experience down Route 66. This could be one of your weaknesses - that you lack the discipline of perseverance, and that your mind may like to flit from one intriguing subject to another that suddenly attracts your attention. Inner continuity may need to be developed, both to improve your ability to concentrate, and to make the best use of your talent for acquiring knowledge in daily life. Or is it just stored on that mental level, unconnected to real living?

You have little patience with ignorance, your own or that of anyone else. You have a compulsion to find out, and will feel restless until you have made some progress. Your mind will store those themes as 'little fascinations', subjects that have piqued your curiosity; and eventually you will have to take steps to satisfy it. You can be a little intolerant with others who have less exploratory minds, and with those who are deceitful in their interpersonal relationships. Certainly you will be best suited to a partner who can complement your searches, and who can stimulate your mind, because for you, that is the essential level of contact. Friendships will develop with others who have affinity interests; and over time you are likely to develop a wide variety of acquaintances as your interests and areas of exploration expand. Unfortunately though, you may find that you also drop older contacts due to your fascination with treading new paths, and thus losing interest in old spheres of enquiry.

You have a preference for looking towards the future, optimistic about new discoveries, even if you are studying past history. You may need to balance an emphasis towards preferring fact, and a more scientific rational approach, with the more intuitive interpretative approaches to life, between the objective and the subjective styles of analysis. The influence of Mercury will be biased towards the former, whereas Uranus will tip towards a more universal, intuitive attitude of inner knowing. It is not what you know, but how you use it in life, which is the key.

Mercury conjunct Uranus: With Mercury conjunct Uranus, you are bright, articulate, curious, intuitive, and mentally courageous. You are excited by everything you observe, and fascinated by anything different or unusual. Your mind races eagerly as you seek answers to your questions, because you cannot tolerate the darkness of ignorance.

As a child, you were interested in what made your moving toys operate, and your parents probably never had to worry about keeping you occupied. Your creativity developed early, and you even devised new subjects to explore that further captured your interest in all things.

Truth is an important factor in your life. Consequently, science, philosophy, psychology, and human behavior are fields in which you could succeed, since they deal with seeking answers to problems. In industrial research and development, your inventive ability could be applied with a reasonable guarantee of success. Technical writing might also serve as an avenue of expression for you.

To hold your continued interests, the partner you select must have a similar temperament, or you will be bored. You tend to form platonic relationships with your associates, based on mutual interests. You will quickly sever a relationship with someone who violates the truth in dealing with you.

Futuristic in attitude, you rarely look back at what might have been. You prefer to look forward to what will be, if you have any say in it. The possibilities for your self-expression are limitless, except for the lack of continuity that this combination often creates. If you can learn to isolate yourself and resolve one problem at a time, you will overcome the only liability of this conjunction.

Mercury conjunct Uranus: The swift perceptions of Uranus plus Mercury's powers of expression with tongue and pen can combine to produce the most original ideas and concepts, although they will probably need knocking into a more viable shape. Mental ingenuity is fantastic, but the native is extremely restless and fickle. Uranus being capricious, impulsive and unpredictable may mean that thinking is nervy and tense, so that one jumps from one idea to another - and from one social contact to another, too.

This person is fond of novelty, and homes in on whatever is fresh and unusual. Others can find his or her flow of ideas stimulating, but if they do not keep up with it this individual becomes very impatient.

The disjointedness of Uranus shows itself in conversation. This type is liable to omit significant points; also, he or she may have a sharp tongue, and be apt to make clever and sometimes hurtful remarks. Often, he or she says the most unexpected things; the trouble is, as soon as they occur, he or she blurts them out without regard to the consequences.

Uranus and Mercury both have to do with the nervous system, and their conjunction places a heavy strain on it because there is an inability to relax. The brain is continually active. This can give creative ideas, but can also be exhausting and cause irritability and snappishness.

Some form of technical interest is quite common with this aspect, especially where new ground is being broken or the barriers of distance are being overcome (for instance, in air travel, radar and electronics). Although this type is quick to grasp the essentials of a subject, the mind is often too restless for prolonged concentration. Therefore, he or she may be short of academic qualifications - but definitely not lacking in intelligence.

Mercury conjunct Uranus: The person born with this conjunction is exposed to an early family atmosphere that includes mental chaos; no-one says anything that makes sense, words are used in all kinds of strange ways, and the child responds to the stimuli. As a result, when these children are admitted to the school system, they are not interested in learning thought patterns or the rituals involved in thorough work habits. As adults, they seem to be erratic and undisciplined.

Communication is unusual. Personal relationships may be difficult because conversation may be erratic or impulsive. In the creative sense, Mercury represents the possible concepts of consciousness. It represents a part of the wisdom-learning process. If Mercury asks the questions and Uranus represents the heights of expanded consciousness, the conjunction combines these energies, and the creative possibilities are enhanced.

If the energy is not properly channeled or trained, it may not operate constructively. When it isn't, the adult may be highly erratic, eccentric or nervous. The combination can create such a quick mentality that the individual appears to be 'flaky'. When this aspect is set off by transit, the individual needs to become involved in some personal creative endeavor so that the energy can be brought into focus. Painting, writing, making pottery or stained glass, or similar activities help the creative energy channel itself.

Mercury conjunct Uranus: This is a powerful, self-willed combination, varying from the wayward and stubborn type to the enlightened and talented. Generally speaking, the influence is not exceedingly marked, because the two planets are not dissimilar; but the will-power of Uranus is added to the intellect of Mercury, and there is a more colorful, dramatic, forceful mentality. It is independent, sensitive, proud, and sometimes secretive; but these effects are much modified by the sign occupied. The native almost always lives his own life and resents interference very fiercely.

In undeveloped characters, the influence is not good, and there is often little to show for it except pride and touchiness. Sometimes there is considerable eccentricity and conceit, and talent that cannot be properly utilized because of the native's self-will and lack of adaptability. It is common in the charts of astrologers.

See also: Mercury conjunct Uranus;

Mercury conjunct Uranus: Milton William Cooper 1, Joseph Ratzinger 2, Arrow 2, BenT 2, DonW 2, TonyC 2, Roy 3, Lina 4, Ronald Reagan 5, Judi 5, Sarik 5, Hugh Hefner 7, Ramakrishna 7, Lynn Forester de Rothschild 7, Dipesh 7, Queen Elizabeth II 8, Sigmund Freud 8, Cheri 8

Mercury sextile Uranus

Both the sextile and the trine reflect and continue the themes associated with the conjunction. There is the fluency of an alert intellectual mind, with a dexterity in using both the spoken and the written word which displays your breadth of knowledge, although sometimes you may have to be wary of a glittering superficiality with no real depth to your expression.

As you find knowledge exciting and stimulating, you like to share it with others too. This can lead towards careers where you become a communicator or teacher in some context. As you can develop a genuine understanding of what you study, this can become a viable way of helping others to learn the joys of exploration for themselves. You should ensure that you avoid becoming tired to any form of work which will restrict your mental freedom; such confinement would seem like a prison to you, and your inner tension and frustration would increase, probably having a negative effect upon your health and temper.

Freedom is essential to you; it is life-giving and health-giving to be free within your mind. It is less essential for you to feel free on either the physical or emotional levels, providing that the mind can soar. As your mind will be in a state of 'perpetual motion', you will have to learn how to relax more, find ways of releasing any build-up of inner pressure. Meditation could be a good way of doing this, especially those forms which 'enter the silence', through calming and emptying the mind. Active meditations will only agitate and stimulate you more; but a passive sitting will serve to cleanse and show you how your mind is actually working. The early days of such personal exploration could be difficult for you, but the gradual emerging of a still, calm centre could prove to be of inestimable value in your life, as well as reducing the changes of eventual nervous system problems.

To express yourself fully, you may need to learn a more disciplined approach to ensuring that you complete your chosen projects. There is always the temptation to run after some new, bright object of fascination, forgetting your partially completed plan, and thus never really achieving your objectives. Your life could be a scattering of unrealized schemes; if so, it could be wiser to tidy them up, clarify your objectives, plan a sequential scheme to manifest them, and follow your intention through to completion. Whilst you often hate to look back, there can be unfinished business which deserves to be resolved. Even progressive thinkers need to build on the foundations laid in the past; and if those foundations are badly laid, then no future structure can ever be safely built.

Mercury sextile Uranus: The sextile between Mercury and Uranus indicates that your intellectual ability is above average. You are impatient with ignorance, but reasonably tolerant of those who cannot learn at your pace. You are extremely alert, curious, and well-read on many subjects. Your easy way with words never ceases to fascinate your audience. You are not selfish with your knowledge, being willing to share it with anyone who shows a genuine interest. Your parents were probably amazed at your mental development, which was more advanced than the average child's. As you grew, you continued to astound them by your discussion with adults, which showed genuine comprehension of difficult subjects.

Your professional goals should be in education or any other field in which you would not be mentally confined. Freedom is necessary for you to exploit your knowledge in your own unique, dramatic way and achieve the most effective results. You don't accept traditional methods unless they have been proven. Progressive in your thinking, you respect the past only for the lessons learned from it. You are inventive in finding ways to light the spark of enthusiasm in others so they can recognize their own potentials.

To be successful, you do need the self-discipline of persistence. Establish definite objectives and construct a positive plan for realizing them. Don't postpone your self-expression until you have all the answers, because you never will. It is your obligation to share what you know when you discover it. New truths will be revealed to you all the years of your life.

It is not easy for you to slow down because your mind is in constant motion. Learn to unwind and relax; there's always tomorrow. Your impatience and excitability can lead to nervous exhaustion.

Mercury trine or sextile Uranus: In the harmonious aspects between Mercury and Uranus, thinking is imaginative and independent but, even here, it is to some extent erratic. Wherever there is the chance to break fresh ground, this person works wonders, but it is not so easy to contend with humdrum everyday life. The latter is experienced as dull and irksome because it offers nothing new and creative or sufficiently original. In fact, in all Mercury / Uranus aspects - even in the harmonious ones - there are impractical people who, although very gifted in a certain field, have little idea how to manage ordinary affairs. Their fellow citizens regard this type as eccentrics who live in a world of their own and want to go their own sweet way. When the aspect is harmonious, these others hardly raise a protest but just let them get on with it.

Any aspect between Uranus and Mercury will make the native inventive, so the combination has a lot of useful potential. But in the harmonious aspects especially this type must learn to persevere and carry projects through to completion, because he or she suffers from a streak of laziness in spite of all the mental activity. So, although what we have here should be an ideal position for original scientific research, Saturn will have to be strong in the chart for anything constructive to be done.

Often there is a keen interest in anything a bit unusual: an interest in certain fringe activities such as astrology, fortune-telling or occultism, or in revolutionary creeds or utopias.

The same sharp tongue and the same liability to overtax the brain are present as in the conjunction and the hard aspects, but not to the same degree.

See also: Mercury sextile Uranus;

Mercury sextile Uranus: Nicole Kidman 0, LucSr 0, Travis 0, George Patton 1, GaryCl 1, DavMcC 2, Fisher 2, LouG 2, Maitreyi 2, JerryP 3, Cate 4, Bette Davis 4, Mick Jagger 4, AndyF 4, Ashira 4, Jen 4

Mercury square Uranus

The square has several characteristics similar to the opposition. In both we find eccentric thought-patterns, intellectual superiority, the 'know it all' syndrome, and a changeability of mind and emotions which can both confuse and antagonize others.

The main difference with the square's influence is the dominance of the Uranian 'rebel' attitude, which will condition your social expression. Your initial reaction to most social traditions, rules, and beliefs will be a belligerent opposition, even if you hide most of this activity within your own thoughts. A 'rebel of the mind!'.

There are at least two sorts of rebel: those who just oppose, and those who oppose and offer radical solutions to social problems. You are likely to have the tendency to be the 'opposer', as your ideas are often erratic and impractical, lacking in the ability to be easily applied by people in everyday life. This can be frustrating for you; but until you come to better terms with contemporary life, it may be inevitable. Part of this problem is your inability to acquiesce in social rules and accepted ways of behavior, allied to an innate resistance to authority. You fail to see why you have to live in certain ways, acting and behaving according to a social code of conduct, or thinking within predictable and conventional parameters. You have enough of a sense of freedom to know that life does not have to be the way your parents, teachers, employers, politicians and priests tell you. So you become an outsider.

Alienation from society can vary in degree; but you may have to be careful that your tendency is not just negative in nature, but possesses a positive creativity for social change. Otherwise it can be just a pose, an image, a self-indulgence, especially when young.

Responsibility and commitment are two characteristics that you need to develop.

You may have to realize that the only person who is responsible for you is yourself! The responsibility for your choices and actions lies with you, no-one else; and it is a foolish denial of personal power to pretend otherwise, or to seek to blame society or someone else for the repercussions of your choices. It is your life; and your choices will determine success or failure, enjoyment or suffering.

Your need for self-assertion and uniqueness often causes you to reject well-intentioned advice, without even serious consideration. You do need to listen more to people, because there is usually something of value there for you. Self-preoccupation blinds and deafens you to much in life; and your obstinate insistence on being right can lead to difficulties which defeat even your own objectives.

Basically, what you are looking for is a personal state of freedom. The freedom to live in a world that suits you; and there can lie the problem. How to move from a restrictive world into liberation? One approach is to transfer the energy flow from opposing 'out there' to being turned within, to experience fully the contradictions in your nature, accept them and attempt to resolve or rebalance them. Techniques from the humanistic schools of psychotherapy and creative visualization could prove useful in this act of recreation. The social rebel has to undergo an inner revolution. This may be quite difficult; yet it offers the potential to reorient the energies that are creating problems in your relationships and simultaneously affecting your enjoyment of life. It is a transference from a negativity to a positivity that is to be the aim. You can create a better world to live in if you apply yourself to transforming that inner conflict. You are intelligent and talented enough to use your potential to build a freer world (via relationships, employment changes, etc.), where your choices lead to positive enhancements and increased options for enjoyment. Being frustrated and opposing the world is a waste of time and energy. Determine what sort of life you do want to live; and then find the way to do so; attempting that will absorb your time, energy and commitment in a potentially creative path to your future benefit and for others. Externalize your dream of a new life!

Mercury square Uranus: With Mercury square Uranus, you are mentally alert, bright, and ingeniously talented. You are also eccentric in your thinking, and your opinions are usually dramatically at odds with prevailing beliefs. You are a rebel with causes that most people find obnoxious or belligerent. In seeking to obtain truth, you often bypass logic. Your extreme impatience with established facts often forces you to create whatever truths require the least commitment from you. The problem is your refusal to accept responsibility for what you say.

Your arrogant 'know-it-all' attitude makes it very difficult for you to succeed at occupations in which rules must be observed. You take rules lightly, and openly protest to the person who constructed them. The first lesson to learn, then, is humility. When you have learned this, you will be readily accepted and will have the opportunity to demonstrate your vast intellectual talent. You can rise to the top in many fields, such as science, education, social sciences, and even politics.

Only time will convince you that it is foolish to project yourself prematurely and run the risk of being discredited. Experience is what you need to sharpen your deductive ability and reward you for using your talents wisely.

Your personal relationships often don't last long, because you are unable to compromise. Often, what you say is not what you really feel, which makes anyone who is emotionally involved with you feel unsure. Problems between you and the one you love aren't easy to resolve. You don't want to give in, yet to obstinately stand firm is completely unrealistic. You are obviously exciting to have around, but perhaps it would be wise to choose someone with a more stable temperament as your lifetime mate.

Try to slow down and maintain a moderate pace if you want to avoid nervous problems. Don't stay keyed-up for prolonged periods.

Mercury square or opposite Uranus: As soon as this type tries to put thoughts into words or tries to make contacts, the urge to be independent and separate almost infallibly interferes. Sharpness, tactlessness and brusqueness make others shrink away. The person with this aspect is the cause of why others react in this way. What is more, the person is so restless and impatient that usually others have no time to listen. This is true of all the Mercury / Uranus aspects but especially of the discordant ones. Other people express themselves far too slowly for this type so, losing patience with what others are trying to say, this type bursts in with some comment of his or her own. This is a major impediment to good social relations.

Because this type tends to alienate people and yet remains very active and creative mentally, he or she may start weaving unrealistic notions about self and others. To be sure, this person is unable to test the truth of these notions, yet he or she clings to them fanatically. Uranus always encourages people to do their own thing; therefore, with Uranian conflicts, natives experience as much loneliness as with Saturnine conflicts but are less inclined to brood - given their restless inner world, they have no time to sit still all day. Of course, the risk of suffering from overwrought nerves is that much greater, but usually the strain this type is under goes unnoticed unless he or she actually has a breakdown.

There is likely to be a keen interest in borderline subjects such as unorthodox scientific theories, astrology, innovative techniques or social renewal, and this type can invest a good deal of energy in them.

See also: Mercury square Uranus;

Mercury square Uranus: Gabriela 0, JerGar 0, George Clooney 1, Leen 1, Tammy 1, OmNi 2, Dick Cheney 3, Alfred Hitchcock 3, Duane 3, Ju 3, Bobby Fischer 4, Georges Gurdjieff 4, John F. Kennedy 4, Mitt Romney 4, Ellen 4, Patrice 4, Ammachi 5, Lady Gaga 5, Orson Welles 5, Maureen 5, Mikael 5, Prabhukar 5, Aleister Crowley 6, Elvis Presley 6, CharlesS 6, Ramana Maharshi 7, Jack Parsons 7, AlexP 7

Mercury trine Uranus

The trine aspect tends to add the qualities of creativity and intuition more easily to the characteristics of the conjunction and the sextile. There is a subtle shift from the urge to acquire knowledge as a predominant tendency, to one of being capable of utilizing it for the benefit of self and others.

You apply your mind to establishing a firm foundation for future work, where your investigative and research interests are directed towards a clear aim and purpose. Your basic orientation is humanitarian; you prefer to put your talents and energy into spheres that you believe will make a positive contribution to human progress. This could include scientific or medical work, or knowledge communication. You see that the point of knowledge is not just to acquire it, but to use it to improve the quality of life; your inner fascination has a more practical dimension.

There is likely to be an interest in the mysteries of life, and in universal and human behavior; and a sense of the subtle, intangible energies that animate life. This can develop into exploring the occult realms; and you will probably gain a personal understanding of their existence if you take that path. Uranus can offer those lightning flashes of holistic insight which cut through the separative analytical mind, giving access to the unitive dimensions. You should be capable of integrating the spiritual perspective into the mundane material world, thus cross-fertilizing the levels and forming an inner balance within yourself. If you do choose to venture along the occult path, then your mental foundation pattern of logic and rationality (Mercury energy) can be of considerable use in moving through layers of illusion and spurious belief thought-forms. Bewitched by the glamour of the exotic and mysterious occult worlds, many fall prey to illusion and an unconscious submission to the occult mystery and authority. They fail to apply the conscious logical mind to the teachings, generally accepting them without serious questioning or personal effort to discover the truth for themselves. Certainly, the rational mind does not have all the answers; and its failure is clearly seen in the world today; but a bridge needs to be established between that level and the more universal holistic perception that Uranus offers, so that the two spheres of mind can work together creatively and harmoniously from the wider conscious perspective. This is a major task for the Aquarian Age, and one that we are all asked to participate in by achieving the integration in our lives.

Mercury trine Uranus: The trine from Mercury to Uranus shows that you have a fertile, intuitive mind, which you express creatively. Your opinions are always based on sound principles, and you speak with conviction. You rarely make superficial statements because your mind does not dwell on trite matters. You seek after the truth, knowing it is the only way you can feel free. And freedom is very important to you.

You understand occult matters and may become involved in some facet of this field as your life's work. Your flashes of intuitive insight are amazingly accurate, and you could excel in the study of psychic phenomena. Mysteries fascinate you, so you might also become proficient in solving problems in the scientific world. You find the human factor equally interesting, and you could master the fields of psychology, philosophy, or social programs.

Although you have carte blanche in deciding what to do with your vast resources in human understanding, teaching should be high on the list. The truth has been revealed to you, and you could communicate it to those who are eager to share in your good fortune. You have leadership ability, but your best choice would be to stimulate others to develop their own. You are way ahead of your time in comprehending matters that usually require many laborious years of study.

Your spiritual values are highly developed and well integrated with your material responsibilities. There is no conflict between your inner and outer lives, since each sustains the other.

You are restless with those who are satisfied with knowledge for its own sake. For you, the only justification for increased knowledge is reaching toward human perfection.

Mercury trine or sextile Uranus: In the harmonious aspects between Mercury and Uranus, thinking is imaginative and independent but, even here, it is to some extent erratic. Wherever there is the chance to break fresh ground, this person works wonders, but it is not so easy to contend with humdrum everyday life. The latter is experienced as dull and irksome because it offers nothing new and creative or sufficiently original. In fact, in all Mercury / Uranus aspects - even in the harmonious ones - there are impractical people who, although very gifted in a certain field, have little idea how to manage ordinary affairs. Their fellow citizens regard this type as eccentrics who live in a world of their own and want to go their own sweet way. When the aspect is harmonious, these others hardly raise a protest but just let them get on with it.

Any aspect between Uranus and Mercury will make the native inventive, so the combination has a lot of useful potential. But in the harmonious aspects especially this type must learn to persevere and carry projects through to completion, because he or she suffers from a streak of laziness in spite of all the mental activity. So, although what we have here should be an ideal position for original scientific research, Saturn will have to be strong in the chart for anything constructive to be done.

Often there is a keen interest in anything a bit unusual: an interest in certain fringe activities such as astrology, fortune-telling or occultism, or in revolutionary creeds or utopias.

The same sharp tongue and the same liability to overtax the brain are present as in the conjunction and the hard aspects, but not to the same degree.

See also: Mercury trine Uranus;;

Mercury trine Uranus: AndySc 1, Suji 1, Dustin Hoffman 2, LucJr 2, James Taylor 3, Alicia 3, Mark 3, Sugeet 3, Kim Basinger 5, Vaslav Nijinsky 5, Wilhelm Reich 5, Jane Fonda 6, Jack Nicklaus 6, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 6, Jason 6, Marybeth 6, Ray 6

Mercury quincunx Uranus

The inconjunct between Mercury and Uranus shows that you endure severe punishment in attempting to serve the world at large. You are an intellectual workhorse, and your serenity is constantly disturbed by the problems of others. You work in hesitant spurts of enthusiasm followed by periods of mental anguish for not completing what you start.

You can effectively channel your self-imposed obligations to your immediate environment and humanity in general by choosing an occupation that deals specifically with these matters. Local social welfare programs, fund-raising for medical research, active medical research, and rehabilitation programs for the mentally deficient are some of the ways this can be done. You have projected yourself toward the abstract future, and your future seems secure, if you can look back without regrets for what you didn't do years ago. You may bear a burden of guilt for not doing what you could for others.

Your attitude is admirable, and you cannot be faulted for the contributions you've made. However, in offering yourself in such dedicated service, you are shortchanging yourself. You owe yourself something too. Until you establish your priorities, you will be at the mercy of people who will find things for you to do, to the point of abusing your generosity.

You will find yourself attracted emotionally to people who serve in similar capacities to your own. Selfish people are quickly assigned to the junk pile in your estimation. But don't be too quick to judge - they may be exercising the restraints that you have failed to exercise.

Your biggest problem is to know when you are extending yourself so far that your health will suffer. Have periodic check-ups to determine whether you are taking more out of yourself than you are replacing. If so, you may be heading for a nervous disorder that could be serious.

Mercury quincunx Uranus: The way in which these people express individuality and originality (Uranus) differs so sharply from the way in which they express a need to analyze, make contacts, and communicate (Mercury) that they feel very ill-at-ease when meeting others.

Whenever they are thinking, reading or handling information, the impatience and changeability of Uranus enter in to distract them.

The covert influence of Uranus makes them communicate quite differently from the way they imagine they are communicating; hence they strike others as unstable and vacillating. And every time they try to express the personality, the underlying agitations shows itself in the way they think about things and in their approach to people.

Sometimes, these people are unapproachable and have no room for any ideas but their own (behaving on such occasions as if they had one of the hard aspects); at other times, they let people discourage their originality and inventiveness. The alternation between these two attitudes leads to a restless search resulting in hypertension and nerviness. Since they are most likely to encounter this problem in everyday life, they are inclined to interest themselves in things that are out of the ordinary in which Uranian qualities can more easily make themselves felt.

Once these people manage to keep uncertainty under control, they can deploy the Uranian qualities of inventiveness and originality to good advantage; even finding security in following a Uranian avocation. Nevertheless, there is always an air of haste and unrest about them. Therefore there is no harm in taking time off every now and then simply to laze around.

Mercury quincunx Uranus: This aspect brings some form of mental strain. The family members seem to circumlocute when discussing important family matters, and the individual grows to feel disconcerted and unsure of himself. However, the lack of communication is not as obvious as that involved in a square or an opposition. The quincunx brings a nagging dissatisfaction regarding efforts at communication. Once the qualities of the signs involved are understood, it will be easier to channel self-expression.

See also: Mercury quincunx Uranus;

Mercury quincunx Uranus: Michael Jordan 1, Deepak Chopra 2, Albert Einstein 2, Dolly Parton 2, Evelyn Robert de Rothschild 2, Oprah Winfrey 2, Jon Voight 2, Marcy 2, PapayaJ 2, Woody Allen 3, Art Garfunkel 3, U.G. Krishnamurti 3, Maharaj Ji 3, Ted Turner 3, Eva 3, Jeff 3, JerryGr 3, Ricardo 3, Helena Blavatsky 4

Mercury opposite Uranus

With this opposition, you are likely to experience conflicts in your social relationships. The problem area will be in how you express yourself in communicating with others, and those inner attitudes which condition that style of communication.

Whilst you will have considerable mental vitality, the difficulty will be in directing this into productive channels. The tendency will be towards an erratic inner activity; the nature of your beliefs, ideals and thought-patterns will be changeable; and the attractions of new stimulation will often tempt you away from completing existing projects. The challenge of the new redirects your energy and interests; and so your commitments and responsibilities may feel like restrictive liabilities.

Despite this erratic pattern of mind, you tend to insist that whatever you say and think is valid, even though only a short time ago you were vehemently declaring an entirely opposite attitude, idea or belief. Obviously, this can lead to interpersonal conflict, as most people prefer dealing with relatively stable and consistent individuals, as it helps to develop trust and continuity. Yet if others challenge you by repeating past statements that you have made and are now contradicting, you tend to take offence, often attempting to deny that you ever did say that. Essentially, your reaction is often to deny all prior expressions of yourself, refusing to take any responsibility for them. Having experienced this aspect of your nature, many people will begin to draw away from maintaining a relationship with you, because you seem unreliable and difficult to believe. This in a peculiar way reinforces a tendency in you to see yourself as 'unique and misunderstood, which you often use to justify a rejection of social compromise; and you never admit in any circumstances that you are wrong. You appear to project the belief that you 'know it all', and probably succeed more in deluding yourself that you do than in persuading others of your expert knowledge.

Underlying these more negative styles of expression is a personality which experiences inner confusion and insecurity, yet attempts to hide this by a superficial image of intellectual superiority. Emotionally, there is likely to be immaturity and lack of ease with that level of your nature, and you are unlikely to touch others easily with the warmth of your personality. This lack of sensitivity and responsiveness to the more intangible 'feeling' aspect of human contact often leads to a tactless and blunt expression, where your ignorance of diplomacy can have negative consequences.

How can you resolve or moderate these challenges within your relationships? The first important step is to acknowledge their presence, to admit that you often are this way. The fact that you may deny them to yourself does not mean that others do not see them clearly. Often, others do see such problem areas, whilst the individual is apparently blind to their existence. They are personal delusions. Being willing to work with people, learning to compromise, and participating as an intellectual equal, will help to moderate these oppositional tendencies. It is a new sense of personal identity that you should attempt to develop, one founded upon the real you, and not the socially projected assertive one that others may react against. It will involve an acceptance of your inner vulnerability, dissolving that peculiar egotistical construction, and ceasing your attempts to impress people. By stopping that process, you may begin to find your centre, resolve certain conflicts, and redirect the flow of the aspect energy towards personal renewal. Certainly, that inner erratic agitation could be more harmonized and adjusted, thus reducing that build-up of nervous tension from which you suffer.

Mercury opposite Uranus: The opposition from Mercury to Uranus shows that you have enormous intellectual vitality as well as a genius for incurring the wrath of others. You assume that your opinions are the only valid ones, and you resent it when others challenge them. You have been so accustomed to having your own way that you refuse to compromise, even though peace may be assured if you do. You freely accuse others of error even when the evidence supports them. Unless you can modify this 'know-it-all' attitude, you will alienate yourself from many of your closest associates.

The startling thing is that you should know better than to challenge others, because you see the truth so clearly. No-one can ever really deceive you, so what are you worried about? In fact, you aren't really sure of your competence and need to reassure yourself through conflict with others. But if you don't concede when you are wrong, you may never know where you are failing.

Compromise is your key to success. Science, education, social service, philosophy and psychology are fields in which you can discover who you really are. The contributions you make in these fields will convince you that meeting others halfway guarantees success and establishes your credentials as a true friend to everyone.

You must control your extremely emotional nature and your rejection of facts before you can successfully enter a romantic partnership. You insist that your lover tell you the truth, but then you complain bitterly about it. Strangely, you can be extremely tactless when you 'tell it like it is'.

Your nervous system is probably frayed from the endless abuse of anxiety and irritability. Learn to control your temper and stop while you are ahead. When your nerves are short-circuited, you are the loser.

Mercury square or opposite Uranus: As soon as this type tries to put thoughts into words or tries to make contacts, the urge to be independent and separate almost infallibly interferes. Sharpness, tactlessness and brusqueness make others shrink away. The person with this aspect is the cause of why others react in this way. What is more, the person is so restless and impatient that usually others have no time to listen. This is true of all the Mercury / Uranus aspects but especially of the discordant ones. Other people express themselves far too slowly for this type so, losing patience with what others are trying to say, this type bursts in with some comment of his or her own. This is a major impediment to good social relations.

Because this type tends to alienate people and yet remains very active and creative mentally, he or she may start weaving unrealistic notions about self and others. To be sure, this person is unable to test the truth of these notions, yet he or she clings to them fanatically. Uranus always encourages people to do their own thing; therefore, with Uranian conflicts, natives experience as much loneliness as with Saturnine conflicts but are less inclined to brood - given their restless inner world, they have no time to sit still all day. Of course, the risk of suffering from overwrought nerves is that much greater, but usually the strain this type is under goes unnoticed unless he or she actually has a breakdown.

There is likely to be a keen interest in borderline subjects such as unorthodox scientific theories, astrology, innovative techniques or social renewal, and this type can invest a good deal of energy in them.

See also: Mercury opposite Uranus;

Mercury opposite Uranus: Jimi Hendrix 0, Friedrich Nietzche 1, Bernie 1, Steve 1, Charlie Chaplin 2, Shakura 3, Charles Manson 5, Patti Smith 6, Adolf Hitler 7, JBLight 8, Michael 8, Pankaj 9


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